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ZC 090605.Minutes
Zoning Commission
302 Main Street  Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-1741
Telephone (860) 395-3131  FAX (860) 395-1216

                        REGULAR MEETING
              Tuesday September 6, 2005 at 7:30 p.m.
                         Acton Public Library


Chairperson Madeleine Fish called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.

Present                                         Absent
Madeleine Fish, Chairperson                     Geraldine Lewis, Alternate
Robert Friedmann, Vice-Chair
Walter Harris, Secretary
Elizabeth Steffen                                       Professional Staff
Paula Stuart                                    Christine Nelson, Town Planner
Charles Sohl                                    Janet Vinceguerra, Clerk
Barbara Galler


MOTION to approve payment of $563.50 on Branse & Willis, LLC for invoice #9789 for legal services made by E. Steffen; SECONDED by W. Harris; APPROVED by M. Fish, E. Steffen, R. Friedmann, W. Harris and P. Stuart; DENIED none; ABSTAINED none; 5-0-0.


At the end of the minutes, there is the amended statement of use that should be attached.  Christine did not think it required any specific action. Dr. Greenberg was at Elizabeth Steffen’s grandfather’s wedding, not her father’s.

MOTION to approve minutes with the above noted changes of Monday, July 15, 2005 of the OSZC at the Pasbeshauke Pavilion made by E. Steffen; SECONDED by R. Friedmann; APPROVED by M. Fish, E. Steffen, R. Friedmann, W. Harris and P. Stuart; DENIED none; ABSTAINED none; 5-0-0.

Page 1

A.      First and second floor additions to single family residence, 53 Otter Cove Drive, Map 63/Lot 69-1, AA-1 District
Applicant:      Martha Norcia   Agent:  Chris Caulfield of Caulfield & Ridgeway

Chris Caulfield presented plans for the addition and answered the commission members’ questions.  Two BR, two bath addition, approximately 1548 feet of new space. The height of the structure is 22 feet from grade level.  The height of the curved stone retaining wall is approximately 4 feet.  There is adequate land to the rear of the structure for a reserve septic system.

MOTION to approve the Coastal Site Plan Review for a first and second floor addition to single family residence at 53 Otter Cove Drive, Map 63/Lot 69-1, AA-1 District Applicant Martha Norcia, Agent Chris Caulfield made by R.Friedmann; SECONDED by W. Harris; APPROVED by M. Fish, E. Steffen, R. Friedmann, W. Harris and P. Stuart; DENIED none; ABSTAINED none;



                           Amend Section 55, Planned Residential District
                            Petitioners: Steven W. Greenberg, Amy Zamkoff and Hyla Crane
                          Agent:  Attorney David M. Royston

                          Please note that C. Sohl voted due to P. Stuart recusing herself. C. Sohl stated he would listen to
                                                                     the tapes from the last meeting.

                          Attorney Royston made a presentation and answered questions. He went over the
                           alternatives to the proposal; the first keeps 1000 feet excluding the area NW of the
                          Boston Post Road and the historic district. The first two lots of Sand Creek are not           
                           within the historic district.  Another alternative simply changes it to dwellings
                           within 500 feet of the B-1 District. There is still a portion of the historic district on
                           map. The fourth alternative simply deals with the Boston Post Road and does not
                           include anything in the historic district.  The applicant has no objection to any one
                           of the proposed alternatives and would not object to language being added to
                           exclude potential historic districts.  One goal is that Main Street would be more  
                           livable without compromising the economic integrity of the area. The maps of the
                           alternatives were submitted for the record.                                                      

                MOTION made to close the public hearing on the Petition for a Change in
               Zoning Regulations to Amend Section 55, Planned Residential District,  
               Petitioners Steven Greenberg, Amy Zamkoff and Hyla Crane, Agent: Attorney
               David Royston made by R. Friedmann; SECONDED by W. Harris;
              APPROVED by M. Fish, E. Steffen, R. Friedmann, W. Harris and C. Sohl;   
               DENIED none; ABSTAINED none; 5-0-0.


Middle School Addition, 60 Sheffield Street, Map 30/Lots 63-65, A District, CZC 05-202
Applicant:  Old Saybrook Board of Education   Agent: Raymond Giolitto

Raymond Giolitto, Chairman of the Building Committee of the Old Saybrook Board of Education, made a presentation detailing the proposed 9500 square foot addition to the middle school that would serve up to 780 students and provide parking for a total of 155, still far short of what the regulations call for. This plan has been approved by the ARB and the Planning Commission already.  The site would be minimal and limited to the north side;  gas, electric and water service would remain the same. The expansion would enlarge the cafeteria by 15 feet, install a greenhouse and add three classrooms and support areas. The architectural design of the exterior is to match the existing structure, with the goal that the new portion would appear as if it was always there. One level only, the highest points are the auditorium and the gym. The State DOT has proposed the elimination of one old tree near the student drop-off, to be replaced by a newer tree. Parking is to the point where if you added any more parking, you’d start to lose playing fields and/or the area used by Project Adventure. The commission questioned an island in the parking lot that limited parking and asked Mr. Giolitto and his committee if alternatives had been explored. Currently, the front two parking lots are completely filled by the staff required to run the school. The only parent parking is the side lot near the student drop-off, which is currently not in compliance. No objection from the Town Sanitarian.  The Economic Development Commission had no objections. Charles felt strongly that this needed to go back to the Zoning Board of Appeals and get a variance as this commission had no legal right to go ahead with this.

MOTION made to close the public hearing on Special Exception Use Application/Coastal Site Plan Review made by E. Steffen, SECONDED by M. Fish; APPROVED by M. Fish, E. Steffen and P. Stuart; DENIED by R. Friedmann and W. Harris; ABSTAINED none; 3-2-0.

MOTION to approve Special Exception Use Application/Coastal Site Plan     Review For the Middle School Addition, 60 Sheffield Street, Map 30/Lots 63-65 Applicant: Old Saybrook Board of Education, Agent: Raymond Giolitto made by M. Fish; because it is consistent with all applicable coastal policies and includes all measures to mitigate adverse impacts    SECONDED by E. Steffen; APPROVED by M. Fish, E. Steffen and P. Stuart; DENIED by R. Friedmann and W. Harris; ABSTAINED none; 3-2-0.


High School Addition, 1111 Boston Post Road, Map 28/Lot 14, A District CZC 05-203, Applicant: Old Saybrook Board of Education, Agent: Raymond Giolitto

Raymond Giolitto, Chairman of the Old Saybrook Board of Education’s Building Committee, presented the plan for the addition to the high school 19,000 square feet to total a new area of 122,978 square feet. They were able to add 80 parking spaces for a total of 271. The ARB approved the project with a few recommendations for reworking the front entrance. When the school locks down after all the kids are inside, there will be one main entrance for visitors and people there on business. Flood Management Certification is all set with the DEP, the septic system is under review. There will be two new soccer fields. The plan has been brought before Inland Wetlands and Watercourses and the site was reconfigured in what the commission thought was a clever manner. The administrative area will be gutted and renovated as well as the auditorium which will be air conditioned. There will be three new science labs and the four existing labs will be updated. The rest of the school will get all new ceilings and a new sprinkler system. There will be some modifications to the kitchen to comply with a regulation that goes into effect in 2008 so the school board decided to do it as part of this addition. All the school’s windows will be replaced. This school’s asbestos removal has already been taken care of.  

MOTION to close the public hearing on the Special Exception Use Application/Coastal Site Plan Review for the High School Addition, 1111 Boston Post Road, Map 28/Lot 14, A District, Applicant: Old Saybrook Board of Education, Agent: Raymond Giolitto made by E. Steffen; SECONDED by M. Fish; APPROVED by M. Fish, E. Steffen, P. Stuart and W. Harris; DENIED by R. Friedmann; ABSTAINED none; 4-1-0.

MOTION to approve the Special Exception Use Application/ Coastal Site Plan Review for the High School Addition, 1111 Boston Post Road, Map 28/Lot 14, A District, Applicant: Old Saybrook Board of Education, Agent: Raymond Giolitto because it made by E. Steffen; SECONDED by M. Fish; APPROVED by M. Fish, E. Steffen and P. Stuart; DENIED by W. Harris and R. Friedmann; ABSTAINED none; 3-2-0.


Christine handed out an OS Route 1 Corridor Study Draft and Plan and proposed a followup to the Ferry Road workshop as well as an update on land use projects in the works now. The commission members were asked what kinds of informative presentations they would like in the fall and the next phase of The Preserve was discussed as far as the Zoning Commission and the Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Commission.


       A.  Chairperson Fish adjourned the meeting at 10:10 pm.

MOTION made to close the meeting of the Old Saybrook Zoning Commission for Tuesday, September 6, 2005 at the Action Public Library at 10:10 pm made by W. Harris; SECONDED by E. Steffen; APPROVED by M. Fish, E. Steffen, P. Stuart; W. Harris and R. Friedmann; DENIED by none; ABSTAINED none; 5-0-0.        

Respectfully Submitted,

Kate Frank, Zoning Commission Clerk

The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Old Saybrook Zoning Commission is Monday, September 19th, 2005 at 7:30 at the Pasbeshauke Pavilion at Saybrook Point.