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Zoning Commission Agenda 06/16/14
Monday, June 16, 2014 – 7:00 P.M.
Town Hall, 302 Main Street
1st floor conference room




A.      Petition to Amend the Old Saybrook Zoning Regulations Sections 21.5.5a, 22.5.2a, 23.5.5a, 24.5.5a, 26.5.5a, 27.5.5a,33.6.5a & 56.6.3 Minor Accessory Structure Setback to change longest street line of a corner lot to street line setback. Section 9 Definitions: Building/Structure Coverage to remove conflict with projection into setback regulation. Gross Floor area (gfa) to clarify attics, garages and habitable space count as gfa; Change width along building line to minimum width along building line. Add new definition of Person. Sections 31.3.1, 32.3.1, 34.1 Amend prohibited dwellings to allow for dwellings already permitted in the B-1, B-2 & B-4 districts. Section 32.3.2 Motor Vehicle remove references to sections of the regulations that no longer exist. Section 51.4.5 Architectural Review Board (ARB) removed timeline to respond. Section 52.4 Special Exception Procedure remove timeline to respond for advisory Planning & ARB reports. Section 52.6.7 Special Exception Text for B-3 District – reword and relocate to Section 33 Purpose B-3. 52.5 Special Exception extend approval period to 3 years and permit an additional 2 years for extensions. Section 53 Remove Professional office in a dwelling unit in its entirety to amend and combine with Home occupation in a dwelling unit to create Home business in a dwelling unit. Accessory Apartment Residential change owner to person, remove Section H reporting to Zoning Commission on an application basis to 5 years and renumber.~ Marine Research Laboratory remove language only in Marine Commercial District. Outdoor Seating Restaurant rename Outdoor Seating and reword to allow seating for retail food establishment and clarify seating calculation for restaurants to remove conflict with Indoor Restaurant. Public Utility Station remove located in B-3 so regulation uniform for all Districts. Section 54.6.1 Incentive Housing Zone Minimum Density add the word “not” to text so calculations can be made as intended.~ Section 56.4 Open Space Subdivision change receipt by Enforcement Officer to Land Use Department. 59.2.5 Coastal Area Management allow elevated decks as an exemption.~ Section 62.3.4c Number of Loading Spaces amend for consistency with the uniformity rule. Section 63.2 Landscaping Bond & 65.6.11 Excavation Bond amend for consistency with CT General Statutes. Add Section 65.2.5 Excavation exempt installation of septic system from Special Exception Permit. Section 68.1.5a Maximum luminance density add high lighting zone. 68.2.4 rename Projection from façade as Projection into setback and add clarifications.
Petitioner:  Old Saybrook Zoning Commission
ACTION: Open public hearing; Close by 7/7/14 (NLT 7/20/14); Deliberate and            act.



Monday, July 7, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
Town Hall, 1st Floor Conference Room
302 Main Street, Old Saybrook
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