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Zoning Board of Appeals Minutes 01/10/2018
Town of Old Saybrook
Zoning Board of Appeals

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of Old Saybrook at its Regular Meeting that was held on Wednesday, January 10, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. at  the Town Hall, First Floor Conference Room, 302 Main Street, heard and decided the following appeals:

Seated for this evenings meeting and voting were the following members:  Philip Broadhurst, Chairman, Robert McIntyre, Vice Chairman, Dorothy Alexander, Secretary, Kevin Danby and Catherine Purcell, alternate

Present:  Kim Barrows, Clerk

Absent: Adam Boyd

The meeting was then called to order at 7:00 p.m.  The following public hearings were conducted, as well as the decision making sessions. The meeting has been recorded and the following actions were taken:

The Chairman introduced the Board members who were seated for this evenings meeting. The five regular members were seated.


17/18-18 - Thomas Sponzo, seeks a variance of Par 10.7.1 & 10.7.2 (nonconformity enlargement/change) and Par 24.5.1 as modified by Par 68.1.2B(4) (narrow street setback/30’ required/ 20.22’ proposed) of the Zoning Regulations to permit the construction of a 79 s.f. dormer addition at 30 Owaneco Trail, Map 19/Lot 338, Residence A District, Coastal Area Management Zone.

The house is a year-round dwelling with an attached one car garage.  There were two small storage sheds on the property and the one on the left side has been permanently removed.  The interior of the structure will be demolished and reconfigured and the roof will be torn off and raised to allow a dormer on the second floor for an additional bedroom.  The house will be a three bedroom Cape and there will be no expansion outside of the existing footprint.  The only two variances are the standard 10.7.1 and 10.7.2 for non-conformity enlargement/change and the narrow street setback which the regulations require 30 feet but the existing is. 20.22 feet and will remain the same.  Consideration in lieu of hardship is the removal of the shed which lessens an existing non-conformity, but the hardship is conforming to the narrow street setback which exists.

A Motion was made by K. Danby, seconded by R. McIntyre to GRANT Application 17/18 -18 - Thomas Sponzo.  The proposal is in harmony with the neighborhood and does not affect the health, safety and general welfare of the neighborhood.  One of the existing nonconformities is being removed and the hardship is the narrow street setback.  No discussion and a vote was taken.  In favor:  D. Alexander, P. Broadhurst, R. McIntyre, K. Danby, C. Purcell  Opposed: None  Abstaining:  None  The motion passed unanimously. 5-0-0

17/18-19C - Barbara L. Belmont, seeks a variance of Par 10.7.1 & 10.7.2 (nonconformity enlargement/change); Par 24.5.1 (front yard setback/25’ required/1.4’ proposed); Par 24.5.3 (side yard setback/15’ required/6.1’ proposed to east and 5.3’ proposed to west); Par 24.6.1 (gross floor area/40% allowed/48.32% proposed); Par 24.6.2 (building structure coverage/20% allowed/30.07% proposed) of the Zoning Regulations to permit the construction of a 36 s.f. dormer addition and 13 s.f. 2nd story deck at 25 Beach Road West, Map 12/Lot 153, Residence A District, Coastal Area Management Zone.

Per letter dated January 10, 2018 from Edward M. Cassella, Esquire, the agent for the applicant, Barbara Belmont, has requested that the Board continue the opening of the Public Hearing which was scheduled for tonight to the February 14, 2018 Regular Meeting.  No testimony taken.
17/18-20C - RLC Properties, LLC, seeks a variance of Par 10.7.1 & 10.7.2 (nonconformity enlargement/change); Par 41.6.3 (other line setback/20’ required/1.9’ proposed); Par 41.7.2 (building structure coverage/70% allowed/77.1 proposed) of the Zoning Regulations to permit the relocation of dumpsters and construction of a dumpster enclosure at 225 Elm Street, Map 38/Lot 3, Industrial I-1 District, Coastal Area Management Zone.  

The application for 17/18-20C for RLC Properties, LLC was withdrawn by a letter dated December 29, 2017 from Joe Wren, P. E. for Indigo Land Design who is the agent for the applicant.


Minutes:  A Motion was made by R. McIntyre, seconded by D. Alexander to approve the December 13, 2017 Regular Meeting Minutes as submitted. No discussion and a vote was taken: In favor:  D. Alexander, P. Broadhurst, R. McIntyre, K. Danby, C. Purcell  Opposed:  None  Abstaining:  None   The motion passed unanimously. 5-0-0

Adjournment:  A Motion was made by K. Danby, seconded by R. McIntyre to adjourn the January 10, 2018 Regular Meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals.  No discussion and a vote was taken: In favor:  D. Alexander, P. Broadhurst, R. McIntyre, K. Danby, C. Purcell   Opposed:  None  Abstaining:  None   The motion passed unanimously. 5-0-0  The meeting was adjourned at           7:30 p.m.

Philip Broadhurst, Chairman

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 2018 AT 7:00 P.M.,