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YFS Minutes 06/05/2018
Old Saybrook Youth & Family Services
Commission Meeting
Tuesday, June 5, 2018; 5:45 P.M.
Old Saybrook Youth & Family Services Building,
322 Main Street, Old Saybrook, CT 06475

I. Roll Call    
Attendant Members:
Jennifer Welsh, Chair; Jonathan Paradis, Mary Ann Iadarola, Lisa Castro, Mike Rafferty

Student Representatives: Cassidy Clark, Sophie Alden, Peter McNeil
Liam Welsh, potential student representative for next year

Attendant Staff:
Heather McNeil, Executive Director,  Kelly Leach, MSW Intern
Kathy King, Recording Clerk
II. Call to Order
J. Welsh called the meeting to order at 5:45 P.M.
Pledge of Allegiance

III. Comments from the Public
No one from the public was present.
IV. Approval of Minutes
Commission members have not yet received the minutes to review, so they agreed to table voting on them until the next meeting.
V. Chairman’s Comments
C. Clark is a junior at OSHS. She explained that as part of her “English in Action” class at OSHS, she decided to start a support group for middle school students in 4th – 8th grade who have parents with a chronic physical illness. H. McNeil helped C. Clark find a shadow placement working with the “Chill” group from November 2017 to May 2018. C. Clark’s group, which will be called “Healing Hearts,” will be starting in the fall 2018. She talked about developing a curriculum which includes encouraging the kids to share their stories while getting support from peers. They will also work on developing positive coping skills by using things such as stress balls.

Kelly Leach is finishing her internship with OSY&FS tomorrow. She has graduated with her MSW degree.

J. Welsh talked about defining the vision statement for this commission. She previously asked Commission members for responses which she put into a compilation and distributed at tonight’s meeting. The topics were as follows: Most important part of the agency’s Mission statement (what do we want to support), Our desired impact, Priorities for our constituency (ies) and Our common vision must do. There also was a list of many charitable advocacy groups with their vision statements listed. The Commission did an exercise in which they narrowed down their vision in each area by working in small groups.

The results were as follows:
Mission statement highlights: positive and healthy well-being, collaborative, relationship, life skills, inclusive

Priorities: collaborative, support & programming establish new programs in partnership with OSY&FS to address community issues, identify to be the voice for groups that might not have clout or organized membership.

Our desired impact: advocate for OSY&FS, continue long-term partnerships with other town departments, supportive guide for staff and the activities the staff facilitates. The group created the following vision statement together:

“A collaboration to support and advocate for positive and healthy relationships in an inclusive community.”

Summer goals/timeline:
H. McNeil asked if the Commission could meet in August to discuss the OSHS Freshman Retreat and Family Day in September. There will be no July meeting. Due to busy summer schedules, the Commission members decided to meet next on Monday, August 6, 2018 at 9:30 a.m.

VI. Director’s Report

H. McNeil thanked S. Alden and Sarah Anderson for their work with the Commission. They will both be graduating from high school on June 20th. P. McNeil will be staying with the Commission next year as a student representative entering his senior year of high school.

H. McNeil submitted a letter of intent to apply for two $10,000.00 grants for suicide prevention for grades 1-12. She is currently working on the RFP.

H. McNeil talked with AmeriCare about having a prevention care worker talk with the community about opioid prevention. She is checking to see if she can get some funding for this. Some options considered were the OS Ambulance Association and the Public Health Nursing Board or possibly partnering with another town to share the expense.

Summer groups:
“Chill” group for grades 3-5 for emotion regulation, self-soothing activities.
“Chill” group for grades 9-12
“Banana Splits” for kids dealing with the impact of divorce.

Stats for school services:
H. McNeil reported that requests for treatment and services have risen in the schools. The Superintendent will be meeting with H. McNeil to discuss this in more specific detail in terms of the number of students who have received services and the financial contribution amount.

Fall Planning:
New staff will need to be trained. YAC (Youth Action Council) will resume in the fall, and the Freshman Retreat will be held at the beginning of the school year.

VII. Old Business
There was no old business.
VIII. New Business
There was no new business.

IX. Other Business
There was no other business.

X. Adjournment
Motion made to adjourn the meeting at 6:35 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

                                                Respectfully submitted,
                                                Kathy King, Recording Clerk