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YFS Minutes 04/05/2016 Commission Meeting
Old Saybrook Youth & Family Services Commission Meeting
April 5, 2016; 5:30 pm
322 Main Street, Old Saybrook, CT 06475

Members Present:
Sam Barnes, Chairman, Dept of Police Svcs representative
Jennifer Welsh, Vice Chairman, At-Large Member (@ 5:38 pm)
Jonathan Paradis, Secretary & Parks and Recreation Representative
Christi Staples, At-Large Member
Mary Kennedy, Public Health Nursing Board Representative
Catherine Kane, School System
Megan Barnes, Student Representative

Also Present: Linda McCall, YFS Administrative Assistant

I. Call to Order
Chairman Barnes called the meeting to order at 5:36 pm

II. Pledge of Allegiance
Chairman Barnes led the pledge of allegiance (note – flag needed in building)
III.  Comments from the Public
None present
IV. Review and Approval of Minutes
Reviewed the minutes of December 2015, and January and February 2016.  Welsh made motion to accept the minutes; seconded by  Kane.  Minutes approved with one abstention.

V. Chairman’s Comments
OSYFS staff back in renovated offices.  Brought card, basket and plant to osyfs staff to show appreciation for their work during the transition of buildings.  (thank you to Vice Chairman Welsh for card).
Intro of new "Member at Large" Christi Staples – introductions all around

VI. Director’s Report
Director couldn’t be here this evening; asked Administrative Assistant to present the report:

Kirtland House
AA led a tour of the refurbished Kirtland House
dedicated therapy rooms; clients happy to be back in familiar place
all services resumed on site
Town’s IT person will be providing staff training on new technology in the building (smart tvs for training, presentation, public service announcements, etc)

Summer Programming
Staff are in the planning stages for summer groups for youth of all ages
Director speaking with the schools to see what they identify that kids need to be prepared for next year ; will offer socialization, and therapy groups
Other Summer programs include youth summer stock, summer community service, art booth, and  teen trips in conjunction with Parks and Recreation.

Commission updates
Kiwon Dionne-Jee will serve as Student Representative for his Senior Year to fill vacancy.
Letters went to two sophomore girls to fill Megan’s and Kiki’s spots when they graduate.
Personal Achievement Award should be on next month’s agenda.  Director sending requests for nominations to high school staff.  Chairman noted the award from the Commission is given to a senior who has overcome adversity to succeed in school.
Chairman also clarified that this Commission is an Advisory board to the Board of Selectmen.
There is one more At-Large vacancy to be filled.

VII. Old Business
Budget Update
The Budget proposals (YFS & Social Svcs) for FY 2017 that were approved by the  Commission in January were presented to the Board of Finance in February.  
AA reported BOF asked for additional information regarding grants and other revenue streams and the requested information has since been forwarded to  them.  Members of the public came out and several spoke in support of OSYFS at the February budget workshop.

VIII. New Business

IX. Other Business
YAC recap by AA, Chairman and Student Rep:
8 YAC-ers will assist at MS Wellness Day (will work with Coordinators Mill & Kelly in classes)
YAC meeting this Thursday at Parks and Recreation, with Jr YAC (8th graders) also in attendance.
Close to 34% of OSHS is registered in YAC.
Nursing Board providing a grant again to support healthy meals during YAC meetings.
YAC to hold a sleepover at OSHS
Reviewed the Cardboard Community project for new commission members.

Community Variety Show
May 6th at OSHS
Theme is “Feeling Good in Old Saybrook”
Multi-generational event

X. Adjournment
Adjourned 6:28  pm

Respectfully submitted by,
Jonathan Paradis
Commission Secretary