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YFS 09/11/2012 Commission Minutes
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Last Updated: 2012/9/13
Old Saybrook Youth & Family Services

Commission meeting
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Pasbeshauke Pavilion at Saybrook Point Park
155 College Street Extension, Old Saybrook, CT 06475

I. Call To Order
Meeting was called to order by Chairman Sam Barnes at 5:16 PM

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Roll Call
Attendant Members
Sam Barnes, Chairman
Jennifer Welsh, Vice Chairman
Ray Allen, Secretary
JT Giegrich, Student Rep.
Catherine Kane, OSPS Rep.
Peggy Viggiano, Member At-Large
Dorothy Shearer, Member At-Large
Juliana Jacoboski, Student Rep.
Members absent:
Diane Aldi DePaola, OSPHNB Rep.
Also present:
Heather McNeil, LMFT, LADC Director
Sharon Tiezzi, Recording Clerk

IV. Comments from the Public
No public in attendance

V. Approval of Minutes of the June 5, 2012 regular meeting
A motion was made by Dorothy Shearer to Approve the Minutes of the regular meeting of June 5, 2012. Motion Seconded by Ray Allen. No Discussion. The Motion was carried with 5 Ayes, 0 Nays and 1 Abstention.

VII. Chairman’s Comments
Chairman Sam Barnes welcomed the members back after the summer break.

VIII. Commission Member Reports
No reports

IX. Directors’ Report
Director’s Report for YFS Commission 9/13/2011 5 p.m.

Director Heather McNeil handed out the Social Services Annual Summary Report Statistics (see attached).  Chairman Sam Barnes noted the extreme increase in Total Assistance Requests from 269 in 2008-2009 when the position was 40 hours and 3640 in 2011-2012 when the position is 35 hours. These are not unduplicated requests, for instance one person may have 3 requests in one year, so the number does not represent 3640 individuals. Sue Consoli has requested assistance for administrative duties.  This summer Sue set u several Social Services events that included CT Works, the Food Bank Truck and the DSS buses. She is trying to get the other surrounding shoreline social service coordinators to take on one of the days.  Sue has an MSW intern from UConn to assist her, along with a high school senior who helped out this summer and wants to do her internship at Youth and Family this year. Heather showed members the list of the services requested that Sue is required to have knowledge and proficiency in to back up the duties she is doing now.  Heather praised Sue’s efforts and hard work in assisting an ever-growing percentage of our community population, and supports the request for additional administrative support.
        Heather passed out a R.E.A.C.H. brochure. She reported that Chelsea, one of our MSWs, is in Turkey as part of a grant funded opportunity with UConn as an exchange program with the young fellow that was here this summer.
        Heather handed out a Family Events Update (see attached). They are programs that they have in conjunction with HCHY which are primarily staffed by YFS employees.
        Heather handed out a copy of the Annual Report for 2012 (see attached) to let people in the community know what they are doing.  YFS received $9,000 for in-school services last year, and are in discussion regarding a memorandum of understanding for this school year.
        Y&F Services is offering a “Courage to Speak Foundation” presentation by Ginger Katz, CEO/Founder of the Foundation in an effort to foster open communication about the prevention of alcohol and other drug abuse among young people. This presentation will be on September 19 and Heather will be facilitating “Courage to Speak – Courageous Parenting 101®: in four sessions at the Middle School. (see attached)
        On November 5th, Tim Duffy, will be coming to the schools for the teachers in-service during the day, and an evening program for the community to present an asset building program.
        The new carpet is in; and they have new student interns.

X. Old Business – Discussion about OS Community Foundation previously known as OSYFS Foundation. Discussion was raised about funds that had previously been donated (prior to name change) and if donors intent was for the money to go to YFS programming. Also discussed donations from Essex Savings Bank Community Investment program when name was still OSYFS Foundation. Jen Welsh reported she has had some conversations with Foundation members but had nothing to report on outcomes.  To be discussed at next meeting.

XI. New Business – none

XII. Other Business –
Next meeting scheduled for October 2, 2012 at Pasbeshauke Pavilion at 5:15 pm.

XIII. Adjournment
Motion made by Ray Allen to adjourn at 6:00 pm. Seconded by Jen Welsh; motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted:
Sharon Tiezzi, Recording Clerk