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YFS 05/05/09 Minutes

Members present:  
R. Allen, A. Glorioso, K. Hanratty, B. Ruth, P. Viggiano, J. Welsh
Also present:
Director Larry Freundlich, Recording Secretary Linda McCall
S. Barnes                              Absent:   S. Cummins

Call to Order:  Secretary Allen called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m.  

Comments from the Public: none

Review of Minutes of March 3, 2009:  Reviewed the minutes.  Allen made motion to approve the minutes as typed; seconded by Ruth.  Vote taken and the minutes were unanimously approved.

Chairman’s Comments:
Director read memo from First Selectman to Chairman regarding personnel freeze and diverting that money to other operational costs.  Hanratty asked if that is allowed in the grants and whether that puts grants in jeopardy.  Director noted that many Grantors have the expectation that funding should be used entirely during the grant year.  He noted he had reported at March meeting a surplus of $12,000 in the DFC grant and that probably each month without hires an additional $2,000 is accumulating.  He also responded that some of the grants do have restrictions and may not be used for certain operational costs such as capital expenditures.  Some operational costs are used for required matches for grants.

Director’s Report:  verbal report
1. The agency is extremely busy: more referrals from the high school; several staff have been working above their hours earning “comp hours” but they will take some time off in the summer to offset.  Question – can some of this comp time be paid out with the grant surpluses?
2. We are looking at the possibility of having the Early Childhood Council co-sponsor the Summer Family Concert on the Town Green (Les Julian).
3. The Hidden Treasures Variety Show drew a very full auditorium and was a youth-driven event with 2 student emcees and the Youth Asset Team handling stage crew responsibilities, ticket, water and flower sales, assisting backstage with getting acts lined up and onstage and with lights and sound.  Director videotaped the show and it will be broadcast on HK TV – date pending.
4. We are already ahead of budgeted receipts for HUSKY reimbursement this year in our Revenue Related Programs.  The funds are deposited and transferred to the General Fund monthly.
5. The United Way has reported that they did fairly well with their fundraising campaign and we should receive funding on both UW grants, at slightly lower levels than the current year.
6. Adm. Asst. McCall is coordinating camperships for Salvation Army’s 6-night overnight Camp CONNRI again this year.  We received referrals for approximately 50 youngsters and mailed invitations to their parents to participate this year.  McCall reported we would be able to send youngsters aged 7 – 11 in July and youngsters aged 12 – 15 to the new Teen Week in August.  Cost to families is only $35.00.
7. Two Mini-Grant projects took place this past weekend.  Director asked the 2 liaisons to report.  Welsh reported on the successful Latin Festival (60 multi-generational attendees) and will forward photos to the Agency.  Hanratty reported on the well-attended Partners in Art project. She spoke about the Mentoring Day and the Gala Art Opening.  She also took photos and has sent them to the Agency.
8. The Public Health Nursing Board has discussed the development of a Depression Support Group, which was a recommendation of the Mental Health and Wellness Committee.
9. Director noted the need to increase hours of the Youth Coordinator from the current 18 to 22/24 and to restore the 18-hour Secretarial Support hours – both positions funded through grants.

Local Prevention Council Business:
1. Asset-Building Training –  Director reported our team participated with approximately 9 communities from Middlesex County plus from Newington, Guilford and Madison at the county-wide developmental asset training and distributed one of the handouts “Characteristics of a Developmentally Attentive Organization”.  Our team included our HCHY Coordinator and 2 new parents, 2 new student support staff from high school; new middle school health teacher, a student and some YFS staff not previously trained.  Director and HCHY Coordinator and Volunteers Coordinator had been asked to make a presentation at the training on our Mini-Grant program.  Welsh asked if Old Saybrook mentors other communities.  Director responded that we have but are referring inquiries from distant CT communities to Rushford Center, which has received a grant to provide technical assistance to communities interested in starting to survey their students and to use the developmental model.  We have in fact recently given our data to the state Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services to help them with a grant they will be writing to obtain federal funds for the state, which will be passed to communities if received.
2. REACH Program – Parent Night - - Hanratty and Welsh both reported they attended the program.  Director reported 90 parents had RSVP-ed they would attend but only 30 attended.  Hanratty and Welsh had suggestions of additional venues to get the information to parents, including events for both parents and children to attend to stimulate discussion among them after hearing the information.  Both noted they thought the student speaker on the panel was great and the police statistics on activity in Old Saybrook very sobering.  Discussion ensued about benefits of incorporating a Parent Night into the current DARE programs, i.e. 15 classes for the students and 1 class for parents.  This year at the DARE graduation every parent will receive a book (i.e. the book given at the REACH Parent Night program).
The student facilitators for the May 19th 6th and 7th grade program participated in training workshop last week.  Hanratty asked if there could be an opportunity for them to meet with the teachers of the classrooms they are assigned to before May 19th.

Old Business:
1. Town Budget FY 09/10 – Director reported no changes have been reported to him.  Referendum will be June 2nd following the May town meeting.
2. Commission Vacancy – no news; if anyone knows someone interested in applying to fill the vacancy, have that person submit a Letter of Interest.
3. Personal Achievement Award – one nominee submitted by Guidance Counselor Healy.  Director provided background information on nominee L.P.  Glorioso also reported on nominee’s efforts during ADL, talent shows, nominee’s non-judgmental character; hardworking, college-bound.  Viggiano made motion to award Personal Achievement Award to LP; Hanratty seconded.  Vote was taken and the motion was unanimously approved.  Award will be presented during Senior Award night; presentation usually made by Commission Chairman and Student Representative and name of awardee is kept secret until then.
New Business:
1. Selection of Student Representative – Director reported the student who will be selected to begin a 2-year term in September should be a Sophomore boy.  In this connection Samantha Cummins had suggested Mark Rubano and Zach Towne as possible candidates.  Another candidate recommended is Joe Vilardi.  Glorioso will discuss these candidates and any others with Acting Principal Winch and report back and make a recommendation at our June meeting.
2. Freshman Retreat – Director reported he has a meeting scheduled with the Superintendent of Schools next week to discuss the school system’s interest and commitment.  He also reported he has met the incoming Principal Oliver Barton who seemed supportive of the Retreat in concept.  Director distributed list of quotes from students regarding 2008 retreat.
3. Summer Programs – Director distributed drafts of Teen Trips schedule, Community Service schedule, HCHY events and reported that the Summer Stock programs already have 50 children registered with $2,000 requested in scholarships.  The orientation for the Wilderness Challenge (for 11 7th graders entering 8th grade) is scheduled for May 13th.  24 identified students have been invited to the orientation.  Requests for scholarships for this program are also anticipated.

Other Business:   
1. Surplus from freeze on personnel – Can some of the surplus be shifted to the Freshman Retreat?  Discussed potential to shift $8,000 to support Retreat with other partners also contributing.  Discussed how funded in previous years: started with a grant from America’s Promise with $25 fee paid by parents with scholarships available if needed.  Cost is $100/student with additional incidentals.  So cost for 131 8th graders will be $13,100 plus the incidentals.  Hanratty suggested putting on literature for parents the opportunity to support another child’s attendance.  Allen suggested putting the item on Commission Agenda for next meeting after Director meets with the Board of Education.
2. Commission Meeting Location – Director noted the lack of public attendance of the meetings over the past year vs. the convenience factor of holding meetings in the conference room at the Agency – TV and DVD player right there – i.e. This Place video (Parent Night), ADL video, etc.  He asked how the Commission members would feel about moving back to the Agency conference room next year.  Discussion ensued.  Allen made motion to change venue for the Youth and Family Services Commission meetings to Youth and Family Services Kirtland House.  Ruth seconded the motion.  Vote taken and the motion was unanimously approved.

There being no further business to discuss Viggiano made motion to adjourn.  Hanratty seconded and the meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda B. McCall
Administrative Assistant