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YFS 01/06/09 Minutes

Members present:  
R. Allen, S. Barnes, K. Hanratty, B. Ruth, P. Viggiano, J. Welsh
Also present:
Director Larry Freundlich, Recording Secretary Linda McCall and Youth Coordinator Jane Moen
S. Cummins, M. Gesick, I. Rosser

Call to Order:  Chairman Barnes called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m.  
Comments from the Public: none
Review of Minutes of December 2, 2008:  Reviewed the minutes.  Welsh made motion to approve the minutes as typed; seconded by Viggiano.  Vote taken and the minutes were unanimously approved.
Chairman’s Comments:
Some Agenda items will be taken out of order to ensure quorum for items requiring a vote.  (Two Commission members have to leave early to attend wakes.)
Chairman asked for update from Director on status of Student Representative Rosser.  Director reported he had called Rosser to discuss his ability to fulfill his term in light of his other commitments, but he was ill – they would address it this week if possible.  Director reported that if Rosser were in fact not able to fulfill this commitment, Senior Ashley Glorioso would be willing to finish his term, which ends in June.  Director described her work on the ADL program and noted she is very interested in working with the Commission.  Discussion included ensuring that a male student be sought for next term as usual.  Viggiano made motion to invite Ashley Glorioso to finish the term.  Ruth seconded the motion.  Vote was taken and the motion was unanimously approved.
Chairman reported the First Selectman requested that he inform the Commission that the Selectmen want to keep the posted part-time position unfilled at the current time.  The announcement stimulated discussion about grant monies for this position and others potentially being turned back to grantors – the main concern: will that jeopardize the approval of future grant applications?
Chairman asked about vacant Drug and Alcohol Counselor position (transferred to Board of Education oversight with support from a YFS grant).  Director reported that the Interview Committee has readvertised the position; they are now seeking a licensed Counselor with Drug and Alcohol expertise.  
Introduction of Youth Coordinator Jane Moen – Discussion of Youth Initiatives
Moen was introduced and distributed and reviewed a summary outline of the Current Projects she’s been working on since her hire one month ago.  These include ADL Follow-up; Substance Abuse Prevention; Juvenile Diversion Board; Babysitter Training; Coordination for Early Childhood Council Seminar; Peer Mentor Program, Teen Issues Month Planning.
Director’s Report:  no separate report this evening due to time considerations – reported under Agenda items.
Local Prevention Council Business: (addressed after New Business)
1. Search Institute Community Training– Director reported the joint committee (Middlesex United Way, Rushford and Middlesex YSBs) is negotiating with Tim Duffey (Search trainer) to schedule the countywide training on Asset-Building for new teams.  HCHY Advisory Board has asked if a training just for Old Saybrook could be piggybacked onto the date of the county training and this will be explored.
2. HCHY Mini-Grants – Director distributed the timeline for this year’s Mini-Grants, co-sponsored by YFS and HCHY.  He asked for volunteers from the Commission to serve as liaisons to grantees.  Commission members are also invited to be on Application Review Committee.
3. Discussion of Drug and Alcohol Social Marketing – Director reported we have the opportunity to co-sponsor with other area youth service bureaus a 30 second PSA (from FACE) that will play at the Westbrook Movie Theatre.  Our cost is $200, which will be paid from the Drug-Free Communities Grant.  Commission response was positive.
Old Business: (addressed after New Business)
1. Drug & Alcohol Counselor Position  – discussed earlier under Chairman’s Comments.
2. YFS Foundation – Heat Initiative – Director reported the Foundation met last week.  To date HEAT has raised $24,000 and $11,000 has already been used to assist families.  He also reported a second Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser is planned for February 5th at the High School Cafeteria.  Welsh noted her concern about added needs in addition to heat that families face year-round.  As a member of HEAT and the Foundation, she suggested the grassroots initiative serve as a model for supporting other causes in the community.  Welsh also asked about the status of the First Selectman’s Helping Collaborative.  Director reported he understands the First Selectman wants to schedule some meetings on this in February.
3. Clerical Assistant Update – discussed earlier under Chairman’s Comments.
New Business: (addressed while quorum present)
1. Town Budget 2009/2010 – Director distributed and explained the drafts of the YFS (account 265) and Social Service (account 255) budget requests, narratives and Sources of Revenue.  He explained that Personnel and Fixed Charges were drafted by Selectmen’s Office and that Exec. Assistant Roland Laine had clarified that the Selectmen’s request for a 0% increase was for everything but Personnel.  Director noted we did try to trim other line items wherever possible and also noted that the Selectmen had negotiated a lower rate for heat for the coming year.  Discussion about the YFS budget presented included questions about HUSKY insurance reimbursement, donations for Discretionary Assistance and for HCHY.  Director noted that Administrative Assistant will present a HUSKY analysis at next meeting, and he will also ask Commission to address policies relating to counseling fees/insurance and HUSKY at that meeting.  Regarding donations he clarified that some donors direct funds to the municipality itself (via the Discretionary Fund) while others direct funds to the 501©3 YFS Foundation (as the HEAT initiatives fundraising does).  Hanratty noted after the review of the drafted budget request and other members concurred that there is an important distinction that grants support so many of the agency’s positions and programs and that this should be noted during the Town Budget Approval process.  Viggiano made motion to accept the YFS budget as presented; Hanratty seconded.  Vote taken and the motion was unanimously approved.  Viggiano made motion to accept the 255 budget as presented; Welsh seconded.  Vote taken and the motion was unanimously approved.
2.  State Budget Projections – Discussed during Town Budget 2009/2010 presentation and review of Sources of Revenue handout.
3.  Community Mental Health/Wellness – Director distributed copies of Action Plan to Enhance Wellness developed with School System pupil support personnel.  Discussion ensued about possible approaches to engage people in smaller more intimate settings.  Director invited commission members to view the video Men Get Depression he is screening for pupil support personnel and agency staff this Wednesday at 3:00 p.m.
Other Business:   
1. Allen asked why past employees Briscoe, Pascoe and Patterson and their pay still appeared in the most recent Town Annual Report.  Director explained the Town reported on all employees employed for at least part of fiscal year 2008.
2. Director reported he received a request from high school staff to use Community Email to publicize a student fundraiser movie night for families.  Commission reviewed the policy and consensus was that it would be best not to set a precedent by allowing this use.

There being no further business to discuss Allen made motion to adjourn.  Ruth seconded and the meeting adjourned at 6:48 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Linda B. McCall
Administrative Assistant