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Conservation Management Committee: The Preserve 06 15 2018


Friday, June 15, 2018
9:00 A.m.
Town Hall – First Floor Conference Room

I.    CALL TO ORDER-All members present
II.   COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC-None though Bob Lorenz was present. Carl Fortuna mentioned two emails he received. One from Judy Preston which included a letter to the CT Siting Council on the Eversource work in the Preserve. The consensus of the committee was that Ms. Preston should submit this letter as a member of the ad hoc committee. Mr. Hochholzer felt many of the issues were covered with DEEP/Eversource meetings. Chris Cryder would like the committee to encourage moving forward with a trail system. Mr. Hochholzer felt that this issue is addressed in the update from GEI, which will be discussed below. He also felt the need for a part-time person to manage day to day tasks in the Preserve and other town parks. This request should perhaps be submitted to Trust for Public Land(TPL) for this season.
III.  COMMENTS FROM THE COMMITTEE-Mr. Fortuna discussed the Ingham Hill Road turnaround and parking area. He said both projects are to be discussed at a town meeting on June 26, and possibly funded by the sale of 185 Bokum Road. Will Hochholzer mentioned that he tested the stewardship fund for a small purchase and it was successful. He feels he is now more comfortable with the process and is happy to see the funds are available. DEEP purchasing procedures were briefly discussed.
Eversource will be cutting 140 “hazard” trees. Mr. Hochholzer has requested that some of the wood may be good timber and will look to sell it and place the funds back into the stewardship fund. Mr. Hochholzer also mentioned that there is a rather large piece of open space available next to the Preserve and if the Town had considered this purchase. Mr. Fortuna is aware of the parcel and that someone was looking at it for development. However, it is a difficult lot and access to part of it may be an issue. The Town does have open space funds so this can be considered.
IV.   APPROVAL OF MINUTES-3/9/2018; Stewardship Kickoff meeting April 10, 2018. Both sets of minutes moved and approved.
A.    Update on the Preserve Parking Lot- Mr. Hochholzer wondered if the Route 153 parking area has been mowed. Ms. Connolly responded that it has been mowed at least once. Both felt that areas where people park and may picnic at tables should be mowed but not the field.
B.    MOU between State, Old Saybrook and Westbrook: Discussion and possible action. Mr. Fortuna to follow up.
C.    The Preserve Forest Stewardship Plan- Mr. Hochholzer handed out an updated schedule from GEI (see attached).
D.   Update on Invasive Species Control Efforts-There was significant discussion on weed control. Ms. Connolly wanted to be sure that GEI will make weed recommendations. They will. Ms. Connolly also asked if Roger Wolf will come back this July to conduct some weed control. He will. Ms. Connolly had a discussion with the CMC about Japanese Barberry weed control. She said there is some dissent within the ad hoc committee about herbicides/manual treatment. The CMC agreed that manual treatment and as little herbicide as necessary is the best way to go and so authorized it.
VI.   OTHER BUSINESS – Next meeting September 21, 2018. Same time and place.
VII.  ADJOURNMENT at 10:10am

Respectfully submitted,
Carl P. Fortuna Jr.
