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Board of Selectmen Minutes 03 27 2018

Tuesday, March 27, 2018
7:00 P.m.
Town Hall – First Floor Conference Room

PRESENT:  First Selectman Carl P. Fortuna Jr., Selectman Scott Giegerich, Selectman Carol Conklin and members of the public

I.      CALL TO ORDER – Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
III.    COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC-Tom Stevenson commented that he likes the new waste receptacles on Main Street.
IV.    COMMENTS FROM THE SELECTMAN- The First Selectman commented on the following: Senator Murphy sent out a blast email detailing what the 1.3 trillion congressionally approved spending bill means for LI sound, which the First Selectman reviewed with the Board. Carol Conklin said she would forward Congressman Joe Courtney’s blast email to the Board of Selectmen; He also commented that he submitted testimony in favor of passing the Fiscal Sustainability and Economic Growth report; all the lights on North Main Street are now working.
V.     APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  Special Board of Selectmen Meeting March 15, 2018.
Motion to approve Special Board of Selectmen minutes March 15, 2018.
A.   Discussion and possible action on the Harbor Management Commission (HMC)   recommendation for contract award related to the Ferry Road Dock Project and further authorize First Selectman to execute any and all documents in this regard.
The First Selectman mentioned that a contract has been drawn up by CIRMA to use for the low bidder. Bob Murphy, Chairman of the HMC, held two Special Meetings last week and the HMC did approve awarding the contract to Connecticut Dock & Dredge (CDD). The Board is comfortable that this project has been vetted. CDD is hoping to complete this project by mid-June or sooner.
Motion to approve contract award related to the Ferry Road Dock Project and further authorize First Selectman to execute any and all documents in this regard.
B.  Presentation by Economic Development Commission member Elizabeth Swenson on “Sustainable Connecticut”.
Elizabeth Swenson discussed Sustainable Connecticut, which is a program where communities strive to be thriving, resilient, collaborative and forward looking, building community and local economy. The First Selectman has listened to several presentations on this topic and is very much in favor of this program. Ms. Swenson feels this project is labor intensive but can be done with the help of an intern both in the Planning Office and at the RiverCog. She handed off a Resolution to the Board of Selectmen for approval. After minor edits, the Board of Selectmen agreed to add the Resolution to the agenda.
C.  Motion to add to the agenda a Resolution authorizing the Board of Selectman to appoint the Economic Development Commission and the action board to begin implementing the Sustainable Connecticut program.
Motion to add and approve a Resolution authorizing the Board of Selectman to appoint the Economic Development Commission and the action board to begin implementing the Sustainable Connecticut program.
D.  Discussion and possible action on implementing the Sustainable Connecticut program under the auspices of the Economic Development Commission.
Scott Giegerich asked if legal council should review but it was determined there was no need. Mr. Stevenson asked about cost. Other than staff time, there should be no additional cost at this time.
Motion to approve and implement the Sustainable Connecticut Program.
E.  Discussion and possible action on the Elderly Tax Benefit recommendation to the Board of Finance.
Motion to approve and recommend to the Board of Finance a $90,000 elderly benefit.
VII.   COMMENTS FROM THE SELECTMEN- The First Selectman stated that he attended a MIRA (the organization that takes our garbage and recycling) meeting on Monday. Connecticut, in addition to a financial crisis, will be facing a garbage crisis within 3-4 years if significant changes are not made, both at the local and State level. First and foremost, the trash to energy plant in Hartford, as it is now operating and without a new plant or massive renovations to the existing plant, will be at the end of its life cycle in 2022. DEEP put out an rfp and 7 bids were had. MIRA is in negotiations with a company to renovate the existing plant and those negotiations are scheduled to conclude in the summer. There are concerns about future tipping fees rising significantly and the necessity to pay for recycling materials due to the cratered recycle market. More on this as negotiations proceed.
The First Selectman also commented that had a meeting with the Town engineer, Larry Bonin and Chief Spera about developing an Emergency Action Plan for the Chalkers Mill Pond Dam. The original cost estimate was $15-20k but with the involvement of DPW and OSPD, this cost can be reduced significantly. Carol Conklin asked if there were sample EAP’s; the State does provide a template and we have a recent example from a dam in Portland.
Motion to adjourn at 7:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Carl P. Fortuna Jr.
First Selectman