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Special Town Meeting Minutes 01/03/2017

MINUTES of Special Town Meeting held January 3, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. in the Old Saybrook Town Hall first floor conference room with approximately 20 persons attending.
Carl Fortuna, First Selectman, called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance.  Scott Giegerich moved, seconded by Gerri Lewis and unanimously voted that Jason Becker serve as Moderator of the meeting.  Moderator Becker asked the Town Clerk, Sarah V. Becker, to read the call of the meeting.
Motion duly moved and seconded to act upon the item of the call.

Item for consideration:  “To act upon the recommendation of the Board of Finance and Board of Selectmen to appropriate the sum of $24,525 for the purchase of Municity Software, a product by the Software Consulting Associates.
Said funds will be taken from the Town’s capital non-recurring  fund  (municipal  reserve  fund).”
Moderator Becker called on First Selectman Fortuna to speak to this request.  Selectman Fortuna noted that this software is business friendly and will improve efficiency in the Building Department which will be the first to use this software.
The Building Inspector will have a phone/IPad in the field, take pictures of the site, and will be uploaded onto the internet immediately.  This software will also assist in the administration part of the Building Department.  We will be uploading information from 1992 to present for public access.  There are three (3) software modules:  permitting, mobile and public works.  The system has many other features that will encompass other town departments and create a public friendly connection to town government.  The yearly cost at this point is $4,200 and we anticipate raising the permit fee by $5.00 per permit to cover this cost. Although at this time the public will not be able to make online appointments, the software has many other capabilities which afford greater efficiency in the way we do business.  We do not have to do legal research regarding this program since the town of Westbrook has done so.  Municity has about 15 towns going onto this system.  Larry Hayden, IT Director, explained the functions and advised that there will be training and support from Municity.
Several questions were asked and answered by Selectman Fortuna and Larry Hayden.
Following the presentation Moderator Becker called for a voice vote and this item was unanimously ADOPTED.
On a motion duly made, seconded it was unanimously voted to adjourn at 6:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah V. Becker, CCMC, TOWN CLERK