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Special Town Meeting Minutes 01 27 2016

MINUTES of Special Town Meeting held January 27, 2016 in the Vicki G. Duffy Pavilion, 155 College Street, Old Saybrook, Connecticut, with approximately 25 persons attending. First Selectman, Carl Fortuna, called the meeting to order and asked that Katy Conklin lead the Pledge of Allegiance.

On a motion duly made and seconded, Grant Westerson was voted as Moderator of this meeting.  Moderator Westerson asked Town Clerk Sarah V. Becker, to read the call.

ITEM 1.  To act upon the recommendation of the Board of Selectmen and the Board of Finance to appropriate the sum of $20,000 from the Town’s Municipal Reserve Fund (capital and non-recurring account) towards the town’s 10% match of $200,000 grant from the State of Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development for a Brownfield Area-wide Revitalization (BAR) Planning Grant.

First Selectman Fortuna noted that the Board of Finance had approved applying for this grant.  He further explained the Town’s Municipal Reserve Fund which has been built up over the last five years and per Connecticut State Statute requires Town Meeting approval for expenditures.  Selectman Fortuna called on Christine Nelson, Town Planner, who reviewed the in-depth study undertaken for this program.  

On a motion by Scott Giegerich, duly seconded, Item 1 was unanimously ADOPTED.

ITEM 2.  To act upon the recommendation of the Board of Selectmen, the Parks and Recreation Commission, and the Town of Old Saybrook Planning Commission to accept as a gift those premises situated at 40 Old Post Road, Old Saybrook, Connecticut.  Said property is an undeveloped parcel of land of approximately one-quarter of an acre in area, consisting primarily of tidal wetlands.  As part of the conveyance, the Town will abate current taxes in the amount of $981.00.  The property is owned by Clifford E. Rhodes, Elizabeth Rhodes, and Julianne Rhodes-Purvis.

First Selectman Fortuna called on Susan Esty who spoke on behalf of the Parks and Recreation Commission of the advantage to residents of this very small parcel to be used as a passage way to the marsh.  Christine Nelson, Town Planner, noted that the Planning Commission feels this would be in consistency with the Town’s plan of development.  Richard Esty spoke in favor of this item on behalf of the Conservation Commission.

Marty Ladd moved, seconded by Richard Esty and unanimously voted to ADOPT Item 2.

ITEM 3.  To act upon the recommendation of the Board of Selectmen and Board of Finance to appropriate the sum of $48,000 for the repair and upgrade of the Youth and Family Service Building, as well as the replacement of certain furniture and fixtures, said funds to be drawn from the town’s Municipal Reserve Fund (capital non-recurring account).

First Selectman Fortuna reviewed the problems with the Kirtland house in which the Youth & Family Services do business; black mold and other molds, doorways and stairway, etc., furnace and other major problems which do not meet building code and that these situations need to be addressed for the health and safety of employees as well as others using the building.  Furniture, lighting, wiring, etc. will be replaced.  The cost to the Town is projected to be $45,500, however, a small contingency fund is being asked for to cover any possible unforeseen expenses.   He credited Chief Spera with working and negotiating with CIRMA to find other “events” which would enable this project to qualify for insurance coverage.  The insurance company will pay monies estimated at a $50,000 claim.  Selectman Fortuna advised that when this project is complete the building will be much more fit for effective use.  

Selectman Fortuna thanked Heather McNeil, Director of Youth & Family Services for her patience and efforts in this trying situation.  He also thanked Ray Allen, Director of Parks and Recreation, for his willingness to make room for the Y&FS office functions during this time.

On a motion duly made and seconded Item 3 was unanimously ADOPTED.

On a motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously voted to adjourn at 7:20 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah V. Becker, CCMC