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Special Town Meeting Minutes 02 10 2015
MINUTES OF SPECIAL TOWN MEETING – February 2, 2015 POSTPONED to February 10, 2015

MINUTES of SPECIAL TOWN MEETING held Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at the Old Saybrook Middle School auditorium,
60 Sheffield Street, Old Saybrook, Connecticut at 7:00 p.m. with approximately 200 persons attending.  

Carl Fortuna, First Selectman, called the meeting to order and led the Pledge of Allegiance.  On a motion duly made
and seconded, Ed Cassella was unanimously voted as Moderator of this meeting.  The Moderator called on the
Town Clerk, Sarah V. Becker, to read the call of the meeting:
        To act upon the recommendation of the Board of Finance and Board of Selectmen
        to appropriate the sum of $361,570.00 for the Old Saybrook Department of Police
        Services to acquire a marine vessel.  Said funds will initially be paid out of the Town’s
        Unappropriated Surplus Account which account will subsequently be reimbursed in
        the following manner:
  • $271,177.50 will be reimbursed to the Town pursuant to the Department of
Homeland Security Grant Program (PSGP).  The Old Saybrook Department of
Police Services will administer said award.  These Federal grant funds are made
available through authorizing legislation at Section 102 of the Maritime Transportation
Security Act of 2002 as amended (Pub. L. No. 107-295) (46 U>S>C> Section 70107).
PSGP funding was appropriated by Congress in the Department of Homeland Security
Appropriations Act 2014 (Pub. L. No. 113-76).  The funds will be reimbursed to the
Town by the United States Government pursuant to an agreement between the
Town and the Federal Government.
  • $90,392.50 will be reimbursed to the Unappropriated Surplus Account from
monies available in the Town’s Reserve Fund for Capital and Nonrecurring

Moderator Cassella advised that this will be an information meeting only since a petition was presented to the
Town Clerk with more than the required 200 signatures to take this matter to Referendum.  The Moderator then
called on First Selectman Fortuna to address the assembly.

Selectman Fortuna sadly announced that former Fire Chief David Heiney had passed away a half-hour ago.  He
requested that we move forward with the utmost civility in our discussions.  
Selectman Fortuna remarked regarding our tradition of a marine patrol in this town since 1963.  He noted that the
Connecticut River needs a police presence and supported the purchase of this proposed boat since funds for a
new boat have been requested for many years due to safety issues.  He further stated that the present mission
of the marine patrol will remain the same with no expansion.
Selectman Fortuna proposed that the Referendum be held on February 24, 2015 at the Senior High School from
Noon to 8:00 p.m.  Brad Thorpe moved, seconded by Grant Westerson and unanimously voted to hold the Referendum
on February 24, 2015 at the Old Saybrook Senior High School from Noon (12:00 p.m.) to 8:00 p.m.

Bob Finch, Police Commission Chairman, spoke in support of the boat proposal.  We are 2/3’s surrounded by water
and this population (marinas, beaches, Plum Island ferry, etc.) deserve police protection and it is our obligation
to do so.  He noted that this purchase was endorsed by the Police Commission, Board of Finance and Board of

Moderator Cassella then turned the meeting over to Patrol Sargeant Ryan Walsh and Patrol Sargeant Jeffrey DePerry
who, as well as Master Sargeant Jay Rankin, Detective Sargeant Gene Heiney, Grant Westeron and Scott Masse,
were appointed by Chief Spera to the Marine Strategic Planning Committee to research and be responsible for
determining the vessel style/equipment which best meets the needs of Old Saybrook.  Officers Walsh and DePerry
did a power point presentation showing the present boat compared to the proposed vessel, describing the updated
equipment needed for the safety of the boat handler and Officers as well as those who need their help.  The
proposed vessel was designed to meet the needs of the department and meet FEMA requirements.  Policemen,
Dispatchers and the civilian handlers will be trained so they are familiar when they are assigned to this duty.
It was noted that the 34 ft. fire boat is designed to fight fires on the water, not for policing.  
Michael Cronin, Town Counsel, read his legal opinion as to the question of who is and who is not able to access
the completed grant application according to Federal law.   It was determined that the public could review an
application on line, however, were not allowed to view the completed application per Homeland Security and
Federal law.

Officer DePerry advised that four bids were opened on February 9th ranging from $254,000 to $354,000 which
represents the cost of the boat only and does not include electronics and equipment.

Many questions were raised and comments heard from those attending.  These were responded to by Officers
DePerry and Walsh.

On a motion duly made and seconded it was unanimously voted to adjourn at 9:15 p.m. to a Referendum on
February 24, 2015 at the Old Saybrook Senior High School, 1111 Boston Post Road, from Noon (12:00 p.m.) to 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Sarah V. Becker, CCMC
Town Clerk