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Board of Selectmen Meeting 01 13 2015
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
3:30 P.M.
First Floor Conference Room

Present:  First Selectman Carl P. Fortuna Jr., Selectman Scott Giegerich, Selectman Steve Gernhardt,
and members of the public and press.
I.     CALL TO ORDERFirst Selectman Fortuna called the meeting to order at 3:30 P.m.
Colin Heffernan urged the Board of Selectmen to send the proposed acquisition of a marine Police
Boat to referendum with a secret ballot and stated that this is the appropriate democratic process. He
felt a secret ballot was necessary due to police intimidation and the Chief’s promise to “pack the
room”. Also, not everyone can make a Town Meeting time.  Paul Connolly, North Cove Road, stated
that he would like to see the Police Boat move to referendum.  Carol Manning, stated the Police Boat
should go to Town Meeting and adjourn to a referendum.  J.H. Torrance Downes concurs that the
issue should go to vote.  First Selectman Fortuna noted that he will address this issue during
Business Before The Board (A) Call for Town Meeting.
First Selectman Fortuna noted that he received a letter from the Economic Development
Commission regarding their tradition of advertising openings on the Commission,
interviewing candidates and making recommendations to the Selectmen. An opening is
expected and he stated he would seek EDC input for a selection.  First Selectman Fortuna
also received a letter from Mr. Stephen Stanko who while visiting Old Saybrook had a
medical emergency with a family member.  Mr. Stanko expressed his family’s gratitude for
the exemplary response by the police department.  Mr. Stanko has been a police officer for
16 years for the State Environmental Conservation Police.  Fist Selectman Fortuna received
an email from Eleanor LaPlace stating that she would like to see the Police Boat purchase go
to referendum.  First Selectman gave an update on the new Police Building and that the
project is “on time” and targeting under projection.  The official turnover is end of March
once the State 911 system is connected. Selectman Giegerich thanked the public in
attendance and appreciated them coming forward to speak and be part of the democratic

V.  APPROVAL OF MINUTES Special Board of Selectmen Meeting December 19, 2014.
First Selectman Fortuna stated that the Preserve purchase will close within the next 30 days
and the Town will then acquire two pieces of property, 926 acres, subtracting 2 acres for the
piece that a house sits on.  It is the intention of the Board of Selectmen to bring to Town
meeting the sale of the home, approximately $300,000, and use the sale proceeds to off set
the 2015/2016 bond payment related to the Preserve.  The referral is with the Planning
Commission and then will go to Town Meeting.
Motion to approve the minutes of the Special Board of Selectmen Meeting of December 19, 2014.
A. Discuss and act on Call of Special Town Meeting February 2, 2015.
First Selectman Fortuna explained that originally the meeting was to be set for January 26th and
Selectman Gerhardt advised of the Democratic Town Committee meeting the same evening. First
Selectman noted that there is a lot of information available to the public on this subject and a Town
Meeting is sufficient.  A private ballot is available at Town Meeting upon motion by an elector. Town
Meetings frequently bring out people who feel very invested in a particular issue. The Preserve is a
great example of that.   First Selectman Fortuna explained that it may go to referendum if 200 signatures
are collected. He has already spoken with Registrars of Voters to bring the private ballot box to the
Special Town Meeting scheduled on February 2, 2015 so they are prepared. He stated the Town, in his
experience, has never gone to referendum on any issue that does not involve bonding or budgets,
unless petitioned. Doing so on this issue would set an unnecessary precedent. He stated there will
always be issues that people feel strongly about in Town and we cannot send all of them to referendum.
Selectman Giegerich noted that the police boat program has a 33 year history, the boat is 23 years old, in
disrepair and in need of replacement.  Chief Spera wrote and obtained a grant for $270,000 and it makes
sense to move forward and is content that it will not add to what Old Saybrook already does.
Selectman Gernhardt stated the need for the safety of our residents, visitors and officers on the boat and
that need has been established.  
First Selectman reviewed the “you tube” video and discussed with the Police Chief his actions at a Board
of Finance meeting and felt his actions inappropriate.
Motion to approve Call of Special Town Meeting February 2, 2015, 7:00 PM, at the Old Saybrook
Middle School Auditorium.

  • Discuss and act on approving First Selectman Fortuna to sign “Loving Parting”
Proclamation in recognition of shared history between Old Saybrook, Lyme, Old Lyme,
East Lyme and Salem.
First Selectman Fortuna introduced Torrance Downes as representing the Old Saybrook Historical
Society (OSHS) and member on the Board of Trustees.  Torrance acknowledged Tedd Levy
and Carol Manning as members on the OSHS.  Torrance recited the Proclamation and gave a brief
history of the separation of colonies and the original signing of the ”Loving Parting” document
February 13, 1665 thus recognizing the 350th Anniversary.
Motion to approve First Selectman Fortuna to sign “Loving Parting” Proclamation in recognition of
shared history between Old Saybrook, Lyme, Old Lyme, East Lyme and Salem.

  • Discuss and act on Proclamation – National Catholic Schools Week.
First Selectman Fortuna explained this is an annual national celebration (Jan. 25 – Jan 31)
and recognized St. John School in Old Saybrook.  
Motion to approve the National Catholic Schools Week Proclamation

D. Appointments
Pension and Employee Benefits Board  Vacancy term expiration. This is a
five-year term due to expire 1/2020.
First Selectman Fortuna noted that he attends one meeting a month as a member of the Pension
Board.  He acknowledged and thanked member Steve Sheehan for his 25 plus years of dedicated
service on the Pension Board and that a Proclamation will be forthcoming.    The Democratic Town
Committee has made a recommendation and First Selectman will meet the candidate and likely
proceed filling the vacancy at the next Board of Selectmen Meeting.
Motion to add to the agenda Comments From the Public.
Fern (last name unclear) expressed her concerns with the State grant and the Town’s obligations.
Barry O’Nell stated his concern with the Police boat as “bigger and better” with more obligations on
the river adding cost and why the added equipment when our population is not growing.  Mr. O’Nell
noted he would rather pay out of our budget than have an obligation.
Adam Voight spoke of an itemized list.  The old police boat has an aluminum hull that is
deteriorating so why have an aluminum hull on the new boat; he inquired if there was a fiberglass

Motion to adjourn at 4:13 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Georgiann Neri
Administrative Secretary