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Board of Selectmen Meeting 10/28/2014

Tuesday, October 28, 2014
7:00 P.m.
Second Floor Conference Room
Present:  First Selectman Carl P. Fortuna Jr., Selectman Steve Gernhardt, Selectman Scott Giegerich
and members of the public.

I.   CALL TO ORDER – First Selectman Fortuna called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M.


III.       COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC- Kathy Connolly spoke about the private fundraising
effort being coordinated for the Preserve. There have been two. One million raised to date with
a goal of 2.9 million. Still working on it. She spoke of the larger gifts that have been given,
many from outside of Old Saybrook which emphasizes the regional interest in the piece. The
mailer sent out raised about 20k from over 300 individuals. She also handed out a template
fundraising letter. This informal working group approached Park & Recreation and Conservation
commissions to ask them to form an ad hoc working group, just as one would do with any large
building project. Tom Stevenson asked what the funds will be for: closing costs, stewardship,
overhead, legal defense. First Selectman Fortuna noted that the Moody’s rating conference call is
November 12th and that there is a meeting with The Nature Conservancy, Trust for Public Land
and DEEP October 31st to discuss the Conservation Easement and the Management Agreement.
Selectman Gernhardt asked about encroachments which the owner is currently working on. There
are numerous encroachments. Chris Cryder will be organizing a cleanup. Selectman Gernhardt asked
about closing, which is still scheduled for December 15th or so, and about how it will be managed
thereafter. First Selectman Fortuna stated that for the first year or so, Chris Cryder has volunteered
to spearhead trail management until the State and Town are fully ready to apply for financial resources.
Kathy Connolly would like a “visioning taskforce.” Barbara Maynard commented on how people lined
up to buy the Saybrook Point bonds many years ago.

IV.      COMMENTS FROM THE SELECTMAN: First Selectman Fortuna showed the Board of Selectmen
the large poster “thank you” for pumpkins delivered to the Goodwin School. Also commented on
meeting with energy brokers to prepare for July 1, 2015, and current projects:
        OSPD BUILDING PROJECT -  On time and appears to be on budget.
        TURF FIELD PROJECT - The contractor is back on site after recent letter sent by Board of
Education lawyer. Selectman Gernhardt asked if it will now be done this year. While it is possible the
field could go down this year, the track will be the spring.

Selectman Gernhardt also asked about grants and the process. First Selectman Fortuna showed an
example of a Youth & Family Service grant request on which he was copied. The First Selectman cannot
recall grants being requested without his input so he believes it is already the process. There is full
agreement amongst the Board of Selectmen that grant requests should be analyzed to make sure that
ALL costs associated with the grant are known ahead of time. First Selectman Fortuna noted the added
expense of the Route 1 sidewalk project a few years ago, and also his pre-notification to the Board of
Selectmen and Board of Finance of the North
Main Street grant and its associated engineering costs. Tom Stevenson questioned whether the First
Selectman signed the application for the OSPD boat. The First Selectman said no he did not though it
was discussed beforehand with the Chief of Police.

         Motion to approve the minutes of the regular Board of Selectmen Meeting October 14, 2014.
  • Discussion on Water Pollution Control Authority (WPCA) soft cost allocation for FY 2015-
        2016 budget.
First Selectman Fortuna stated that the memo directed to the WPCA simply stated that this
difficult issue had no simple formula that was found workable. As a result, the budget that will
be presented to the Board of Selectmen in January will include soft cost expenses. Selectman
Gernhardt’s only concern revolved around the controlling of those expenses as we move forward.
The First Selectman explained this action does not preclude the governing commission, the WPCA,
from taking further action on this matter.

B.   Authorize First Selectman Carl P. Fortuna Jr. to sign any and all documents relative to the
Town’s Pension Plan Management being transferred from Merrill Lynch to Morgan Stanley.
First Selectman Fortuna explained that the Pension Board decided to follow its Merrill Lynch
advisor to Morgan Stanley and move all town pension and health investment funds to Morgan
Stanley. This came about as a result of Bank of America (which owns Merrill) not wanting
anything to do with municipal pension funds.
Motion to Authorize First Selectman Carl P. Fortuna Jr. to sign any and all documents relative
to the Town’s Pension Plan Management being transferred from Merrill Lynch to Morgan Stanley.

C.      Discuss and act on Call of Annual Town Meeting November 24, 2014.
 There was discussion about the overages though it was made clear that this has occurred for at
least the last 20 years. Bottom line is that the Town ended the year with a $228,000 surplus.
Selectman Giegerich and Selectman Gernhardt expressed great displeasure with the OSPD
overages and encouraged better management and accountability of resources.
Motion to approve Call of Annual Town Meeting November 24, 2014

D.      Appointments
1.   Conservation Commission.  Term re-appointment Robert Fish.  This is a two year term due to expire 11/2016.
2.   Conservation Commission.  Term re-appointment Walter K. Smith.  This is a two year term
due to expire 11/2016.
3.   Conservation Commission.  Term re-appointment Jerry Brophy.  This is a two year term due
to expire 11/2016.
4.   Public Health Nursing Board.  Term re-appointment regular member Joseph Termine.  This is
a three year term due to expire 11/2017.
5.   Public Health Nursing Board.  Term re-appointment regular member Elizabeth Owen.  This is
a three year term due to expire 11/2017.
6.   Public Health Nursing Board.  Term re-appointment alternate member Linda Demas.  This is
a three year term due to expire 11/2017.
7.   Regional Building Code Board of Appeals  Term re-appointment Old Saybrook representative
   Ken Gibble.  This is a five year term due to expire 11/2019.
8.   Tree Committee  Term re-appointment Paul Baldi.  This is a three year term due to expire 10/2017.
9.   Tree Committee  Term re-appointment Barbara Maynard.  This is a three year term due to expire 10/2017.
Motion to approve all re-appointments.

Motion to add to the agenda a non-binding resolution to apply for State grant funding to connect Old
Saybrook Town Hall facilities to the Connecticut State Nutmeg network
The First Selectman explained that this is non-binding and even if we receive the grant, we can price out
the service and reject the grant if we find the Nutmeg Network to not be cost effective for the Town.
Motion to approve resolution to authorize the First Selectman to apply for State Grant funding to connect
Old Saybrook Town Hall facilities to the Connecticut State Nutmeg Network.
VII.    COMMENTS FROM THE SELECTMEN- Selectman Gernhardt commented that emotions
           ran high concerning the OSPD boat. His feeling is that he has done right by the Town and that
            is his only interest. He feels this Board of Selectmen works very well together. Selectman
           Giegerich agreed and said there have been disagreements that are talked out. Opposition to
           some items put forward have occurred but the process in doing so is civil.

        Motion to adjourn at 8:30 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Carl P. Fortuna Jr., First Selectman