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Board of Selectmen Meeting 05 13 2014
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
3:30 P.M.
First Floor Conference Room

Present:  First Selectman Carl P. Fortuna Jr., Selectman Scott Giegerich, Selectman Steve Gernhardt,
Town Counsel Michael Cronin, Police Chief Michael Spera, Town Planner Christine Nelson,
Environmental Planner Sandy Prisloe, Attorney Alex Tighe, Daniel Kroeber, P.E. (Milone &
MacBroom), Attorney Londregan, members of the public and press.  
I.     CALL TO ORDERFirst Selectman Fortuna called the meeting to order at 3:30 P.m.
Greg Gondek, Pelton Avenue resident noted that the Saybrook Manor Cove Association has taken
care of the beach area of Bayside Avenue for over 45 years and it is pristine and will continue the
upkeep.  He asks the Town to sell that portion of Bayside to the Saybrook Manor Cove Association
for $1 rather than lease.
Sandy Nordstrom, Middletown Avenue resident, read and submitted to the Board proposed changes
to the lease agreement between Saybrook Manor Cove Association and the Town.
Motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of April 8, 2014.

Motion to approve the minutes of a special meeting of April 17, 2014.
A.  Discussion and possible action on Saybrook Village Senior Housing proposed request to allow
the elderly facility expansion to utilize the drainage system now existing on the Middle School
grounds during extreme rain events.
First Selectman Fortuna introduced Daniel Kroeber, P.E., (Milone & MacBroom) and Attorney Alex
Tighe both representing Saybrook Village Senior Housing.  Attorney Tighe explained the planned
development of 15 additional units across the street from the Middle School and dilemma of a catch
basin in the road that overflows onto Saybrook Village property.  The proposal is to tie that existing
catch basin and the one across the street into the line that already exists under the Middle School
grounds and runs into North Cove.   Mr. Kroeber described the Saybrook Village site, water
drainage flow on Sheffield and an alternate plan to include an on site bio depressed area that the
onsite water infiltrates into ground for 95% of the smaller rain events.  During bigger storm events to
catch overflow, a catch basin is being installed in the shoulder of the road. It is proposed to run 80ft
of pipe to tie into the Middle School line which has been inspected, analyzed for capacity/outfall and
is in good condition to handle the over flow in the event of a 10 - 25 year storm.  This plan has been
reviewed and approved by Town Engineer. The new pipe will basically have water from Town
property/Sheffield Street runoff going through town pipe, except in the event of an extraordinary
event, stopping the current situation where Town water drains onto Saybrook Village property.
Motion to allow the Elderly Housing Corporation  of Old Saybrook to utilize the drainage system
now existing on the Middle School grounds.  This is subject to Board of Education approval at their
June meeting.

B.  Discuss and act on recommendation of Public Works Director Larry Bonin for release of
driveway encroachment bond – Middletown Avenue.
Motion to table the release of the driveway encroachment bond.    

C. Adoption of Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan and act on moving to Town meeting and ratification.
Christine Nelson, Town Planner reported that she worked with the Planning Commission and
assisted  to update the five year Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan mandated by FEMA to address
natural hazards such as coastal storms, hurricanes etc. The  Planning Commission assembled a
committee with guidance from Jeremy DeCarli, RiverCog,  who received a grant from DEEP to
update the plan for all the Town’s in the region.   Christine introduced members present to include:
Chief Spera, Sandy Prisloe and Planning Chairwoman Janis Esty.  As well,  Bob Missel, Chairman
of the committee, gave a background of the Committee going back to 2000 with the many changes
along the way.  A draft has been approved by FEMA and presented to the Board of Selectmen for
consideration for adoption.  First Selectman Fortuna thanked committee members and volunteers
and expressed his appreciation of the hard work that went into updating the plan.  The plan is on the
Town website old
Motion to adopt the updated Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan.

D. Discussion and possible action on an act for renewal of a lease agreement between the Town of
Old Saybrook and Saybrook Manor Beach Association.
Steve Senatro, President of Saybrook Manor Cove Association, was present for discussion on
continuing the lease between the Association and the Town.  Attorney Londregan was introduced
representing the Association.  First Selectman Fortuna noted that the lease agreement expired in
2010.  Attorney Cronin stated that 25 years ago a lease was proposed to the Board of Selectmen
drafted by the Association and referred to the Planning Commission and onto Town Meeting and
approved. However, there is no record of an executed agreement.  The agreement has been
implemented over a long period of time and considered a lease between the Town the Association.  
Several comments were taken from the residents of Saybrook Manor Cove as to the magnitude of
improvements and cost in maintaining the area on Bayside and how that area would have otherwise
eroded away.  First Selectman Fortuna asked Mr. Senatro if the proper person was entering into the
agreement.  The answers, provided by Attorney Londregan and Attorney Cronin is that he is.
 Attorney Cronin stated that the original agreement was modified to present time and is considered a
renewal and that the Association making the decision of incurring the cost of $1,600 annually for
bringing insurance coverage up to date is an internal issue within the Association. Selectman Scott
Giegerich expressed his concern about giving land away and road ending issues and would like to
look at a Memorandum of Understanding and is not in support of the lease today.  Selectman
Gernhardt concerned with why the Town would lease this road ending and not other similar road
endings in Town.  First Selectman Fortuna stated he is inclined to continue the lease.  
First Selectman Fortuna recommended this item be tabled as several concerns still need to be
addressed and more information needed.
Motion to table the lease renewal between the Town and Saybrook Manor Cove Beach Association.

E. Discussion and possible action on a resolution recommending that the Town purchase
approximately 930 acres of real property located within the Towns of Old Saybrook and Westbrook
consisting of a portion of the property known as the Preserve and recommending an appropriation
and bond authorization in the amount of $3,000,000 to finance the purchase.      

First Selectman Fortuna introduced Kate Brown, Trust For Public Land (TPL) who reported that the
State approved a 3.3 million dollar funding package and .3  of that is dedicated to stewardship and
management with a fund set up jointly, managed by the state and town, through a committee with
members appointed by the state & town.  TPL is trying to raise another 250k, some of which is to
provide an endowment for the land trust that will hold the easement. First Selectman Fortuna reported
that the town will eventually propose to swap 28 inaccessible town acres in the middle for 32 state
acres.  Kate stated that the conservation easement does not apply to the Bokum Road house,
keeping it unrestricted to allow the Town that property.
Selectman Giegerich noted concern with cost of maintaining the property.  Christine Nelson replied
the Park & Recreation Commission would be in charge of managing with the Land Trust organizing
improvements and always very successful with volunteers.  Chief Spera noted the P.D. patrols all
open space already.  Selectman Giegerich stated that letters of support have been received from
Economic Development Commission, Planning Commission and Park & Recreation Commission.
Motion to move to the resolution recommending that the Town purchase approximately 930 acres of
real property located within the Towns of Old Saybrook and Westbrook consisting of a portion of the
property known as the Preserve and recommending an appropriation and financial authorization
which may include a bond authorization in the amount of $3,000,000 to finance the purchase.      
  • Appointments
     1.  Sea Level Rise Committee
Motion to appoint Stephen Tagliatela to serve on the Seal Level Rise Committee.

Selectman Giegerich stated that the 3-T (Turf, Track and Tennis) Committee at a recent meeting
agreed the bids will go out after their May 20 meeting and be received by June 11th.  with
groundbreaking close to June 30th.  The Committee is hopeful all projects will be complete
and playable by mid September.

Motion to adjourn at 5:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Georgiann Neri