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Police Building Committee Special Meeting MInutes 09.12.2011

        Old Saybrook Police Services Facility Study/Building Committee
        302 Main Street • Old Saybrook, Connecticut 06475-2384
Telephone (860) 395-3123 • FAX (860) 395-3125
SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES - Monday, September 12, 2011

1.      Call to order
        Chairman Dan Moran called the special meeting of the Police Building Committee to order at 5:42 p.m.

2.      Roll Call
Dan Moran, Chairman
Charles Robertson, Vice Chairman
Bob Finch
David Wight
Raymond Muratori
Andrew Natale
Michael Spera, Chief of Police, Ex-Officio Member
Christina Burnham, Esq. Ex-Officio Member
Ray Giolitto, Architect, Northeast Collaborative Architects
5 members of the public

3.      Set meeting schedule going forward
        Next meeting - Monday, October 3, 2011 – 5:30 p.m. (unless the structural report is not in and then it will be rescheduled)

4.      Update from The Lawrence Associates
The AIA document/contract with The Lawrence Associates has been signed off by the Board of Selectmen. The initial payment of $ 500 will be forwarded to them to this week.
They are ready to being the work.

5.      Draft report to Selectman
        Charles Robertson distributed a draft report for discussion. The Committee was charged with providing a report to the Selectmen within 5 months of April 7, 2011.

Motion - Bob Finch moved to table the submittal of the report to the Selectmen until the structural analysis report has been received and incorporated into the report.  Andy Natale seconded
6-0-0 motion approved unanimously

        A letter will be sent to the Selectmen noting that the charge to the committee called for a report on or about September 7. The Committee is requesting an extension of that report date such that their report can include the test results from the structural analysis to include in the report.

6.      Continue developing building process and core requirements
        Dan Moran stated that David Wight brought up a good point regarding developing the building process at the last meeting and he wanted members that were present today to be involved in the discussion.

Dan Moran asked the question:  Do we subtract from $ 10,000,000 or add to $ 5,500,000 as a method to work toward the charge of building a police building for $ 5,500,000. He then asked
if there was a way to pick an option between 10,000,000 and 5,500,000.

Motion – Dan Moran moved to ask Ray Giolitto to do test borings on the site and to do an investigation (using a camera or other appropriate test method) of the pipes under the existing building, David Wight seconded
6-0-0 motion approved unanimously

Ray Giolitto will check with his consultant and see if the borings can be done fairly quickly (preferably around the time the structural analysis report is due). The estimate for the test borings is approximately $ 2000 a test bore, and they will probably do three test bores. Ray suggested using his consultant and then requesting reimbursement from the Town. He believes this way of handling the costs is covered under his current contract with the town.

Dan Moran believes that the Committee should develop a comfortable core of a building, which then can be added to.

Bob Finch reminded the Committee that their charge was to build the building for  5,500,000

        There was discussion

        Dan Moran suggested putting a book together, including an index,  which would include all information from this committee and would be available for anyone interested/.

7.      Public comment - none
8.      Adjournment

        Motion - Bob Finch moved to adjourn at 6:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Ruth Hockert, Clerk