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Minutes, May 24, 2010 Regular Meeting
Regular Meeting
May 24, 2010

A Regular meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, April 26, 2010 at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:    Chairman Burnham, Vice Chairman Conklin, Secretary Winkler, Commissioners Gallicchio, Sparaco, Metsack and Zemienieski. Chief Spera was also present.  

I.  Call to Order
   Chairman Burnham called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.

II. Minutes
  • April 26, 2010 Regular Meeting – Chairman Burnham asked for discussion or approval of the April 26, 2010 Regular Meeting. After discussion, motion was made by Vice Chairman Conklin to approve the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Commissioner Winkler. Motion Passed by unanimous vote.
III. Comments from the public:
A member of the public expressed concern over the Sheffield Street Improvement.

A member of the public questioned why Selectman Pace was elected to be on the Law Enforcement Fund Oversight Committee. She asked if the original ruling by the attorney General to have one police union member, one police commissioner and one member from the public to serve on the committee had changed. Chairman Burnham explained that the Attorney Generals motion to the Probate Court was for one Police Commissioner, one Police Union Member and one person appointed by the Board of Selectman. The Board of Selectman appointed Selectman Pace to serve on the committee.

A member of the public was concerned over an e-mail he had seen regarding the Police Commission discussing the Sheffield Street Improvement at this Commission meeting, he failed to see the relevance for the Police Commission or why they were involved in it. He is concerned that there is no actual plan and would like to know what budget this would be coming out of. He also expressed concern for safety to pedestrians and the lack of input from neighbors of Sheffield Street.

A member of the public was concerned that a letter stated that utility poles were removed by him from his property. He provided pictures for the Commission of his property prior to his purchasing it and current pictures. Neither picture showed any utility poles. He would like to have this on record.

A member of the public feels the issue on Sheffield Street has become very emotionally charged. He feels parking was there prior to the residents living there and should continue to allow the towns people the public access they are guaranteed. He understands that people would have an issue with having a parking lot placed in front of their residence. He feels it was there prior to the residence being built therefore they built their residence behind a parking lot rather than having one put there. He feels the plan should go to the Planning Commission to address any concerns with parking.

A member of the public feels that not allowing parking on Sheffield is in no way denying the public access to the dock and feels the No Parking signs should stay. He feels the parking at the Middle School is adequate and is only a short walk to the dock.

A member of the public who has a mooring on Sheffield Street is dismayed there would be a no parking plan.

A member of the public is concerned about large boat trailers pulling into his driveway and destroying his landscaping. He feels the road becomes too congested and does not allow traffic to flow safely. He feels there is a safety concern with the parked vehicles blocking the roadway not allowing emergency vehicles to pass if necessary. He feels common sense should prevail on this issue.

A member of the public who lives directly across from the dock feels it is all a part of living on the cove. He has people park on his property on occasion and does not feel it is an issue.

A member of the public stated she does not know how moving parking is shutting down public access. There are safety hazards, trespassing and property damage issues with the parking. She feels it is a quality of life issue not to be able to park in her own driveway because it is blocked. She would like it to be safer for everyone. She stated a newspaper from 1969 discussed the parking issue on Sheffield Street and directed people to park at the High School.

A member of the public stated there has always been parking at the town dock and feels it should stay that way. He does not feel elderly citizens should have to walk from the middle school.

A member of the Harbor Commission stated there is no plan in place; it is just a starting point for discussion. He feels that members of the Harbor Commission, Police Commission, Planning Board and other members should all get together to discuss the issues and create a solution. He feels some good can come out of all of this.

A member of the public feels it is sad that it has come to this. She feels the original owner never had a problem with people accessing the area and she feels it should not be a problem now. She feels it is a seclusion issue.

A member of the public stated that back in the 1960’s parking was all the way up Sheffield Street.

A member of the public stated that a picture that was sent to the Commission was staged to show what it would look like in front of her home if the parking plan was put into place. She has read many Commission minutes and requested the Army Corps of Engineers documents and the issue has been going on prior to the dock being constructed. There was concern over the narrow road and lack of parking. The only parking was at the school and there were numerous complaints from property owners. She never found anything stating that parking was allowed and feels parking just became the norm. She feels the area is not designed for the traffic. The Police Commission added 3 No Parking signs and this has helped but it has not resolved all the parking issues.

IV. Executive Reports
  • Financial:
  • 09-10 Operating Budget: The Chief asked if there were any questions about the 09-10 Operating Budget. Chief Spera reported that the bottom line of the operating budget is in the black and he is confident the year will end in the black. There were no questions.
  • Asset Forfeiture: Chief Spera reported the balance to be $16,292.24, a slight increase since last month due to asset forfeiture money received. .
  • Capital Sinking Fund: Chief Spera reported the balance of $43,104.84. The Chief is still waiting of an invoice from Smith and Wesson to pay for the new weapons.
  • 10-11 Budget:  The budget request has been approved to go to vote at the referendum. The vote is this Wednesday, May 26th from Noon -8pm at the High School. He encouraged all members to vote.

  • The Law Enforcement Fund:
  • Discuss and Act on Appointment of a Police Commissioner to serve on the oversight committee. The Attorney Generals motion was approved by the Probate Court and all funds from the Mac Fund will now be in the Law Enforcement Fund. Money can only be expended with the approval of the appointed committee members. The Attorney General in his report did make clear that the money can be expended on anything the committee approves. Commissioner Gallicchio asked if at the end of two years the Attorney General steps out. Chairman Burnham stated that the Attorney General requires annual reports for three years or until the fund is expended. All money collected now will be placed in the new Law Enforcement Fund. Chairman Burnham nominated Commissioner Gallicchio to be our representative, she feels he has been on the commission a long time and has knowledge making him a good choice. Commissioner Metsack nominated Commissioner Zemienieski for the committee. The decision was put to a vote and Commissioner Gallicchio was appointed to represent the Police Commission.
  • Facility Transition:
There has been an aggressive time line for the move to 6 Custom Drive since the lease was signed. The facility will be used for up to three years. The Chief stated that he is extremely proud of the department personnel. He feels this was an incredible task for the police department to take on and they have done an amazing job. They have been directly involved with the move and they are doing this to save the town money. They have built the walls, painted and installed flooring. The painting alone has saved to town $23,000.The department knows the town is in a bind and this is a tough economic time for this to happen. The department has been working out of the parking lot since the flooding. They have put all issues aside to work together and complete the move. The goal from day one has been to get out of the unsafe and unhealthy building and they have worked tirelessly to make this happen. The Chief is hopeful that by June 8th the move will be complete and the department will be open for the public at the new location. The landlords, the Grass family have been phenomenal, they are leasing the 20,000 square foot building for $3000 a month and they have donated $42,000 to make improvements. They cleaned the building, installed new exterior walls and put on a new roof. The town will relieve the municipal tax liability of $6,900. After the third year the lease goes to $4000 a month. Some concerns with the building are inadequate factory heating, no insulation on the roof, and no air conditioning the building. The department members know this is a temporary location and will make the best of it. There will be overtime and adjustments to the shifts to cover the entire town as this is not a central location. Communications testing will be completed after the move is final. A press release will advise the public of the move and give directions to the new location. Directions will also be available at 225 Main Street to ensure people can find us if they need us. The 225 Main Street address needs to be prepared for our departure as well. Utilities will be re routed to the communications building in the back to ensure that communications for the town is not interrupted. They will be eliminating any need for power at 225 Main Street. The Chief reported there was a serious injury to an electrician working at the facility. He received serious burns from a flash fire at the facility. CL&P estimated the heat of the flash at 1900 degrees and he suffered serious burns to his face, hands and shoulder. He will be discharged from the Bridgeport Burn Unit tomorrow and will be convalescing at home. Chairman Burnham pointed out that even if the flood never happened the department and communications would have had to move eventually for the building to be renovated and or rebuilt. This merely moved the time line up. Chairman Burnham stated that the Commissioners appreciate all the department has done and the understanding they have shown with the new location not being an improvement but a necessity. Vice Chairman Conklin pointed out what an amazing job everyone has done and the Commission recognizes all the members who have done all this work to make it happen so fast. He feels this should be recognized in some permanent way at the new facility when it is completed.

V. Field Operations Report
  • Professional Development Activities
1.      Patrolman trainee Status: The three graduates are still completing their field training and are doing well. Sergeant Roche has been spearheading the training and they are being watched closely to ensure the investment the town has made is a good, long lasting investment. Field training will be complete mid June to the end of June and they should be out on their own after that. Recruit Mackin is doing very well in the academy and is eager to get back.

  • Uniform Committee Progress Report
1.      Class A Uniforms/Uniform Regulations:  The department is still looking into the Class A uniforms and the Chief is hopeful that the new Law Enforcement Fund can be used to help pay for the new Class A uniforms. The Chief is hoping to heal any wounds the investigation into the fund may have caused by giving a little back to each of the members while showing pride and awareness for the department. The uniform committee will reconvene after the move is completed.

  • Activity Report
  • April 23, 2010 – May 20, 2010:  The Commissioners reviewed the activity report they received in their packets, there were no questions. The Chief noted that the department is busier than ever. When the economy goes down the crime goes up and that is reflected in the activity level. There have been more daytime DWI arrests, more domestics and more weapon violations. It is very important for personnel to have the mindset that any call has the potential to have a weapon involved. The department not only polices the citizens of Old Saybrook but anyone who works here, shops here, visits here or drives through town.
VI. Support Operations – Reports
  • Emergency Communications Division:
  • New System Status: The new communication system is progressing rapidly to the end. There is still an issue with the AVL system and the Chief has asked Motorola to change some of the technology they are using. They are doing this at their cost to see if it will give better results. They are in the process of ordering more equipment to do this. The final audits on the system still need to be done and the Chief is delaying them until after the move is complete. This way Motorola technicians do all of the coverage testing with the equipment in place at the temporary facility rather than the town has to pay them to come out after the relocation is complete. The $246,807 federal grant the Chief applied for has been used to assist with this expense.
  • Legal Traffic Authority Business:
Chairman Burnham received a letter requesting a No Outlet sign for the bridge on Nehantic Trail. She asks for this item to be added as # 3 under Legal Traffic Authority Business. Vice Chairman Conklin made a motion to add this to the agenda under Legal Traffic Authority Business Item # #. Commissioner Winkler seconded the motion. Vote passed by unanimous vote.

  • Sheffield Street Improvement: There is no plan in effect at this time to make any changes to the Sheffield Street parking. Larry Bonin the public works director did a preliminary evaluation and nothing more. Chairman Burnham feels that safety is the number one concern, it is a narrow street and people need to be able to get up and down it safely. Pedestrians and bicyclists need to be safe as well as emergency vehicles having access when necessary. There is a legitimate concern of people accessing the dock; people need to be able to access the area as it is a public facility in the town. There is also a legitimate concern for people who live there being able to get in and out of their own drive ways. The Chief stated he cannot endorse any plan until it has been aired out to everyone it affects. This includes the residents of Sheffield Street, people who own moorings, and the people of the town of Old Saybrook who wish to access the town dock. As the legal traffic authority the number one concern is with safety, if improvements are going to be made the Chief needs to conform to certain state statutes and state standards such as handicap parking, pedestrian access, cross walks, speed limit, parking signs, and roadway width to be able to get emergency vehicles into certain areas. There is no plan yet to review and give a recommendation on. Normally projects this big in town are referred to the town planner who then brings it to the planning commission because it requires a public hearing to allow for public input. The traffic authority gets to comment on anything being reviewed by the planning commission and decide on the traffic safety issues that must go on the plan. The Chief feels this need to be taken back a notch. There is a lot of work that needs to be done and a lot of issues that need to be addressed. One of the issues is money, there is no money in the 2010-2011 budget for such a large project therefore it is not going to happen in the next few months. The town and community need to have a discussion with the town planner, the harbor management and residents of Sheffield Street as well as people who recreate there. He feels there is common ground that can be reached. The Chiefs recommendation is to have the issue explored by the proper people and the traffic authority will provide input at the proper times. He recommends having the matter forwarded to the town planner and having a commissioner work with the town planner on the issue. Chairman Burnham appointed Commissioner Metsack to this position and he agreed to take this on. Chairman Burnham asked how many legal parking spaces are down there and how many people can have parking stickers. She was advised there is very limited parking and any town resident can acquire a parking sticker. She feels since there is no way to accommodate all the people who can have a sticker people need to use common sense. Commissioner Metsack feels that there should be signage advising there are no large boat trailers allowed past the Saltus Drive stop sign to help alleviate the issue with large trailers damaging property. He also suggested putting up small barriers to prevent property damage. The Chief feels everything should stay status quo for this year. Commissioner Zemienieski asked if there are a lot of issues down there now. The Chief advised there are not. Commissioner Zemienieski asked if parallel parking is an option. The Chief stated that there is not a lot of parallel parking in town and he feels this will cause additional problems as the towns people are not used to doing it. His concern is there will be many more parking lot style accidents if this was done. The planning commission needs to be advised that there is a municipal facility at the end of Sheffield Street and they need to come up with a plan for parking that will protect the property of the residents as well. They need to figure out what needs to happen and what can actually happen because of budget restraints. Commissioner Zemienieski asked if the commission needs to tell the planning commission that parking is needed. The Chief feels the commission can ask them to address issues concerning traffic safety such as vehicle access, parking, and pedestrian access. He feels this will encourage them to look at the parking situation. The Chief feels things should remain the same as last year and address issues as they arise. Commissioner Zemienieski made a motion to leave the parking as it is and forward this to the planning commission with a strong recommendation that they act on it as soon as possible and act upon their recommendation. Seconded by Vice Chairman Conklin. All in favor.
  • Custom Drive: The Chief advised there is a parking issue on Custom Drive causing a hazard for officers responding out of the department parking lot. The Chief feels there needs to be more No Parking signs placed along both sides of Custom Drive. The Chief advised Larry Bonin the road needs to be restriped and large pot holes need to be filled in. Chairman Burnham asked where people are supposed to park if No Parking signs are put up along the road since the DMV parking lot is so small. The Chief advised that DMV needs to look at their parking situation as they have parking spaces that they do not allow customers to use. The Chief recommended removing the No Parking signs from the cull de sac and place them along the road instead. People park in the circle now even with the signs in place. Vice Chairman Conklin made a motion to remove the No Parking signs from the cull de sac and place No Parking signs along both sides of Custom Drive, Seconded by Commissioner Sparaco. All in favor.
  • Nehantic Trail: After discussion a motion was made by Commissioner Sparaco to install a “No Outlet” sign prior to the bridge on Nehantic Trail to notify drivers that Shetucket Trail is a dead end road. Seconded by Vice Chairman Conklin. All in favor.
  • Correspondence:
No Comments.

  • Police Facility Study / Building Committee:
Chairman Conklin advised they had six long meetings with different architectural firms and have narrowed this down to three. They will be having follow up meetings with these firms on June 10th. From that they will make their choice of who to recommend to the selectman. They have been calling references and talking with police departments that these firms have worked on. They will have a recommendation following these meetings on who they will move forward with. Chairman Burnham stated she spoke with First Selectman Pace and he has been looking into bonding and interest rates and is happy to say that right now the short term financing is at an all time low rate. He is thinking this is a good time for the town to be looking into this as the finance rates are so low and this will benefit the town.

  • Comments from the Public:
A member of the public asked when the new recruits will be finished with their field training. The Chief advised that it will be towards the end of June.

A member of the public asked if there are no parking stickers available for the town dock at this time why are people parking on Sheffield Street without them. He was at the Selectman’s meeting and the question was where the money is going to come from to address the issues on Sheffield Street. He feels it is a good idea that it is forwarded to the planning commission but feels nothing can be done about it until money is found to do it.

A member of the public suggested the Chief speak with the state about possibly putting a stop sign on the corner of Route 166 prior to Custom Drive to help with the sight line problem there and the fact that cars travel at such a high rate of speed around that corner.

A member of the public thanked the Chief for his comments because the process he outlined is exactly the one that the Harbor Commission expected to take involving all of the involved parties and town commissions. He feels this has taken on a life of its own and got well beyond anyone intended without all the proper people being involved.

A member of the public requested the cross walk on Ferry Road be restriped and possible add signage there advising drivers of the crosswalk. The Chief advised he will add this to next month’s agenda.

A member of the public would like to have put into consideration that there are a number of permits possible and perhaps the commission can give serious consideration to putting handicap parking on Sheffield Street allowing the least capable people accessibility. The able bodied people can park at the Middle School.

A member of the public stated that there is no speed limit sign posted as you come from Main Street and people drive excessively fast down the roads; she asked that signs be put in place to help alleviate the problem.

A member of the public thanked the Chief and Commission for sorting through the issue and coming up with a reasonable solution.

A member of the public stated that Harbor Management has thought of putting up signs for no trailers but cautions that it is required that people with moorings remove their boats every fall. He would ask that trailers be allowed in the spring to place boats in the water and again in the fall to remove them.

A member of the public asked that the Commission really get behind the Facilities Committee and see to it that the building of the new police department facility gets going as quickly as possible, He feels three years seems like an awfully long time to be suffering with no air conditioning and poor heating as well as having the department at the furthest location for response time to issues in town.

  • Comments and/or Concerns from Commissioners:
Commissioner Gallicchio asked if the town has heard from FEMA or the insurance company about any settlement money. The Chief advised that FEMA was in town today but he has not heard anything yet. The Chief is hoping to have settlement numbers by the middle of June.

Commissioner Winkler asked when the roads in town will be striped as they are badly in need of it. The Chief advised that Larry Bonin normally does this and he is not sure if there is a certain time of the year that it is done.

  • Adjournment:
Motion made by Commissioner Gallicchio to adjourn the meeting at 9:35pm. Seconded by Vice Chairman Conklin. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

                                                                Jeanmarie Harvey
                                                                Records Specialist

     These Minutes are subject to approval at
     the next regular Police Commission meeting.