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Minutes April 26, 2010 Regular Meeting

Regular Meeting
April 26, 2010

A Regular meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, April 26, 2010 at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:    Chairman Burnham, Vice Chairman Conklin, Secretary Winkler, Commissioners Gallicchio, Sparaco, and Metsack. Chief Spera was also present.  ABSENT: Commissioner Zemienieski

I.  Call to Order
   Chairman Burnham called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

II. Minutes
  • March 22, 2010 Regular Meeting – Chairman Burnham asked for discussion or approval of the March 22, 2010 Regular Meeting. After discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Winkler to approve the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Commissioner Sparaco. Motion Passed by unanimous vote.
  • April 16, 2010 Emergency Meeting – Chairman Burnham asked for discussion or approval of the April 16, 2010 Emergency Meeting. After discussion, motion was made by Vice Chairman Conklin to approve the minutes as presented. Motion seconded by Commissioner Gallicchio. Motion Passed by unanimous vote with Chairman Burnham abstaining as she was unable to attend the meeting.
III. Comments from the public:
No Comments

IV. Executive Reports
  • Financial:
  • 09-10 Operating Budget: The Chief asked if there were any questions about the 09-10 Operating Budget. He stated that the budget is 71% expended and he feels confident the department will end the year in the black. There were no questions.
  • Asset Forfeiture: Chief Spera reported the balance to be $16,176.12.
  • Capital Sinking Fund: Chief Spera reported the balance of $43,104.84.
  • 10-11 Budget:  Chief Spera reminded the commissioners that there is a public hearing on the town budget at the High School tomorrow evening at 7:30 pm and he encouraged everyone to attend. Chairman Burnham advised that at the last Board of Finance meeting they had to vote on sending the budget to public hearing, they voted 5-2 in favor of the budget as amended by the first selectman. The first selectman added funds to the budget in anticipation of expenses due to the flood damage and legal settlements that they are aware will be happening. The budget was increased by $130,000. Chairman Burnham advised that the Board of Finance has not recommended a budget for the town to vote on they have just agreed to forward the budget to the public hearing. After the public hearing they will meet and decide on what they will approve for the town to vote on. The two people who voted against the budget were asked what their objection was to determine if they could rectify the problem and think about adjusting the budget. One member was not specific; the other member specifically said he would like to reduce the police force by one officer. Commissioner Metsack asked if they gave any reason for this and Chairman Burnham advised that he did not. Chief Spera expressed that he is opposed to any reduction in staff and he feels this would pose a threat to the safety and security of the town’s people. Chief Spera explained that we are still one officer less than before the lay offs and we are still under staffed. Even with the hiring of the new officers, including the one at the academy we are still one less than we were before we laid off officers. He hopes that they will be mindful that the last time there were lay offs it cost the town almost five times as much as they felt they were going to save. Vice Chairman Conklin expressed that the department has only hired after retirements and promotions. The Chief advised that the budget only went up 34,100 from last year and that is not the cost of hiring an officer it is to cover salary increased due to contractual agreements. The Chief has been working with the State of Connecticut Department of Public Health to take on additional communications responsibilities that will bring in an additional 25,000 in revenue to off set the increase. Expenses and supplies did not increase and the budget went down in some categories, the Chief feels it is a responsible budget. Chairman Burnham feels that the Commission needs to make it clear at these hearings that the department did not just add staff; the department has cut management positions and eliminated a civilian position allowing the addition of patrolman.
V. Field Operations Report
  • Professional Development Activities
  • Patrolman trainee Status: The new patrolman are on their second two week training period. There are three primary training officers; Patrolman DeMarco is handling the day shift, Patrolman Bergantino is handling the evening shift and Patrolman Smith is handling the midnight shift. Detective Perrotti is assisting as well as any Patrol Sergeant who has completed FTO training. They spend the first day with each new patrolman at the beginning of their two week block  and then again on the last day to see how they have improved. Sergeant Roche who supervises the field training program will be meeting with all of the FTO’s to see what needs to be addressed for the next training period. They have to put in 400 hours of field training before they are considered to go on the road alone.  
  • Training: Patrolman DeMarco successfully trained all the members of the department on the new weapon. All the officers went through one day of classroom instruction and two 6-7 hour shooting sessions at the Connecticut Police Academy at their outdoor range. All members are thrilled with their new weapon and with the instruction they were given and the amount of time dedicated to firearms training. Vice Chairman Conklin stated that Patrolman DeMarco did a great job with this training. Patrolman Mulvihill completed his recertification class and Patrol Sergeant Roche attended a Policy Development workshop held by Roger Williams University. Sergeant Roche will be helping the Chief to develop the policies over the next few months.
  • New Recruit: Patrolman Trainee Mackin is at the academy and is doing well. The Chief advised that the Commission allowing a transition/orientation period for the new recruit worked out extremely well. He was able to participate in the new patrolman orientation and he was able to go through the policy and procedures and have them explained to him prior to attending the academy. He was able to participate in the department’s firearms transition and receive hands on training. He was very helpful to the department during the flood as well.
  • Uniform Committee Progress Report
  • Class A Uniforms/Uniform Regulations:  The department is still looking into the Class A uniforms.
  • Best Dressed Police Department 2009: The Chief thanked those that were able to attend the award ceremony. This was a national award and they are honored to receive it. The department will be featured in Law and Order magazine in the future and the Chief will get copies for all of the Commissioners.

  • Activity Report
  • March 18, 2010 – April 22, 2010:  The Commissioners reviewed the activity report they received in their packets. The Chief advised there was a federal search and seizure warrant executed this past week involving Health and Human Services, the FBI, and the Office of the Inspector General for Veterans Affairs at a local business in town. This will be included in the activity report for next month.
  • Traffic Safety
Golf Cart Registration Program/Fee Schedule: The Chief reported that last year we issued about 400 plates. The proposed changes for this year are to move the dates from the upper part of the plate and move them to the bottom as well as changing the font to red to distinguish this year’s plate from last years. Last year’s registration fees were $25 for the first registration, $20 for the second and $15 for the third. The Chief proposes that we keep the same fee schedule and add a vanity plate program for $45. He proposes that the vanity plates can be 6 numbers and/or letters and will follow the exact guidelines that the Department of Motor Vehicle uses for issuing vanity plates. The Chief is going to do a majority of this by mail advising people it is time to register their golf carts again and offering them a choice to keep the same plate number from last year or apply for a vanity plate. Vice Chairman asked if the mailing will be costly. The Chief advised that it could be but feels it in necessary due to the relocation of the department. The Chief plans on doing beach association Registration Events like last year as well as having media coverage again this year. Commissioner Metsack asked if we are the only town doing this. The Chief advised that he was contacted by so many departments last year inquiring about our program that he had to put together a packet to send to other departments, selectman and mayors outlining how our program worked, what the registration and plates look like and where they were printed. Some towns do not allow golf carts at all but the Chief feels it is a quality of life issue for some people and since it has been regulated there have been no problems. Vice Chairman Conklin made a motion to approve the fee schedule for regular plates to be $25 for the first cart, $20 for the second and $15 for the third and if someone so chooses a vanity plate would be $45 following the guidelines of the DMV to not allow for any non-descript plates. Motion seconded by Commissioner Sparaco. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

VI. Support Operations – Reports
  • Emergency Communications Division
  • New System Status: The Chief is trying to delay the coverage testing on the system due to the possible relocation of the department; he would like to have the system check take place after the equipment is moved rather than before. Following the coverage testing the consultant will come back and audit the system to be sure that Motorola used the equipment they stated they used. The committee has already begun to do this and have found issues that need to be discussed with Motorola. One of the issues is the AVL system; there is difficulty with the technology that Motorola has chosen to use for this. The backbone of the system works very well; it is all the extras the town purchased that need to be worked on.
  • Correspondence: Chairman Burnham reported that she received a letter today from Commissioner Metsack   regarding the parking at the end of Sheffield Street. She will make copies for the other Commissioners. She suggested that this be added to next months agenda for further discussion. Chairman Burnham also pointed out that the commission received a letter from the first selectman commending the town departments for the outstanding job that was done during the flooding that occurred in town. Chief Spera wanted the Commission to be aware that Patrolman Ziolkovski and Sergeant Rankin responded to a call of an elderly male who fell down a flight of stairs and was unconscious and not breathing with a severe head wound. After 15 minutes of CPR and great first aid work they were able to get a pulse back with artificial ventilation. He is now off the ventilator in a private room at the hospital and is expected to make complete recovery.  
  • Police Facility Study / Building Committee: Chairman Conklin reported that they had a meeting on April 16, 2010 to discuss relocating the facility. He thanked the Commissioners for attending the meeting following the Commission meeting the same night. The committee has scheduled interviews with six of the companies that responded to the RFQ. A sub committee consisting of the Chief, Julie Pendleton, Dan Moran and Derrick Kennedy looked over all the proposals and came up with the list of people to be interviewed on May 5, 2010. At the interviews the committee will get backgrounds on the companies and narrow it down to one or two groups to come back and have a lengthy discussion about the building and what can be done on the sight as well as discuss what has happened to the building recently and what they would do to prevent that from happening. All members feel the relocation of the department is necessary. The chief wants to express that there is no intent for the relocation to speed up the police department building. He stated that all proper steps, public involvement and transparency will be done. Relocation efforts are in the final stages and they are working out the details of the lease agreement for the proposed facility. The landlord has begun work on the building in anticipation. Twelve divisions of AT&T will be here tomorrow going over how to relocate the system with the same numbers and keep 911 running smoothly while working from both locations. To keep costs down they were able to get lighting and furniture from a company that is going out of business at a large discount. The department is still working with the insurance company on reimbursement. We need to finalize what the actual relocation cost will be before the insurance company can let us know how much relocation, content and facility damage money they will give us. The Chief was informed that Middlesex County has received the presidential declaration and that will mean money will be available to us for possible relocation funds and possible mitigation funding for a new facility. The Chief will work on getting these grants to assist with expenses. Old Saybrook is hosting the only meeting for Middlesex County towns on May 4, 2010 for chief elected officials and emergency management directors to come and learn about the FEMA process and how to apply for money. Chairman Burnham asked if the original time line for the committee will still work as it was a very tight time line to begin with. Chairman Conklin stated that they are still trying to remain on target, some of their charge has been altered based on reports they received at the last meeting they are now looking at getting a new facility that is up to date rather than attempting to renovate the existing building. The Health department and Mystic Air Quality have both stated that the building is unsafe. Commissioner Sparaco stated that the department will be remaining on Main Street; he feels the public is concerned with the relocation that the department may be moving to a new location permanently. Chairman Conklin stated that the building will be on Main Street. There will be open houses and the public will be kept up to date on where the committee is at and the committee will make sure the public is comfortable with it.
  • Comments from the Public: Grant Westerson suggested adding one more digit to the proposed vanity plate and having it seven digits like other state vanity plates so people can get more creative. Chief Spera advised that he looked into that but feels the numbers/letters would be too hard to read due to the size of the plate.
  • Comments and/or Concerns from Commissioners: Chairman Burnham reminded the Commissioners that the Attorney General has scheduled a hearing with the probate court on April 29, 2010. Judge Goodnow will rule on the Attorney Generals motion. The motion is to take all money from the Mac Fund and put it into one bank account with the name Law Enforcement Fund. This fund will be overseen by a three member board consisting of one member of the Police Commission, one member of the public appointed by the selectmen and one member from the police union. The Attorney General has been clear that the funds can be expended completely on whatever the board approves, there are no restrictions. Commissioner Sparaco asked if the Attorney General will be signing off on the fund after a two year period. Chairman Burnham believes the motion says there will be at least three audits of the fund on an annual basis and after four years the Attorney General will no longer be involved if there are any funds remaining at that time. Commissioner Gallicchio asked what happens if a donation is received now, where does the money go. Chairman Burnham explained that the Mac Fund is a closed fund and nothing will be added to it. Any current donations will be going into the new fund that will be set up through the treasurer’s office and will be audited every year by the town’s auditors. At this time any donations are going into an exchange account with the town and it is labeled Old Saybrook Police Fund and there is currently $245 in the fund, nothing will be withdrawn from that account until the Commission sets up the new fund.
Commissioner Gallicchio asked if the department is still doing anything with accreditation. Chief Spera stated that they are and will be taking a fresh look at it with Sergeant Roche who is going to be going to accreditation school. The Chiefs intent is to have less policies and more operational guidelines. Right now there are a lot of policies that govern day to day activities of police officers that can change at roll call and the policies now do not allow flexibility. The Chief would like to do it all at once and come out with a fresh new book for the Commission to approve. Once it is approved he will hold a workshop with the personnel to instruct them on the new guidelines and regulations. Commissioner Metsack feels that the department should be able to update policies without issue and keep the policies up to date.

  • Adjournment:
Motion made by Vice Chairman Conklin to adjourn the meeting at 8:25pm. Second by Commissioner Gallicchio. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

                                                                Jeanmarie Harvey
                                                                Records Specialist

     These Minutes are subject to approval at
     the next regular Police Commission meeting.