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Minutes, January 25, 2010 Special Meeting
Special Meeting
January 25, 2010

A special meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, January 25, 2010 at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:    Chairman Burnham, Vice Chairman Conklin, Secretary Winkler, Commissioners Gallicchio, Sparaco, Metsack and Zemienieski. Chief Spera was also present.

I.  Call to Order
Chairman Burnham called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

II. Minutes
  • November 30, 2009 Special Meeting – Chairman Burnham asked for discussion or approval of the November 30, 2009 Special Meeting. After discussion, motion was made by Vice Chairman Conklin to approve the minutes with the following correction: Page 6, Item Number 2, Mikes Deli, 4th line, change “restraint” to “restaurant”. Motion seconded by Commissioner Zemienieski. Motion Passed by unanimous vote.
  • December 21, 2009 Special Meeting – Chairman Burnham asked for discussion or approval of the December 21, 2009 Special Meeting. After discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Winkler to approve the minutes with the following correction: Page 1, Item Number II, Executive Session, 2nd paragraph, 1st line, change “6:15” to “6:45”. Motion seconded by Vice Chairman Conklin. Motion Passed by unanimous vote.
  • January 12, 2010 Special Meeting - Chairman Burnham asked for discussion or approval of the January 12, 2010 Special Meeting. After discussion, motion was made by Commissioner Gallicchio to approve the minutes with the following correction: Page 2, Item Number 4, 2009-2010 Vehicle Purchase, last line, change “emplaned” to “explained”. Motion seconded by Vice Chairman Conklin. Motion Passed by unanimous vote.
III. Comments from the public:
No comments were offered.

IV. Executive Reports
  • Financial:
  • 09-10 Operating Budget: Chief Spera pointed out that the Selection and Recruitment line item was in the red because of the recent hiring processes for patrolmen and dispatchers. He reminded the commission that when preparing the 2009-2010 operating budget there were no plans for any retirements during the fiscal year. The Chief explained that this line item will continue to go in the red as the hiring process for the new patrolman position and part time dispatcher positions continue. He advised that he will be mindful of the other categories so that the entire Expenses and Supplies category remains in the black. Commissioner Gallicchio asked about the gasoline line item being 97% encumbered. The Chief reminded the commissioners that we have pre-paid for our gasoline and the remaining balance is available if we need additional fuel. Chairman Burnham stated the overall budget is 54% expended and asked if the Chief felt comfortable that we would end the year in the black, the Chief advised her that he is.
  • Asset Forfeiture: Chief Spera reported the balance to be $16,176.12.  He noted there was an increase of $630.02 from money awarded to us through the asset forfeiture process in court dealing with narcotics arrests.
  • Capital Sinking Fund: Chief Spera reported the balance of $43,104.84. He noted this is a slight reduction because we still had money in the Capital Sinking Fund to pay for bullet proof vests that we had not used yet. This was used to pay for soft body armor and tactical vests for the recruits in the academy.
  • 10-11 Budget:  The Chief reports no changes in the budget at this time. The Board of Finance has not officially received the budget from the Board of Selectmen. There has been no indication on when they will be meeting with the selectmen. The Board of Finance reiterated their concern about the budget again this year and are hopeful budget requests will remain with low increases. All Board of Finance Members have a copy of our 2010-2011 budget proposal but cannot act on it until it is presented to them by the Board of Selectmen. The Chief is hopeful that because our budget book is so detailed they will take the time to read it as it answers many of the questions that have been asked in the past.  The Chief added that he is willing to make budget presentations to both the Board of Finance, and Board of Selectmen if necessary.  
  • Revenues: The Chief reported that after attending many public meetings and hearings concerning the Town’s budget over the past year, that there seems to be a focus on the topic of revenues. He stated that he would like to have a discussion with the police commission about revenues so all can be familiar with the subject.
The Chief stated that he feels that as a public safety service agency we should not be a revenue generating agency and therefore do not bring in a lot of money for law enforcement services rendered. True revenues are used to offset an operating budget. The Police Department only has three true sources of revenue; Parking Tickets, Insurance/Report Fees, and Pistol Permit Fees. The revenue on these is minimal. During the 2008/2009 fiscal year, Parking Ticket Fines collected totaled $2045.25, with $1025.00 being collected to date this fiscal year. These revenues are deposited into the General Fund.  The department is reviewing our parking ticket program and may be increasing the fines; this may bring in more revenue but not enough to offset the department’s operating budget. Insurance Report Fees and Pistol Permit Fees totaled $2769.25 last fiscal year and have yielded $748.50 to date this fiscal year. These totals are on the high side based on history, as the department has seen an increase in pistol permit applications since the last presidential inauguration. The amount of pistol permits issued has more than quadrupled in the last year.   
The Chief stated that discussions about whether or not we should be charging for services could take place; however he feels strongly that as a public safety service agency we should provide traditional services to the public free of charge. The Chief reminded the Commission that grants or traffic safety money is not true revenue because it does not offset our operating budget, rather these funds enhance operations or equipment.   Often the department is not eligible for a grant if we are using it to supplant approved or applied for municipal funding. Commissioner Sparaco asked if we generate any revenue from the state for the traffic tickets we issue. The Chief explained that yes we do and that money goes into the traffic safety account which is used to enhance traffic safety initiatives such as concentrated, proactive motor vehicle enforcement. Commissioner Zemienieski asked if there has been thought about assigning officers to state or federal taskforces to reap financial assistance from those programs.  The Chief explained that due to the small size of our department, being down an officer for an extended period of time puts a huge strain on our scheduling and therefore is not practical and would cause an operational issue. Chairman Burnham asked where the money from the Golf Cart Registration goes. Chief Spera advised her it goes to the Traffic Safety Fund, which last year paid for itself. It paid for the staff to run the registration program and the materials needed. This year we should see a higher return which means the money brought in can actually be used for traffic safety initiatives as originally planned. Commissioner Gallicchio asked if the town ever does the background checks for the pistol permits. The Chief explained that we do the fingerprinting and application review and that is what we charge for, the background check is done by the state.
The Chief stated that if there was much desire for the Department to increase revenues there are programs that could be explored such as creating an alarm ordinance where people have to register their home burglar alarm for an annual fee. The Chief feels as economic times get tougher and things get harder on government, that government should not make it harder on the citizens. He does not feel now is the right time to charge people who choose to have an alarm in their house. Chairman Burnham agreed that the police department should not be a revenue producing agency, as it is not our mission. She would hate for someone to hesitate to call for help because they were afraid they were going to get a bill for the services. The Chief agrees but felt that people asking about revenue deserve answers and that is why we are having the discussion tonight.

  • 2009-2010 Vehicle Purchase
  • Discuss and Act on the purchase of a New Ford Expedition: Slightly after 3:00pm today the Motor Vehicle Bid was opened. The Chief passed around the bids received for the Commissioners to review along with a memo from Lieutenant McDonald and Sergeant van der Horst giving their recommendation on which bid met our specifications. Commissioner Sparaco commented on the tire installation expense for the vehicles and spoke with the Chief recently about possibly changing the procedure to save on the expense. He felt that since Goodyear has the lowest state bid on tires we could look into having Goodyear in New London who supply us with our tires possibly do the installation at a reduced price. He felt that the Saybrook Ford bid that includes tires for life was a deal hard to pass up considering the amount of tires our vehicles go through in their lifetime. Vice Chairman Conklin also commented on the value that we get from Saybrook Ford that is not necessarily in print, including vehicle maintenance turnaround time and that it really makes sense to select a vendor who stands behind us. Commissioner Gallicchio asked who determines if we need tires, us or Saybrook Ford? Commissioner Sparaco stated that Saybrook Ford replaces them when they feel they are unsafe. The Chief reminded the commissioners that we no longer plug tires, if the tire has an issue it gets replaced. If we do something to cause the tire to have an issue they obviously will not replace it but regular wear will be covered by the program. Commissioner Burnham asked why some of the bids say that tires for life are not available on police vehicles yet Saybrook Fords bid included tires for life. The Chief explained that Saybrook Ford has their own tire for life program and it is not a Ford program.  The navigation unit (AVL) is not available in any of the bids. Commissioner Sparaco noticed that one of the bids stated they would paint the two tones in their shop and was wondering if that was true of all the bids. Chief Spera explained that a vendor like Saybrook Ford that does not have a body shop, contract the painting out, but it is included in the bid price. Currently Ford Motor Company requires a minimum order of five police vehicles to get them in two tone colors but they are looking to change that due to the fact that the national trend is for agencies to order black and white cruisers. Chairman Burnham asked if the Saybrook Ford bid came with the auxiliary battery and paint. Chief Spera advised that it did and it met all of our specifications with the acception of the AVL unit that none of the bids included. Chairman Burnham asked if the bid from Motors Fleet out of New Jersey which does not include tires for life included the auxiliary battery. The Chief advised that they could not find documentation of that in the bid but the cover letter alluded to it. He is concerned that the price difference with them is almost the exact amount of the battery and is wondering if they missed the battery in their pricing. Vice Chairman Conklin made a Motion to accept the bid from Saybrook Ford as recommended, seconded by Commissioner Zemienieski. Motion passed by unanimous vote. Chief Spera thanked Lieutenant McDonald and Sergeant van der Horst for reviewing the bid responses for him. Chairman Burnham asked what the time line for getting the vehicle would be. Chief Spera advised that they will place the order tomorrow and he will see what they tell him and update the commission as soon as he knows.
  • Patrolman Hiring Process - Chief Spera reported 321 people passed the written exam, out of this 135 responded to take the agility test. We held four separate agility tests, two this past Saturday at 9am and 1 pm and the previous Saturday at 9am and 1 pm. 90 people took the test and only 53 passed. The next step will be several days of oral boards with the sergeants and then polygraphs and background investigations.  The Chief’s goal is to have candidates for the Commissioners to interview at the March 22, 2010 Regular Meeting. After that they will be appointed to the academy for April 16, 2010. We have a confirmed seat in that class.
  • Patrol Sergeant Promotion Process
  • Discuss and Act on Authorizing the Chief of Police to establish a promotional process for the position of Patrol Sergeant: The Chief reminded the commission that we have a policy that says we have to maintain an active promotional list. We have promoted five officers from the current patrol sergeant list, which expires on June 23, 2010. The Chief feels we should do another process now to give the officers enough time to study for the written exam. One of the things we did last time after we went with the independent company Standards and Associates for the written exam was to do a survey of the personnel who took the exam. The only constructive criticism received was that some of the officers felt that the time they were given (3 ½ - 4 months) was not enough time to study for the exam. The Chief spoke with the company today and they always recommend a minimum of 30 days and at the high end 120 days to prepare for the exam. The Chief is willing to go beyond the 120 day time frame as preparing for a promotional exam is a good professional development opportunity. He is hoping to give the exam in June and have the oral boards in the fall and then finalize the list. The Chief began the discussion about the promotional process. The accepted process with our bargaining unit and the one we used last time is a written examination, a technical oral board examination, a police commission interview and then the creation of the list. There has been discussion in the past as to whether or not we want to enhance that, adding an agility component.  If the Commission desired to alter the process they would have to bargain with the COPS Union. This would require us to hire our attorney to talk to the union and negotiate back and forth before the process can be posted.   The Chief stated that if the commission feels strongly enough about changing the process, it is something we can look into doing. The other option is to stay with the process we have now that has resulted in five phenomenal individuals being promoted to Patrol Sergeant. The Chief stated that the first question for the commission is what should the process be? Chairman Burnham commented that in creating this list there is no guarantee that during the year or two years that the list is active that we will have a vacancy, but it is our policy to keep a current list. The Chief stated that this is correct. Chairman Burnham believes we changed the process last time to use the independent testing and it was very well controlled and secure. She questioned how different the test will be if we went with the same company two years later. The Chief asked that question when he spoke with the company and there have been some minor changes in the reading list due to newer editions of books being released so there has been minor changes to the questions. There is a bank of questions used by the company so in theory it could be the same test but he feels that it would be impossible for someone who took the test two years ago to memorize the test. Commissioner Zemienieski asked if the company tailors the test to include department policy and procedure. The Chief stated that we specifically asked that they not do that because our current policy and procedures have some conflicts and he feels it would be unfair to use.  He reminded the Commission that he has a plan to address that problem. The Chief did state that the technical oral boards are based on any new policy/procedures that meet accredidation standards and have been recently approved by the Commission. Commissioner Zemienieski asked if any of the officer’s seniority or evaluations play a part in the grading of the promotional process. The Chief explained that seniority does play a part but evaluations do not, personnel receive a half a point for every completed year of service at the time of the posting of the promotional process. During the last process it was 45% written exam, 45% technical oral boards, 10% Police Commission and then on top of that seniority points. Chairman Burnham thought the last process was very fair and she believed the officers felt it was a good process, they not only study and do the written exam but they were very impressive in the oral boards. She was a moderator at the technical oral boards and felt that it really gave our men a chance to shine. Chairman Burnham felt the last process went smoothly, there were no grievances and she feels both sides and the Commission felt it was a good process. Vice Chairman Conklin feels the product we got out of the last process was outstanding and we have five patrol sergeants that we can be very proud of, proving that the process worked. Chairman Burnham did not feel the agility test would be necessary, Chief Spera agreed that the commission could determine from their interview whether an officer was physically fit to model patrol leadership. He felt the current process has worked well for the agency. Chief Spera recommended that the department use the same company Standards and Associates. Last time we gave each officer who gave a letter of intent a study guide offered by the company, we also bought a library set of the books needed to study for the exam. We will be offering the study guide and books to be lent out again. Chairman Burnham asked how many officers could potentially apply and Chief Spera believes we have around ten at the most. Chairman Burnham asked what the time line is for an officer to be eligible for promotion. Chief Spera stated they must have four years of full time service. Commissioner Zemienieski asked if time served at another department counts towards their four years, Chief Spera advised it does not.  Chief Spera also advised the Commission that if people pass the written examination and the entire process but are not promoted they are eligible to be patrol supervisors if a patrol sergeant is not available. Commissioner Zemienieski asked if they are serving as supervisors prior to receiving any formal supervisory training. Chief Spera advised that they must attend First Line Supervision School prior to running a shift. Chairman Burnham asked what the commission needs to do this evening. Chief Spera advised that he would like to be able to post the process in the next couple of weeks and enter into an agreement with Standards and Associates to be able to offer the test in mid June with oral boards in the early fall with commissioners doing interviews in late September or early October. This would only leave us without a list for a couple of months. Chairman Burnham voiced a concern about the gap between taking the written exam and the oral boards. The Chief believes this will not be a problem as there are two separate sets of study materials, after an officer passes the written exam they can be given material to study for the oral boards. Motion made by Vice Chairman Conklin to authorize Chief Spera to commence a promotional process for the position of patrol sergeant which would include coming up with a time line and a contract with Standards and Associates, seconded by Commissioner Metsack. Motion passed by unanimous vote.

  • Master Sergeant Promotional process
  • Establish promotional List and List Duration: The Chief reported that there are two officers remaining on the list from the last process. He asked the Commission to establish a formal list and duration which by department policy can be between one and two years. Vice Chairman Conklin feels that one year would be a proper amount of time, all commissioners agreed with this. Chairman Burnham asked what the criteria are for promoting to Master Sergeant. Chief Spera advised that you need to be a current Patrol Sergeant, there is no time requirement.  Motion made by Vice Chairman Conklin to have the Promotional List duration of time for Master Sergeant be one year, seconded by Commissioner Sparaco. Motion passed by unanimous vote.
  • Personnel
  • Detective Appointments: The Chief reports two people were promoted to Detective positions; Patrolman Barnes and Patrolman Perrotti. Both will have the title of Detective but will have two different assignments. Chief Spera spoke with both of them at length and everyone who applied went through a very detailed interview with him, they all had to submit letters of intent and essays on how they would develop and work within those assignments. Commissioner Gallicchio asked if they would be reporting to Detective Sergeant Heiney in the chain of command. Chief Spera advised the detective assigned to youth services will report to the Sergeant promoted to Youth Division Supervisor. The detective assigned to criminal investigations will report to Detective Sergeant Heiney. Chairman Burnham asked how this will affect their patrol assignments. Chief Spera assured the commission that all personnel will still work patrol. Commissioner Zemienieski asked if they will be getting a gold shield. Chief Spera advised that sergeants and above will have full gold badges, detectives will be two tone, silver with gold accents and patrolman will remain full silver. Both officers will be transitioning to their new position, they are both currently SRO’s in the school and will continue with those duties for the remainder of the school year.  Replacements for their positions will be sought and appointed over the summer.
  • Youth Services Division -Supervisor Appointment: Chief Spera reported that Sergeant Roche will be the new Youth Services Division Supervisor. As we go through the transition period he is going to help the Chief with administrative tasks. Detective Barnes will report to him. The Chief reported that Sergeant Roche is more than qualified as shown during the Master Sergeant process and is looking forward to working with him.
  • Patrol Sergeant Rankin - Back to Work Program: Sergeant Rankin received clearance from both of his doctors to return to work. As with past people he will have a transition program working with other employees for a two to three week period. For example, his first day back to work was with Sergeant van der Horst and time was spent discussing and reviewing administrative issues about the structural changes and new policies. He has spent time with Detective Sergeant Heiney making sure he was proficient with his weapon and with Patrolman Mercer going over evidence handling and processing as well as a reorientation to the Middletown Superior Court. He spent time with Patrolman Barnes going over the new juvenile laws. Sergeant Gardner went over the new information technology we have acquired, since he went on sick leave.  Finally he is getting field training from Lieutenant McDonald where he is riding along with him and critiquing him to make sure he has the officer safety mind set back. The Chief reports that the Sergeant will be back to full duty working and supervising shifts February 1st if he successfully complets the program which he is confident he will do.
  • Employee Discipline: In accordance with Department Regulation 55.14 it is the Chiefs responsibility to report discipline imposed on a member of the police department. Chief Spera reports that a patrolman was suspended for six days without pay for violating department rules and regulations. Specifically part 30.01 DUTY TO OBEY, 30.07 TRUTHFULNESS, 30.19 FALSE INFORMATION OF RECORDS and the following sections of the Uniform Standards of Conduct Section 1, EXERCISONG COMMON SENSE and AFFIRMATIVELY PROMOTING OUR VALUES Section 11, DISHONESTY or UNTRUTHFULNESS, Section 12 COMPETENT PERFORMANCE, and Section 16, INSUBORDINATION.   The suspension is currently being served and was accepted without grievance.
  • Leadership Team Meeting: The Chief reminded the Commission of the Department Leadership Team Model which is a concept he developed when he was appointed Deputy Chief. The team is comprised of all personnel from the Rank of Patrol Sergeant and above. There were spotty meetings from time to time in the past, but will now become more formal. Personnel get sworn in as new Master and Patrol Sergeants on Sunday and will attend an 8:00 AM Monday morning meeting where the Chief will outline his expectations to the new supervisors as well as the current supervisors. The new supervisors and those newly appointed to positions will be on a two to three week rotation evaluation system with the Chief and they will know if they are meeting, exceeding or not meeting expectations and what they can do to be more successful while they are on probation.
  • New Weapon Purchase / Implementation Plan
  • Bid / Request for Proposals: the Chief reports that the DAS website has our bid listed. We have already purchased three of the new weapons for our recruits to be trained with. We need to purchase the new weapons for the rest of the department as soon as possible to have them trained before the recruits graduate from the academy. Commissioner Gallicchio asked if the holsters were part of the bid. Chief Spera advised that they are not since there are a lot of uniform suppliers on state contract already; we will be able to buy them off of state contract. Commissioner Galliccio asked about the last paragraph stating that trade in provisions must permit patrol officers to purchase weapons and he is concerned that if you are not a patrol officer like a lieutenant you are not entitled to a trade in weapon. Chief Spera advised that we consider everybody in the agency from the Chief on down to patrolman as patrol officers.
  • Bid Award Process: Traditionally the department has only gone out to bid for the purchase of new vehicles. However, there is an increasing need to go out to bid for more than capital items in an effort to get the best possible price on goods and services.  Other municipal agencies go out to bid for other things and the department heads make the bid awards. When the bids come in on February 1st for the new weapon purchase the Chief would like the commission to allow him to choose a vendor and order the firearms without having to have a special meeting with the police commission. The Chief pointed out there is nothing in the by-laws, state statutes or the town charter that requires the commission to select vendors. The Chief reminded the Commission that he has gone out to bid for items in the past, and awarded a bid without Commission approval. The Chief is planning to go out to bid on more things since we can get more economically friendly prices when companies are competing for business.   Commissioner Zemienieski agrees that once the department is authorized to make a purchase the experts should be making the decision and feels we should leave it in their hands. Chairman Burnham agreed that the commission has already authorized the purchase and feels it is not necessary to be involved in the bidding process. All commissioners agree with her. The commissioners agree that if a purchase or funding for specific items have been authorized by the Commission the department cannot go over the amount authorized, and therefore it is unnecessary for the Commission to be involved in the bidding process. The Chief advised the commissioners would all get copies of any bids and an explanation of what bid was chosen and why they chose it.  Commissioner Zemienieski asked if the weapons we chose were the same or similar to weapons used by surrounding departments. The Chief explained that it was certainly looked at but the department chose the Smith and Wesson M&P Model, .40 caliber.  It is a new model to the smith line, is used by Federal Agencies and an increasing amount of local agencies.  Neighboring agencies are not using it but it seems to be the gun of choice right now for law enforcement and military applications. The Chief asked if the commission feels they need to make a motion to approve the purchase or is it implied that as the department administrator he is empowered to award the bid and future bids.  Chairman Burnham feels that it is implied as the Commission has already authorized the purchase.  The Chief asked if something is already in the budget can the department go out to bid on it and advise the commission what is going on with the bids. The Commission agreed that would be acceptable.

V. Field Operations Report
  • Professional Development Activities
  • Patrolman Trainee Status: The Chief reports the recruits are doing well and assisted with the last agility tests.   Tomorrow is “stations day” at the police academy where recruits are tested in mock domestic violence calls and car stops, Patrolman DePerry will be attending to assist with the instruction.   At the beginning of March they will begin formal training on their weapons and Patrolman DeMarco will be participating in that as an instructor. Their EMR exam is coming up and Chief Spera and Dispatcher Rob Dahlstrom will be going up to help proctor that exam. We are trying to involve as many people as we can from our department in the recruits basic training. The Chief needs to select new field training officers as most of our field training officers have been promoted to sergeant, we are hoping to get an in house class since the state is not offering any before our recruits graduate.
  • Uniform Committee Progress Report
  • Class A Uniforms/Uniform Regulations: The Chief reports the committee is just now looking into the Class A uniform. There is no funding at this time and the cost could be around $800.00 to $900.00 per officer. Sergeant Roche has been assigned to create new Uniform Regulations.  Commissioner Metsack asked if the Class A uniform is the dress uniform. Chief Spera advised that it is.
  • Awards Committee Report
  • Awards / Promotional Ceremony – January 31, 2010: Commissioner Gallicchio reported that the last committee meeting went well; David Heiney a past fire chief and creator of the Fire Department’s Awards program attended to provide our police staff with history and ideas.  The Commissioner reported that no one from our department has ever been awarded commendations including the officers involved in the department shooting.  He stated that it is good that the Chief decided to go back in time to award officers for past actions. There will be a lot of awards presented. The officers were allowed to nominate themselves for awards they felt they have earned; some officers did not put themselves down for anything. Any active member is eligible to receive an award. There will be another meeting this week to finalize everything and talk about the ceremony. The Chief noted that the event will also include a formal promotional ceremony and that the COPS Union is paying for a party following the ceremony at Fireman’s Field for the officers and their families. The photographer will be there offering pictures to the officers with their families in their uniforms. Vice Chairman Conklin asked what department is backing us up that day. The Chief advised that we will be doing our own patrolling and we will be dispatching by seniority that day. The officers with the least seniority will be the first unit to respond and added that the Fire Department would be covering the Department’s First Responder duties during the event.   One of our part time per diem dispatchers will be covering the desk during the ceremony so any dispatcher who wants to attend will be able to do so. The Chief thanked the Commission for allowing a Commissioner to serve on the committee as it covered the full spectrum of our agency including himself, a Lieutenant, Patrol Sergeant, Patrolman, and Dispatcher.   There was much conversation and deliberation that led to awards being bestowed and some nominations that were denied.  The Chief feels it will be remarkable to see in some of the areas like our life saving awards just how many documented lives we have truly saved over the years. He told the Commission that they will be very impressed with what our agency has done. Chairman Burnham has been asked to speak and Commissioner Gallicchio has been asked to help hand out some of the awards.
  • Traffic
  • Hart Trail – School Bus Safety Concerns: The Chief advised that there has been a concern for bus safety on Hart Trail. School bus drivers are trained to pull to the far right when picking up or dropping off students.  When doing this at Route 154 and Hart Trail, the bus is completely in the shoulder causing confusion and cars are passing through the red flashing lights. We have assigned officers to monitor the area and we have received lots of correspondence from the people on Hart Trail. The residents were trying to get the school system to contract out a special smaller bus that would just go up Hart Trail to pick up the kids at their driveways. We have worked with the bus company and the bus drivers will only pull to the far right of the travel lane and stay out of the breakdown lane. This has worked already and the Chief feels this will cut down on the problem. There is no action needed by the Police Commission, the Chief just wanted the Commission aware of the issue.
  • Ferry Road – Cross Walk Request: After reviewing the crosswalk request the Chief states that the request makes perfect sense. There is a really big parking lot on one side and a marina, restaurant and offices on the other side. It is a town road and the Chief feels we should put in the crosswalk with the proper signage.  Commissioner Metsack made a Motion to put a crosswalk in with the proper signage at that location, Seconded by Vice Chairman Conklin. Motion Passed by unanimous vote.
  • Activity Report
  • November 25, 2009 – January 20, 2010: The commissioners reviewed the activity report they received in their packets. No commissioners had any questions or comments.
VI. Support Operations – Reports
  • Emergency Communications Division
  • New System Status: The Chief reports he had a meeting with Motorola on Friday, January 22 from 9am – 2:10pm. They are still looking into the warranty and maintenance agreement. This expense comes out of the Emergency Management budget. The Chief asked Board of Finance member David Lemay who is also on our building committee to sit in on the negotiations. He was pleased with the efforts the town was making to get the best deal for an extended service agreement. The cost will be around $40,000 to $50,000 a year to keep the system up and running, this is actually on the low end for a system the size of Old Saybrook’s.  The Chief reminded the Commission that the system cost is for the entire town not just the police and fire departments and this is why it was put under Emergency Management Budget.
  • Records Division
  • “New” Records Office: The Chief reports the new records office is coming along, the new window is in and the walls have been painted. Hopefully the carpet will be in next week and personnel can start moving desks and filing cabinets.  Records staff are looking into new polo shirts to wear as they will be seen by the public more. Chairman Burnham commented that it will be nice that the records staff will be able to come into the lobby to interact with the public without having to go through the communications area.
VII. Correspondence
The Chief pointed out he is getting more and more e-mail correspondence from concerned citizens.   He stated he is trying to be diligent in responding to them despite when they are received even if it is on a weekend or evening he tries to respond to everyone.  He will try to post the e-mails when he can and print them out for the commissioners to see when appropriate. Commissioner Gallicchio asked why there was a letter that appears to be written to the students of Goodwin School in their packets. The Chief explained that Principal Brown forwarded the letter to him because it referenced a campus evacuation drill organized by the department.  All of the students and faculty were evacuated from the school and moved to the library with complete accountability in under 7 minutes. It was very impressive.

VIII. Police Facility Study / Building Committee
Vice Chairman Conklin, who is the Chairman of the building committee, reported that it has taken 9 years to get to the point where we have a committee. Chairman Conklin reports that in July 2001 he asked First Selectman Pace to look at the building and see that it was in disrepair and in need of replacing/renovating.   We toured various new facilities at that time. We were timing the building with the new communications system, knowing there would be some added things needed for that. We have since acquired the land behind us from AT&T. No one thought the new communications system would be where it is in 2010.  At the Board of Selectman’s meeting on January 7, 2010 they approved a committee to look into updating the police department. There are several members who were involved in the fire department, library and other facilities that have been renovated. Money has been appropriated to assess the current building, first looking into whether we should work with the current facility or not. Letters went out to all members of the committee and the Chief has been contacting them all individually to invite them to take a tour of the current facility. Several committee members have taken a tour of the building. The members who have toured the building are shocked by the poor conditions of the building and unsafe working environments. They are impressed with the good job that we have done with the latest enhancements that are helping but know these are just a band aid. Nothing is correct in the building anymore. While Charlie Robinson was touring the building a prisoner was being processed and passed him in the hall, he was appalled that the building does not allow for prisoners to be separated from any of the public that happen to be in the building. They are very excited to get started and Chairman Conklin is looking at a December 2010 time frame to have a proposal ready for the selectman. He feels optimistic that they will be ready to move forward with the building by the Spring of 2011.Money is currently available that they would like to take advantage of. They will be touring other departments as well as ours and will look at the buildings that they toured back in 2001 that were new at the time to see how they are accommodating those departments today.  Chairman Conklin encourages committee building members to give tours of the building to the public so they can see the building as it is and understand that this is a necessary expense. He highly recommends having people do a walk through to see the safety concerns for themselves. There is a misconception that the building is fairly new, we first moved into this building in 1973, our department size was different at the time and state and federal regulations were different. When they first moved into this building they never thought they would be able to fill the building and now it is too small for our needs. We need to build for tomorrow. Commissioner Metsack asked what time line would be to find out what square footage would be needed for the facility. Chairman Conklin is hoping to have that information at the next commission meeting. First they need to determine if the building can be renovated or if it needs to be knocked down. They also need to look into Land Use Regulations to see what can be done.   Commissioner Conklin thanked First Selectman Pace for appointing the committee and setting aggressive timelines.  

IX. Comments from the Public
A member of the public stated he is a fourteen year resident of Old Saybrook and the son of a thirty year police veteran. He has unfortunately had recent interaction with our department in regards to his teenage sons. He was at our last commission meeting and was surprised and impressed by the personnel and administration. He was however unimpressed with the interface of police and parents. He feels that his family was badly verbally abused during the arresting process of his son. He feels that the lengthy press release given after his sons arrest giving their address was an attack on his family. He is furious about the poor treatment his family received during this time. Chairman Burnham explained that this is not the platform for such a complaint. She advised him there is a process for filing a complaint and she encouraged him to do so through the proper channels. He was advised of the procedure. The Chief asked if he had advised any supervisors at the time of the incident about his concerns, he stated he did not as they were involved in the incident as well. The Chief also encouraged him to come to the department and speak with him about the incident and his concerns.  The Chief added that while he would be willing to meet with him and explain department procedures and process, he may still not be satisfied.  He thanked the Chief and the commission stating that he will follow up with the Chief in the morning.

X. Comments and/or Concerns from Commissioners
Commissioner Zemienieski asked if personnel issues need to be discussed in executive session.  He would like to know if commissioners are privy to the names of officers who are disciplined with the promotion process starting soon. The Chief advised that any discipline an officer receives would be in their personnel jacket when the time comes for promotions. Commissioner Zemienieski asked what the time frame is for an officer to file a grievance. The Chief advised that there is no time frame and an officer can file a grievance at any time. Commissioner Gallicchio asked for an update on the Commissioner identification cards. The Chief advised that the equipment is in and that is going to be one of the new responsibilities for Patrolman Barnes in his new capacity as Detective.

XI. Adjournment
Motion made by Vice Chairman Conklin and seconded by Commissioner Gallicchio to adjourn at 9:25 pm.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  

Meeting adjourned at 9:25 p.m.

                                                        Jeanmarie Harvey
                                                        Records Specialist

These Minutes are subject to approval at
the next regular Police Commission meeting.