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Minutes, August 24, 2009 Regular Meeting

August 24, 2009

A regular meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, August 24, 2009 at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:    Chairman Burnham, Vice Chairman Conklin, Commissioners Gallicchio, Sparaco, Dobratz and Metsack.  Deputy Chief Spera was also present.

I.  Call to Order
Chairman Burnham called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

II. Minutes
A.  July 27, 2009 Regular Meeting
Chairman Burnham asked for discussion or approval of the Minutes of the July 27, 2009 Regular Meeting.  Motion made by Vice Chairman Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to approve the Minutes of the July 27, 2009 Regular Meeting as submitted.  Motion carried with Commissioners Dobratz and Metsack abstaining.

Chairman Burnham requested that two items be added to the agenda.  She requested that “Employee Discipline” be added to section C, Personnel of the Executive Division Reports and “45 Ferry Road” to section D, Traffic of the Field Services Report.  A motion was made to add “Employee Discipline” under section C, Personnel and “45 Ferry Road” under section D, Traffic by Vice Chairman Conklin, seconded by Commissioner Dobratz.  The motion carried by unanimous vote.  

III. Comments from the Public

                        Public was present, however there were no comments.  

IV. Executive Division Reports
A.  Financial
1.  08-09 Operating Budget-Final Review
The Deputy Police Chief provided the Commission with a summary of the 2008 – 2009 Operating Budget. In his review he spoke of the four main budget categories; Personnel, Fixed Charges, Expenses and Supplies, and Contractual.  At the end of the budget year Personnel, Fixed Charges, and Contractual accounts finished in the black while Expenses and Supplies ended with a deficit. Overall the department budget finished with a surplus of $41,234.02.  The Chairman and Deputy Chief presented a roll over request totaling $ 30,000 to complete the funding required to purchase new weapons as well as assist with funding the new Incident Management / Major Investigations / Emergency Communications vehicle.  The roll over request was approved leaving the 2008 -2009 operating budget end with a surplus of $ 11,234.02.

                2.  09-10 Operating Budget
The Deputy Chief reported that the current expenses and supplies report has been provided to the commissioners in their meeting packets.  Chairman Burnham inquired about the monies spent in the line item entitled “Regional State Planning”. The Deputy Chief explained monies expended to date include fees to the Law Enforcement Council, which instructs law enforcement recertification courses for department personnel.  

3.  Asset Forfeiture
Deputy Chief Spera reported the balance to be $15,546.10.

4.  Capital Sinking Fund
Deputy Chief Spera reported the balance to be $92,370.99. He reminded the commission that of the total balance $30,000 was allocated for the purchase of new firearms, $35,000 for the Incident Management and Emergency Communications Vehicle, with the remaining funds ($27,370.99) allocated for building improvements.

Commissioner Metsack inquired about the necessity of the vehicle and why the matter was voted on at the last meeting that he was unable to attend.

Commissioner Conklin stated that the matter was on last meeting’s agenda as an action item and that the Commission should continue to move forward on projects that benefit the department and the town.  

The Deputy Chief outlined the need to replace and enhance the current vehicle citing its importance to the delivery of law enforcement services. Commissioner Metsack stated that he has had several questions about the project since the last meeting.  The Deputy Chief advised Commissioner Metsack that he is available to answer his questions in between meetings and that he has provided him with his cell and home phone numbers.

The Deputy Chief reiterated the need for the vehicle, the services it would provide, and that only $ 35,000 of Police Department Capital Sinking funds would be spent on the project.  Remaining monies would be derived from a federal Stimulus Grant, Emergency Management Funds, and State Emergency Communication Municipal Funds.  

Commissioner Sparaco stated that he too had questions that he brought to the attention of the Deputy Chief.  He stated that the Deputy promptly sent a sergeant to his home to review the information he had requested.  He is now satisfied.

B.  Chief of Police Transition
1. The Deputy Chief reported that the Change of Command Ceremony will be held on     October 21, 2009 at 7 PM at the Old Saybrook Senior High School’s newly renovated auditorium.   He stated that formal invitations will be mailed late next week.  Additional details of the ceremony will be finalized in the coming weeks by a committee comprised of department members.  Chairman Burnham reported to the Commission that she is going to be a member of the committee as well.  

C. Personnel
                1. Hiring Process for the Position of Patrolman – Update

The Deputy Chief advised the Commission that seventy eight people applied for the position, and fifty five people scheduled to take the physical agility exam. Forty four actually took the exam and out of that twenty five passed the exam. The next step is to schedule oral board exams followed by background checks, psychological examinations and polygraph examinations.

2. Recommendation from Deputy Chief Spera to eliminate a civilian clerical position and add an additional sworn police officer position.

Deputy Chief Spera reported to the Commission his desire and the department’s need for an additional police officer.  He explained that by not filling the soon to be vacant Deputy Chief, Patrol Lieutenant, and Executive Assistance positions, funds will exist not only to replace the retiring members of the department with new patrolman but to add an additional sworn position.  He presented the finical models for the commission’s review.  The financial model also included a provision for hiring a part time, fifteen hours a week, records clerk.    The Deputy Chief indicated that that there would be cost savings in both this year and next year’s personnel budgets should the model be adopted.  Chairman Burnham asked about how the additional police officer position would affect overtime.  The Deputy Chief spoke about the global impact of the new position including the reduction in long time financial liability to the Town.

Commissioner Dobratz and Conklin praised the Deputy Chief for his work on the proposal.

Commissioner Metsack asked about the most common reason for the use of overtime.  The Deputy Chief reported that there are several line items that fund specific types of overtime such as vacation or sick time coverage.  The Deputy stated that the most common reason for overtime is the performance of police work such as interviewing suspects/victims, responding to major incidents, and/or report writing.  The Deputy praised the police officers for their work ethic and minimal use of sick time.
Motion made by Commissioner Dobratz, and seconded by Vice Chairman Conklin to approve the proposal as presented by the Deputy Chief. Motion carried by unanimous vote.

The Deputy Chief thanked the Commission for approving the hiring of the additional officer and increasing our sworn force to twenty two full time sworn officers.  He stated that the officers will be pleased and are eager for the three new officers to be hired, trained, and on patrol.

                3. Discipline

The Deputy Chief reported that in accordance with Department Regulations he is required to notify the Commission of employee discipline.  He reported that a full time dispatcher was suspended for one week without pay for violating department rules and regulations.   Specifically part 30.07, Truthfulness and the following sections of the Uniform Standards of Conduct: Section 1, Exercising Common Sense and Affirmatively Promoting our Values, Section 11, Dishonesty or Untruthfulness, Section 12 Competent Performance, and Section 16, Insubordination.

This employee was also issued a final warning with respect to job performance, behavior, attitude, and demeanor.

Chairman Burnham asked if the suspension had taken place. The Deputy Chief advised that the employee will serve the suspension next week.

V.  Field Services –Reports

  • Professional Development Activities
The Deputy Chief informed the Commission that the Professional Development Report is located in their packets.  He also explained that Patrolman DeMarco has been selected to be a new firearms instructor.  He will be taking several courses over the next three months to fulfill his certification requirements.    Patrolman Souriyamath has also been selected to be a new firearms instructor and will begin taking his series of courses soon.

B.  Uniform Committee Progress Report
1. Status Report
Personnel were measured last week by Red the Uniform Tailor, who was the selected vendor for the police uniform enhancement project. The Deputy reported that there is no longer a shortfall in funds for the project.  He stated that an anonymous donor contributed the remaining funds needed for the project.  The anonymous donor stated that he wanted to do something positive for the agency and the personnel who do a phenomenal job for the community.  He stated that he was not only inspired to financially support an important project because of the good work that is done by our police officers,  but to also counter the few negative comments he has heard about the agency while attending commission meetings.  

Commissioner Metsack expressed concern about the anonymous donation as he feels people who make anonymous donations look for something in return.  The Deputy Chief stated that he did not feel that this was the case and that the professional law enforcement officers of the department possess too much integrity for that to ever be an issue.  Commissioner Dobratz agreed with the Deputy Chief.

C.  Department Operations / Programs

1.  ATV Program Update  
The new ATV program was featured on WFSB and has been a great success so far. The Deputy reminded the commission that personnel assigned to the ATVs are not removed from their regular patrol duties and are assigned to the unit when available. The Deputy Chief also reported a new partnership between the union and the department.  The Police Union has agreed to purchase the expensive safety equipment for the remaining members of the department who wish to become certified operators and join the Environmental Enforcement Taskforce.  The department will continue to pay for training courses.

Vice Chairman Conkiln thanked the Union and commented on how pleased he was to see the working relationship between the union and police administration.  The Deputy Chief stated that they are one team.

Commissioner Metsack raised a concern about ATV officers getting into pursuits.  The Deputy Chief explained that officers would not be getting into pursuits to apprehend violators rather they will use specific safe techniques to accomplish their tasks.

Chairman Burnham asked about the possibility of nighttime patrols.  The Deputy Chief explained that the Taskforce may be deployed at all hours of the day to ensure their omnipresence in the town’s open space.

D.  Traffic
1.  Parking Enforcement Review
The Deputy Chief reported that he will be working on a parking enforcement proposal that will be presented to the Commission in mid to late fall.  He added that the Park and Recreation Department is also in favor of new stricter regulations and increased fines as they are experiencing a parking problem at the town’s beach.  

2.  Great Hammock Beach Association Traffic study
Deputy Chief Spera will be working with the Association leaders to complete the study.  Any issues that pertain to or need approval from the legal traffic authority will be presented to the Commission.

3. 45 Ferry Road – Affordable Housing Project
Deputy Chief Spera discussed the new affordable housing project and youth athletic field proposed for Ferry Road. He brought up many parking and safety concerns. Some have been addressed already by the developer after his and other town staff met for an informal review.  Things that have been corrected already include limiting the entrance to one fixed point off Ferry Road, ensuring all parking for the youth athletic field was inside a gated area, that an emergency access gate be installed for the field, that an emergency access gate be installed to reach the Rt. 9 / I-95 North ramp area, that emergency vehicles including fire apparatus have proper access to the facility and that building number five be reconfigured farther away from a vehicle crash zone.

There was much discussion about the project including its benefit to the community as well as concerns about the limited number of parking spaces available and the potential for forced improper parking that may lead to emergency vehicle access issues and parking problems on Ferry Road.   Motion made by Vice Chairman Conklin to approve the concept adding a STOP sign at the end of the complex driveway as it intersects with Ferry Road, a EXIT ONLY sign and RIGHT TURN ONLY sign at the driveway for the youth athletic field parking area, to note in correspondence with the Zoning Commission the parking concerns raised by the Police Commission, and for Deputy Chief Spera to continue to work with zoning and planning to resolve any other safety issues. Seconded by Chairman Burnham and carried by unanimous vote.

E.  Activity Report

The Deputy Chief advised the Commission of the activity report located in their meeting packets.  The Deputy added that in addition to what was presented in the written report personnel responded to a report of a missing person that turned into an untimely death/suicide investigation over the weekend.  He stated that the investigation was complex and unfortunate. He state that personnel were called in and all who assisted did an outstanding job.  

VI. Support Services – Reports
  • Emergency Communication
1.  New System Status
The new system is still progressing.  Motorola is awaiting a digital recorder to arrive from Israel.   The original recorder was damaged when the new communication shelter flooded. It was reported to have been replaced by the previous vendor and was recently discovered that it had not been.  

The Deputy Chief also spoke of a possible power issue with the new communication complex.  He stated that once a new facility is built; the complex will need its own transformer and generator.  He stated that there is a loss of voltage between police headquarters and the complex.  The voltage loss has not yet become a problem, however if it does the matter must be addressed.  Commissioner Dobratz suggested that if it becomes a problem the original project engineer should be held responsible.   

Training for dispatchers with the new system will begin in September. The Deputy Chief reported that police vehicle installations will not take place until all equipment, including AVL components are available.

VII. Correspondence

Correspondence received since the last meeting was in the commissioner packets.  

VIII. Comments from the Public

A member of the public commended the commission for approving the purchase of the new Incident Management/Major Investigation vehicle.

IX. Comments and/or Concerns from Commissioners

Vice Chairman Conklin commented on what a great job the department is doing and how well the department and union work together.

X.  Adjournment

Motion made by Vice Chairman Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio to adjourn.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Jeanmarie Harvey
                                                        Records Clerk

These Minutes are subject to approval at
the next regular Police Commission meeting.