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Minutes, July 27, 2009 Regular Meeting
JULY 27, 2009

A regular meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, July 27, 2009 at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:    Chairman Burnham, Vice Chairman Conklin, Secretary Winkler, Commissioners Gallicchio and Sparaco.  Deputy Chief Spera was also present.

I.  Call to Order
Chairman Burnham called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

II.  Minutes
A.  June 22, 2009 Regular Meeting
Chairman Burnham asked for discussion or approval of the Minutes of the June 22, 2009 Regular Meeting.  Motion made by Comsr. Winkler and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio to approve the Minutes of the June 22, 2009 Regular Meeting as submitted.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

B.  July 13, 2009 Special Meeting
Chairman Burnham asked for discussion or approval of the Minutes of the July 13, 2009 Special Meeting.  Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to approve the Minutes of the July 13, 2009 Special Meeting as submitted.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

III.  Comments from the Public

A member of the public congratulated the Deputy Chief on his appointment to the position of chief, and thanked the commission for their quick and effective response to the parking problems on Sheffield Street.

Chairman Burnham noted she had received a telephone call from the Chairman of the Harbor Management Commission questioning the commission’s actions regarding the Sheffield Street parking issues.  She explained that the commission’s actions were based on safety and emergency access concerns, and that overflow parking is available a short distance away at the school parking lot.

Several additional members of the public congratulated Deputy Chief Spera, thanked the commission for their decision and spoke in support of the department and the commission’s performance.

A member of the public spoke against the selection of Deputy Chief Spera as chief, and stated he would like to see more diversity in the department.

IV.  Executive Division Reports
A.  Financial
1.  09-10 Operating Budget
Deputy Chief Spera called the commissioners’ attention to the written report in their packets, and indicated that some items are front loaded, such as the gasoline prepayment.

2.  Asset Forfeiture
Deputy Chief Spera reported the balance to be $15,546.10.

3.  Capital Sinking Fund
Deputy Chief Spera reported the balance to be $92,370.99, which includes $30,000 in rollover funds, $20,000 earmarked for firearms and $10,000 for a new emergency communications and command vehicle.  

B.  Chief of Police Transition
The Deputy Chief explained that he asked to have this item placed on the agenda to provide an opportunity to report steps being taken in connection with the transition on October 16th.

C.  Letters of Retirement
1.  Remove from the Table and Act on a Letter of Retirement from
     Lt. A. Stuart
Chairman Burnham reported a revised letter from Lt. Stuart, indicating a retire date of December 1, 2009 and asked that the matter be moved from the table to the floor.  Motion made by Comsr. Conklin to accept Lt. Stuart’s retirement effective December 1, 2009, and to thank him for his many years of service to the department.  Motion seconded by Comsr. Sparaco.  It was noted that Lt. Stuart served the department very well over his 25 years of service.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

2.  Executive Assistant JoAnne Klingerman
Chairman Burnham reported that JoAnne Klingerman, the chief’s executive assistant for many years, has submitted her letter indicating her intention to retire.  She stated that no commission action is necessary, and thanked JoAnne for her many years of dedication to the department.

V.  Field Services –Reports

A.  Professional Development Activities
Chairman Burnham asked for an update on ATV training.  Deputy Chief Spera reported that the first six officers have attended training and six more are interested.  He stated that the difficulty is the cost of equipment and apparel, and the police union has agreed to pay that cost for the six additional officers.  He stated that Whelen Engineering is currently installing equipment on the ATVs, some of which is newly developed, and which the department will try out for Whelen.  He stated the program should start soon, and will be ready during hurricane season.  Chairman Burnham stated that the police union’s willingness to pay for expenses toward this program is an indication of the new esprit de corps at the department.

B.  Uniform Committee Progress Report
Deputy Chief Spera reported that during the department’s strategic planning meeting, a resident from 2 Redbird Trail presented the department with a sizeable donation toward the purchase of new uniforms, stating that the department has great officers and great services from the traditional to the non-traditional.  Deputy Chief Spera hopes for an October roll-out, and stated that the shortfall is now about $9,000 to $10,000, depending upon how the bids come in,

C.  Department Operations / Programs
1.  Department Strategic Planning Session
Deputy Chief Spera reported that a department meeting and strategic planning session was held on July 22nd and attended by all department members.  He described how the session was conducted, soliciting department goals and objectives from employees and offering his own.  He plans to distill the results of the session for review of the commission at the next meeting.  He indicated that certain Deputy Chief assignments were offered to any interested staff members, and he is pleased with the interest shown.  

Comsr. Winkler asked about the Neighborhood Watch program.  Deputy Chief Spera responded that Ptl. Perrotti is interested in working with Ptl. Ziolkovski in connection with this program, to allow Ptl. Ziolkovski the time he needs to qualify and train as a canine officer.

2.  ATV Program Update  
Discussed during Section V.A. of agenda (Professional Development Activities).

3.  Homeland Security – Plum Island Animal Disease Center
Mr. Jim Palmieri, Director of Security for Plum Island Animal Disease Center, explained that the island is now under the control of Homeland Security.  He talked about the activities on the island and described certain security concerns.  He said he approached the Old Saybrook Police Department for aid in addressing security concerns in connection with the ferry service DHS provides from Old Saybrook to the island on a daily basis.  He said he was addressing the commission to commend Deputy Chief Spera and the department for their efforts in helping to secure their vessels, docking facility, parking area and staff, and invited members of the department and commission to visit Plum Island on an organized, department sponsored tour.  

4.  Mobile Command / Emergency Communications Project
The Deputy Chief thanked the commissioners for arriving early to tour the department’s Critical Incident Command Unit in the parking lot.  He discussed the age of the vehicle, the functions it serves, the heavy use it gets at major traffic accidents, untimely deaths, bank robberies, etc., and it’s shortcomings, including exhaust fumes and ceiling height restrictions.  He stated that the cost of a new unit would be between $250,000 to $450,000.  He indicated that a serviceable used vehicle that could be adapted to this type of use is available locally, for much less, and discussed options for outfitting it inexpensively.  He reported he expects grant money and donations, and requested the commission to approve a $35,000 allocation from the Capital Sinking Fund for the project.  There was discussion about the size vehicle required, the various components to be incorporated, sale of the old unit, the vehicle generator, the bid process and expected length of the project.  Motion made by Comsr. Conklin to approve expenditure of $35,000 from the Capital Sinking Fund toward purchase of a vehicle for use as a Critical Incident Command Unit.  Motion seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio and carried by unanimous vote.

D.  Traffic
1.  Golf Cart Program – Update
Deputy Chief Spera reported that golf cart registrations are going smoothly with over 200 carts registered to date.  He said the program is self-supporting so far, paying for plates, forms and the Explorer and Community Service Officer who are processing the registrations.  He said the program has been in the news and another police department asked for a copy of the program.  He also reported that the Borough of Fenwick adopted the program and a registration day will be held there.  He mentioned certain exemptions, such as on a golf course or use by school personnel on the school grounds.

2.  Rt. 1 / School House Road Crosswalk
Chairman Burnham asked the Deputy Chief to report on this request.  Deputy Chief Spera indicated that state staff report indicates concern over installing a crosswalk in the area requested because there is no sidewalk or pedestrian signal, which is required to meet the state standard.  The commission can address this request directly to the State Traffic Commission, but it would likely be turned down; or accept the staff report, indicating that the town will reapply if sidewalks are installed.  The Town Planner can then be contacted to determine if sidewalks in the area are planned.  The Deputy Chief was asked to contact the state with concurrence now, indicating a reapplication may be filed if sidewalks are installed, and to contact the Town Planner to determine if they are scheduled.

3.  Katherine Hepburn Cultural Arts Center Presentation
Torrence Downes, Board of Trustees Member, and Chuck Still, Executive Director of the Katherine Hepburn Center were introduced.  Chairman Burnham reviewed the commission’s concerns regarding traffic flow and pedestrian safety as determined at the last meeting and Mr. Downs explained and answered questions regarding specific areas of concern and plans for public education on the website and in ticket materials.  He stated that the center recognizes that parking is a challenge and is willing to make adjustments as needed in an effort to be in partnership with all surrounding businesses.    Chairman Burnham thanked Mr. Still and Mr. Downes for coming and said she felt the commission’s concerns had been addressed.  Mr. Downes said the center plans to proceed with its gala week opening in October, as good neighbors to surrounding businesses.  Deputy Chief Spera reported that traffic and pedestrian safety plans will be worked out ahead of time.  

4.  Parking Fines – Discussion
Chairman Burnham stated that she had raised the issue with the Deputy Chief of the amount set for parking fines, as she feels they are too low to discourage illegal parking.  She suggested that department staff be tasked with investigating fees levied in neighboring towns and means of ensuring payment, as she understands that can also be a problem.  The commission discussed various violations and fees, areas of town that are a concern and various types of parking violations.  Deputy Chief Spera said he feels the tickets need a fresh look and suggested revamping the whole program.  The commission instructed the Deputy Chief to explore areas of concern and present recommendations to the commission.

5.  Trask Road
Deputy Chief Spera reported that a letter was received from a resident of Trask Road complaining of traffic issues on that road.   The Deputy Chief stated it is very busy due to the park, and he would like to send a letter to Public Works requesting the road be lined and that “Children at Play” signs be placed.  After discussion, motion made by Comsr. Gallicchio and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to request that “Children at Play” signs be installed on Trask Road and that road markings be painted.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  Deputy Chief Spera is to make these requests.

Chairman Burnham reported that she received a letter from a resident on Hart Trail asking for action to address excessive vehicular speed on the street, endangering children who play there.  She gave the letter to Deputy Chief Spera and asked him to investigate and make recommendations.

E.  Activity Report
Deputy Chief Spera indicated the department has been very busy, and that personnel did a phenomenal job with parking the vendors and monitoring traffic the weekend of the art show.  Chairman Burnham noted there were 2,753 incidents addressed, and the Deputy Chief said the department has issued 1,000 motor vehicle citations more than last year.   

Deputy Chief Spera reported that letters have been sent to 70 applicants for the position of patrolman.  He described the hiring process that will be undertaken and that he hopes to present applicants at the September meeting for commission interviews and possible appointment.  He reported the department has two seats in the October class at the academy.

VI.  Support Services – Reports
A.  Emergency Communication
1.  New System Status
No report was made.

VII.  Correspondence
Correspondence received since the last meeting was in commissioners’ packets.  The Deputy Chief reported that the check enclosed in the letter from Robinson, Wright & Weymer Funeral Home was deposited into the uniform account.

VIII.  Comments from the Public
A member of the public asked if the department was seeking applicants who are already certified.  The Deputy Chief responded that there is a larger applicant pool that passed the test and indicated their interest in working in Old Saybrook.  He discussed what the department is looking for in qualifications.

A member of the public suggested looking further than the local area for a possible mobile operations van replacement, and said she may be of help in seeking grant money.  She also said that she and her husband plan to make a contribution to the uniform fund if a shortfall is identified.  Chairman Burnham thanked her for this very generous offer.

IX.  Comments and/or Concerns from Commissioners
None raised.

X.  Adjournment
Motion made by Comsr. Winkler and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio to adjourn.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m.

                                                        JoAnne Klingerman
                                                        Executive Assistant

These Minutes are subject to approval at
the next regular Police Commission meeting.