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Minutes, June 22, 2009 Regular Meeting
JUNE 22, 2009

A regular meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, June 22, 2009 at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:  Chairman Burnham, Secretary Winkler, Commissioners Dobratz, Gallicchio, Metsack, and Sparaco.  Deputy Chief Spera was also present.

I.  Call to Order
Chairman Burnham called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

II.  Minutes
A.  May 18, 2009 Regular Meeting
Chairman Burnham asked for discussion or approval of the Minutes of the May 18, 2009 Regular Meeting.  Motion made by Comsr. Dobratz and seconded by Comsr. Winkler to approve the Minutes of the May 18, 2009 Regular Meeting as submitted.  Motion carried by majority vote of five in favor.  Comsr. Metsack abstained.

B.  June 8, 2009 Special Meeting
Chairman Burnham asked for discussion or approval of the Minutes of the June 8, 2009 Special Meeting.  After discussion, motion made to approve the Minutes of the June 8, 2009 Special Meeting, amending to show that Comsr. Metsack was present.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

III.  Comments from the Public
Chairman Burnham gave guidelines for comments from the public.  

Residents from Sheffield Street explained concerns about vehicles parking outside designated parking areas at the end of Sheffield Street in the vicinity of the town dock, damaging residential property, obstructing traffic to residential driveways and endangering pedestrian traffic.  They asked that “No Parking” signs be installed, that the parking spaces be re-lined, and that an overflow parking sign be replaced.  Deputy Chief Spera suggested that the police be notified when cars are illegally parked or when damage is done.  Chairman Burnham indicated that this issue was on the agenda and would be discussed later in the meeting, taking these concerns into consideration.

IV.  Executive Division Reports
A.  Financial
1.  08-09 Operating Budget
Deputy Chief Spera explained that the hand-out displayed the balances of the four main areas of the budget, in comparison to the customary report, which showed Expenses & Supplies only.  He noted that overall, the budget remains in the black, and said that an in-depth analysis will be presented at the August meeting, after it has been audited.

2.  Asset Forfeiture
Deputy Chief Spera reported the balance to be $15,546.10.

3.  Capital Sinking Fund
Deputy Chief Spera reported the balance to be $62,370.99.

4.  09-10 Budget
Deputy Chief Spera stated the department will be implementing new budget tracking methods to begin with the 2009-2010 fiscal year.

V.  Field Services – Reports
A.  Professional Development Activities
Deputy Chief Spera called attention to the written report, indicating that while the state requires firearms recertification every 3 years, the department requires it annually.  He noted that very little professional development is scheduled during June, July and August due to the level of activity during those months.

B.  Uniform Committee Progress Report
1.  Union Concession
Deputy Chief Spera reported that the police union voted to give back the balance of their contractual uniform allowance, $3,899.50, to be held in an exchange account for new uniforms, the total cost of which will be between $15,000 and $20,000.  He stated that a donor’s check for $5,000 should be received soon, and that other donations are expected.

The Deputy Chief also reported that the town and police union have agreed on a one-year roll-over contract with a 3% raise, which was budgeted.  He noted other minor changes, and indicated that the union and town have signed, and the union will meet to discuss it.

C.  Report on Department Operations
Deputy Chief Spera stated it has been a year since the last operations briefing.  He presented the goals that were set for the past year, and reported the department’s success in meeting those goals.  He reported that a recent survey of sworn personnel, completed by all but one officer, indicated a dramatic rise in officer opinion and satisfaction in all areas surveyed.  He demonstrated an increase in officer enforcement activity due to proactive policing including increased follow-up activity, resulting in a better solve rate.  He noted that the number of incidents is down because the activity numbers are up, and stated that omni presence deters crime.  Deputy Chief Spera said he feels that these positive results are due not only to the promotions and reorganization of the department, but also to the efforts of all officers and the solid foundation Chief Mosca made through his hiring and training practices.  The Deputy Chief reported the next department professional development day will be held on July 22nd. It will include a presentation of short and long-term goals, an opportunity for personnel input and congratulations on solving several serious crimes, and on community policing efforts.

D.  Department Programs
1.  Kid Care ID Program
Deputy Chief Spera reported the purchase of a new Kid Care Identification program.  Rotary is funding 75% of the cost, and the Explorers will be trained to process applications.  He described this new nationwide program.

2.  ATV Program Update
Deputy Chief Spera reported that the all terrain vehicles have been ordered from Coastline Motor Sports.  The trailer and safety equipment are also ordered.  Six people will attend a training class, and will then come back and train other officers.  He stated that a large number of officers are eager to get involved in this program.  He indicated that the start-up funds are coming from a Conservation Commission account held by Parks & Recreation.  Maintenance and fuel will be the responsibility of the department.  This program is being undertaken in response to complaints of illegal tents, shooting, dumping and damage in open space areas where current police vehicles cannot go.

E.  Traffic
1.  Indian Town Traffic Assessment
Deputy Chief Spera stated that the Indian Town traffic assessment has finally been completed.  He reported that Indian Town Association has agreed to pay for the following, which he recommends:  Red Bird Trail, additional “No Parking” signs; Owaneco/Nehantic Trail, additional “No Parking” sign; Nehantic Trail, “Slow” sign by hill’s decline Red Bird/Sea Lane, replace sign; and Red Bird/Owaneco, replace sign/post.  He also recommends the following, which would be the responsibility of the town:  Old Post Road/Nehantic Trail, larger “Stop” signs; Pequot/Red Bird Trail, replace “Stop” sign; stop bars throughout Indian Town; Owaneco/Red Bird Trail, “Stop” sign; Attawanhood/Sea Lane, new “Stop” sign; and Obed/Attawanhood,  four way stop.  Deputy Chief Spera asked for the commission’s approval of these recommendations.  Motion made by Comsr. Dobratz and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to approve the recommended traffic control measures in Indian Town.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  The commission thanked Indian Town members who were present for their willingness to implement some of these changes. Notification will be sent to Public Works to implement those that are the town’s responsibility.

2.  Sheffield Street Parking Concern
Deputy Chief Spera reported he had observed the parking area by the town dock at the end of Sheffield Street, and recommended that the ten parking spots be better delineated to more clearly identify them, that the no parking areas be identified with metal signs and posts, and that an overflow parking sign directing motorists to the Middle School parking lot be erected.  Discussion included the $10 fine for illegal parking in the area, which the commission felt might be too low to discourage illegal parking.  Motion made by Comsr. Winkler to have the legal parking spaces re-lined, to have “No Parking” signs erected on poles in the no parking areas, and to have an overflow parking sign erected, directing motorists to the Middle School parking lot.  Motion seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio and passed by unanimous vote.

3.  Katherine Hepburn Cultural Arts Center Parking Plan
Deputy Chief Spera called attention to the parking plan in commissioners’ agenda packets, received from the Katherine Hepburn Cultural Arts Center.  This plan asks for a “Letter of Approval” from the Police Commission.  The Deputy Chief reported that a request has also been made for a cross walk between the theater and the Police Department.  He asked the commission to approve or disapprove the overflow parking plan; to decide if the cross walk request should be forwarded to the State Traffic Commission; and to direct the theater to maintain a constant working relationship with the Police Department regarding scheduled shows and events, with an understanding that policing necessary for traffic during large events will be billed to the theater.  The commission discussed each component of the plan at length, with much consideration given to pedestrian flow and safety in connection with off-site overflow parking arrangements, the drop-off area, handicapped parking plans, scheduling of shows during town events, and policing needs.   Motion made by Comsr. Winkler to approve the theater parking plan for one year, and require the theater to re-apply for approval the next year.  Motion seconded by Comsr. Burnham.  Comsr. Metsack suggested amending the motion to include the words “baring any safety issues” and also suggested revisiting the approval in less time than a year.  Deputy Chief Spera indicated that the Police Department has the option, at all times, to require changes due to safety issues that may arise.  Comsr. Metsack withdrew his suggestion.  Vote was Comsrs. Burnham, Metsack and Winkler in favor, Comsrs. Sparaco, Dobratz and Gallicchio against.  Motion failed.

After discussion and proposals made by Comsr. Gallicchio, motion was made by Comsr. Gallicchio to approve the theater parking plan with a six-month review in January 2010, with the understanding that theater representatives come to a workshop with the commission in the near future, and with the understanding that the Police Department can intervene if safety issues arise.   Motion seconded by Comsr. Metsack.  Motion carried five votes in favor, Comsr. Dobratz opposed.

The commission discussed the request for a crosswalk between the theater and Police Department.  It was noted that the State Traffic Commission recently turned down a request for a crosswalk in that area due to safety concerns.   Motion made by Comsr. Sparaco and seconded by Comsr. Dobratz to decline supporting the request for a crosswalk between the theater and Police Department.   Motion carried by unanimous vote.

After brief discussion, Motion made by Comsr. Sparaco and seconded by Comsr. Dobratz to require the theater to work with the Police Department regarding each and every production.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Saybrook Point Inn Crosswalk Request
Deputy Chief Spera reported he received a request from Saybrook Point Inn to have a crosswalk installed across Bridge Street about one-half block from its intersection with College Street.  After discussion regarding safety and State Traffic Commission guidelines, motion was made by Comsr. Gallicchio and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to support installation of a crosswalk across Bridge Street at its intersection with College Street.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

4.  Discussion and Action on Approved Use of Golf Carts
Deputy Chief Spera stated that as directed at the June 8, 2009 Special Meeting, he had compiled the items commissioners wanted stipulated for use of golf carts on roads in Old Saybrook with speed limits less than twenty-five miles per hour, as allowed by the new state law.  He discussed the proposed resolution, including equipment on and operation of the carts, a registration system, fees and the use of those fees, and penalties for misuse or illegal use.   In response to a question from Comsr. Sparaco, he indicated that rules of the road information will be included in the license packet, along with a fee schedule. The Deputy Chief also displayed a proposed license, which will read “VOID” if removed from a vehicle. The commission discussed registration fees and agreed they should be placed in the department’s Driver Safety Account.  The Deputy Chief indicated the department plans to hold registration days at each of the beach associations, at which time vehicle safety inspections can be made.

Motion made by Comsr. Dobratz and seconded by Comsr. Winkler to adopt the proposed golf cart resolution.  Motion carried by unanimous vote in favor.  The commission thanked the Deputy Chief for his work on this project.  This resolution takes effect on July 1, 2009.

After discussion about registration fees, motion was made by Comsr. Metsack and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio to establish a registration fee schedule of  $25 for the first golf cart in a household, $20 for the second and $15 for each additional.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Deputy Chief Spera is to develop a registration application, which will be made available on the website.

F.  Activity Report
Deputy Chief Spera referred to the Activity Report for the period May 14 to June 17, 2009, noting the number and seriousness of crimes and incidents being handled by the department. He discussed details of certain incidents, praising officer performance.

VI.  Support Services – Reports
        A.  Emergency Communication
1.  New System Status
Deputy Chief Spera updated the commission regarding training consoles, Fire Department and Police Department portables and testing.  He feels the new system will be fully operational by the end of August or beginning of September.

VII.    Discussion and Action on recommendations of the “Employee Search
        Committee for the Position of Chief of Police”
Chairman Burnham stated that the search committee, comprised of all members of the Police Commission, had met and was in agreement on the qualifications they are looking for in a new Chief of Police.  She presented a list of requirements for commissioners to review, and asked for discussion or a motion to adopt the requirements.  Motion was made by Comsr. Dobratz and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to adopt the requirements for Chief of Police as recommended by the Search Committee.  Motion carried by five votes in favor.  Comsr. Metsack abstained.

Chairman Burnham stated that the requirements will be posted tomorrow.

VIII.  Correspondence
Correspondence received since the last regular meeting was in commissioners’ agenda packets.  Comsr. Sparaco noted the generous donation to the Explorer program made by the Lions Club, and asked that a letter of appreciation be sent to them.  Deputy Chief Spera stated that the Lions Club has supported the Explorer program for several years, and that when the Explorers have their new uniforms, a picture will be taken of them for the Lions Club to use in their publicity.  Chairman Burnham said it’s great to see them out assisting at various functions, and noted the department has a new dispatcher who came from the Explorer program.

IX.  Comments from the Public
A member of the public said he has seen nothing but progression in the department and feels Deputy Chief Spera lacks nothing to become the new Chief.  Chairman Burnham stated that the search committee publicized nothing until the desired qualifications were finalized, and would be happy to stay at the end of the meeting if anyone would like to see the list.

A member of the public raised a question regarding Chief Mosca’s current status, which Chairman Burnham clarified.

A member of the public spoke favorably about the department meeting in July, 2008, and the support and effectiveness of the Chief and Deputy Chief.  

A member of the public spoke about a past law suit, which was dismissed, and comments made by the Attorney General.  He expressed concerns that certain people named in that law suit were carrying on their duties.

A member of the public commented that we are a nation of laws, and by law, the case was dismissed.  He further stated his support of Deputy Chief Spera for the position of Chief, and urged the commission to promote from within.  Chairman Burnham responded that the commission will do an internal search first, and look elsewhere if no one applies or meets the qualifications.

A member of the public identified himself as a former sergeant in the department, and spoke in support of the Deputy Chief being appointed as Chief.  He also stated that he has known the Executive Assistant, JoAnne Klingerman, for several years and has always found her to be professional and courteous.

A member of the public commended the Police Commission on the great job they do, and the amount of time they devote to their duties.

X.  Comments and/or Concerns from Commissioners

Raised Concern – Neighborhood Watch Update
Comsr. Gallicchio asked for an update on the Neighborhood Watch program.  Deputy Chief Spera responded that funds have been allocated for needed supplies, and that Ptl. Ziolkovski  will be assigned golf cart registrations as part of the program.

XI  Adjournment
Motion to adjourn made by Comsr. Sparaco and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 9:28.

                                                        JoAnne Klingerman
                                                        Executive Assistant

These minutes are subject to
approval by the Police Commission
at it’s next regular meeting.