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Minutes, Regular Meeting 5-18-09

MAY 18, 2009

A regular meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, May 18, 2009 at the Board of Education Office, 50 Sheffield Street.  PRESENT:  Chairman Burnham, Vice Chairman Conklin, Secretary Winkler, Commissioners Dobratz, Gallicchio and Sparaco.  Also present were Deputy Chief Spera and Attorney Miguel Escalera.

I.  Call to Order
Chairman Burnham called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  She explained that the commission normally meets on the fourth Monday of each month, but because that is a federal holiday this month, the meeting was scheduled for the third Monday.  Another group had already reserved the 2nd floor conference room at the Town Hall, so the commission reserved the smaller third floor conference room.  The meeting was then moved to the Board of Education location in order to accommodate members of the public who might attend.

II.  Minutes
Chairman Burnham asked for discussion or approval of the Minutes of the April 27, 2009 regular meeting.  Comsr. Gallicchio stated that the two Raised Concerns on Page 5, Section VIII, were raised by him and not by Comsr. Dobratz.  Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Dobratz to accept the Minutes of the April 27, 2009 regular meeting as submitted, with amendments to Page 5, Section VIII, first and second paragraphs, to show that Comsr. Gallicchio raised the concerns, and not Comsr. Dobratz.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

III.  Comments from the Public
Chairman Burnham stated that considering the length of the agenda and the number of members of the public in attendance, she would ask people to limit their comments to two minutes to give everyone an opportunity to speak.  She stated the commission’s ground rules for receiving comments and noted there would be another opportunity for public comment further into the agenda.  

Several members of the public spoke.  Comments included items such as the conclusion of the Attorney General’s investigation of the Mac Fund and recommendations to the commission regarding the future process of appointing a new chief.  Many comments of appreciation and approval of the chief and deputy chief and the department’s many services and programs were offered, including the training and responsiveness of the force, the very successful School Resource Officer and DARE programs, and the level of safety enjoyed by the community.

IV.  Executive Division Reports
A.  Financial
1.  08-09 Operating Budget
Deputy Chief Spera asked if there were any questions regarding the Expenses and Supplies report.  In response to questions by Comsr. Gallicchio, he stated that the Professional Development line item includes a two-week middle management training course taken by Sgt. Rankin and Sgt. Roche, and that line item has not been increased in the new budget request.  Deputy Chief Spera indicated the department would soon begin purchases of items that were put off during the fiscal year and ensured the budget will remain in the black.   

2. Asset Forfeiture
Deputy Chief Spera reported the balance to be $15,546.10.

3.  Capital Sinking Fund
Deputy Chief Spera reported the balance to be $62,370.99.

4.  09-10 Budget Process
Deputy Chief Spera reminded the commission of a very important town meeting regarding the proposed budget on Tuesday evening, the 19th, at the Middle School.  Chairman Burnham stated the meeting will adjourn to referendum on June 2nd.

V.  Field Services – Reports
A.  Professional Development Activities
Deputy Chief Spera referred to the training report in commissioners’ packets.  He discussed the department wide professional development experience held on April 28th and provided  a sample Simunition round for commissioners’ inspection.  He discussed the value and benefit of this exercise, and stated he looks forward to receiving officers’ feedback via surveys they are to complete.  

B.  Uniform Committee Progress Report
Deputy Chief Spera reported the police union has donated funding for the new Class C uniforms, which have been ordered.  The Uniform Committee is talking with prospective donors and hoping to have all funding available soon so that Class B winter uniforms can be ordered.  

C.  Department Programs
1.  DARE
Deputy Chief Spera thanked the commissioners who attended the recent DARE graduations.  He indicated the three DARE officers,

all present, and noted each officer’s assigned school.  He also spoke of the work and effort each officer undertook to make the program so successful, and asked the commission for letters of recognition for each DARE officer.  Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Winkler to provide letters of recognition to Ptl. Barnes, Ptl. Perrotti and Ptl. Walsh for their hard work and success as DARE officers.

Chairman Burnham stated she was impressed at the apparent personal connection and rapport each of the DARE officers had developed with the children in their classes.

Motion carried by unanimous vote.

2.  ATV Program
Deputy Chief Spera reported progress in implementing an all terrain vehicle program, as requested by the Conservation Commission and discussed at the April meeting.  He reported that after a presentation by Ptl. DePerry, Parks & Recreation has agreed to expend up to $14,000 for two ATV’s, from a non-budget fund they administer.  The deputy chief discussed how the vehicles would be selected, stored, transported and maintained.  He talked about how officer selection, training and scheduling could be done, and indicated the town’s insurance carrier has been consulted and offered no objection.  Chairman Burnham asked if he has a timeline in mind, and he indicated he would like to have the program in place so that patrols could begin on weekends this summer, and asked for the commission’s endorsement so the department can move forward with this endeavor.  Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to support the proposed ATV program.

Chairman Burnham stated that letters should be sent to Parks & Recreation and to the Conservation Commission, thanking them for their support.

Motion carried by unanimous vote.

3.  Neighborhood Watch Program
Deputy Chief Spera explained that the department had a Neighborhood Watch Program several years ago, which had become defunct.  He reported that Ptl. Ziolkovski expressed an interest in revitalizing that program, and has completed a “Neighborhood Watch Toolkit Training Seminar,” and asked Ptl.

Ziolkovski to give background and answer questions.  Ptl. Ziolkovski reported that this program would expand the department’s community policing initiatives by providing more effective interaction between residents and the department, thereby increasing safety.  He stated that the National Sheriff’s Association has revamped the program to standardize training, implementation and follow-up support nationwide.  There was discussion regarding how citizens could participate, start-up costs estimated to be no more than $450, and how the program would be kept ongoing.  

Deputy Chief Spera stated he feels this program would offer an avenue to Citizen Police Academy graduates who often ask how they can continue their relationship with the department.  He asked the commission’s endorsement of this program.  Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio to endorse implementation of the Neighborhood Watch Program.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

D.  Personnel
1.  Exchange Club Officers of the Year
Deputy Chief Spera announced that Ptl. Mercer and Ptl. DePerry were selected as this year’s Exchange Club Officers of the Year, based on their work in solving two separate bank robberies that occurred in Old Saybrook this year.  Their diligent investigations led to identification and arrests of two suspects who are currently awaiting trial.  These officers have been honored at a dinner given by the local Exchange Club, and will be honored on May 28th at a statewide event to be held at Aqua Turf.  Commissioners were invited to attend.  Ptl. Mercer and Ptl. DePerry were photographed with the Police Commission.

2.  Police Explorer Competition Results
The Deputy Chief reported that the department’s Explorers placed significantly in a recent competition, and asked Ptl. Barnes to report to the commission.  Ptl. Barnes reported the competition involved a full day of responding to mock complaints, which required the Explorers to rely on training.  He said that he, Ptl. DePerry and Ptl. Walsh had alternated as advisors to the Old Saybrook team.  He reported there were over 380 participants from Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut and Rhode Island.  Old Saybrook was one of the smallest groups, consisting of five members and the largest group had 26 members in attendance.

 Old Saybrook was the proud winner of the following medals, which Chairman Burnham presented to the winning Explorers:  First Place for “Unknown Response Call”, Dan Clark and Matthew Stuart; third place for “Shots Fired Call”, Steve Hackett and Tom Koski; and third place for “Felony Car Stop”, Dan Clark and Tom Koski.
Deputy Chief Spera reported that the new Explorer class has begun training and ride-alongs.  Officer Walsh discussed the new Explorer training and Officer Perrotti spoke about the value of the Explorers while on patrol.  The Deputy Chief discussed the value of the Explorers to the department and the services they perform.  His goal is to have 21 Explorers to make one available to each officer.  Chairman Burnham thanked the Explorer members for their interest and work in the program.

3.  Extended Sick Leave
Deputy Chief Spera reported that Sgt. Rankin is progressing, and is currently in rehabilitation.  Commissioners are encouraged to contact him whenever they like.

E.  Activity Report
Deputy Chief Spera called attention to the Activity Report.  He commented on the professionalism and volume of work being done, and stated that pro-active exercises are also being performed, and that the department’s solve rate is higher than previous years.  Chairman Burnham noted the seriousness of several cases the department handled since the last meeting, and the Deputy noted that officer training has shown itself in their ability to handle various kinds of calls, and noted his appreciation of Chief Mosca’s foresight in providing that training and resources that have provided the department with a solid foundation to build on in the future.

In response to a question from Comsr. Gallicchio, the Deputy Chief explained the amount of work done on the Comfort Inn fatality and the process of obtaining arrest warrants.

VI.  Support Services – Reports
A.  Emergency Communication
1.  New System Status
Deputy Chief Spera reported the installation is still going well.  He stated that unofficial preliminary tests have been very successful.  He expects the system to be completed and in use by the end of the summer, and reported it will also include the Health District and the school system.  In response to a question from Chairman Burnham, he reported the flooding problem in the building behind the department seems to have been resolved.  Chairman Burnham thanked everyone involved for their work in bringing this system forward.

VII.  Comments from the Public
Chairman Burnham asked for comments, and stated the public is welcome to stay until after the executive session.

One member of the public asked if the department could establish a means of notifying the public of items it needs. Chairman Burnham explained that the department approaches specific members of the public who have indicated a desire to support the department and provide for unbudgeted needs.  She stated the idea is an excellent one and that it would be taken into consideration.  

A member of the public asked questions about the ATV’s, regarding registration, insurance, officer licensing and safety, which Deputy Chief Spera answered.

VIII.  Executive Session
Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio to move to executive session for discussions regarding the appointment of a new police chief, and to invite Attorney Escalera to attend.   Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Meeting moved to executive session at 8:32 p.m.

Meeting returned to open session at 10:20 p.m.

IX.  Possible Action Concerning Topics Discussed in Executive Session
No action taken.

X.  Action on Chief Edmund H. Mosca’s Proposed Retirement
Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to accept Chief Mosca’s retirement, effective October 16, 2009, noting he is on vacation through that time frame, and commending his 48 plus years of service and dedication to the Town of Old Saybrook, its citizens and the members of the department and leading the department to its present level of professionalism and responsiveness.  

Chairman Burnham concurred with Comsr. Conklin’s sentiments and stated that she also wanted to note Chief Mosca’s many years of dedication and good service in modernizing the department and moving it forward to make Old Saybrook so safe.  She noted his many activities and affiliations with local, regional, state, national and international law enforcement associations that served to keep him aware of the latest programs and training, which he implemented to keep the department top notch, and that she is grateful that he served as long as he has.

Motion carried by unanimous vote.

XI.  Comments and/or Concerns from Commissioners
None were offered.

XII.  Adjournment
Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Winkler, to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 10:26 p.m.

                                                        JoAnne Klingerman
                                                        Executive Assistant

These minutes are subject to approval of the
Old Saybrook Police Commission at its
next regular meeting.