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4/27/09 Regular Meeting Minutes
APRIL  27, 2009

A regular meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, April 27, 2009 at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:  Chairman Burnham, Vice Chairman Conklin, Commissioners Dobratz, Gallicchio, Metsack and Sparaco.  Also present was Deputy Chief Spera.

I.  Call to Order
Chairman Burnham called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

II.  Minutes
Chairman Burnham asked for discussion or approval of the Minutes of the March 23, 2009 regular meeting.  Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio to approve the Minutes of the March 23, 2009 meeting, as submitted.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

III.  Comments from the Public
No members of the public were present.

IV.  Executive Division Reports
A.  Financial
1.  08-09 Operating Budget
Deputy Chief Spera asked if there were any questions regarding the operating budget print-out.  Chairman Burnham stated that it appeared to be in good shape overall.  The Deputy Chief answered questions regarding two line items, and reminded the commission that while certain line items may be over or under expended, the bottom line is kept in the black.

2.  Asset Forfeiture
Deputy Chief Spera reported the Asset Forfeiture balance to be $15,546.10.

3.  Capital Sinking Fund
Deputy Chief Spera reported the Capital Sinking Fund balance to be $62,370.99.  In response to a question by Comsr. Metsack, the Deputy Chief explained that the balance is comprised of amounts deposited for various projects.  Comsr. Dobratz asked if the department might receive building funds from the Federal Stimulus Package, and the Deputy Chief responded that projects had to be “shovel ready” to be submitted, so the department was unable to apply.

4.  09-10 Budget Process
Chairman Burnham stated that at the last public hearing, the only comment made was with regard to the law suit which has been dismissed.  She reported the budget has remained as the Board of Finance received it from the Board of Selectmen, and she expects it to go to referendum without further changes.  The Commission discussed their views and hopes that the budget passes.

5.  COPS Hiring Recovery Program (CHRP) Application
Chairman Burnham reported that the Board of Selectmen refused to sign the application due to their concerns it would impact negatively on the department’s budget proposal due to the future funding commitment it requires.   She indicated that the application deadline has now passed.  

Deputy Chief Spera stated his concerns that the next round will be for those who applied and did not receive funding in the first round, which may make the department ineligible to apply.  

B.  Comments, Ideas and/or Concerns of the Chief
1.  Chief’s Activities
In addition to the Chief’s Activities of Note in commissioners’ packets, Deputy Chief Spera reported the following:

Due to their concern that open space property is not being patrolled, the Conservation Commission may purchase two all-terrain vehicles for officers to use for that purpose.  The Department of Environmental Protection would train officers, who could then patrol open space areas during the summer months.  He explained staffing the patrols, the need  for this service, and how the ATV’s would be transported.

Ptl. Mercer and Ptl DePerry have been selected as Exchange Club Officers of the Year.  Deputy Chief Spera described their work and efforts in successfully apprehending the person who robbed  Webster Bank.  He reported the local presentation has been made, and the statewide event at Aqua Turf will take place on May 28th.  He will contact commissioners with details of that event, should they be available to attend.  Ptl. Mercer and Ptl. DePerry will be presented to the commission at the next meeting.

DARE graduations are scheduled at St. John’s School on  May 12th at 6:30p.m., and at the Middle School on May 14th at 6:00p.m.  Commissioners are invited and encouraged to attend.

The department is working with the selectmen’s office in connection with the state’s planned release of a patient who plans to live in a neighborhood in Old Saybrook.  The Deputy Chief and First Selectman Pace plan to attend a meeting of the state’s Psychiatric Review Board on Friday, and hope to testify.  The town has concerns about having this person, who committed a violent murder, living among its residents.

A new class of Explorers has begun.  This group includes high school  freshmen and sophomores,  who are younger than previous groups.  This will allow the individuals to be Explorer members for a longer period of time before they leave to attend college.

Deputy Chief Spera is also Director of Emergency Management for the town.  He informed the commission of activities taking place in response to the swine flu outbreak and concerns.  He reported a drill scheduled for May 19th, which had already been planned before the outbreak.  He reported that plans for this kind of problem were already in place, and explained the process that may go into effect, and steps that have been taken to be prepared.

V.  Field Services – Reports
A   Professional Development Activities
In addition to the report in commissioners’ packets, Deputy Chief Spera stated that the department has been very busy preparing for a department wide professional development day scheduled for the 28th.

B.  Uniform Committee Progress Report
The Deputy Chief reported progress in obtaining funding from individuals who plan to help the department achieve its new uniform goal.  He stated that the police union has appropriated the funds for the tactical uniforms, and they will be ordered soon.

C.  Personnel
1.  Employee Discipline
Deputy Chief Spera reported that in accordance withr department rules and regulations it is the responsibility of the Chief of Police to inform the commission of employee discipline.  Therefore:

A patrolman was suspended for two days following an internal investigation which found that the officer violated Department Rules and Regulations, specifically Section 30.07 Truthfulness; 30.10 False Information of Records; and Section 11 of the Uniform Standards of Conduct entitled Dishonesty or Untruthfulness.

The employee accepted the discipline without grievance.

2.  Extended Sick Leave
Deputy Chief Spera reported that Sgt. Rankin had given his permission for the Deputy to report that Sgt. Rankin had had extensive heart surgery.  He stated that Sgt. Rankin is doing very well, and would appreciate calls from any commissioners who would like to contact him.  He is expected to return to work in August or September.  The Deputy Chief stated that the department’s K-9 program has been suspended for now.

D.  Activity Report
1.  March 18, 2009 – April 21, 2009
The Deputy Chief reported the department is operating at levels that have not been seen in quite some time.  He stated that the solve rate, motor vehicle activity and pro-active activities are way up, and that he is very pleased with the performance of the staff.

VI.  Support Services – Reports
A.  Traffic
1.  Indian Town Traffic Assessment
Deputy Chief Spera stated that due to the difficulty in getting all parties together, he conducted his own traffic survey of the area.  He reported that Indian Town residents were very pleased with his recommendations, and have asked for certain additional items.

B.  Emergency Communication
1.  New System Status
The Deputy Chief reported the system is in the final stages of completion.  He gave detailed status of various components, and expects the system to be fully operational soon.

VII.  Comments from the Public
No members of the public were present.

VIII.  Comments and Concerns of Commissioners

Raised Concern – Accreditation
Comsr. Dobratz asked how the accreditation process is progressing.  Deputy Chief Spera stated that Det. Sgt. Heiney is working diligently and that Tier One should be ready for audit shortly after Chief Mosca’s return.

Raised Concern – Golf Carts
Comsr. Dobratz asked if there have been any recent problems with golf carts.  The Deputy Chief said there have not.  He informed the commission that the state should be providing revisions to the current statute soon.

IX.  Adjournment
Motion made by Comsr. Gallicchio and seconded by Comsr. Conklin to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 8:07 p.m.

                                                        JoAnne Klingerman
                                                        Executive Assistant

These minutes are subject to approval of the
Old Saybrook Police Commission at its
next regular meeting.