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December 15, 2008
DECEMBER 15, 2008

A regular meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, December 15, 2008 at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:  Chairman Burnham, Vice Chairman Conklin, Commissioners Gallicchio, Metsack, Sparaco and Winkler.  Also present was Deputy Chief Spera.

I.  Call to Order
Chairman Burnham called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

II.  Minutes
Chairman Burnham asked for discussion or approval of the Minutes of the November 17, 2008 meeting.  Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to accept the Minutes of the November 17, 2008 meeting as submitted.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

III.  Comments from the Public
A member of the public identified himself as a resident of Indian Town, and spoke about various traffic problems including speeding automobiles, lack of stop bars at stop signs, need for additional stop signs, and need for replacement of missing no parking signs.  He described several dangerous conditions, and requested the commission take action regarding these items.  He also submitted a series of photographs of various problem areas.   Chairman Burnham thanked him for his comments and indicated the commission would discuss his concerns when they get to the traffic part of the agenda.

IV.  Executive Division Reports
Chairman Burnham indicated that Mrs. Mosca had recent surgery, and that Chief Mosca was with her, attending a meeting with her physicians.  Chairman Burnham also reported that Comsr. Dobratz had called her earlier and would be unable to attend the meeting.
A.  Financial
1.  08-09 Operating Budget
Deputy Chief Spera asked if there were any questions regarding the Expenses and Supplies printout in commissioners’ packets.  In response to questions he discussed the state of several line items and noted that the department pays very close attention to the bottom line when considering expenditures to ensure the budget remains in the black.

2.  Asset Forfeiture
Deputy Chief Spera reported the Asset Forfeiture balance to be $15,418.46.

3.  Capital Sinking Fund
Deputy Chief Spera reported the Capital Sinking Fund balance to be $67,142.27.

4.  Presentation to the Board of Finance
Chairman Burnham stated that, as previously reported, the commission was invited by the Board of Finance to attend their meeting on December 2nd.  She reported she felt the meeting was very productive, and that the members of the Board of Finance paid very close attention to Chief Mosca’s introduction and to the excellent presentation made by Deputy Chief Spera.  This presentation was a modified version of the presentation the Deputy gave to the Commission last year, broken down to demonstrate the many elements involved in providing quality police services every hour of every day.  The Board of Finance asked very good questions and seemed to understand the needs of the department in order to meet the demands placed upon it, and that it has been running “bare bones” for several years.  Chairman Burnham was pleased that individual members acknowledged a need for more personnel, although she understands that Fiscal Year 09-10 will probably not be the year that additional staffing can be acquired.

5.  09-10 Budget Preparation
Chairman Burnham stated the commission had asked the department to compile a budget proposal for FY 09-10, with a 0% increase, as requested by the Board of Selectmen.  Deputy Chief Spera reported that he and Chief Mosca discuss the budget work on a daily basis, and staff has been working diligently to meet that directive.  He noted that union contract negotiations have not begun, so a set-aside must be included that is considerable enough to cover any possible increase and retroactive pay and overtime differentials if a settlement is not reached by July 1, 2009.  He stated that utilities are projecting rate increases as well.  These items must be taken into consideration in budget preparations.  There was also discussion of eliminating the purchase of vehicles and handguns in the capital budget and the ramifications of those actions.  He is to work with Saybrook Ford to compile a realistic figure for Vehicle Maintenance considering the age of the fleet and the actual hours on engines, not properly reflected by odometer readings considering the high volume of idle time.   

B.  Personnel
1.  Part Time / Per Diem Hiring Process
Deputy Chief Spera thanked the commission for promoting Ptl. Kiako from part time to full time.  He reported Ptl. Kiako is eager to start full time, and is incorporated in the January schedule.  He stated that this promotion leaves a vacancy in the part time per diem officers.  That section now has only one officer, and Deputy Chief Spera asked the commission’s permission for the Chief to run an on-going process to attract certified officers who may be retiring from nearby departments.  After discussion, motion made by Comsr. Winkler to permit the Chief to begin an ongoing process to attract certified officers to apply for part time per diem positions.  Motion seconded by Comsr. Conklin.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Deputy Chief Spera reported that Police Explorer Stephen Hackett, currently a college student, is going through the state certification classes to become a dispatcher.  The department is hiring him on a part time per diem basis, and expects him to be with us for at least the next two years.  He said this is an excellent example of how the Explorer program works to attract young people to police work.

C.  Comments, Ideas and/or Concerns of the Chief
1.  Chief’s Activities
Deputy Chief Spera noted the Chief’s report of activities in their packets.  

Deputy Chief Spera stated that department supervisors are encouraged to let the Chief know when department members perform above and beyond the call in the performance of their duties.  He read a memorandum to Chief Mosca from Lt. McDonald, which described life-saving actions of Sgt. Rankin and Ptl. Ziolkovski in administering CPR during a medical incident.  The Deputy Chief said that he and the Chief recommend commendations to these officers.  Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to give commendations to Sgt. Rankin and Ptl. Ziolkovski for their life saving actions.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.   Deputy Chief Spera stated that this is the kind of thing that happens every single day, and illustrates how important it is to have proper staffing and equipment to ensure help arrives quickly and not five minutes too late, with inadequate equipment.

Deputy Chief Spera reported the town ordinance regarding golf carts was repealed at a town meeting in deference to a new state statute which supercedes the ordinance.  

V.  Field Services – Reports
A.  Professional Development Activities
Deputy Chief Spera noted the written report in commissioners’ packets.  He applauded personnel for their work policing the Saybrook Stroll and Torchlight Parade.  He said that he and the Chief took advantage of the pre-event briefings to conduct department meetings, training and to record the Channel 3 holiday greeting.

Deputy Chief Spera reported that Ptl. Walsh has completed the last phase of accident reconstruction training, and is now fully certified.  Ptl. Walsh used his skills at a pedestrian accident that took place during, but not in connection with, the Torch Light Parade.   The Deputy noted how difficult and intense this course is, and praised Ptl. Walsh for his success, making him the second member of the department, along with Sgt. Gardner, to be currently certified.

B.  Activity Report
Deputy Chief Spera noted the written report in commissioners’ packets.  

Deputy Chief Spera discussed certain unique incidents including an untimely death and the robbery at Bank of America.  He also informed the commission of a recent incident in Oregon where police were called to investigate a shoe box left at a bank.  The matter was not taken seriously, and two officers and one civilian were killed.  He stated that this unfortunate incident underlines the necessity of taking such incidents seriously, and the message has been passed on to personnel to do as they have been trained during such incidents, and not worry about “Monday morning quarterbacks.”

VI.  Support Services – Reports
A.  Traffic
1.  North Main Street Parking
Deputy Chief Spera brought the commissions’ attention to a letter in their packets from First Selectman Pace to the chairman of the One More Stop organization in New London, supporting increased rail service to New London.  He also reported that Public Works has completed construction of 42 new parking spaces on North Main Street.  

2.  Fourth Avenue – No Outlet
Deputy Chief Spera stated that Chief Mosca has forwarded a memorandum to Public Works requesting the “Dead End” sign be replaced with a “No Outlet” sign, as discussed at the last meeting.

3.  Obed Trail – Four Way STOP Request
Deputy Chief Spera reported that he and Chief Mosca had viewed the intersection of Attawanhood Trail and Obed Trail, and endorse a four way stop at that intersection.  He reported the Chief also received a letter from the President of Indian Town Association, in support of this request.  Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio to make the intersection of Attawanhood Trail and Obed Trail a four-way stop, and to request installation of signs.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  

The commission discussed items of concern brought up by residents of Indian Town.  Deputy Chief Spera stated that patrols are normally instructed in January to look for signage that needs maintenance or replacement so the work can be scheduled for the spring.  He also suggested attending an association meeting to present what has to be done by property owners to address various problems such as overgrown plantings.  

4.  All Way STOP Request – Elm Street / Research Parkway West
The Deputy Chief reported a request from the Town Planner, as a member of the Bicycle Safety Committee, for an all way stop on Elm Street at its intersection with Research Parkway West.  He and the Chief viewed the area, and feel that due to a lack of visibility and stop time, stop signs on Elm Street would not increase safety, and may, in fact, decrease safety.  He stated that speed of vehicles should be addressed with enforcement, not stop signs.  After discussion, motion made by Comsr.  Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio to address speed on Elm Street with enforcement, and to decline the request for stop signs for safety reasons.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  

B.  Emergency Communication
1.  New System Status
Deputy Chief Spera reported a meeting scheduled with Motorola at 7:00 a.m. on Tuesday, December 16th, during which they would visit all three sites to go through a punch list of what needs to be done at each site.  They will also present their engineer’s drawings of how they plan to resolve the drainage problem at the building behind the Police Department.  In response to a question from Chairman Burnham, he reported that an aggressive schedule has been set.

VII.  Police Commission Business
A.  Police Commission By-Laws
Vice Chairman Conklin referred commissioners to the proposed by-laws contained in their packets.  Chairman Burnham presented changes she suggested, most of which were for language and clarification purposes.   Vice Chairman Conklin agreed with her suggestions, and asked for discussion and consideration of the proposed by-laws.  Chairman Burnham said she felt the committee had done a very good job and covered all areas of the commission’s responsibilities.  Motion made by Comsr. Winkler and seconded by Comsr. Conklin to adopt the proposed Police Commission By-Laws as presented, incorporating the changes presented by Chairman Burnham.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  Comsr. Conklin will incorporate the changes and provide each commissioner with a copy, as adopted.  He will also provide the Town Clerk with a copy.

B.  2009 Regular Meeting Schedule
Chairman Burnham referred commissioners to the proposed meeting schedule for 2009, in their packets.  After discussion, motion made by Comsr. Winkler and seconded by Comsr. Conklin to accept the proposed meeting schedule for 2008, as presented.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  

Chairman Burnham asked for suggestions for scheduling a special meeting prior to January 15, 2009, to discuss and take action on the proposed 2009 budget.  After discussion, motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to hold a special meeting on January 12, 7:30 p.m. for 2009 budget discussions and action.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  Deputy Chief Spera is to deliver proposed budget packets to commissioners shortly after Christmas.  This meeting will be held in the Emergency Management Office.  

VIII.   Comments from the Public
A member of the public stated she is a resident of Indian Town and supports the requests made by other Indian Town residents earlier in the meeting.  She said she is also concerned about people using Old Post Road to avoid the lights on Route 1.  She stated that cars come through at high rates of speed, traveling from the west to east, turning right-on-red at the first light, and then right-on-red again at the end of Old Post Road, to get back onto Route 1.  Deputy Chief Spera responded that the department would like to try enforcement first, and asked if the seasons affect the numbers of cars, and Indian Town residents said the problem exists at all times of the year.  Chief Mosca and the Deputy Chief will view and evaluate the area, and make recommendations encompassing all areas of concern at the next meeting.  Indian Town residents thanked the commission for their efforts and for recent increased patrols.

IX.  Comments and Concerns of Commissioners

Raised Concern—Moment of Silence
Vice Chairman Conklin asked for a moment of silence for Bill Gesick, uncle of Lt. McDonald, who recently passed away.  A moment of silence was held.

Raised Concern—Accreditation
Comsr. Gallicchio asked the status of the accreditation process.  Deputy Chief Spera said he and the Chief recently received a progress report from Det. Sgt. Heiney on the status of the department’s accreditation efforts.  The Detective Sergeant reports that he expects a mock assessment with the state in the spring.

Raised Concern—Policy Manual
Chairman Burnham asked about plans to update the policy manual.   Deputy Chief Spera reported that this effort is in concert with accreditation.   Det. Sgt. Heiney is near completion of work he is doing to prepare for updating.

Raised Concern—Taser Referral
Comsr. Metsack stated he had met with Major Santry of Clinton Police Department and found him helpful and informative regarding Clinton’s use of and experience with Tasers.  He added that Major Santry may be available to attend a future public meeting about Tasers.

Raised Concern—Burger King Exit Arrows
Chairman Burnham stated she has noticed that “In” and “Out” arrows have been painted on both driveways for Burger King, replacing “In” in the driveway closest to the light, and “Out” in the driveway furthest from the light.  She feels this causes a safety concern, and asked that the department look into it.  Deputy Chief Spera agreed to do so.

X.  Adjournment
Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Winkler to adjourn the meeting.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 8:38p.m.

                                                JoAnne Klingerman
                                                Executive Assistant

These minutes are subject to approval of the
Old Saybrook Police Commission at its
next regular meeting.