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Minutes, Police Commission Nov. 17, 2008 regular meeting

NOVEMBER 17, 2008

A regular meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, November 17, 2008 at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:  Chairman Burnham, Vice Chairman Conklin, Commissioners Dobratz, Gallicchio, Metsack and Sparaco.  Also present were Chief Mosca and Deputy Chief Spera.

I.  Call to Order
Chairman Burnham called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

II.  Minutes
Chairman Burnham asked for discussion or approval of the Minutes of the October 27, 2008 special meeting.  Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to accept the Minutes of the October 27, 2008 special meeting.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

III.  Comments from the Public
No comments were offered.

IV.  Executive Division Reports
A.  Financial
1.  08-09 Operating Budget
Chief Mosca referred to the Expenses and Supplies print-out in commissioners’ packets.  He noted that some front-loaded items, and prepayment of gasoline and heating oil at rates greater than budgeted, have brought the bottom line expenditure to a level that should even out through the balance of the fiscal year, with the exception of gasoline and fuel oil.  

Chairman Burnham indicated that in response to the memorandum sent to the Board of Finance, the commission is invited to attend their December 2nd meeting, both as a follow-up to the memorandum and to explain how the department arrives at various figures in budget planning sessions.

2.  Asset Forfeiture
Chief Mosca reported the current balance of $15,418.00

3.  Capital Sinking Fund
Chief Mosca reported the current balance of $67,142

4.  09-10 Budget Preparation
Chief Mosca reported that, considering the current price of gasoline, compared to the $3.64 price per gallon the department is currently obligated to pay,  negotiations are underway with the supplier to lock in a pre-buy rate now for the coming fiscal year.  This action has been recommended to all town departments by the Board of Finance.  He reported he is quite pleased with the rates that are being discussed for gasoline and fuel oil, and expects to report the settled rates at the next meeting.  

Comsr. Dobratz stated he does not understand how the department can calculate a proposed budget with a 0% increase, including Capital and Operating areas.  There followed extensive discussion of how the department might meet that target, which various line items can and cannot be adjusted, and the disastrous impact that increased activity and unforeseen events can have on a tight budget.

B.  Personnel
1.  Productivity
Chief Mosca reported that although personnel are disappointed that additional positions will not be requested in the next budget, considering scheduling requirements and increased activity typical in times of economic downturns,  their attitudes are positive and they continue to perform and produce at a high level as evidenced by their excellent response and performance at a major incident he would detail in the activity report.   He noted that contract negotiations will begin in January.

C.  Comments, Ideas and/or Concerns of the Chief
1.  Chief’s Activities
Chief Mosca reported that he had just returned from an IACP training conference held in San Diego, which was attended by 17,000 police professionals from all over the world.  He said he had come back with many ideas for the department, which he has begun discussing with the Deputy Chief.  He passed around the conference activity manual for commissioners to inspect.

Chief Mosca reported that Deputy Chief Spera has arranged for extensive cosmetic improvements to the inside of the Police Department  by exchanging school crossing services for construction services.  He reported new tile flooring, modification of the kitchen/break room, and fresh paint.  The Chief said that although the roof still leaks, and the furnace still needs frequent repairs, the improved appearance has had a positive impact on morale, and he thanked and praised the Deputy Chief for his efforts.  Chief Mosca invited commissioners to come in and see the improvements.  

V.  Field Services – Reports

A.  Professional Development Activities
Chief Mosca asked if there were questions regarding the report in commissioners’ packets.  No questions were asked.

B.  Activity Report
In addition to the written report in commissioners’ packets, Chief Mosca stated that a possible homicide had taken place the evening before this meeting.  He described the department’s activities, the diligence of officers involved in the investigation, the decision to call in the State Police Major Crime Squad, and that the State’s Attorney’s office is working with the department in the investigation.  The Chief reported that department personnel were very professional, organized, and demonstrated excellent utilization of their training.  

VI.  Support Services – Reports

A.  Traffic
1.  North Main Street Parking
Chief Mosca reported that the town crew has assisted professional contractors in work being done to widen North Main Street, provide additional parking and install a cross walk.  He stated that the surface would be processed stone to allow future construction to proceed, and that lines can be painted on the processed stone to delineate parking spaces.  He expects about 29 additional spaces, which is about the number he feels is needed now.  He reported that construction work has also begun on improvements to the intersection of Route 1 and Main Street.  

2.  All Way STOP Request – Elm Street / Research Parkway West
Chairman Burnham referred to a follow-up letter she received regarding a request for all-way stop signs at the Elm Street intersection with Research Parkway West.  She does not feel she received the first letter, and was appreciative of the follow-up.  Chief Mosca asked the commission to allow the department to do a survey and come back with their recommendations at the next meeting.  This was agreed upon.

Chairman Burnham reported receiving correspondence requesting better signage on Fourth Avenue at its intersection with Sunset Avenue, indicating there is no cul de sac or turn around, and no exit on the north end of Fourth Avenue, in order to reduce the number of cars traveling to the end of the road and using private driveways to turn around.  The Chief was asked to do a survey and report his recommendations at the next meeting.

Chairman Burnham reported receiving several requests from neighborhood property owners for 4-way stop signs and refreshed stop-bars at the intersection of Obed Trail and Attawanhood Trail in Indian Town, due to motorists disregard of current signs on Attawanhood.  After discussion, Chief Mosca was requested to survey this area and make recommendations at the next meeting.  It was noted that if changes are advisable, the beach association’s president should be contacted for concurrence.  Chief Mosca also stated that patrols can be stepped up if disregard of stop signs needs attention.

B.  Emergency Communications
1.  New System Status
Deputy Chief Spera reported there will be a meeting with Motorola this week for presentation of their plan to remedy the flooding problem in the radio tower building previously reported.  He stated it has been conveyed to Motorola that in order for the plan to be acceptable, it must include a remedy at no cost to the town.  Chief Mosca reported he spoke with a Motorola representative at the IACP conference in San Diego, who assured him the proposal will be acceptable, and that Motorola is very concerned that the town be satisfied with the resolution.

VII.  Electro-Muscular Disruption Technology
A.  Review of IACP Effective Deployment Plan
Chairman Burnham noted the presentation by Mr. Kehoe at the last meeting, and the commission’s decision to evaluate the IACP’s deployment plan, and asked for discussion.  Comsr. Conklin said he felt the IACP plan includes the commission’s intentions of having meetings with town boards and residents, investigating funding options, and developing strict use policies.  He suggested moving forward by following the IACP Nine-Step Strategy for Effective Deployment.  There was lengthy discussion of funding issues, policy development, education of the public, and research of issues such as officer injury cost savings and liability.

Chief Mosca reported there is a new product, based on new technology, that was previewed at the IACP Conference, which would provide an intermediate step between use of pepper spray and Taser.  He described it as a gel that is fired from a special gun, and incapacitates an offender but does not affect the officer, as pepper spray often does.  He will get specific information to the commission as soon as it becomes available.

B.  Discussion and Possible Action
Chairman Burnham asked for the commissioners’ recommendations.  Comsr. Conklin suggested moving forward by forming a group to develop a plan, with no time frame, to investigate and evaluate all areas of concern, and make recommendations regarding issues such as officer and public education, funding, policy, etc.  Deputy Chief Spera stated he feels it would be helpful if the commission would adopt the IACP 9-step plan to allow activities that must be done to obtain answers to all questions that may be posed.  After further discussion, motion was made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio to adopt the IACP Nine-Step Strategy for Effective Deployment.  Chairman Burnham asked for discussion.  It was stressed that adoption of this plan does not mean the commission has agreed to get Tasers.  Deputy Chief Spera suggested commission approval before moving from one step to the next, in following the plan, and an understanding that the process can be stopped by the commission at any point.  Comsr. Gallicchio stated he would like to obtain information from departments that currently use Tasers.  Chairman Burnham asked for a vote on the motion.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

VIII.  Comments from the Public
        No comments were offered.

IX.  Comments and Concerns of Commissioners

Raised Concern – Max’s Place
Comsr. Gallicchio asked how Max’s Place is nearing approval, as reported at the last meeting, when the grocery store backed out.  Chief Mosca said the state has indicated that possible new tenants have required that traffic plans be approved before they will move forward with occupancy negotiations, so they do not get weighed down by the permit process.

Raised Concern – Personnel Health Issue
Comsr. Gallicchio asked the status of Sgt. Rankin’s health.  Chief Mosca stated he has received a letter from Sgt. Rankin’s physician clearing him for police work with no restrictions, and that he is on the active duty roster.

Raised Concern – By-Laws
Comsr. Conklin said that in accordance with previous discussions, commissioners were to review a draft of proposed commission by-laws, and he asked of there were any comments.  The latest changes will be forwarded to commissioners and a final vote planned at the next meeting.

Raised Concern – Golf Carts
Comsr. Conklin asked if there is anything new on the golf cart issue.  The Deputy Chief reported there may be something new coming from the state in the spring.  He stated it is important for the public to know that the department is not “anti-golf carts”, but is “anti unsafe operation of golf carts.”

Raised Concern – Lawsuit
Comsr. Conklin asked the Chief to talk about a recent lawsuit brought by the police union.  The Chief reported it is going favorably and feels it will be resolved by the December commission meeting.

Raised Concern – Meeting Dates for 2009
Chairman Burnham stated she expects to present a proposed list of meeting dates for 2009 at the next meeting for commission approval.  She said she will try to come up with a list of dates that sticks to a 4th Monday of each month schedule.   

X.  Adjournment
Motion to adjourn made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:28 p.m.

JoAnne Klingerman
Executive Assistant
These minutes are subject to approval of the
Old Saybrook Police Commission at its
next meeting.