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October 27, 2008 Special Meeting

OCTOBER 27, 2008

A special meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, October 27, 2008 at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:  Chairman Burnham, Vice Chairman Conklin, Commissioners Dobratz, Gallicchio, Metsack and Sparaco.  Also present was Deputy Chief Spera.

I.  Call to Order
Chairman Burnham called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.

II.  Minutes
Chairman Burnham asked for discussion or approval of the Minutes of the September 22, 2008 regular meeting.  Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio to approve the Minutes of the September 22, 2008 regular meeting, as submitted.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

III.  Comments from the Public
No comments were offered.

IV.  Commission Workshop - Taser Program
An in-depth Taser presentation was made to the commission by Mr. Jay Kehoe, a representative of Taser International, Inc.  After asking the representative many questions, the commission discussed the possible value of Tasers as a non-lethal force tool for officers, the projected costs, possible funding, training, policy development and accountability.  Chairman Burnham asked Deputy Chief Spera to disseminate IACP's implementation plan to commissioners before the next meeting, so commissioners can familiarize themselves for discussion at the next meeting.   There was discussion of conducting future presentations for department employees, the Board of Selectmen, the Board of Finance, and members of the public.

Comsr. Dobratz stated he had to leave the meeting, and wanted to go on record as being in favor of the commission voting to change Ptl. Kiako's position from part time/per diem to full time patrolman, and as being in support of Tasers for the department.   He left the meeting at 8:07 p.m.

V.  Executive Division Reports
Deputy Chief Spera reported that Chief Mosca was not able to attend the meeting due to an important appointment in connection with upcoming surgery for a family member.
A.  Financial
1.  08-09 Budget
Deputy Chief Spera noted the budget print-out in commissioners' packets, and stated there has not been a significant change since the last meeting.
2.  Asset Forfeiture
Deputy Chief Spera reported the current balance to be $15,418.46.
3.  Capital Sinking Fund
Deputy Chief Spera reported the current balance to be $67,142.29.  He noted that the bill for the new bullet-proof vests was paid from this account, and that the department will apply for Federal reimbursement.  He reported that tactical vests still have to be purchased.
4.  09-10 Budget Preparation
Chairman Burnham stated that due to the economy, planning for the next fiscal year has become a real concern.  She stated she has spoken with First Selectman Pace, who would like a 0% increase in the budget proposal.  She noted this will be very difficult with labor-intensive budgets such as the Police Department's. She indicated that current employee contracts expire on June 30, 2009.  Contract negotiations are scheduled to begin in January, 2009, which is after the deadline for submission of the department's proposed budget.   She stated that the commission should talk about this issue in order to instruct staff before budget preparations are begun.  Discussions included the commission's preference to keep certain programs intact; and the advisability of making the bulk of reductions from the Capital Improvements area, keeping in mind what impact those reductions will have on the Expenses and Supplies portion of the budget.  Deputy Chief Spera stated that when economic times are bad, crime goes up, and the department must be sure service to the community and officer safety are not negatively impacted.   There was discussion regarding various cost saving practices currently in use by the department.  The commission agreed that it wants a combined operating and capital "bare bones" budget proposal, as close to a 0% increase as possible, from staff.  Suggestions from individual commissioners are welcome.  The Deputy Chief asked for any commissioners with suggestions or comments to contact him.

B.  Personnel
1.  Executive Session - Discuss request for change in employee status
Motion made by Comsr. Gallicchio and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to move to executive session, and to invite Deputy Chief Spera to attend.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  

Meeting moved to executive session at 8:35 p.m.

Officer Kiako was invited into the executive session at 8:45 p.m.

Meeting returned to regular session at 8:49 p.m.

2.  Possible Action on Employee Status Request
Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to offer the position of full time patrolman to Officer Kiako, beginning on January 1, 2009, at Step 3 pay rate.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Chairman Burnham noted that both commissioners who were unable to be present had expressed their approval of offering Officer Kiako a full time position.

C.  Comments, Ideas and/or Concerns of the Chief
1.  Chief's Activities
Deputy Chief Spera noted that Chief Mosca's Activity Report was in commissioners' meeting packets.

2.  Death Notification Policy Review/Approval
Deputy Chief Spera stated that the department's intent is broader than the intent of the public act upon which this proposed policy is based, so it has been expanded in scope to meet the needs of our agency.   After discussion resulting in some suggested amendments, motion was made by Comsr. Gallicchio and seconded by Comsr. Conklin to approve the proposed Notifications In Death And Related Events policy, as amended.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

VI.  Field Service - Reports
        A.  Professional Development Activities
Deputy Chief Spera indicated the written professional development report was in commissioners' packets.  He noted the extensive amount of training, in keeping with the department's robust professional development practices.

B.  Activity Report
Deputy Chief Spera called attention to the activity report in commissioners' packets.  Chairman Burnham commented that she is always surprised at the level of activity the department responds to and manages.

VII.  Support Services - Reports
A.  Traffic
1.  North Main Street Parking
Deputy Chief Spera reported that he and Chief Mosca met with Larry Bonin and Selectman Peace regarding changes to be made on North Main Street to increase parking spaces as a result of Chief Mosca's initiative to provide additional parking for rail commuters.  The Deputy Chief described the work to be done and described where additional parking, a sidewalk and crosswalk will be added.  He asked for a motion to establish an expanded no parking area from the first telephone pole to the far end of the cemetery on the cemetery side of North Main Street, once work has been completed.  Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Metsack to expand the no parking area on North Main Street from the first telephone pole to the far end of the cemetery on the cemetery side of North Main Street, once work has been completed.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

2.  Proposed Development - Rt. 1 / Rt. 166 Area
Deputy Chief Spera reported that Aleia's Restaurant was purchased by the owner of property on the corner of Route 1 and Route 166, making a 4 ½ acre parcel available for development, and said there are rumors of stores showing interest in locating there.  He also reported that Max's Place is near final approval to begin construction, with most traffic requests made by the commission having been implemented by the state.  These include synchronized traffic lights at Route 1 and Chalker Beach and Route 1 and Center Road.  The intersection of Route 1 and Route 166 will be redesigned, and a traffic light will be installed at the intersection of Sal's Pizza and the newly proposed shopping plaza.  He stated that, as expected, the west end of town will soon become its own center and will require additional policing.  Comsr. Conklin noted that affordable housing on North Main Street will also place additional demands for police services.

3.  Bicycle Safety Committee
Deputy Chief Spera reported there is a new town ad hoc bicycle safety committee, being headed up by the Town Planner.  He reported that Officer Barnes represented the department at meetings and has served to educate the committee regarding bicycle safety laws.

4.  Main Street Parking Survey
Deputy Chief Spera indicated the survey is nearing completion.  One item under consideration is proposing safety barriers in front of restaurants that have outdoor dining on the street.  Comsr. Conklin asked if signs limiting parking to patrons of certain businesses have been eliminated, and the Deputy Chief indicated they were.

5.  Sheffield Street - "No Parking During School Hours"
Deputy Chief Spera stated that the department would like the commission to consider making the temporary "No Parking During School Hours" signed area of Sheffield Street a permanent "No Parking During School Hours" area, and expand it to cover the area from Saltus Drive to the elderly housing entrance.  After discussion, motion made by Comsr. Gallicchio and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to establish a permanent "No Parking During School Hours" area on the north side of Sheffield Street from Saltus Drive to the elderly housing entrance.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Deputy Chief Spera reported that the State Department of Transportation has denied the request for a cross-walk on the north end of Main Street, which had been suggested by the Chamber of Commerce.

B.  Emergency Communications
1.  New System Status
The Deputy Chief reported that Motorola has taken complete responsibility for the flooding problem with the new radio tower and shelter behind the police facility.  He described the remedial measures to be taken, including the possibility of raising the shelter to add more fill.

The Deputy Chief reported that the contract with Crown Castle has been solidified, regarding the Route 154 tower.

VIII.  Comments from the Public
No comments were offered.

IX.  Comments and Concerns of Commissioners

Raised Concern - Ceiling Mold in Police Facility

Comsr. Gallicchio asked what is being done about the mold in ceiling tiles at the Police Department.  Deputy Chief Spera stated he has talked with Mystic Air, the company used by the school district, and that after the moldy ceiling tiles are replaced, Mystic Air will run an air quality test.  It was noted that in spite of repair efforts, the leaky roof continues to be a problem and the cause of the mold in the ceiling tiles.   Comsr. Conklin stated that the deterioration of the building was the reason why the SNET property was acquired, in order to replace the building and move it back further on the parcel to allow for increased parking near the street.  He stressed the need to get a group together to study the necessary repairs or improvements that must be made.  The Deputy Chief discussed the need to maintain the Building Improvement line item in next year's capital budget.

Raised Concern - Sgt. Rankin

Commissioner Gallicchio asked if there is something new regarding Sgt. Rankin's health.  Deputy Chief Spera said he is on paid administrative leave pending a doctor's opinion, which is expected this week.

Raised Concern - Letter to Board of Finance re Gas and Oil

Chairman Burnham asked the commission if a letter to the Board of Finance, advising them of the department's situation in connection with the cost of gasoline and oil, which was discussed at the last meeting, should be sent.  It was decided it should, describing the necessity to pre-buy at a price higher than expected when the budget was put together.  A department spokesman will also go to the Board of Finance to discuss this problem.  The Deputy Chief indicated he is still planning to do a workshop on department operations for the Board of Finance once scheduled by Chairman Burnham.

Comment - Dismissal of Accusations Against Chairman

Comsr. Conklin reported it has come to his attention that charges filed against Chairman Burnham with the Town Ethics Commission and State Grievance Commission have been found to be unwarranted.

Comment - Department Improvements

Comsr. Conklin praised Deputy Chief Spera for the recent building reorganization and cosmetic improvements done under his supervision.  He indicated the use of space was well implemented.

X.  Adjournment
Motion to adjourn made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 9:18 p.m.
JoAnne Klingerman
Executive Assistant
These minutes are subject to approval of the
Old Saybrook Police Commission at its
next meeting.