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July 21, 2008
JULY 21, 2008

A regular meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, July 21, 2008 at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:  Chairman Burnham, Vice Chairman Conklin, Commissioners Dobratz, Gallicchio, Metsack, Sparaco and Winkler.  Also present were Chief Mosca and Deputy Chief Spera.

I.  Call to Order
Chairman Burnham called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.  

II.  Minutes
Chairman Burnham asked for discussion or approval of the Minutes of the June 23, 2008 special meeting.  Motion made by Comsr. Winkler and seconded by Comsr. Conklin to approve the Minutes of the June 23, 2008 special meeting as submitted.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Chairman Burnham asked for discussion or approval of the Minutes of the June 23, 2008 regular meeting.  Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to approve the Minutes of the June 23, 2008 regular meeting as submitted.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Vice Chairman Conklin asked for a moment of silence in memory of Chairman Burnham's father, Henry Ralph Pemmerl, who passed away since the last meeting.  A moment of silence was observed.  Chairman Burnham expressed her appreciation.

III.  Comments from the Public
A member of the public expressed his concern about a recent lawsuit brought by the C.O.P.S. Union against members of the administration and others.  He also complained that a department employee made more than one trip carrying items to her car after the last meeting, propping the side door open for her convenience, and complained that an issue between Public Works and a police officer was not handled properly several years ago.  Chairman Burnham informed the gentleman that there is a procedure in place at the Police Department for filing complaints against police personnel.

A member of the public stated she feels well protected in Old Saybrook and is very proud of the Police Department.  She stated that Chairman Burnham does an excellent job, and she feels Old Saybrook is an awesome town and the Police Department is providing a great service, especially considering the population triples in the summer.  She said she commends the Chief and Deputy Chief, and would like to see the negativity stop because it hurts the town's reputation and business.  She would like to see people accentuate the many positive features of the town and its services.  Her comments were applauded by other members of the public in attendance.

IV.  Executive Division Reports
A.  Financial
1.      07-08 Operating Budget
Chief Mosca explained that while some areas of the budget were over-expended and some under-expended, the department has ended the 2007-2008 Fiscal Year with the bottom line approximately $56,000 in the black.   In response to questions from commissioners, he explained that the Vehicle Maintenance negative balance is partly due to the fact that the department is not replacing 3 cars per year; and the Miscellaneous Small Equipment negative balance is due to the department's response to an ergonomic study that was done by CIRMA, which recommended new chairs and ergonomic equipment for employees, and is also due to the purchase of highway safety equipment which will be placed in each car for instant availability for officer and public safety at motor vehicle accidents and other types of incidents.  He also responded that fuel tanks were full on the last day of June.  He stated that, as reported at the last meeting, the Gasoline line item is already over-expended for Fiscal Year 08-09.  He stated that due to conservation efforts, gasoline use has already been reduced from an average of 28,000 gallons per year to about 22,000 gallons per year.  He described conservation efforts that are in place, and stated the department follows best-practices that are in place nationwide, always endeavoring to save and serve as best possible.  

2.      Asset Forfeiture
Chief Mosca indicated the Asset Forfeiture balance is $14,955.42, which has increased slightly due to a small check received in connection with a case the department assisted Clinton Police Department with.

3.      Capital Sinking Funds
Chief Mosca reported that the Capital Sinking Funds balance is $90,550.29.  He reported that $5,800 was used for the purchase of the department's new canine, and that a private citizen plans to donate the purchase price for the new dog when he returns from vacation.  At that time, the $5,800 will be placed back into the Capital Sinking Fund, as arranged with the Town Treasurer.  Chief Mosca hopes to have this very generous citizen present his donation to the Police Commission at the next meeting.

4.      08-09 Budget
Chief Mosca reported that there is nothing to report on the operating budget other than the already discussed Gasoline line item, due to the newness of the budget.  He also reported that the two new vehicles are currently being built.  The department has been given the Vehicle Identification Numbers, but does not yet have a delivery date.  He reported that LoJak will be installed in the new cars, which will be great tool for the department.

B.  Personnel
1.      Patrolman Sinh Souriyamath
Chief Mosca thanked those members of the Commission who attended Patrolman Souriyamath's graduation.  He stated that Sinh graduated 6th in his class, and was very appreciative of the commissioners' presence at the ceremony.  Chief Mosca reported he is progressing very quickly through his field training and he feels the commission made a very good decision in hiring Sinh.

C.  Comments, Ideas and/or Concerns of the Chief
1.      Chief's Activities
Chief Mosca asked if there were any questions regarding his written activities report.  None were asked.  

Chairman Burnham stated that the public swearing-in ceremony for the new sergeants was a very nice recognition of the officers who were promoted, and a nice event for their families.

V.  Field Services - Reports
A.  Professional Development Activities
In addition to the written report in commissioner's packets, Chief Mosca expanded on the department's professional development session held July 15th explaining that the day began with a morning meeting for sergeants, lieutenants and the Deputy Chief, and an afternoon meeting that included all personnel.  As part of the afternoon presentation, The Chief explained the new organizational structure to the department's employees, including the new role of the Deputy Chief overseeing department operations.  The Chief then instructed Deputy Chief Spera to make a formal presentation to department personnel.  He feels the Police Commission's concept resulting in reorganization and promotions is working, and that personnel are enthusiastic.  The Chief stated that the day ended with the swearing-in ceremony for new sergeants and their families, and thanked commissioners for attending.

B.  Canine Officer Selection Process
Chief Mosca reported he has assigned Ptl. Brian Ziolkovski as the department's new canine officer, and that he and Sgt. Rankin traveled to Pennsylvania on July 16th to pick up the new dog,  pictured in commissioners' packets.  He explained that the new team will be training from September to December, when they will go on duty.  Until then, Sgt. Rankin and Beny will be on duty.  Chief Mosca stated that Beny has some medical issues that are being addressed, but he will remain available until the new team is ready.  He also stated that due to the high standard set by  Sgt. Rankin, and his guidance of the new team, the quality of service the department has come to expect will remain.

C.  Activity Report
Chief Mosca reported that in addition to the written Activity Report in commissioners' packets, the department is working on two new sexual assault cases.  He said both cases are very involved, and are being investigated in conjunction with D.C.F. and the State Police.

VI.  Support Services - Reports
A.  Traffic
1.      North Main Street Parking
Chief Mosca reported that he observed over 20 cars parked on North Main Street on Thursday and Friday, June 26th and 27th.  He reported that Amtrak has moved the storage containers at the end of the road, and he expects the town engineer to deliver a parking lot design very soon for that area.  The Chief is also going to ask for 5 or 6 more diagonal spaces up to the cemetery, and is speaking to D.O.T. about redesigning the parking plan of their lot, and leasing additional spaces from area businesses.

2.      Golf Cart Regulations
Chief Mosca referred commissioners to the letter in their packets from Town Attorney Cronin.  He also reported that the department has met with the Assistant State's Attorney, who is now in agreement that the police can issue citations, due to a redefinition of motor vehicles by state statute.  He stated that instructions to personnel are to respond actively to complaints or dangerous and careless use.  Comsr. Conklin asked if beach associations are being contacted and informed of this change, and Chief Mosca stated that he does intend to send them a letter informing them of the change in the law, and will include the letter from Attorney Cronin.   Comsr. Conklin stated he feels it would be a good idea so that beach associations do not give out their stickers or licenses as has been done over the past few years, thinking they are in compliance with the law.

Chief Mosca requested a motion to have the commission, as the Town Traffic Authority, request the Board of Selectmen to take action to revoke Town Ordinance Article IV, sections 202.15 and 202.16.  Motion made by Comsr. Gallicchio and seconded by Comsr. Conklin to have Chief Mosca send a letter to the Board of Selectmen requesting action to revoke Town Ordinance Article IV, Section 202-15 and Section 202-16.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

3.      Chief Mosca reported that the Selectmen's Office requested a survey of Main Street to include the number and accessibility of handicapped and compact car spaces and an assessment of parking spaces.  Lt. Stuart will soon complete this survey, and the Chief will bring recommendations for improvements to the next meeting.  He also advised that he plans to concentrate, as much as scheduling will allow, on improving safety on Main Street.  

 Comsr. Gallicchio asked if bicycle patrols have been deployed this summer and Chief                  Mosca responded that there have not been enough personnel to dedicate to those valuable patrols.

Chairman Burnham asked the Chief if anything can be done to discourage motorists from pulling in so far while parking, that their cars obstruct the sidewalks.   The Chief said that the department will respond to specific complaints, and that patrols can be alerted to give warnings or tickets.

Comsr. Sparaco said he would like to see the angle of the parking spaces increased to improve visibility and safety, and he feels that may reduce the number of cars on the sidewalks.  He understands from a member of the STC that the town can configure parking spaces at its discretion.  

B.      Emergency Communications
1.      Chief Mosca reported that the new dispatchers are still in training, but seem to be working out very well.  He expects to begin a new hiring process in the fall to fill the still vacant positions.

2.      Chief Mosca reported that an agreement has been reached with Crown Castle for the town to place an antenna on their tower, and the fee for that use is under negotiation.

VII.  Comments and Concerns of Commissioners

Raised Concern - Tasers

Vice Chairman Conklin asked when a Taser presentation may be scheduled, and Chief Mosca responded that he would like to have the presentation made at a special meeting sometime in mid-September.  He said he would like to have Taser representatives make the presentation, and invite all interested parties to attend, especially those opposed to Tasers, so that their questions and concerns can be addressed.  He said that he realizes there are concerns over possible mis-use of Tasers, and stated there is no history of abuse of firearms, pepper spray or batons by department personnel, and no reason to expect mis-use of Tasers.  He feels it is an important tool for police use.  The Chief is to get possible presentation dates from Taser, and get back to Chairman Burnham with them.

Raised Concern - Law Suit

Vice Chairman Conklin asked about the status of a recent law suit, and the Chief reported that personnel named in the suit have legal representation provided by CIRMA, and he is confident there will be a positive outcome.

Request for Information-Deputy Chief Activities

Vice Chairman Conklin asked Deputy Chief Spera to report his activities since appointment to his new position.  Deputy Chief Spera reported he has "hit the big red reset button" and has encouraged all employees to do the same.  This was also the theme of the department-wide professional development day reported by the Chief, which he and the Chief administered.  Additionally, and as part of our new structure, the Deputy is making changes in office assignments, facilitating the cleaning out and freshening up the police facility, and instituting new directives that will enhance service delivery to the community.  He also stated that employees were provided with "employee expectations" and were told how the Chief and he are committed to providing an environment for all employees to achieve personal and professional success.   The Deputy also reported that he meets daily with the Chief to discuss operational matters, current investigations, and personnel matters.  The Deputy is confident the new organizational structure, the clear and positive forward direction of the department, and the redefining of the goals of the agency will better meet the needs of the department, its personnel, and the community.

Request for Information-Commission By-Laws

Comsr. Sparaco asked if commission by-laws have been drafted.  Vice Chairman Conklin distributed the latest draft, explaining it includes changes to date made by the sub-committee.  He asked the commission to look it over and either contact him directly or bring items up for discussion at the next meeting.

VII.  Adjournment

Motion to adjourn made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 8:23 p.m.


                                                        JoAnne Klingerman
                                                        Executive Assistant

These minutes are subject to approval of the
Old Saybrook Police Commission at its
August 25, 2008 regular meeting.