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June 23, 2008
JUNE 23, 2008

A regular meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, June 23, 2008 at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:  Chairman Burnham, Vice Chairman Conklin, Commissioners Dobratz, Gallicchio, Metsack, Sparaco and Winkler.  Also present were Chief Mosca and Deputy Chief Spera.

I.  Call to Order
Chairman Burnham called the meeting to order at 9:22 p.m.  She thanked the members of the public for waiting, and explained that a very important special meeting of the commission, which convened earlier, had run longer than expected.

II.  Minutes
Chairman Burnham asked for discussion or approval of the Minutes of the May 19, 2008 regular meeting.  Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Winkler to approve the Minutes of the May 19, 2008 regular meeting as submitted.   Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Chairman Burnham asked for discussion or approval of the Minutes of the June 16, 2008 special meeting.  Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Winkler to approve the Minutes of the June 16, 2008 special meeting as submitted.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

III.  Comments from the Public
A member of the public stated that she feels Old Saybrook has a fine police department and  commended the commission for promoting Michael Spera to the position of Deputy Chief.  

A question was raised regarding the timeliness of posting commission minutes on the department web-site.  It was indicated that the minutes are always filed with the Town Clerk on schedule, as required by statute; and that minutes are posted on-line as soon as practical considering the IT officer's patrol schedule.

A question was raised regarding the timing of the deputy chief promotional process, and Chairman Burnham responded that the process was done in accordance with the commission's plans.

A member of the public applauded the commission for their action in doing what is right to move the department forward into a new era.

IV.  Executive Division Reports
Chairman Burnham asked that reports be as brief as possible considering the time.

A.      Financial
1.      Chief Mosca reported he expects the budget to remain in the black at the end of the fiscal year.  He asked for questions about the Expenses and Supplies print-out.   There were none.
2.       Chief Mosca reported the Asset Forfeiture balance to be $14,955.42.
3.      Chief Mosca reported the Capital Sinking Funds balance to be $78,750.29.
4.      Chief Mosca reported that the last delivery of gasoline, received on June 20th, cost $3.63 per gallon.  He stated that the Police Department, along with many other town agencies, has entered into a pre-pay contract at $3.64 per gallon, which is almost $.90 per gallon over the budgeted $2.75 per gallon figure.  He said the department will take measures to minimize usage, and will top off the gasoline tank on June 30th to begin the new fiscal year with a full tank.

a.      Chief Mosca reported that the new vehicles are ordered and are expected to be delivered in August.

B.      Personnel
Chief Mosca reminded the commission that Patrolman Trainee Sinh Souriyamath will graduate from the academy on July 2nd, and asked commissioners to notify him if they are planning to attend.  He went over the departure time and schedule for the graduation.

C.      Comments, Ideas and/or Concerns of the Chief
The Chief asked for questions on his written activities report, and none were asked.

V.  Field Services - Reports
A.      Professional Development
Chief Mosca asked for questions regarding the written report.  In response to a question from Comsr. Gallicchio, Chief Mosca explained that officer self-evaluations and their lieutenants' evaluations are reviewed to match up training with officer training requests, suitability and department needs.  He reported that the manner in which officers have responded indicates a high level of interest in this project.

B.      Activity Report
Chief Mosca reported on two sexual assault cases that have occurred since the written Activity Report was compiled, and indicated further information will be reported at the next meeting.

VI.  Support Services - Reports
A.      Traffic
Chief Mosca indicated that in addition to the activities outlined in the notes of the meeting held on June 6th about the Amtrak, North Main Street and Commuter Parking issue, 18 parking spaces will be added by the town at the end of North Main Street after Amtrak's storage containers are removed.  He said the State of Connecticut will redesign the commuter lot to gain 12 more spaces.  The Chief anticipates asking the commission to designate North Main Street as a no parking area when the additional spaces are in place.  

Comsr. Gallicchio asked if one of the areas mentioned in the meeting notes for possible use is the old furniture factory parking lot, and the Chief responded that it was, but that obstacles cause it to be considered undesirable for this use.

B.      Emergency Communications
Chief Mosca reported that two new dispatchers have been hired, Tina Spinelli and Lisa Crowley.  

C.      Youth Services
Chief Mosca asked that Deputy Chief Spera report on a grant program.  Deputy Chief Spera reported that he and Patrolman Roche completed a competitive grant application as part of the Uniting Police and Youth Program sponsored by the State of Connecticut Office of Policy and Management.  Thirty agencies applied and ten awards were issued.  The maximum award allowed under the grant program is $10,000.  Our department was awarded $9,999, which will be used to pay for activities as well as officer salaries for programs that will unite our patrol officers and the town's youth.  One of the requirements of the grant program is for the governing body of the police department to provide proof of an up to date resolution authorizing the Chief of Police to sign as the authorized official.  Motion made by Comsr. Dobratz and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio to accept the Uniting Youth and Police grant and authorize the Chief to sign it.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

VII.  Comments from the Public
No comments were offered.

VIII.  Executive Session
Chairman Burnham explained to members of the public that the meeting would now be adjourned to executive session to discuss candidates for the position of sergeant.  She stated that the commission members would move to another location, and return for the remaining public part of the meeting.

Motion made by Comsr. Conklin to go into executive session to discuss the candidates for the position of patrol sergeant, and to invite Chief Mosca and Deputy Chief Spera to attend.  Motion seconded by Comsr. Sparaco and carried by unanimous vote.

Commission moved to executive session at 9:44 p.m.

Commission returned to regular session at 11:26 p.m.

IX.  Discussion and Action Pertaining to the Position of Patrol Sergeant.

Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio to establish a promotional eligibility list for the position of patrol sergeant, that lists personnel in the order of their final promotional process score, and that will remain valid for two years.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to promote Michael Gardner to the position of patrol sergeant effective July 1, 2008.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio to promote Kevin Roche to the position of patrol sergeant effective on July 2, 2008.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio to promote Jay Rankin to the position of patrol sergeant effective on July 3, 2008.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

X.  Comments and Concerns of Commissioners
Comsr. Gallicchio expressed a concern that the town attorney has not yet made a determination about the validity of the town's current golf card ordinance.  All commissioners expressed the same concern.  The Chief asked the commission that he be allowed to approach the town attorney on the issue, explain its importance and immediacy, and ask him to render an opinion.  The Commission agreed that would be the best course of action.

Comsr. Gallicchio asked about the status of the By-Laws Committee.  Vice Chairman Conklin stated that he would be distributing a draft copy to all commissioners for discussion at the next meeting.

XI.  Adjournment
Motion to adjourn made by Comsr. Metsack and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 11:40 p.m.

                                                        JoAnne Klingerman
                                                        Executive Assistant

These minutes are subject to approval of the
Old Saybrook Police Commission at its
July 21, 2008 regular meeting.