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DECEMBER 10, 2007
DECEMBER 10, 2007

A regular meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, December 10, 2007 at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:  Chairman Conklin, Vice Chairman Gallicchio, Commissioners Burnham, Metsack Dobratz, Sparaco and Winkler.  Also present were Chief Mosca, Lt. Stuart, Lt. Spera, Lt. McDonald, Det. Sgt. Heiney, Ptl. Gardner and Ptl. Barnes.

Chairman Conklin called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

1.  Minutes
Chairman Conklin asked for discussion or approval of the Minutes of the October 22, 2007 regular meeting.  Motion was made by Comsr. Burnham and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to accept the Minutes of the October 22, 2007 regular meeting, as submitted.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

2.  Election of Officers
Chairman Conklin expressed his thanks to the commission members for their cooperation and support during his term as Chairman.  Chairman Conklin nominated Comsr. Burnham as Chairman of the Police Commission.  Comsr. Dobratz seconded the nomination.  All votes were in favor, no abstentions.  

Comsr. Winkler nominated Comsr. Conklin as Vice Chairman of the Police Commission.  Comsr. Sparaco seconded the nomination.  All votes were in favor, no abstentions.

Comsr. Gallicchio nominated Comsr. Winkler to remain as Secretary of the Police Commission.  Nomination was seconded, and all votes were in favor, no abstentions.

3.  Comments from the Public
No members of the public were present.

4.  2008 Meeting Dates
Chairman Burnham asked for comments or approval of the list of proposed meeting dates for 2008. Chief Mosca noted that the proposed list of dates included two more than 2007, including a meeting for each month.  He noted that if certain meetings are found not to be needed, they can be cancelled, and the extra meetings may eliminate the need to schedule special meetings.  After short discussion, motion was made by Comsr. Sparaco and seconded by Comsr. Dobratz to approve the proposed meeting dates for 2008.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

5.  07-08 Operating Budget
Chief Mosca stated that in his report at the October 22nd meeting he had indicated, based on information he had been given, that there was no set-aside for retroactive pay to accommodate the retroactive payout due to the COPS contract settlement.  He reported that since the October 22nd meeting, Lt. Spera and Bob Fish found the set-aside, and the retroactive payout may very well be met without a shortfall in the budget, except for FICA.  The Chief said FICA may not become over expended due to the temporary reduction in the number of personnel.  He therefore feels there may not be a need for a letter to the Board of Finance.  He reported that payroll is running according to the department's spending plan.

Chief Mosca reported the bottom line of Expenses & Supplies is where it should be.  He explained the balances of certain line items that are front loaded, and others that are over expended due to unforeseen circumstances.  He explained that substantial vehicle repairs were experienced while waiting for delivery of the new front line vehicles.  He said that other vehicles in the fleet, as he has reported before, have very high mileage and require frequent repairs, depleting this line item.  He also stated that Lt. Barrows was the department's certified marksman, and that national standards suggest at least one marksman in each department.  He stated that the long gun used by Lt. Barrows had been his own property.  The Chief had therefore sent Lt. Stuart to Smith & Wesson schools to become a certified marksman and state certified firearms instructor, and that purchase of a long gun and associated equipment had been necessary.  These expenses are reflected in the Miscellaneous Small Equipment line item and in the Professional Development line item.

The Chief reported the Asset Forfeiture balance is $14,355.52, and that no expenditures have been made from this account for several months.

6.  07-08 Capital Budget
Chief Mosca reported that all new cars have been delivered.  He stated the last car is being outfitted under the direction of Lt. McDonald, including the installation of a LoJack System, at no charge to the department.  He reported that 180,000 LoJack equipped cars have been recovered across the nation, and he looks forward to having a device in use by the department.  

Chief Mosca stated he has assigned Lt. Stuart to re-evaluate handguns available for purchase by the department.  He indicated there have been changes in handguns and pricing since the study submitted by Lt. Barrows, so he has instructed Lt. Stuart to start from scratch and evaluate available weapons, pricing, training required and where they are being used.  He hopes to have a report ready for the January meeting.

The Chief reported that Lt. McDonald is investigating grant funds that may be available for soft body armor.  

7.  08-09 Budget
Chief Mosca reported that Lt. Spera has been working on, and coordinating staff assignments in connection with, preparation of the budget request for the coming fiscal year.  He expects to have the budget proposal in the hands of commissioners around January 1st, and asked for a special meeting to be scheduled for January 7th to discuss and hopefully approve the request.  If approval is not given then, adjustments can be made and the budget presented to the commission at its regular meeting on January 14th, in time to deliver it to the Board of Selectmen by the January 15th deadline.  He asked that once commissioners receive the proposed budget on or about January 1st, they review the proposal and contact him or Lt. Spera with any questions so that adjustments or explanations can be made before the proposed January 7th special meeting, in order to expedite approval of the budget at that meeting.  

Chief Mosca indicated that the department is nearing the end of the selection process, and that 12 good candidates are still in the process.  He expects to have the final six or seven ready for the commission to interview by the proposed January 7th special meeting.  He explained that he is holding two spaces in the next class at the police academy and must furnish names to the academy by January 10th.

After discussion regarding the length of time necessary to complete the business to be conducted at the proposed special meeting, motion was made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to schedule a special meeting on January 7th at 6:30 p.m.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

In response to concerns raised by Chairman Burnham in connection with the time it may take to interview six or seven candidates, Chief Mosca offered to provide the commission with appropriate questions and grading suggestions for purposes of timing and consistency, and suggested a time slot of about 15 - 20 minutes per candidate.  He also reminded the commission that two positions need to be filled.

8.  Personnel
Chief Mosca reported the COPS Union has filed a grievance, which is in the early stage of Step 1.  He said he has had a meeting with the union designee and has conferred with counsel, and will keep the commission advised of the status of this grievance.

Chief Mosca reported that Jeanmarie Harvey was out for about 10 days following serious surgery.  She has returned to work and appears to be doing well.

Chief Mosca reported that Lt. Spera is working with a department uniform committee, which is assessing the need for new uniforms in connection with officer safety and appearance.

9.  Accreditation
Det. Sgt. Heiney stated that the "Recertification of Police Officers" policy given to commissioners at the last meeting for review is required to be in place to meet accreditation standards.  He said the department meets or exceeds the requirements of the policy, and that it creates no new obligations.   Motion made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio to approve the Recertification of Police Officers policy.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Det. Sgt. Heiney reported that standards in some policies already approved by the commission have been adjusted.  He said that after he evaluates the adjustments, certain policies may have to be resubmitted to the commission for approval.

10.  Training
A written training report was submitted by Lt. McDonald, a copy of which is attached to and made a part of these Minutes.  

Chief Mosca reported the Citizen's Police Academy being conducted by Det. Sgt. Heiney is about one-half complete and seems quite successful based on feedback of the participants.  Graduation will be scheduled for January 17th or January 24th, depending on the progress of the course.  Commissioners are requested to attend graduation to answer questions and talk with the attendees.  Det. Sgt. Heiney will notify commissioners of the date, time and place as soon as it is scheduled.

11.  Traffic
Chief Mosca reported the department has conducted a vigorous motor vehicle safety enforcement program over the last several weeks, which has caused a certain amount of angst and notoriety.  He stated that the department is participating in a nationwide program that has come out of Washington and is being followed by most police departments in Connecticut.  This has come about because statistics show that over 115 people nationwide are killed in motor vehicle accidents each day, and that the number would be reduced dramatically if seat belts were in use.  He said that ticketing has been shown to be the most effective means of obtaining compliance with seat belt laws, and that this program will be conducted in waves throughout the year.  He discussed the various locations that are chosen for enforcement, and the DUI and outstanding warrant arrests that resulted from some of the stops.

Chairman Burnham asked about enforcement at stop signs and traffic lights, and the Chief indicated the department will be conducting enforcement activities in those areas.

Chief Mosca stated that, as part of the Middle School addition/renovation project, it was necessary to install an additional drive on the easternmost part of the property which is located off Sheffield Street, across from Saltus Drive.  Due to a sight line visibility problem upon exiting this drive, Chief Mosca requests that the Commission approve a four-way stop at this intersection.  This four-way stop is also recommended by Ptl. Gardner and State Traffic Commission engineers.  After discussion, motion was made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Winkler to approve installation of four-way stop signs on Sheffield Street and Saltus Drive.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Chief Mosca reported that the plans for a table tennis business on Mill Rock Road have been approved.  He stated that Ptl. Gardner viewed the area and recommends a stop sign eastbound on Mill Rock Road, at the intersection of Research  Parkway.  After discussion, motion was made by Comsr. Conklin and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio to approve a stop sign on Mill Rock Road north of Research Parkway, eastbound.

Chief Mosca reported that First Selectman Pace contacted him about traffic problems expressed to him by residents of Old Post Road, which include speeding and non-compliance with stop signs.  The Chief placed the radar trailer there almost every day for a 3-week period and plans enforcement activities.  He said he is reluctant to request a stop sign to slow traffic before he is satisfied that enforcement activity is not successful, and asked the commission's support of vigorous enforcement.  Chairman Burnham said she is sure the commission supports those efforts, and will consider a stop sign if the Chief recommends one at a future time.

12.  Communications
Ptl. Gardner reported that the new communications system is progressing on schedule.  He is pleased to report that the installation of equipment and towers at the Police Department site is nearing completion as well as that of the Connecticut Water site in Westbrook.  Installation has begun at the town office complex and will begin shortly at the Fire Department.  Ptl. Gardner reported there is, however, an obstacle that has arisen in connection with the site on Middlesex Turnpike.  The company that owns the tower originally indicated a low lease fee to the town; however, it is now asking for a substantially higher fee.  Ptl. Gardner stated that the committee is still hopeful a settlement can be reached and they are also exploring other avenues for that site.  

13.  Events
Chief Mosca reported that the Saybrook Stroll was heavily attended, and that between 3,000 and 4,000 people attended the Torchlight Parade.  He felt the police officers, Explorers and Community Service Officers did a great job in handling the crowds and traffic safely and effectively.  

Chief Mosca reported that shopping patrols have begun for the holiday period and will continue until the first of the New Year.

Chief Mosca indicated he invited Congressman Courtney to attend a meeting at Saybrook Point on Saturday morning, December 15th, which will include police chiefs from several area towns and cities, for discussion of various police related matters.

Chief Mosca described Wreaths Across America, which will arrive in Old Saybrook on Tuesday evening and depart on Wednesday morning.  He described the activities that will take place, involving the Police Department, the Fire Department, and the High School.  He said there will be a breakfast at the High School on Wednesday morning, which commissioners are invited to attend.

14.  Correspondence
Correspondence received since the October 22nd meeting was circulated for commissioners to review.

15.  Activity Report
Det. Sgt. Heiney submitted a written Activity Report, a copy of which is attached to and made a part of these Minutes.  He also gave the report to the commission orally.

16.  Executive Session
Motion was made by Comsr. Sparaco and seconded by Comsr. Conklin to move to Executive Session to discuss promotions and appointments, and to invite the Chief to attend to provide information pertinent to the discussion.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Meeting moved to Executive Session at 8:26 p.m.

Meeting returned to regular session at 9:05 p.m.

17.  Comments & Concerns of Commissioners
No issues were raised.

18.  Adjournment
Motion to adjourn made by Comsr. Metsack and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m.


                                                        JoAnne Klingerman
                                                        Executive Assistant

These Minutes are subject to approval at the
next regular meeting of the Old Saybrook
Police Commission.