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April 23, 2007
April 23, 2007

The regular monthly meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, April 23, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:  Chairman Conklin, Commissioners Burnham, Dobratz, Gallicchio, Metsack and Sparaco.  Also present were Lt. Spera, Lt. McDonald, Lt. Stuart, Det. Sgt. Heiney, Ptl. Roche and Ptl. Barnes.

Chairman Conklin called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.

1.  Minutes
Chairman Conklin asked for discussion or approval of the Minutes of the March 26, 2007 meeting, which had been mailed ahead to commissioners.   There was no discussion.  Motion was made by Comsr. Dobratz and seconded by Comsr. Burnham to accept the Minutes of the March 26, 2007 meeting as submitted.  Motion carried unanimously.

2.  Comments from the Public
A member of the public had questions regarding the Mac Fund.  Lt. Spera offered to meet with her to respond to questions.

Lt. Spera indicated that Chief Mosca was unable to attend as he has been invited to testify before Congress.  Chairman Conklin explained the Chief is testifying before a Judiciary Subcommittee that is evaluating H.R. 1700, which would expand the scope and term of the COPS grant program.  The Chief's letter of invitation to testify was circulated.

3.  06-07 Operating Budget
Chairman Conklin discussed the budget, remarking specifically on the number of motor vehicle repairs the department has had to undertake; investigation supplies and consumables; and the professional development line item. In connection with that item, Lt. Spera asked Lt. McDonald to talk about department-wide active-shooter training that was held on Monday, April 16th, which, unfortunately, coincided with Virginia Tech shootings.  Lt. McDonald described the active shooter and aggressive subject training, which was planned months ago, indicating major changes in the approach recommended for law enforcement.  This valuable training was conducted in the schools and every officer participated, which incurred expenses for overtime and instructor fees.  He explained that hands-on training drills are more effective than classroom instruction, and the department plans to have drills at least quarterly.  Lt. Spera also reported 5 officers have recertified as Medical Response Technicians at a cost of $150 per person.  The benefits of this training underlines the need for the increase in Professional Development funds in the budget request for 07-08.  

There was discussion regarding the gasoline line item, gasoline usage and the current price.

4.  07-08 Budget
Three bids for three new vehicles to be purchased in Fiscal Year 07-08 were received and opened by the commission.  Bids were received from Herb Chambers Ford in Braintree, Massachusetts, MHQ Municipal Vehicles of Marlborough, Massachusetts, and Saybrook Ford, of Old Saybrook.

Commissioners compared bids, equipment offered and trade-in allowances.  Commissioners discussed service, certain items required in the bid packages that were not included in some bids received, and the fact that two bids included 2007 vehicles that did not meet bid specifications.  After lengthy discussion, motion was made by Comsr. Sparaco to purchase the Expedition and two cars from Saybrook Ford provided a final review shows that bid specifications were met.  There was discussion regarding service, warranty packages and a final review of the bids.  Motion was seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio.  Comsr. Sparaco and Comsr. Gallicchio  voted  in favor,  Comsr. Burnham, Comsr. Dobratz and Comsr. Metsack voted against.  Motion did not carry.   Lt. Spera asked the commission for guidance on how they wished to proceed with the purchase of new vehicles.  There was discussion of possible courses of action, deadlines incurred with various courses of action, and the possibility of beginning the process again.  Lt. Spera pointed out that all bids received came in within the department's proposed budget.  After further discussion, Comsr. Burnham made a motion that the commission reconsider the previous motion.  Motion was seconded, and passed by unanimous vote in favor.  

Comsr. Sparaco's motion to purchase the Expedition and two cars from Saybrook Ford provided a final review shows that bid specifications were met was seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio.  Motion passed with 4 in favor, and Comsr. Metsack opposed.

Comsr. Dobratz stated he had changed his vote because Saybrook Ford's bid was the only one that included all 2008 models.

Asset Forfeiture account balances were given by Lt. Spera.  Comsr. Metsack asked for a monthly report of the Asset Forfeiture balances.  Lt. Spera stated that the department would provide it.  

Chairman Conklin reported several meetings with the Board of Finance and the Selectmen.  He stated that to get the town's budget where they want it to be, they are looking for an additional $50,000 reduction from the Police Department budget.  This is over and above the $88,064 reduction already made.  He stated that the Heating and Air Conditioning Replacement line in the Capital Budget has been reduced to $5,000 and the Building Improvements line has been reduced to $10,000.  Chairman Conklin stated that if something happens, repairs will have to be made.  He said that taking this money out of the budget does not mean employees will have to work in an unreasonable environment.  He noted changes that have been made to keep the heating and air conditioning running, which have stabilized the temperature in the center of the building.  However, other parts of the building are often too hot or cold.  Lt. Spera reported that line items in the operating budget have also been reduced, being the Professional Development Payroll item reduced to $22,000 and the Professional Development Material/Fees item in Expenses & Supplies reduced to $20,000.  He said the Chief had stated to the Board of Finance that while these cuts represent  funds to them, they really affect our agency.  He stated the next public hearing will be tomorrow evening and then a town meeting and referendum are scheduled.  Chairman Conklin stated that these cuts really get into the meat and potatoes of our operation, and he hopes these reductions will be the last.  

5.  Personnel
Lt. Spera reported the following Personnel items to the commission:

Ptl. Ziolkovski is recovering and has started physical therapy.  It is hoped he will be able to return to duty in the later half of June.

The Citizen's Police Academy is going very well.  Graduation is scheduled for May 10th at 6:30 p.m. at the Saybrook Point Pavilion.  Det. Sgt. Heiney encouraged commissioners to attend the graduation, and said Selectmen will also be invited.  He stated there will be 16 graduates.  He asked commissioners to let him know if they can attend a few days ahead for planning purposes.  

DARE graduation at St. John's School is scheduled for May 1st, and commissioners will be contacted by Officer Walsh with the time.

On May 2, a mock car accident will take place at the High School at 10:00 a.m.  Explorer, Josh Painter, has assisted with this and has incorporated it into his senior project.

Ptl. Roche has been named the department's 2007 Exchange Club Officer of the Year.  Lt. Spera noted his dedication and commitment to the department, stating he is an outstanding and dependable shift supervisor, he has made phenomenal contributions to youth services and the School Resource Officer program, and specifically to Internet safety.   Chairman Conklin presented Ptl. Roche with a 2007 Officer of the Year pin.   Officer Roche was honored at a local Exchange Club meeting on April 18th, and will be honored on May 10th at Aqua Turf, with other officers from across the state.  

Chairman Conklin reported that Ptl. Barnes is now the SRO in the Middle School, and Ptl. Roche is now the SRO at the High School.  

Lt. Spera reported the Chief has appointed each lieutenant to head various committees, noting  Lt. Stuart has been assigned to firearms.  Lt. Stuart explained the Chief has charged him to review and evaluate the work already done in preparation of purchasing weapons, which he will do with other members of his committee, and expects to have a report in the future.

Lt. Spera indicated the School Based Policing Activity Report was included in commissioners' packets, a copy of which is attached to and made a part of these Minutes.  Ptl. Barnes described training classes he has been conducting for Connecticut officers on Effective Police Officer Interaction with Today's Youth, which encourages interaction with 12 - 14-year olds.  He said the government paid for him to travel to South Carolina to make the presentation at an SRO/DARE conference last week.  This program was designed to address the findings of statistical research indicating a large number of minorities end up in prison.  Lt. Spera said these invitations to teach, extended to Officer Barnes, illustrate that our School Resource Officer program is very well known for its success.

6.  Training
Lt. McDonald reported that Ptl. Bergantino attended a First Line Supervisor course at the Academy, which included Critical Incident Management.  He reported that Lt. Stuart has completed Management College at the Institute for Law Enforcement Administration in Plano, Texas.  Lt. Stuart stated he attended the 8-week administration and ethics college, and felt it offered outstanding administrative and leadership programs.  He described the final phase of his course, which taught him skills he will use with his firearms committee.  

7.  Traffic
Lt. Spera reported the audible cross walk warning at the Elm Street and Route 1 intersection has been approved by the state.

Lt. Spera also reported the Big Y project has resurfaced.  He said the Chief is interested in doing due diligence regarding traffic studies, and reporting his recommendations back to Planning and Zoning.  

Lt. Spera reported  that the First Selectman's office is assisting in communications with local businesses to obtain their agreement with closing the traffic cuts at the head of Main Street, as discussed at previous meetings, and as approved by the State DOT.

Comsr. Metsack stated the intersection of Route 1 at the new CVS seems dangerous and asked if a turn only lane could be established.  Lt. Spera responded that the DOT has denied the department's request in the past in that area, and that there has been no increase in accidents there to support a renewed request.  He stated the department has been pro-active in enforcing motorist compliance with lights at intersections, and has noticed a decrease in accidents at intersections.  He stated that if North Main Street is developed, new traffic patterns may alleviate some of the problems, but the town's hands are tied regarding state roads.   He noted traffic light enforcement will continue.

8.   Communications
Lt. Spera reported that funding for the new communications system was approved at referendum.  The committee met with Motorola and did a final due diligence on the contract before signing it.  Motorola has staked out where the tower is going.  Motorola has met with vendors.  He said all the radios are ordered and due at the staging area.  Comsr. Burnham asked if the location of the tower was factored into the location of a new police department building, and Lt. Spera stated it had, and explained how.  He also explained that the tower construction will impact the current dispatch center minimally.  Chairman Conklin stated the tower will be located as far back on the property as possible to allow ample room for a new police building.

9.  Events
Lt. Spera stated the department is working on the events mentioned at the last meeting, to be sure the department is properly staffed for each.  He said Det. Sgt. Heiney will be meeting with Mr. Chase regarding the fireworks.  

Lt. Spera reminded the commission that the New England Association of Chiefs of Police annual conference will be held in Old Saybrook this September and next September.  This is attended by 300 to 400 police chiefs from all over New England.  

10.  Correspondence
Correspondence received since the March 26th meeting was circulated for commissioners to review.

11.  Activity Report
Det. Sgt. Heiney reported the department has addressed 1,524 incidents since the March 26th meeting, and issued 267 citations.  He gave a report on the status of the department's investigation into the untimely death of a 2 ½ month old infant.  He said the department was aided in this investigation by the state Department of Children & Families, the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner and the State's Attorney's office.  The major crime squad from the Connecticut State Police assisted in processing the scene.  

He gave a report on an incident at Goodwin School where a number of children got sick from drinking chocolate milk that was tainted by a cleaning agent used to clean the milk processing equipment.  The investigation determined that no criminal activity was involved; however, various state and federal agencies are pursuing a civil investigation.

He also reported on the investigation of a sexual assault complaint, a disorderly conduct and unlawful restraint complaint, the arrest of a 25-year-old man for delivery of liquor to minors, and an investigation conducted jointly with another local law enforcement agency and ATF regarding firearms.  The suspect was arrested and charged as a Fugitive from Justice and will be extradited to South Carolina.  He also reported the DUI and Risk of Injury arrest of a 45-year old female who was driving while intoxicated with her three young children in the car.  

12.  Comments & Concerns of Commissioners
None were brought forward.

13.  Sub-Committee Reports
Chairman Conklin stated he had news that in a very short time a building committee may be put together.

14.  Executive Session
Motion was made by Comsr. Burnham and seconded by Comsr. Dobratz to move to Executive Session, and to invite Lt. Spera, to attend.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  

Meeting moved to Executive Session at 8:50 p.m.

Lt. Spera departed Executive Session at 8:58 p.m.

Meeting returned to regular session at 9:35 p.m.

Motion to adjourn made by Comsr. Gallicchio and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 9:36 p.m.

                                                        JoAnne Klingerman
                                                        Executive Assistant
These minutes subject to approval at the
May 21, 2007 meeting of the Old Saybrook
Police Commission.