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February 26, 2007
FEBRUARY 26, 2007

The regular monthly meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, February 26, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:  Chairman Conklin, Vice Chairman Gallicchio, Commissioners Dobratz, Metsack and Winkler.  Also present were Chief Mosca, Lt. McDonald, Lt. Spera, Det. Sgt. Heiney, Ptl. Barnes and Ptl. Gardner.  Also  Attorneys Michael Cronin and Miguel Escalera.  Comsr. Sparaco was present by conference call during the executive session, Agenda Item 11.

Chairman Conklin called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

1.  Minutes
Chairman Conklin asked for discussion or approval of the Minutes of the January 16, 2007 regular meeting.  There being no discussion, motion was made by Comsr. Gallicchio and seconded by Comsr. Dobratz to accept the minutes of the January 16, 2007 regular meeting as submitted.  Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Chairman Conklin reported the unfortunate passing of Det. Sgt. Heiney's mother, Shirley, since the last meeting.  He offered the commission's condolences to the family and asked for a moment of silence in her memory.

2.  06-07 Operating Budget
Chief Mosca reported that with 65% of the year expired, 66% of the operating budget has been expended.  He stated the department fully expects to end the year in the black.  He then explained a few line item balances in response to questions.

3.  07-08 Budgets
Chairman Conklin stated that he, Comsr. Metsack, Chief Mosca and Lt. Spera met with the Selectmen on Friday, February 23rd.  He stated the bottom line on the Capital Budget was directed to be reduced by $7,800, and the bottom line on the Operating Budget was directed to be reduced by $80,000.  The suggested line item reductions in both budgets were presented, which included removal or reductions of certain items.  

There was a question about obtaining certain items dropped from the Capital Budget with Asset Forfeiture funds, and the Chief responded that while Asset Forfeiture monies are not to be used to supplant a budget, the commission could authorize expenditures for qualifying items it deems necessary.  

Chairman Conklin asked for further discussion or approval of the proposed reductions to the Capital Budget.  Motion was made by Comsr. Winkler and seconded by Comsr. Dobratz to approve the  reductions to the proposed 07-08 Capital Budget as presented.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Chief Mosca thanked the commission and noted the selectmen required very little discussion regarding the purchase of three vehicles that the commission had placed such a high priority on.

Chairman Conklin stated that a large part of discussions with the selectmen in connection with the proposed operating budget was about the addition of the new patrol officer.  He said he had particularly noted the length of time required to get a new officer out on patrol.  However, to meet the $80,000 bottom line reduction required by the selectmen, the new patrolman and all associated expenses are proposed to be removed.  With the impact of replacing a top step communications technician who has left the department with a first step communications technician, and a few other proposed reductions, the bottom line reduction would total $88,064.

Chief Mosca stated he and Lt. Spera have met with Chairman Conklin twice since the meeting with the selectmen to discuss the reductions.  He feels the selectmen's reduction is essentially a denial of the additional patrol officer.  However, the selectmen did state the department could present the need for that additional patrolman to the Board of Finance.  He also stated the bottom line increase, after the reduction of $88,064, would be 3.45%.  

Chairman Conklin stated he is hopeful that the Board of Finance will not make additional cuts, explaining the department does not inflate the budget, and that anything that is taken out affects the programs designed to keep public safety the department's first priority.

Motion made by Comsr. Gallicchio and seconded by Comsr. Winkler to approve the reductions to the proposed 07-08 Operating Budget as presented.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

4.  Personnel
Chief Mosca reported the following personnel items to the commission:

He was pleased to report that Ptl. Bergantino, who had another knee surgery in connection with the shooting, returned today on a transitional duty status, with expectations to return to full duty in a few weeks.

Ptl. Ziolkovski had extensive and critical back surgery recently.  He is responding well, and if his recuperation goes according to his doctor's expectations, he may return to work in 4 to 6 months.

5.  Training
Lt. McDonald submitted a written training report for the commissioners to review, a copy of which is attached to and made a part of these minutes.  Lt. McDonald also reported that the department's training records have been audited by the academy and found to be in good order.

6.  Traffic
Chief Mosca reported the state has agreed to close the first cut through on Main Street.  They are reluctant to close the second because they feel it may impact businesses that have recently located in the area, but will consider it if they receive a letter from Starbucks stating that they have no objection.  He said that if the state closes the cut throughs, they will use standard blacktop and curbing.  Hopefully, the town will pay for granite to keep the middle islands consistent.  

The Chief reported that the request to have lane dividers placed between the north and southbound lanes of Route 1, just north of its intersection with Main Street, has been denied by the state.

7.  Correspondence
Correspondence received since the October meeting was circulated for commissioners to review.

8.  Activity Report
Det. Sgt. Heiney reported the department has addressed 6,671 incidents, exclusive of administrative incidents, since the October 23rd meeting, and has issued 1,424 citations.   He described several cases that included larcenies, robberies, assaults, criminal fraud, threatening, forgery, identity theft, stalking, and unlawful restraint.  He reported there were numerous arrests for narcotics and drug violations that included items such as marijuana, hallucinogenic substances, heroin, possession near a school, and intent to sell.  He stated that $720 seized during one drug related arrest has been applied for under the asset forfeiture law.  The department also arrested a local bartender for 6 counts of selling liquor to minors in a check of local bars by the department.

Chief Mosca reported that the department was involved with the North Haven Police Department  and the State Police on bank robberies, and that Ptl. Rankin was able to get information from a suspect that was critical to resolving the case, due to diligent and unwavering efforts on his part.  Upon the Chief's request, motion was made by Comsr. Dobratz and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio to forward a letter of recognition to Ptl. Rankin for his successful and extraordinary efforts in connection with the above-described case.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Chief Mosca praised Det. Sgt. Heiney for helping the Naugatuck Police Department with a case involving a satanic cult.  Det. Sgt. Heiney was called upon due to his extensive knowledge in this area.  He and Ptl. DePerry investigated the scene, and Det. Sgt. Heiney submitted a report describing and explaining items that were found, which contributed to a successful conclusion to the case.

Chief Mosca reported on a search for a person, possibly armed, in the wooded area in the north end of town. This search involved many department personnel and was in response to a request for aid from the State Police.  After a number of hours, an officer with our department ascertained that the suspect's cell phone was in use in the Milford area, and the local search was discontinued.  The suspect was later apprehended.

9.  Comments & Concerns of Commissioners
Comsr. Gallicchio asked if bids were received for the planned purchase of pistols.  Chief Mosca responded that bids have been received, and he would like to request permission to notify those who submitted bids that due to unforeseen circumstances, the department will wait until next fiscal year to make the purchases.  He also said the selectmen have agreed to carry the funds over to next fiscal year.  A letter must also be sent to the Town Treasurer to ask that the funds be placed in a capital sinking fund for expenditure next year.  The commission expressed agreement.

Chairman Conklin if there is anything new on the communications, and Ptl. Gardner responded that the First Selectman asked the committee to request the Board of Finance to bond $1.7 million for the system.  He reported a vendor has been identified and the RFP and design are to be finalized.  He said the first proposal came in at $3.4 million, but with cooperation from the vendor and some concessions, it is now down to $2.7 million.  Chairman Conklin asked when construction of the tower might begin, and Ptl. Gardner said that the next Board of Finance meeting is on Tuesday, March 6th.  If the bonding is approved, the contract can be executed in 4 to 6 weeks, and it will then take about 8 to 9 months for the system to be complete.  He said the committee is still working on the north and west sites, through negotiations with property owners and a leasing company.  

Comsr. Metsack asked if there are companies interested in leasing space on the tower.  Ptl. Gardner stated there will be potential for 2 platforms to be leased out, and that there are companies who have expressed interest.

10.  Sub-Committee Reports
Chairman Conklin stated that the next step with the budget will be to meet with the Board of Finance.  He said he is having dialog with them, and expects to be on their agenda soon.

Cmsr. Dobratz said there is nothing new to report on the contract.  Mediation is scheduled in March, and Comsr. Dobratz will be unable to attend.

11.  Executive Session
Motion was made by Comsr. Dobratz and seconded by Comsr. Winkler to move to executive session, inviting Chief Mosca, Attorney Escalera and Attorney Cronin to attend.  Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Meeting moved to executive session at 8:05 p.m.  Meeting moved to Emergency Management room, so that Comsr. Sparaco could attended by telephone.

Meeting returned to regular session at 8:50.

Motion made by Comsr. Gallicchio and seconded by Comsr. Dobratz to adjourn.  Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 8:51 p.m.

                                                        JoAnne Klingerman
                                                        Executive Assistant

These minutes are subject to approval by the
Old Saybrook Police Commission at its
March 26, 2007 meeting.