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January 16, 2007
JANUARY 16, 2007

The regular monthly meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Tuesday, January 16, 2007 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:  Chairman Conklin, Vice Chairman Gallicchio, Commissioners Burnham, Dobratz, Metsack, Sparaco and Winkler.  Also present were Chief Mosca, Lt. Barrows, Lt. McDonald, Lt. Spera, Lt. Stuart, Ptl. Barnes, Ptl. Gardner, Ptl. Mercer and Ptl. Rankin.

Chairman Conklin called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m..

1.  Minutes
Chairman Conklin asked for discussion or approval of the Minutes of the October 23, 2006 regular meeting.  There being no discussion, motion was made by Comsr. Burnham and seconded by Comsr. Winkler to accept the minutes as submitted.  Motion passed by unanimous vote.  Comsr. Dobratz abstained.

Chairman Conklin asked for discussion or approval of the Minutes of the November 18, 2006 special meeting.  There being no discussion, motion made by Comsr. Metsack and seconded by Comsr. Winkler to accept the minutes as submitted.  Motion passed by unanimous vote.

2.  07-08 Meeting Dates
Chairman Conklin explained that the proposed meeting dates for 2007 follow the meeting dates for 2006 with the exception of this January meeting.  He noted there is little to report at meetings during the summer months, but it was decided to keep those meetings scheduled with an understanding they can be cancelled if they are not needed.   Motion made by Comsr. Gallicchio and seconded by Comsr. Dobratz to accept the proposed meeting dates for 2007.  Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Chairman Conklin stated he would like to discuss Agenda Item #5, Contract Negotiations, in executive session, and asked for a motion to amend the agenda to reflect that.  Motion was made by Comsr. Winkler, seconded and passed by unanimous vote to amend the agenda to show that Agenda Item #5, Contract Negotiations, would be held in executive session.   

3.  Promotional Process
Chairman Conklin asked for discussion or questions regarding the proposed promotional process sent ahead to commissioners.  Comsr. Dobratz asked what the additional payroll cost to the department would be for new sergeants, and Chief Mosca responded it would be negligible because the department must pay a contractual differential to patrolmen performing as shift supervisors.  He indicated only patrol officers trained to do so perform this function.  In response to a question regarding possible need for more sergeants, the Chief stated there is a need and that qualified senior patrolmen are frequently filling shift supervisor positions.  He stated that orders are given by lieutenants and carried out by patrolmen during the shifts they are supervising.  However, it is difficult for patrolmen to sometimes work side by side with, and sometimes assume supervisory status over, other patrolmen.   He said the department has two sergeants now and needs at least 2 more at the department's current size.  

Chairman Conklin stated the promotional process is what is before the commission for discussion.  He stated that after the process is approved, there will be time to discuss numbers.  

Chief Mosca agreed, stating the last promotional list expired.  He said he is not appealing for a specific number of promotions, but is asking for a promotional process so a list can be created.  He suggested the list remain in place for not more than two years so that other officers who become qualified to participate in the promotional process might do so.  He feels this would keep the list of quality officers up to date.  

Further discussion included physical fitness testing, which the Chief stated would be in accordance with the State approved Cooper Standards.  Cost to hire evaluators was discussed, and Chief Mosca explained most would be in-house, so any cost to the town would be small.  Comsr. Metsack asked if the Law Enforcement Council of Connecticut would be used for testing, and Chief Mosca explained the department does not use them for this kind of testing because they provide most or all training, and he feels familiarity might be an obstacle.  He said they also use the same tests from town to town, and officers have friends in other towns.  

Comsr. Burnham asked about the timeline proposed in the process, and Chief Mosca said it could be extended.   

Comsr. Gallicchio asked if the budget would have to be adjusted, and Chairman Conklin said additional payroll cost would be balanced by overtime now in the budget.

Motion was made by Comsr. Winkler to approve the promotional process as presented.   Motion seconded by Comsr. Sparaco and approved by unanimous vote.  

NOTE:  Comsr. Burnham left the meeting at this point to fulfill professional obligations.

4.  07-08 Budget
Chairman Conklin adjourned the meeting to the Emergency Management Office to take advantage of audio/visual equipment for the presentation of the proposed 2007-2008 budgets.  Once settled, Chairman Conklin noted that commissioners had received the projected budgets for review, indicating it was a similar presentation to that made last year, which was very well received by the Board of Finance.  

Chief Mosca stated the process had begun in September when every member of the department was invited to make contributions.  Meetings were then held with personnel who have responsibilities within the budget.  A final meeting was held in November and the numbers in the proposed budget were determined.  He stated he was in regular communication with Chairman Conklin throughout the process.  He stated the proposed budget currently shows an increase of 6.2%, which is lower than the usual 8% or 9%.  He stated he expects Blue Cross to possibly come down, which would reduce the 6.2% increase.  He also stated the department is currently staffed at 1987 levels, and that as the town has grown, department personnel numbers have dropped due to attrition and lay-offs.  

The Chief indicated that the Capital Budget includes items that were removed from the request last year during the process with the town.  He stated that the new vehicles requested are absolutely imperative, indicating that recent abandonment of the normal practice of replacing 3 vehicles per year has caused an aging fleet and very high maintenance costs.  He said two vehicles have over 100,000 miles and two are over 80,000 and will pass the 100,000 mile mark before the current fiscal year ends.  He stated that our police officers rely on these vehicles to perform their very important functions safely.  

Chief Mosca said that Lt. Spera has done a superior job in developing this budget, knows it inside and out, and will explain various items and answer questions.

Chairman Conklin stated the commission must work to keep the requested vehicles in the Capital Budget, noting the high mileage and maintenance costs of the fleet.  Comsr. Gallicchio stated the department has always replaced 3 vehicles per year, and cutting back to 1 or 2 per year has borne out the warnings of Comsr. Sparaco, who repeatedly argued that past experience proved repair costs would rise higher than replacement costs.   It was noted that the miles put on patrol vehicles are hard miles and do not adequately reflect engine wear because much time is spent idling.   Chief Mosca stated it costs about $10,000 per year to maintain older high-mileage cars, and these numbers can be brought to the Board of Finance to show that what the commission projected 5 years ago when replacement numbers were reduced has come to pass.  

Lt. Spera began the budget presentation stating the same process used to develop the department's mission statement was used to produce the projected 2007-2008 budget.  Personnel were asked for contributions, which was a good exercise in professional development and increases fiscal responsibility.  He then explained the line item for replacement of 3 cars, pointing out that lights provided by Whelen Engineering would cost the department an additional $9,000 to $10,000 per car, noting the advantage of this large savings to the department.    

Lt. Spera discussed each item in the Capital Budget.  He gave comments and descriptions and explained the need for and importance of each item.  He indicated the amount requested for body armor would be matched with a grant, and that tactical armor should be in patrol vehicles for increased officer safety at certain kinds of incidents.  He reminded the commission that unexpended funds in the Building Improvements and Heating and Air Conditioning Replacement items are rolled into a building sinking fund at the end of each fiscal year.  

Chief Mosca reminded the commission of the intense heat they experienced during the November 18th special meeting in his office.  He stated staff is now running space heaters because the building is too cold.  He just received a bill for $3,200 for recent service, which took 8 days to complete.  Administrative and Communications employees must still run space heaters, and he feels health and safety concerns must be taken into consideration.  Comsr. Gallicchio asked if any plans are being discussed regarding a new building and the Chief responded that the Kathryn Hepburn Cultural Arts Center and certain school building projects are ahead of the Police Department on the list.  He stated the Chairman of the Board of Finance has acknowledged the need for a new facility, and that it would be helpful if the commission could exert some influence on the Board of Selectmen to get plans underway.

Comsr. Dobratz asked why Tasers were not in the budget and the Chief explained he would like to do an educational presentation to the commission, and that he may have an alternative funding vehicle rather than the budget.  Comsr. Dobratz stated he would not like Tasers to be forgotten.

Chairman Conklin asked for further discussion or for a motion regarding the proposed Capital Budget.  Motion was made by Comsr. Gallicchio and seconded by Comsr. Winkler to approve the proposed Capital Budget for the 2007-2008 fiscal year as submitted.  Motion passed by unanimous vote in favor, with Comsr. Metsack abstaining.

Lt. Spera stated he would explain where and why Operating Budget line items increased.  He indicated that water and electricity showed increases because these utilities have been granted rate increases.  He also pointed out there are contractual increases in payroll for AFSCME employees, and an increase in the line item reflecting a COPS contract settlement set-aside, explaining that when the contract settles, salary and overtime increases will have to be paid retroactively.
He said the department has tracked the cost of the many special events held in Old Saybrook and added some to the budget, such as the March of Dimes Motorcycle Rally, due to their impact on the payroll.  He said that many town events cost the department more and more due to increased popularity, and issues arise in addition to crowd and traffic control, making it necessary to boost payroll figures to reflect the cost of providing proper policing.  

Lt. Spera then discussed the need for an additional officer to meet new deployment strategies considering additional restaurants, railroad station activity and increased crimes in the western area of town, which is becoming more developed.  He stated the total cost for a new officer is $67,869, which includes hiring, training, uniform expense, arming, etc. He stated that because it takes 12 to 14 months to get a new officer trained and on the road, the time is right now to begin the process.  He noted every agency in town has been allowed to grow and that the police department is the only agency that has not been allowed to grow.  Lt. Spera praised the department's sworn personnel for their level of commitment and their professional delivery of served.  He explained that patrol officers in Old Saybrook are extremely more diverse than average police officers as they are tasked with investigating all crimes such as burglaries and larcenies in addition to their normal patrol duties such as answering calls for service, including responding to medical emergencies and conducting proactive motor vehicle enforcement.   He noted that investigations are becoming more complex and more time consuming.  This is especially the case when dealing with major crimes and cases of Internet fraud, identity theft and other white collar crimes.  These investigations place an additional burden on patrol staff and forces officers to spend more time on investigations than their normal duties and also prevents timely investigations due to requirements to respond to calls for service.

Lt. Spera noted that 25% of the budget is fixed charges with no possibility of reduction or adjustment.  These include FICA, life insurance premiums, pension fund contributions and health insurance premiums.  He repeated the Chief's comment that the town is hoping that the quoted  8% Blue Cross increase will be adjusted downward to 5% or 6%.  

A detailed discussion of gasoline prices followed during which Lt. Spera indicated there is a check and balance system within the department that accounts for every gallon of gasoline purchased and used.  

Lt. Spera stated an increase in Professional Development reflects the Chief's belief in training and also responds to Comsr. Gallicchio's request for more training funds.   The better trained the department is, the more professionally and effectively it can serve the community.  

Lt. Spera indicated that if any of the 3 vehicles are cut from the Capital request, $10,000 per cut vehicle will have to be added to the Vehicle Maintenance line item in the Operating Budget to maintain the aging fleet, once again reminding the commission that two patrol cars have over 100,000 miles and that two more will reach that mark by the end of the current fiscal year.  

After some discussion and response to questions, Lt. Spera stated the budget request reflects a 6.38% increase, noting inflation is at 4%.  

Chairman Conklin thanked Lt. Spera, stating he had done a great job on the budget preparation and presentation,  noting that changes were broken out and explained very well to provide the department with the funding needed to serve the citizens and visitors of the town properly.   He stated he is hopeful the officers' contract will be settled soon, and that there are a lot of positive things on the horizon for the department, including a new building and communications system.

Chairman Conklin asked for a motion regarding the proposed 2007-2008 Operating Budget, and a motion was made by Comsr. Winkler and seconded by Comsr. Dobratz to approve  the proposed 2007-2008 Operating Budget as submitted.  Motion passed by unanimous vote in favor, with Comsr. Metsack abstaining.

5.  Contract Negotiations
Chairman Conklin asked for a motion to move to executive session to discuss contract negotiations, and to invite Chief Mosca and Lt. Spera to attend.  Motion was made by Comsr. Dobratz and seconded by Comsr. Winkler to move to executive session and invite Chief Mosca and Lt. Spera to attend, to discuss contract negotiations.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Meeting moved to executive session at 9:25 p.m.

Meeting returned to regular session at 9:34 p.m.

Motion made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

                                                        JoAnne Klingerman
                                                        Executive Assistant

These minutes are subject to approval by the
Old Saybrook Police Commission at its
February  26, 2007 meeting.