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September 25, 2006

SEPTEMBER 25, 2006


The regular monthly meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, September 25, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:  Chairman Conklin, Commissioners Burnham, Dobratz, Gallicchio, Metsack and Sparaco.  Also present were Chief Mosca, Lt. Barrows, Lt. McDonald, Lt. Spera, Lt. Stuart, Det. Sgt. Heiney and Ptl. Barnes.  

Chairman Conklin called the meeting to order at 7:34 p.m.

1.  Minutes
Chairman Conklin asked for discussion or approval of the Minutes of the June 26, 2006 meeting.  In response to a question asked by Comsr. Gallicchio, Chief Mosca explained that while the Gasoline line item ran approximately $23,000 in the red, other line items and budget areas remained well in the black due to careful spending, and that the final unaudited department bottom line was in the black.  In response to another question, he verified that a lieutenant attends Rotary meetings on a weekly basis.  He noted that a speaker was invited to a recent meeting, who endorsed legalization of drugs.  Several officers attended that meeting and spoke in opposition, and the department will provide a speaker from DEA to address the issue at a future meeting.  There being no more discussion, motion was made by Comsr. Sparaco and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio to accept the minutes as submitted.  Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Chairman Conklin stated that since the last meeting, several untimely deaths had touched members of the department and commission.  Chairman Conklin asked for moments of silence for Ptl. Rankin's father, for Lt. and Dispatcher McDonalds' mother, and for Comsr. Burnham's brother.  Separate moments of silence were observed for each.

2.  Comments from the Public
No comments were made.  

Chairman Conklin asked Ptl. Barnes to introduce the four Explorers who were in attendance.  Ptl. Barnes introduced Kathryn Onorato, Holland Ahern, Josh Painter and Teresa Maynard.  He said that Thomas Rochette was unable to attend because he had left for college, and that Jaimie-Lynne Katkaveck was in Germany.  

3.  05-06 Operating Budget
Chief Mosca reported the department ended the 2005-2006 fiscal year in the black by an unaudited figure of approximately $14,500.  He said he had made efforts to prevent a shortfall considering the gas overage.  He also reminded the commissioners that the department wanted to calculate the 2006-2007 gasoline line item based on a price of $2.50 per gallon, but went to $2.00 per gallon in keeping with calculations used by other town agencies.  He noted the town has now pre-bought at $2.70 per gallon; however, the department did not do so and is now watching the prices, which are falling daily, in hopes they will drop low enough to off-set the expenditures well over $2.00 per gallon at the beginning of the year.

At this time, Chairman Conklin asked that the agenda be amended to include an executive session to discuss contract negotiations after Agenda Item 15.  So moved by Comsr. Burnham, seconded by Comsr. Sparaco and passed unanimously.

4.  06-07 Operating & Capital Budget
Chief Mosca reported the car has been delivered and is at Whelen Engineering for installation of lights.  When it is returned, other equipment installations will be made and he expects it to be on the road around October 20th.  He stated the SUV order is on hold, and a delivery date should be given in about 3 weeks.

Chief Mosca asked Lt. Barrows to discuss the purchase of firearms.  Lt. Barrows reported that officers were asked to try out 2 weapons and give their comments and feedback.  Lt. Barrows then distilled their preferences and comments and said they almost unanimously chose the Smith and Wesson Model M & P 40 semi-automatic pistol.  He gave a detailed report of its many features, indicating why it was selected.  He also discussed holsters, ammunition, safety, price and training.  Chief Mosca indicated the 16 hours of training recommended by Smith and Wesson would be done here by Smith and Wesson.  He also stated that unless the commission objected, he planned to allow officers to purchase their current weapons for the trade-in value.  No objections were voiced.  Chairman Conklin asked for a motion to authorize commencement of the bid process for purchasing new Smith and Wesson Model M & P 40 semi-automatic pistols.  So moved by Comsr. Dobratz and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio.  Motion passed unanimously.

5.  07-08 Budget Process
Chairman Conklin stated the budget process has begun for fiscal year 2007-2008.  He said the Chief, through Lt. Spera, has asked everyone in the department to submit their budget needs in written form.  Chairman Conklin asked commissioners to give their thoughts or suggestions as well.  He stated he would like the increase in this years request to be as low as possible.  Because the Selectmen will be looking for the proposed budget by the beginning of January, a special meeting may be required for review discussion and approval of the commission.

Chief Mosca stated he hopes to have the Capital portion of the budget ready for the commission by the October meeting.  He stated he has regular dialogue with Chairman Conklin as the budget is developed.

6.  Personnel
Chief Mosca asked Ptl. Barnes to report on the Explorer program.  Ptl. Barnes stated there are two new applicants being considered.   He stated the current Explorers meet every week for training, and also described their valued participation with traffic control at special events, always with an officer, and with Kid Care Identification during Family Day.  He then gave each Explorer present an opportunity to speak to the commission.  Each expressed their gratitude and enthusiasm for the program, their reasons for enrolling and their future plans.  Ptl. Barnes stated the program is for youths between the ages of 14 and 21.  He said that students who are away at college during the academic year can participate in the program through the summer months.  Chief Mosca stated that Det. Sgt. Heiney and Ptl. Ryan had been Explorers.  He also reported the Board that oversees the program is comprised of Ptl. Walsh and Ptl. DePerry.  He stated that Ptl. DePerry has conducted a 6-week Junior Detective program each year, with enthusiasm and commitment.


Chief Mosca then reported the following personnel items:

Ptl. DellaRocco was tested by physicians of various specialties and declared fit and able to perform the functions of a police officer.  He is currently going through a back to work process with department Field Training Officers and is coming along very well.

Ptl. Ziolkovski received a severe back injury in early July.  He is currently out of work on Worker's Compensation and may not return until January or later.  

Ptl. Ziolkovski is planning to get married in November, and three officers, Lt. Spera, Ptl. Bergantino and Dispatcher Dahlstrom, have gotten married since the June meeting.  

Chief Mosca reported that he nominated the three officers involved in the shooting in May, 2005, for the 2006 Parade/IACP Police Officer of the Year awards.  He said that Ptl. Bergantino was one of ten officers nationwide, selected to receive an honorable mention award.  He will be recognized in press releases and a Parade Magazine article in mid-October, and at an award luncheon at the IACP annual conference in Boston on October 17th.  Det. Sgt. Heiney and Ptl. Mercer will also be acknowledged in the descriptive articles.  

Chief Mosca reported he is chairing a panel conducting interviews and making recommendations of candidates for the position of Chief of Police at the state capital, which will be a full day process.

Ptl. Rankin has been placed on special assignment to the Chief during the month of October due to a medical issue, which has been resolved.  He explained that Ptl. Rankin is in good condition; however, the Chief chooses to monitor him for a month and has suspended the K-9 program for that period of time with the exception of one training exercise. Ptl. Rankin is conducting a survey of every business in town, updating department information and making suggestions regarding their security systems.  He is also locating closed circuit television monitors and suggesting adjustments to make them more effective.  Ptl. Rankin will be returned to his normal duties on November 1st.

7.  Accreditation
Det. Sgt. Heiney stated that the proposed Mission Statement for the department, which commissioners received in the mail before the meeting for review, had been built around the slogan on police cruisers, "Commitment to Excellence."  He asked for comments, and Comsr. Burnham stated she felt he had done an excellent job putting all the submitted ideas together.  She suggested replacing the word "philosophies" with the word "standards", in the second paragraph.  She also suggested changing the beginning of the third sentence in that paragraph from "We prioritize…" to "Our priorities are…"  Motion was made by Comsr. Burnham and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to approve the Mission Statement as submitted, with the two changes named above.  Motion carried unanimously.

Det. Sgt. Heiney stated there are not a lot more standards in the accreditation process. He also stated that the department's advisor at the Police Academy has taken another position, and a search is being conducted for his replacement.  That process may be concluded over the next few weeks.

8.  Training
A written training report was submitted by Lt. McDonald, a copy of which is attached to and made a part of these minutes.  Lt. McDonald also reported he has become certified to conduct legal updates on police policies and practices.  He will also attend a meeting at Cromwell Police Department to develop a state-wide policy for use of Tasers.  In response to a question from Chairman Conklin, Chief Mosca indicated the Connecticut Police Chiefs Association is acquiring best practices and model policies from around the country for evaluation.  He stated the IACP is also investigating Taser policies.  These will be blended into recommended policies for departments currently using and departments considering Tasers.  He also indicated he plans to have a demonstration here with people who can answer questions regarding Tasers.  Lt. McDonald described the qualifications of the person who would be invited.  Chief Mosca stated that many departments are using these non-lethal weapons, and that during this department's planned drug raids, an officer is requested from a department that uses them.  He stated that a lot has happened since the presentation made to the commission by Lt. McDonald and Ptl. DellaRocco.  He said the news also glamorizes stories of injuries when they happen, but does not report when Tasers are not found to be the cause of those injuries.  He stated that if Taser use were approved for the department, he would recommend very strict guidelines.  He also said use can be recorded and tracked to ensure responsibility.  The price of about $700 per unit was noted, as well as the fact that delivery is on 6-month back order at this time.  Chairman Conklin stated he would like to pursue exploring use of these weapons and would like to bring the issue back to the commission.

9.  Traffic
Lt. Stuart reported he contacted DOT regarding a survey of Main Street, specifically looking at closing certain islands and placement of new crosswalks near the Post Office and in the vicinity of the Katherine Hepburn Theatre and Town Green.  He said the DOT officer was enthusiastic about closing islands and placing a crosswalk near the Post Office, but was not encouraging regarding a crosswalk near the theatre and Town Green.  He said future development may impact a positive decision.  The state also plans to add a crosswalk on Route 1, near the head of Main Street.  After discussion, motion was made by Comsr. Burnham to send a letter to DOT detailing the requested closure of two island cuts and the installation of a crosswalk near the Post Office, and the installation of a crosswalk near the theatre/town green.  Motion seconded by Comsr. Sparaco and carried by unanimous vote.

Lt. Stuart reported that the Town Planner, Christine Nelson, has suggested a system of flags to be used by pedestrians in crosswalks, and offered to speak to the commission at a future meeting.  After discussion, the commission felt this would not enhance safety of pedestrians in crosswalks.

Lt. Stuart noted the Chief's initiative for increased enforcement of cell phone and traffic light laws.

Lt. Stuart reported there was no stop sign included in plans for the Otterbrook development, and that a request had been received for one.  After discussion, motion was made by Comsr. Burnham and seconded by Comsr. Dobratz to have a stop sign placed at the intersection of Parkman Place and Otterbrook.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

10.  Communications
Chief Mosca reported he and Ptl. Gardner had attended an extensive communications meeting and asked Ptl. Gardner to report.  Ptl. Gardner stated that since his last update, the RFP had been finished and sent out.  He said that only one response was received, which was from Motorola.  He described the committee's dissatisfaction with some areas of the RFP, which need to be further negotiated.  He reported on the first post-bid meeting and considerations of fiscal responsibility and the desire for state of the art equipment.  He said that with no delays, the time frame for completion is the fall of next year.  Ptl. Gardner then answered questions regarding tower locations and the feasibility of renting space on commercially owned towers and of renting space out on town owned towers.  

11.  Events
Chief Mosca reported the fireworks on July 1st, the art show on July 29th and 30th and the road race on August 16th went well, and noted the aid of Explorers during those events.  He also reported that a motorcycle fundraiser was broken into three waves this year, but still caused traffic backlogs.  This is permitted by the State Police, but requires more manpower each year, which may have to be reflected in the budget.

12.  Correspondence
Correspondence received since the last meeting was circulated for the commission to review.

13.  Activity Report
Det. Sgt. Heiney reported the department has addressed 5,781 incidents and issued 1,319 citations since the June meeting.  He specifically reported on 8 larcenies and burglaries, many involving credit cards and forgery.  He reported on the arrest of a juvenile for spray painting graffiti on cars, street signs, houses and a wall in a beach area; and on 12 arrests involving possession or sale of drugs and narcotics.  

Det. Sgt. Heiney then gave a detailed description of an incident at the Amtrak bridge on September 9th when a barge struck the bridge fender system.  He described department activities, praising the help of department Explorers, and explaining the activities undertaken over a 9-hour period to get the barge moved and the channel cleared to reopen the river to boat traffic.  He said the unified command system was utilized and operated smoothly, and praised department personnel for their actions.  Chief Mosca praised department personnel stating they did a job that was beyond what one might reasonably expect they could do.  He said the largest difficulty was the lack of interoperability of communications between all agencies involved.  

Lt. Spera reported on two incidents, one in which a person was lying, injured, in the roadway, intertwined in his bicycle, and had to be taken to a medical facility via Life Star; and a second involving a suspected pipe bomb at the high school.  He described the department's actions in handling each incident, giving a detailed report of the high school evacuation and handling of the possible pipe bomb, and return of the students to the school for a debriefing in the auditorium.  He said both incidents ended without serious injury, and gave officers an opportunity to exercise their training, and demonstrate the department is prepared to effectively and efficiently handle any major incidents that may occur.

14.  Comments & Concerns of Commissioners
Comsr. Gallicchio asked if the state has begun paying the town $10 per ticket as reported at the last meeting, and Chief Mosca replied that tickets must first be adjudicated, and that he does not expect to begin receiving funds until later in the fiscal year.

15.  Sub-Committee Reports
Chairman Conklin reported his plans to go to the Board of Finance to convey the department's budget progress.  He also reported he plans to put together a building committee to take a look at the plans done in 2001 and start the process moving again.  He said First Selectman Pace had discussed with him the possibility of moving the Community Policing Office into the new building at the head of Main Street.  Comsr. Dobratz asked about the status with regard to the Chamber of Commerce going into that building and Lt. Stuart stated a lease had been negotiated but was not signed.    

Chairman Conklin reported he has talked with a professor of criminal justice in New Haven with regard to the promotional process, and plans to forward information to commissioners describing a proposed 5-part process.

16.  Executive Session
Motion made by Comsr. Gallicchio and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to move to executive session to discuss contract negotiations, and to invite Chief Mosca and Lt. Spera to remain.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  Meeting moved to executive session at 9:35 p.m.

Meeting returned from executive session at 10:05 p.m.  

Motion made by Comsr. Sparaco and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 10:06 p.m.


                                                        JoAnne Klingerman
                                                        Executive Assistant

These minutes are subject to approval by the
Old Saybrook Police Commission at its
October 23, 2006 meeting.