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June 26, 2006

JUNE 26, 2006


The regular monthly meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, June 26, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:  Chairman Conklin, Commissioners Burnham, Dobratz, Gallicchio, Metsack, Sparaco and Winkler.  Also present were Chief Mosca, Lt. McDonald, Lt. Spera, Lt. Stuart and Ptl. Barnes and Ptl. Gardner (Ptl. Gardner on duty—called away early in meeting.)

Chairman Conklin called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.

1.  Minutes
Chairman Conklin asked for discussion or approval of the minutes of the May 22, 2006 meeting.  Motion made by Comsr. Dobratz and seconded by Comsr. Winkler to approve the minutes of the May 22, 2006 meeting as submitted.  Motion passed by unanimous vote.

2.  Comments from the Public
There were no members of the public present.

3.  05-06 Operating Budget
Chief Mosca reported that some recent major incidents have caused considerable hits to payroll since the last meeting, mentioning the Cloud 9 robbery, a suspicious death and the second stand-off with a local man at the Sandpiper Inn.   He stated he is confident that when all areas of the budget are taken into consideration, the department will still close the fiscal year in the black.  He also reported that with gasoline prices continuing to rise, that line item is approximately $23,000 over expended, which he understands is well below the shortfall other departments are reporting.  He has ordered a gasoline delivery be made on June 30th to top off the tank, considering the rising gasoline prices, to avoid beginning the new fiscal year by covering a shortfall.  Current prices are already well over that projected during budget preparations for Fiscal Year 06-07.  He reported on other expenses such as the Summer Stroll and High School Graduation.  

Discussion followed regarding the possibility of tracking costs by incidents and tracking costs by units within the department such as investigative services and the School Resource Officer program.  Also, the feasibility of suing subjects for costs was discussed, and the Chief reported that many judges have ordered restitution as part of punishment.  The Chief, responding to questions, stated that Lt. Stuart has a record of repairs done to each vehicle, and that gasoline use is tracked by vehicle and comes in within 20 to 40 gallons each month, comparing deliveries to the use log.  He said the department tracks all expenditures in various areas of the budget.

Comsr. Conklin asked about the SNET line item, and Chief Mosca reported it includes new wiring and equipment in the communications area.  

Comsr. Dobratz asked if Vehicle Maintenance is over expended due to purchasing only one car, and the Chief said it was, and that there is another $2,000 outstanding to be billed.  Comsr. Sparaco stated this has historically been the result of holding vehicles for an extra year or two.  He said Vehicle Maintenance jumps and trade-in values drop, costing more over the long run.  

4.  06-07 Capital Budget
Chief Mosca reported that delivery of the new cars is expected around the end of August.  

Chairman Conklin reported the Capital Budget, approved by the police commission, had been reduced by one car, and that all other items had remained.  He stated Lt. Barrows will give a presentation on firearms at a future meeting.  

Comsr. Metsack asked if there was any movement toward a new building, and the Chief said he understands there have been discussions by the First Selectman with the Board of Finance, and that Mr. Pace told the Chief he would like to put a building committee together by the end of the summer.  Discussion followed regarding possible facility plans and how the department would continue to function during the building phase.

5.  Personnel
Chief Mosca reported that Ptl. Smith has completed his re-entry program and seems very enthusiastic.  He told the Chief he is pleased to be back and impressed with the operations of the department.  

The Chief stated that Ptl. Bergantino is back to work with no restrictions.

Chairman Conklin distributed correspondence sent to Ptl. DellaRocco, who has agreed to functionality and fit for duty exams.  He stated that upon the successful completion of both, the department looks forward to bringing him back on, hopefully by the middle of July.  Chief Mosca described a set of tasks expected of police officers, which is recognized statewide.  This set of about 500 tasks was compiled by a professional research firm after interviewing officers throughout the state, including this department.  He said that set of tasks has been forwarded to the physicians examining Ptl. DellaRocco to compare with his abilities.

Comsr. Burnham asked where the department stands legally with hearings on this issue and the Chief responded that Attorney McHale has attended the hearings and is handling this matter.  Discussion followed regarding how the schedule will be filled if Ptl. DellaRocco cannot return to duty.

Comsr. Dobratz asked if the Pops concert was cancelled because the Police Department could not man it.  The Chief explained that the Police Department has been waiting for the date to be announced in order to schedule officers and to arrange for help from other departments and the Coast Guard.  He said that a couple of weeks after the May meeting, he was told there would be no concert because a band could not be found.  He was then told they were looking at August 27th and the Chief indicated that would be enough time to notify other departments and the Coast Guard.  A week later, he was told that August 27th would not work because it was the Fire Department’s family picnic day, so they could not cover the fireworks.  He was then told, at a staff meeting, that the new Pops date was Sunday, August 3rd.  The Chief said he could not schedule staff that quickly and that State permits could not be obtained that quickly.  He said he could do August 10th or August 17th or go into September, but not August 3rd.  He also learned the Pavilion was reserved on August 3rd.  

The Chief further reported that the Friday night before Father’s day, he spoke with First Selectman Pace and explained why the Pops concert could not be held on August 3rd.  He stated that he has heard rumors that Mr. Pace is being blamed for the cancellation, and those rumors seem to have persisted to the date of this meeting.  The chief stated emphatically that the decision not to have the concert on August 3rd had been strictly his decision.  He then discussed the possibilities of having it during early September, and is waiting for the Chamber’s decision on dates.  The Chief repeated that this decision was based solely on the department’s ability to deal with all issues of public safety by the chosen date.

Comsr. Dobratz asked if Ptl. DellaRocco has paid the Blue Cross contribution requested in Chairman Conklin’s letter to him, and the Chief said he had not, possibly on advice of counsel.  

Chief Mosca reported a public act has passed that enables the department to receive $10 for every traffic ticket issued, and that the Selectmen endorsed creating a program to put those funds to use by the Police Department.  The Chief charged Lt. Spera to come up with applications for these funds, and he suggested the following:  1) fund local vehicle safety programs; 2) fund local DUI and enforcement initiatives; 3) use as matching funds for grants; and 4) purchase equipment to support speed enforcement.   The Chief stated the fund will probably accrue slowly over the first year, but should become useful over a period of time.  He stated the department issued 621 infractions in 2005 and 409 so far in 2006, as a frame of reference.  There was some discussion as to the accuracy of the State’s records and the Chief said the department could easily keep track, also.  He asked for Commission endorsement, so these proposals could be presented to the Board of Selectmen at their next meeting.  Motion made by Comsr. Gallicchio to approve use of these new funds for traffic enforcement programs.  Motion seconded by Comsr. Winkler and passed by unanimous vote.  

The commission discussed the growing problem of motorists’ apparent disregard of traffic lights.  Chief Mosca said he is stepping up activity to discourage this trend.

The School Resource Officer report was submitted in writing, and is attached to and made a part of these minutes.  Ptl. Barnes thanked commissioners who attended the DARE graduations.  He said they were able to finish the school year with strong programs, and described the activities undertaken.

Ptl. Barnes reported that interviews of applicants for the Explorer Program have been completed, and training has begun.  Scouts are learning about such things as the organization of the department, radio use and traffic control duties.   He said there are currently 6 participants, and he expects them to be useful at the Chase fireworks.  Ptl. Barnes thanked the Chief and Comsr. Conklin for speaking at the first training class.  Chief Mosca said the participants seemed excited to be part of the program, and he expects they will be at a future meeting to be introduced to the commissioners.    

6.  Accreditation
Chief Mosca indicated there is no accreditation report because Det. Sgt. Heiney is on vacation and excused from the meeting.  

Chairman Conklin stated that in March, the commission approved a policy regarding maintenance of promotional lists.  He said the promotional list for the position of sergeant has expired and there are currently no promotional lists.  He proposed administering a promotional process for the position of sergeant in the fall, stating he would like to have the Chief post the commission’s intention now, and have more discussions regarding the process and what the commission would be looking for at the next meeting.   This would notify qualifying officers to begin preparing for the process.  Chairman Conklin said he would like to have the 4 lieutenants take part in the process, to bring the position of sergeant up to a new level.   He suggested that after the process, the list should be kept active for 18 to 24 months.  He said he would like to then establish a promotional list for the position of lieutenant, and then the position of detective.   There being no objections, Chairman Conklin directed the Chief to post the commission’s intentions.

7.  Training
The training report was submitted in written form, a copy of which is attached to and made a part of these minutes.

Chief Mosca reported a training day held at the department, given in two half-day sessions.  He described the components, which were taught by department personnel who had been trained as instructors.  Those components included handcuffing, physical fitness in police cars, advanced capstun training, felony car stops and meth lab awareness.  Officers were also given the opportunity to fire handguns the department is considering, to replace those currently in use, and give their preferences and comments.  All officers were asked to evaluate the material and instructors, and the Chief indicated the evaluations were very good and the training well received.  The department hopes to hold these training sessions quarterly.  Chairman Conklin said he observed some of the training and felt it was phenomenal.  He asked who put it together, and the Chief indicated Lt. McDonald and Lt. Spera had been assigned that task.  

Comsr. Dobratz asked if the department is still looking at TASERS©.  Chief Mosca said that when the commission is ready for a demonstration, he would be happy to arrange it.  He said it would run about 35 to 40 minutes and could be scheduled for the July or September meeting.  

8.  Traffic
Lt. Stuart reported a request for a stop sign at the intersection of Whitney Avenue and River Avenue.  He has looked at the area and feels a stop sign will not remedy the situation and will develop an alternative to be presented at the next meeting.

Lt. Stuart reported he is working with the Public Works Department to address a sight line issue on Bokum Road.  A survey is being done and he has been in touch with property owners who do not want their bushes cut.  He feels it may be necessary to straighten out a curve, and will report his findings at the next meeting.

Chief Mosca reported he had granted permission for the Chamber of Commerce to utilize space in the Community Policing Office for a period of a few months until their new building is ready. He said he agreed because the department is not currently utilizing all the space there.  Community Policing is still in the front area, and the Chamber is using space toward the rear.  

Chief Mosca reported that one lieutenant goes to the Rotary meeting weekly.  He said Rotary has created a position for a lieutenant to represent the department at its meetings.   

Comsr. Sparaco stated he has received a call regarding pedestrians crossing Main Street outside of crosswalks and asked the Chief what action could be taken.  The Chief responded that enforcement action could be taken.  He said, in response to questions, that because Main Street is a state road, signage and locations of crosswalks can be done only by the state.  He said he understands the state plans to reconfigure the head of Main Street, and Comsr. Burnham said the need for more crosswalks should be brought to their attention.  Chief Mosca said additional crosswalks have been requested and the state has declined in the past as every traffic maneuver creates safety problems.  Comsr. Sparaco said he would like to have the state come and observe the jaywalking problem.

Comsr. Sparaco said he has noticed a lot of drivers talking on cell phones, and Chief Mosca said he will bring the matter up at his staff meeting on Friday.

9.  Communications
Ptl. Gardner having been called out of the meeting, Chief Mosca reported that the Request for Proposal was released.  He also reported that two new communications technicians are going through the training process and are performing well.

10.  Events
Chief Mosca reported the Memorial Day Parade went smoothly.  He said the Amistad visit was a nice event for the town, in spite of the weather.  He said the area did not lend itself to safety, and Lt. Stuart worked hard to keep everyone safe.  The Chief reported the Summer Stroll attracted a lot of people and was quite labor intensive, but organizers seemed pleased.  He said the weather looks favorable for the Chase fireworks and discussed some of the department’s preparations which include obtaining officers from Middletown, UConn and Clinton.  Chief Mosca described additional duties taken on by two dispatchers, Rob Dahlstrom and Phil Jackson, connected with special events and the emergency services vehicle.  He reported the department is also prepared for the art show at the end of July.

11.  Correspondence
Correspondence received since the last meeting was circulated for the commission to review.

12.  Activity Report
Lt. Spera gave the activity report, indicating the department has handled 1,633 incidents, exclusive of administrative incidents, and issued 259 citations since the May 22nd meeting.  He reported on the investigation of arson of train cars on tracks along Bokum Road; the arrest of a 33 year old man who barricaded himself in his home with a shotgun for four hours and six weeks later barricaded himself in the Sandpiper Inn stating he had a gun and would kill anyone who approached.  Lt. Spera described safety precautions that were taken to bring both of these incidents to a safe and successful conclusion.  He also reported on the investigation of two armed robberies at Cloud Nine Deli, and the eventual apprehension and arrest of the accused five days later after committing another armed robbery in Essex, and fleeing toward Old Saybrook.  Our department assisted the State Police in the apprehension.  Lt. Spera reported the investigation of a suspicious death at a private home, for which the assistance of the state’s major crime squad was requested.  He also reported 8 separate incidents involving possession or use of marijuana, the arrest of a 39 year old female for burglary after she broke into her mother’s home, and an incident involving youths in possession of alcohol, trespassing and having a bon-fire on a private beach.

Chief Mosca asked for letters of recognition for all those involved in the apprehension of the armed robbery suspect.  Motion made by Comsr. Burham and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to send letters of recognition to all those involved n the apprehension of the armed robbery suspect.  Motion passed by unanimous vote.

13.  Comments & Concerns of Commissioners
Comsr. Gallicchio asked if the ordinance pertaining to golf carts was passed by the selectmen, and Lt. Stuart reported they are expected to take it up at their next meeting.

Comsr. Gallicchio stated a letter had been brought to his attention that had been sent to the commission in 2003 and 2005 regarding establishment of a new cross walk by the post office on Main Street, which had not been answered.  It was noted the letter had been sent to the Town Hall address.  Chief Mosca asked Lt. Stuart to speak with the sender and explain the issue, as previously discussed during this meeting.

Chairman Conklin asked for a motion to go into executive session to discuss contract negotiations.  Motion made by Comsr. Burnham and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to move to executive session to discuss contract negotiations, and invite Lt. Spera and Chief Mosca to remain.  Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Meeting moved to executive session at 9:30 p.m.

Meeting came out of executive session at 9:55 p.m.

Motion made by Comsr. Metsack and seconded by  Comsr. Sparaco to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed by unanimous vote.  

Meeting adjourned at 9:56 p.m.

                                                        JoAnne Klingerman
                                                        Executive Assistant

These minutes are subject to approval by the
Old Saybrook Police Commission at its
July 24, 2006 meeting.