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April 24, 2006

APRIL 24, 2006


The regular monthly meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, April 24, 2006 at 6:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook town Hall.  PRESENT:  Chairmain Conklin, Commissioners Burnham, Dobratz, Gallicchio, Metsack, Sparaco and Winkler.  Also present were Chief Mosca, Lt. Barrows, Lt. McDonald, Lt. Spera, Lt. Stuart, Det. Sgt. Heiney, Ptl. Barnes and Ptl. Gardner.

Chairman Conklin called the meeting to order at 7:31 p.m.

1.  Minutes
Chairman Conklin asked for discussion or approval of the minutes of the March 27, 2006 meeting.  Motion was made by Comsr. Burnham and seconded by Comsr. Winkler to accept the minutes of the March 27, 2006 meeting as submitted.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

2.  Comments from the Public
A member of the public asked the dollar amount of the settlement reached with two police officers who were laid off in June 2003.  Chairman Conklin responded that these agreements, negotiated between the officers and the Board of Selectmen, stipulate non-disclosure of settlement terms.  Upon being asked if this condition is satisfactory to the Police Commission, Chairman Conklin and other members indicated it is.

3.  05-06 Operating Budget
Chief Mosca reported that, with regard to the Payroll portion of the budget, he expects the department to finish the fiscal year according to plan, including the additional payroll expense for Officer Smith returning to the force.  He then explained the process Officer Smith will go through to be updated and reacquainted with the department, which he expects to run about four weeks.  He stated Officer Smith is happy to be back.

The Chief reported on the Expenses and Supplies portion of the budget, noting deficits in gasoline, which have been relayed to the Board of Finance, and other energy related line items.  He indicated he expects gasoline expenditures to finish the year at or just slightly over the $15,000 deficit calculated earlier in the year.  He expects the Expenses and Supplies portion of the budget to be very close at the end of the year, but does not expect it to go in the red.

Comsr. Gallicchio asked why the education line item is over-expended, and the Chief explained that some training opportunities became available which he chose to take advantage of, still expecting the bottom line in this area of the budget to finish in the black.

4.  06-07 Operating & Capital Budget
Chief Mosca reported there has been a further reduction in the Blue Cross premium increase.  He also reported a public hearing was scheduled for the next evening at the High School.  He indicated that Lt. Spera has attended Board of Finance meetings to respond to questions, and that none were asked at the meeting the previous week.  Chairman Conklin said he feels the new budget process has been helpful and thanked Lt. Spera and all others who worked on it.  He has received much positive feedback.    Chief Mosca stated he anticipates beginning the process as early as September next year.  He stated that members who worked on the budget this year are beginning to equate activities and purchases to budget dollars, which the Chief sees as a positive result of their participation in the process.  The Chief then stated there have been no further changes to the Capital budget.

5.  Personnel
Chief Mosca reported the following:

He is delighted to report that Officer Smith has returned to the force and that he is looking forward to working with him.

Officer DellaRocco’s situation is still as reported at the last meeting.  Chairman Conklin said a letter has been sent to him asking his intentions.  He will advise commissioners of any developments.

Ptl. Bergantino had knee surgery on April 6th and reports he is doing well.  He hopes to be back after six weeks, but it may take up to 8 weeks.

The three officers involved in the shooting on May 3, 2005, Det. Sgt. Heiney, Ptl. Bergantino and Ptl. Mercer, have been named as Exchange Club Officers of the Year.  They were honored locally during the past week and will receive state-wide recognition on May 8th at Aqua Turf.  The department has nominated them for Parade Magazine’s Officer of the Year.

No School Resource Officer report was submitted at this meeting due to Officer Barnes’ absence while accompanying the school band and chorus to Florida, the school vacation and officers having been assigned a number of patrol shifts.  Ptl. Barnes verbally reported that interviews of Explorer Program applicants should be finished up soon, and described the process that will be followed to begin the program.  He also indicated all commissioners are invited to the upcoming DARE graduations, and that invitations are in their packets.

6.  Accreditation
Det. Sgt. Heiney stated that no policies were being submitted at this meeting.  He invited commissioners to submit any suggestions they might have for the department’s mission statement, which is being developed.  He reported he is currently doing file work and proofs as recommended, and has several hours scheduled with Ptl. Smith to explain accreditation and obtain his contribution for the mission statement.

7.  Training
In addition to his written report, a copy of which is attached to and made a part of these minutes, Lt. McDonald reported he is making every attempt to provide training specifically requested by 1432
each officer as it become available.  Discussion followed regarding increasing the Education line item as it is very beneficial to the department.  Chairman Conklin stated that as the department moves forward toward a new facility, a training room would be incorporated in the plans.  Chief Mosca indicated that a training room would allow the department to host training classes, which usually provides 5 to 6 free seats for the hosting department.

8.  Traffic
Chief Mosca reported there were three issues to be discussed, and asked Lt. Stuart to explain them to the commission.

Lt. Stuart indicated a request had come in for “no parking” signs to be erected in  Floral Park in the area of Fourth Avenue Extension and Sunrise Avenue near Essex Road.  He has spoken with all parties affected, including the local businesses, and all were in agreement that “no parking” signs would alleviate congestion, reduce the dangers of pedestrian traffic, and remedy the damage being caused by cars parking on residential lawns in the area.   After discussion regarding the width of Essex Road, the danger of pedestrian traffic in the area and possible remedies local businesses are working on, motion was made by Comsr. Gallicchio and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to have “no parking” signs placed on Fourth Avenue Extension and Sunrise Avenue in the vicinity of Essex Road, and on Essex Road in the vicinity of Fourth Avenue Extension and Sunrise Avenue.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Lt. Stuart reported there have been complaints that vehicles turning left from Route 1 onto Route 166, Spencer Plains Road, have nearly struck vehicles exiting Dunkin Donuts/Baskin Robbins onto Route 166, Spencer Plains Road.  He asked the commission’s permission to request the State Traffic Commission to place a “No Right on Red” sign on Route 1.  This may affect traffic flow, but will create a safer thoroughfare.  Chief Mosca indicated the State will do a study to determine whether the situation meets their warrants for a “No Right on Red” sign.  Motion was made by Comsr. Sparaco and seconded by Comsr. Winkler to request the state place a “No Right on Red” sign on Route 1 at its intersection with Route 166.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Lt. Stuart reported that Chalker Beach Association has asked for a crosswalk from their parking lot to the beach.  They have used cones in the past to reduce speed in the area, but feel they create a hazard for pedestrians and motorists.  Chief Mosca recommended the crosswalk to properly mark the area for increased safety.  Motion made by Comsr. Dobratz and seconded by Comsr. Burnham to approve a crosswalk in Chalker Beach from the parking lot to the beach.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.   Lt. Stuart will contact the Town Crew with this request.

Comsr. Gallicchio asked if it would be helpful to have the prison inmates make a bigger stop sign for the intersection of Ingham Hill Road and Elm Street.  Lt. Stuart agreed to have Larry Bonin get in touch with Comsr. Gallicchio to discuss it.  Suggestion was made to put “Stop Ahead” on pavement and widen and lengthen the stop bar to encourage compliance.

9.  Communications
Ptl. Gardner reported that since his report at the last meeting, he and Lt. Spera attended a workshop with the Board of Selectmen on the Request for Proposal, and he expects a lot of progress in the next few months.  In response to a question from Comsr. Burnham, Ptl. Gardner said there would be pre-bid meeting to answer questions and explain the town’s needs.  He said there is usually a period after that of 30 to 45 days to get bids in and that a committee  then has to evaluate each according to a pre-established scale.  That evaluation usually takes about 30 days.

10.  Events
The Chief reported on the following events coming up over the summer months:

Memorial Day Parade on May 29th; DeLaney Dash on May 27th; IACP Executive Board Retreat on June 9th and 10th; Amistad from June 9th to 11th which will be located between the bridges; the Saybrook Summer Stroll at the end of June; Seaside Shuffle Walkathon; Chase Fireworks July 1, rain date July 2; the Art Show on July 29th and 30th; the Road Race on August 16th; and the Summer Pops, date to be set.  

The Chief noted that Old Saybrook attracts many road races, all of which cause traffic safety issues.  He stated personnel work diligently to ensure safety for the participants.

Chairman Conklin asked if bicycle patrols would be out for these events and the Chief stated that   Ptl. Barnes and Perrotti would be if they are not needed for patrol work.

11.  Correspondence
Correspondence received since the March 27, 2006 meeting was circulated for commissioners to review.

12.  Activity Report
Det. Sgt. Heiney reported there have been 1,485 incidents, exclusive of administrative incidents, and 253 citations with 954 charges since the March 27, 2006 meeting.  He specifically reported on several narcotics arrests; a sexual assault and risk of injury to a minor arrest where the victim was 14 years old; a domestic incident that involved disorderly conduct, unlawful restraint and violation of a protective order; and warrants applied for suspects on burglary, conspiracy and larceny charges.

Chief Mosca noted that Ptl. Rankin and K-9 Beny were called to aid Clinton and the DEA in a drug case, during which drugs were located.  This is an ongoing investigation and the amount of drugs is substantial.

13.  Sub-Committee Report
Comsr. Burnham reported on activities in connection with police contract negotiations.  Comsr. Dobratz said he did not know that some meetings take place during the day, when he cannot attend.  It was decided that Comsr. Dobratz will remain on the sub-committee and Comsr. Gallicchio will attend as an alternate when necessary.  

Chairman Conklin reported his meetings with the Board of Finance went very well and that there were very minimal cuts.  He stated that under the new Capital budget, the department will finally get new weapons.  He also sees no problems coming up at future meetings with retard to the operating budget.  

Chief Mosca reported he had the lieutenants attend a Connecticut Police Chief’s Association Expo, at which Lt. Barrows, while visiting a booth, learned that the department is eligible for soft body armor replacement funds, and that the department has received a grant for $17,000 for soft body armor.

Comsr. Dobratz asked about the Taser demonstration, and the Chief said he is waiting for the commission to indicate it is ready to explore using them, at which time he will arrange for a Taser representative to meet with them.

Chief Mosca stated he will have Ptl. Gardner put together information regarding what has been done to date in connection with a proposed new building, and get that information to Comsr. Burnham to bring her up to date.  Chairman Conklin noted the Police Department and Public Works are the last two town departments in need of updated facilities.

14.  Comments and Concerns of Commissioners
Comsr. Sparaco asked for an update on the traffic light pre-emption devices discussed at previous meetings.  Lt. Spera said the State is planning to reconfigure the Route 1 and Main Street intersection, and the equipment should be installed at that time.

Comsr. Dobratz asked if cottages are being vandalized for copper pipes and the Chief responded they are not at this time.

Comsr. Metsack said he would like to be familiarized with the bills and the bill payment process.  Chairman Conklin stated that bills come in every day.  They are checked and processed weekly and approved by the Chief and then Comsr. Sparaco.  Discussion followed regarding how best to familiarize Comsr. Metsack with the process, and it was decided he will be called when bills are ready so he can come in.  Chairman Conklin suggested that at the same time, he can be given a walk through to learn about the facility and better understand the department’s operation.

Comsr. Gallicchio said he wanted to commend and thank Det Sgt. Heiney for the superior job in planning the service for his friend, Dick Wilcox.

Motion made by Comsr. Gallicchio to adjourn.  Motion seconded and passed by unanimous vote.  Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.


                                                        JoAnne Klingerman
                                                        Executive Assistant

These minutes are subject to approval by the
Old Saybrook Police Commission at its
May 22, 2006 meeting.