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October 23, 2006
OCTOBER 23, 2006

The regular monthly meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, October 23, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:  Vice Chairman David Gallicchio, Commissioners Burnham, Metsack, Sparaco and Winkler.  Also present were Chief Mosca, Lt. Barrows, Lt. McDonald, Lt. Stuart, Det. Sgt. Heiney and Ptl. Gardner.

Vice Chairman Gallicchio called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

1.  Minutes
Vice Chairman Gallicchio asked for discussion or approval of the Minutes of the September 25, 2006 meeting.  There being no discussion, motion was made by Comsr. Sparaco and seconded by Comsr. Burnham to accept the minutes as submitted.  Motion passed by unanimous vote.  Comsr. Winkler abstained.

2.  Comments From the Public
No comments were made.

3.  06-07 Operating and Capital Budget
Chief Mosca reported on Expenses & Supplies, noting that 33% of the year has passed and that 34% of the budget has been expended. The Chief noted that due to falling prices, the gasoline line item has off-set its earlier deficiency and is appropriately expended for this point in the fiscal year. Prices are being watched with the intent to pre-buy as low as possible.  He also noted that Vehicle Maintenance is over-expended for this point in the fiscal year, citing high vehicle maintenance costs of aging vehicles due to replacement cut backs.  The Chief also reported that the new patrol vehicle will be on the road for the Thanksgiving weekend, and the SUV should be on the road between Christmas and New Years.   He said that production of all Expeditions was held up by Ford for a critical check.  The Chief noted one department Expedition now has 103,000 miles and that some patrol cars are now at 70,000 to 80,000 miles.  There was more discussion regarding high mileage and related high vehicle maintenance costs, which the Chief asked commissioners to keep in mind during the next budget process.

Chief Mosca reported the purchase of a used white Ford Crown Victoria with low mileage for use by the detective division.  He said that when he became aware of this car at a local dealership, he felt it would be an asset to the department and spoke with Chairman Conklin, explaining that when the detective division is called out, they often have to gather equipment they need before responding.  He felt that having a car outfitted with everything needed for an initial investigation would allow for a quicker response.  Chairman Conklin agreed to the purchase with Asset Forfeiture funds and said he would talk with the commission.  Chief Mosca explained that chiefs of police are allowed by the Asset Forfeiture law to make purchases of allowed items at their own discretion.  He stated he felt he would be more comfortable if the forfeiture account was also monitored by the commission chairman.  This practice has been in effect through Chairmen Decker, Dawson, Olson and  Sparaco.

4.  07-08 Budget Process
Chief Mosca reported the Fiscal Year 2007-2008 budget is being formed.  He said he has met with all supervisors and those who contribute to the process.  He expects to furnish the Police Commission with a draft sometime in mid-December.  He has spoken with Chairman Conklin about the possibility of calling a special meeting in early January for presentation of the proposed budget to the commission, in order to meet the January 15th deadline of the Selectmen.

5.  Personnel
Chief Mosca reported the following Personnel matters to the commission:

Ptl. DellaRocco has completed field training and is performing very well.

Ptl. Ziolkovski may require surgery.  It is expected he would make a full recovery and return to full duty, hopefully by late spring 2007.

Comsr. Winkler asked about Ptl. Rankin's status and the Chief responded that he will be back on full duty on November 1st.  He described the work Ptl. Rankin has been doing, including visiting every liquor store and liquor outlet in town advising them of the new law; and scanning the town, identifying areas that can be used as Life Star landing areas, and obtaining coordinates, in order to get Life Star as close to victims as possible.  He had to take such items as square footage, safety zones, fire and electrical hazards into consideration, and Chief Mosca reported he did a very good job, of value during emergencies requiring Life Star services.

Ptl. Bergantino was honored by Parade Magazine and IACP in Boston on October 17th at a luncheon presentation at the Westin Hotel at Copley Plaza, where a description of his actions at the Knights Inn shooting was given, and a plaque presented to him and to Chief Mosca.  The narrative of the incident  also related activities of  Det. Sgt. Heiney and Ptl. Mercer that day.    In connection with the award, Ptl. Bergantino was invited to be interviewed and filmed for a program to be aired on the Discovery Channel.   The filming was done at the Police Department.  When air dates are announced, the Chief will be sure commissioners are notified.

A written School Resource Officer report was distributed, a copy of which is made a part of and attached to these Minutes.  In addition, Chief Mosca reported he has met with School Resource Officers and with Acting Superintendent of Schools Onofrio regarding school security to reinforce plans and security measures already in place, in light of the tragedy in Nickel Mines, Pennsylvania.  He discussed our first response team and training, and reported he is meeting regularly with the SRO's during Lt. Spera's absence.  He reported the department is working toward forming a regional SRO group for training and information sharing.  He has also met with Acting Superintendent Onofrio to discuss matters such as identification of construction workers, lock-downs, leaving doors open for ventilation, and other matters.  Department SRO's will attend P.O.S.T. sponsored statewide training on November 1st.

The Chief described a program to be done for parents of all three public schools and St. John's, which will be attended by an assistant state's attorney, to address underage drinking, give parents tools to deal with it and discuss the new law.  He also reported that the DARE program has become a required course at St. John's School, at the direction of Mother Martin.

Chief Mosca discussed the difficulty of filling existing work details and covering sick and vacation time.  He stated he has spoken with Chairman Conklin regarding hiring supernumerary patrol officers.  He stated the department has not replaced supernumeraries lost due to retirement or full time job assignments.  He explained the hiring process is the same as that used for full time officers; the training and certification required; cost to the department, which would be uniforms only, and how frequently they would work.  They could help a great deal in filling shifts on our work schedule as needed and could supplement patrols during special events and take outside work the department currently cannot handle.   He indicated he knows of several trained and certified people who have expressed interest in working for this department as supernumeraries.  The Chief asked the commission's permission to begin a hiring process, which would take several months, and present appropriate candidates to the commission for interview.  After lengthy discussion, motion was made by Comsr. Burnham to authorize Chief Mosca to develop and implement a process for hiring additional supernumeraries.  Motion seconded by Comsr. Sparaco and carried by unanimous vote.

6.  Accreditation
Det. Sgt. Heiney explained that a proposed policy, mailed ahead for commissioners to review, would address bias based policing.  This would be in addition to and not replace the existing policy regarding investigation of bias crimes.   Discussion followed regarding required wording and various terms.  Suggestion was made to add the words "or any officer" to Paragraph II.F., in the first line, after the words "Commanding Officer..."   Motion was made by Comsr. Burnham to accept the proposed policy, with the addition of the words "or any officer" to Paragraph II.F., in the first line, after the words "Commanding Officer…"  Motion was seconded by Comsr. Sparaco, and passed.  Vote was 4 in favor.   Comsr. Winkler abstained.

7.  Training
Lt McDonald reported he attended legal update training and then updated personnel.  He  reported that many officers were able to attend classes at the IACP Conference in Boston, most taking several classes.

8.  Traffic
Lt. Stuart reported a letter has been sent to the state Department of Transportation regarding island closures and crosswalks on Main Street, as directed by the commission at the September meeting.  He reported a response was also received from the D.O.T. regarding the request for a "No Right on Red" sign on Route 1 at its Spencer Plains Road intersection.  The D.O.T. felt there was adequate space between the intersection and the Dunkin Donuts exit to avoid accidental collisions, and that slowing the flow of traffic at that intersection would cause unacceptable backups on Route 1.  Therefore, the request was denied.

9.   Communications
Ptl. Gardner reported that the Board of Selectmen proposed, and it was approved at a recent town meeting, that another $80,000 be dedicated by the town for the new communications system, which brings funding up to just shy of the $1,000,000 required of the town in addition to grant funding.  He reported that Motorola has been working diligently with engineers to redefine the system they proposed, to make it more economical while just as effective.  He expects a revised proposal as early as the end of next week.  He feels the Chief's voicing of his displeasure with Motorola's bid at the meeting reported last month had a positive impact.    

Ptl. Gardner reported the department passed its recent security audit.  He also said the AFIS fingerprinting system can be demonstrated to commissioners if they stop in.

Comsr. Sparaco asked about the status of traffic light remote controls for the Fire Department, as discussed at a previous meeting.  Ptl. Gardner responded they are not part of the communications system, but he understands the state is moving forward with them.  The town will have to pay $5,000 to $6,000 per intersection, which will cover about 20% of the cost.  Installations will be made as obsolete lights are replaced, and the selection of intersections will be made by the Fire Department.

10.  Events
Chief Mosca reported the Haunted Hayride is underway and seems to be going smoothly.  He said the department has planned personnel scheduling for Mischief Night, Halloween, the Saybrook Stroll and the Torchlight Parade.  He, Lt. Stuart and Ptl. Barnes have met with election officials and he feels plans for parking and traffic should address all concerns.

11.  Correspondence
Correspondence received since the September 25th meeting was circulated for commissioners to review.

12.  Activity Report
Det. Sgt. Heiney reported the department has addressed 1,810 incidents, exclusive of administrative incidents, and issued 363 citations since the last meeting.  He specifically reported on three separate cases involving forgery and larceny involving credit cards and mortgage application papers.    He also reported on cases of protective order violations, DWI's, trespassing, larceny, possession of drugs and paraphernalia, possession of alcohol by minors, delivering liquor to minors, risk of injury to a minor, and two burglaries.  He reported on a counterfeit internet scam wherein a local victim was paid for merchandise with counterfeit $100 bills.  The U.S. Secret Service was contacted and a check of the serial numbers indicated these bills have shown up throughout the United States and in the U.S. Virgin Islands.  The suspect is in the United Kingdom and the information has been passed to the Secret Service.  Det. Sgt. Heiney also discussed a case wherein a 20 year old man exposed himself to a mother and young child in a local store, resulting in his arrest for public indecency, risk of injury and breach of peace.  

13.  Comments & Concerns of Commissioners
In response to a question, Chief Mosca stated that department personnel are wearing black mourning bands on their badges in respect for officers who were recently killed in New Haven and in Hartford.

Comsr. Burnham reported receiving a call today from the town attorney, stating that action may have to be taken in connection with the commission's position as traffic authority regarding a pending legal case, which may require a special meeting.

14.  Sub-Committee Reports
Comsr. Burnham reported the next COPS contract negotiation meeting is scheduled for November 21st.

Motion made by Comsr. Burnham and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to adjourn the meeting.  Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 8:53 p.m.

                                                        JoAnne Klingerman
                                                        Executive Assistant
These minutes are subject to approval by the
Old Saybrook Police Commission at its
December 11, 2006 meeting.