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March 27, 2006

MARCH 27, 2006


The regular monthly meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, March 27, 2006 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:  Chairman Conklin, Commissioners Burnham, Dobratz, Metsack, Sparaco and Winkler.  Lt. Stuart reported on behalf of Chief Mosca.  Also present were Lt. Barrows, Lt. McDonald, Lt. Spera, Det. Sgt. Heiney and Ptl. Gardner.  Attorney Patrick McHale attended at the invitation of the commission.

Chairman Conklin called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

1.  Minutes
Chairman Conklin asked for discussion or approval of the minutes of the February 27, 2006 meeting.  Motion was made by Comsr. Dobratz and seconded by Comsr. Winkler to accept the minutes of the February 27, 2006 meeting as submitted.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

2.  Comments from the Public
No members of the public were present.

3.  05-06 Operating Budget
Lt. Stuart reported that payroll expenditures continue to be closely monitored by the Chief and the department doesn’t foresee any problem in that area of the budget.  He discussed certain line items that are placing a strain on the Expenses and Supplies budget, including gasoline, noting gas prices and the Chief’s strong directives to avoid wasting fuel.  He indicated the department has been communicating with the Board of Finance regarding this issue, as has Public Works and the Board of Education, to keep them advised.  

4.  06-07 Operating & Capital Budget
Discussion of this subject was deferred until after the Executive Session.

Lt. Stuart asked the Commission’s permission to address Agenda Items 6. and 12. next so that Det. Sgt. Heiney could be excused from the meeting to meet other department obligations.  The commission agreed.

Det. Sgt. Heiney thanked the commission.  He said that Dick Wilcox was a boat captain and had worked with him on the Marine Patrol for the last 7 years.  Det. Sgt. Heiney has been coordinating some of the memorial service plans with the Department of Corrections, the Coast Guard and the Mystic Highlanders.  He gave the Police Commission information and meeting instructions for those who plan to attend.

6.  Accreditation
Det. Sgt. Heiney reported he had investigated the question of who could sit on the Firearms Discharge Review Board.  He was instructed that members of that board must be sworn members of the department with supervisory authority, because the review board’s activities are considered an internal investigation.  If that board determines that discipline is warranted, and the Chief determines that the discipline should be more than he is authorized to assign, the matter is then referred to the Police Commission for action.  He described the problems this would create if a member of the commission had sat on the review board.  After short discussion, motion was made by Comsr. Sparaco and seconded by Comsr. Metsack to approve the proposed Firearms Discharge Review Board policy.  Motion passed by unanimous vote.  

12.  Activity Report
Det. Sgt. Heiney reported the department handled 1,602 incidents, exclusive of administrative incidents, and 308 citations since the February 27th meeting.  He gave specific information about asset forfeiture funds the department will receive as a result of the December 2005 Comfort Inn incident; several drug related arrests; a sexual assault and risk of injury investigation in which the victim was a minor; an arson arrest of an employee of a local store who set numerous fires throughout the store; a Breach of Peace and Interfering arrest after a domestic where the accused tried to hit her husband with a hammer and fought the officer when arrested; the investigation into the theft of $3,600 in merchandise from a local store by two employees; and a Breach of Peace and Bigotry Based on Bias arrest of a 16 year-old after making racist comments to the victim.

5.  Personnel
Lt. Stuart reported that Ptl. Bergantino will be out for knee surgery for six weeks, beginning April 6th.  This surgery is related to the shooting at the Knights Inn and will be covered by workers compensation.

Lt. Stuart indicated the written School Resource Officer reports were in commissioners’ packets, a copy of which is attached to and made a part of these minutes.  Lt. Spera said commissioners will receive invitations to the Middle School DARE graduation, which is noted in the report.  He also talked about a national program of town meetings on underage drinking, in which the Town of Old Saybrook will participate.   He also said that Explorer candidates are eager to get started, and parents of one student whose grades were questionable have reported a highly increased effort on that student’s part to raise his grades in order to be accepted into the program.  In response to a question by Chairman Conklin, Lt. Spera indicated the program should be operational by summer, and the Explorers should be able to help with summer functions.

Chairman Conklin also encouraged commissioners who have not attended a DARE graduation to do so in order to appreciate how much impact the officers and program have on the students.

7.  Training Report
The written training report was in commissioners packets, and is attached to and made a part of these minutes.  

Chairman Conklin stated that Lt. Spera was asked to attend a recent Board of Finance meeting to respond to questions regarding the department’s budget.  He understands the Board of Finance was very impressed by the amount and level of training the department does.  Comsr. Sparaco said he heard that members came out feeling very comfortable with the information that was given.  Chairman Conklin thanked Lt. Spera for his efforts.

8.  Traffic
Lt. Stuart reported he has been working with Larry Bonin under the direction of CIRMA to put in better signage for the Elm Street underpass, to warn motorists when water has collected there, to make the area safer.  He also reported the hole has been filled.

Lt. Stuart reported he is doing a traffic light survey to determine how the town is billed for lights in comparison to other towns.  

Lt. Stuart also reported that the proposed ordinance regarding golf cart use which was approved by the commission at the September 2005 meeting, and was forwarded to the Selectmen’s office, has recently been forwarded to the town attorney’s office for review.

Lt. Stuart informed the commission that a larger stop sign will be placed on Elm Street in the vicinity of the I-95 overpass, and moved closer to the road.

9.  Communications
Chairman Conklin asked for the status of the Request for Proposal for the new radio system.  Ptl. Gardner reported that First Selectman Pace has received the final RFP document and it is anticipated it will go to town counsel after his review.  Comsr. Sparaco said he understands fencing is required, and Ptl. Gardner said that Larry Bonin has fencing in storage that will be used temporarily.  Lt. Spera indicated Homeland Security Grant funds have been appropriated for the project, which have an expenditure deadline that must be addressed.

10.  Events
Lt. Stuart reported that Lt. Spera will coordinate plans and scheduling for upcoming events.  Lt. Spera stated there are an increased number of inquiries regarding small running events.  He said it has not been necessary to schedule additional officers, and the department tries to avoid having to charge for police services because many of the runs are fundraisers for good causes, but sees that as a possibility if the number of events continues to increase.  He feels this is because Old Saybrook particularly lends itself to those kinds of activities.

Comsr. Dobratz asked if running events are taking place on School House Road, as he has seen groups running there on Saturday mornings, two and three abreast, which he feels is dangerous.  Lt. Stuart responded that these are recreational running clubs, and will have patrols remind them to run single file for safety reasons.

13.  Executive Session
Motion made by Comsr. Dobratz and seconded by Comsr. Winkler to move to Executive Session to discuss potential settlement of pending litigation with Attorney McHale.   Motion passed by unanimous vote.

Meeting moved to Executive Session at 7:58 p.m.

Meeting returned to regular session at 9:00 p.m.

Comsr. Sparaco made a motion to authorize reinstatement of Larry Smith in accordance with the terms discussed in Executive Session.  Comsr. Dobratz seconded the motion.  Motion carried with 5 in favor, Comsr. Burnham abstaining.

4.  06-07 Operating and Capital Budget
Lt. Stuart asked Lt. Spera to report.  Lt. Spera discussed changes that have taken place since the commission approved the proposed 2006-2007 capital and operating budgets at the December 19, 2005 meeting, including a reduction in the projected health insurance premium, changes caused by personnel at top pay step leaving and being replaced by first step employees, cuts of $8,000 in personnel, $5,500 in Expenses and Supplies and $25,000 from the Contractual Legal line item.  He also discussed certain increases allowed due to the return of Larry Smith, and due to the cutting of a patrol vehicle from the Capital request.  He explained the Board of Selectmen cut one patrol vehicle from the Capital request, allowing the department to purchase one SUV and one patrol vehicle, and, at the Chief’s request, increased Vehicle Maintenance in the operating budget to cover the expense of maintaining aging vehicles.  Lt. Spera reported he represented the department at the last Board of Finance meeting, at which the proposed budget was discussed, at the request of the Chief and Chairman Conklin.  He felt that good questions had been asked which gave him an opportunity to share information regarding training and professional development, which were supported by the Selectmen in connection with the department’s reorganization, and other areas.  He reported that Selectman Peace spoke highly of the department and stated his comfort with the proposed budget.  He indicated the next Board of Finance meeting regarding the budget is scheduled for April 11th, and that a public meeting will be scheduled after that.  Lt. Spera also reported that the Capital budget, initially approved by the Police Commission at $179,400, has been reduced to $143,000 by removing a car and by reducing the Firearms item to $10,000, Heating and Air Conditioning Replacement to $30,000, and Ergonomic Dispatch Chairs to $1,000.  

Chairman Conklin asked that copies of the proposed 2006-2007 budget, as it now stands be forwarded to commissioners with the minutes of this meeting.  The department and commissioners acknowledged and thanked Whelen Engineering and WEI, Inc. for their contributions of new technology police car lights and in cameras, which save the department and town substantial money.

13.  Comments and Concerns of Commissioners
Comsr. Burnham expressed concern over a lack of involvement by the Police Commission in various activities such as contract negotiations, communications with the Board of Finance and Board of Selectmen, and activities related to acquiring a new building.  After discussions regarding how those functions have historically been performed, and activities that were undertaken, Chairman Conklin asked commissioners which areas they would like to work on as subcommittees.  The following liaisons/sub-committees were decided:  Board of Finance:  Chairman Conklin and Comsr. Metsack; Board of Selectmen/Contract Negotiations:  Comsr. Burnham and Comsr. Dobratz; Board of Selectmen/Building Sub-committee:  Chairman Conklin and Comsr. Burnham.

Motion was made to adjourn by Comsr. Sparaco and seconded by Comsr. Dobratz.  Motion passed by unanimous vote.  

Meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

                                                        JoAnne Klingerman
                                                        Executive Assistant

These minutes are subject to approval by the
Old Saybrook Police Commission at its
April 24, 2006 meeting.