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November 14, 2005


NOVEMBER 14, 2005


The regular monthly meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, November 14, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:  Chairman Conklin, Commissioners Burnham, Dobratz, Gallicchio, Seaforth, Sparaco and Winkler.  Also Chief Mosca, Lt. Barrows, Lt. McDonald, Lt. Spera, Lt. Stuart, Det. Sgt. Heiney and Ptl. Gardner.

Chairman Conklin called the meeting to order at 7: 30 p.m.

1.  Minutes
Chairman Conklin asked for discussion or approval of the minutes of the October 24, 2005 meeting of the commission.  Comsr. Gallicchio noted a typographical error on page 1, last paragraph, 10th line, 3rd word in, which should read “his” rather than “this”.  Motion made by Comsr. Gallicchio and seconded by Comsr. Seaforth to accept the minutes of the October 24th meeting with the typographical correction noted, as submitted.  Motion passed five in favor, two abstaining.  The two abstaining members were not present at the October 24th meeting.

2.  Comments from the Public
There were no comments made by the public.

3.  05-06 Operating & Capital Budget
The Chief stated that as previously reported, the salary situation is very tight because three officers have been out for an extended time with disabilities, and while the department must cover their shifts at overtime rate, the funds received from workers compensation insurance as reimbursement, over $20,000, are not being credited to the department to offset this expense, but are being directed by the town to the General Fund.  The Chief will continue to take this sum into consideration in reporting payroll status as well as year-end figures.  He reported that Ptl. DellaRocco, out on disability, has exhausted his sick and vacation days.  He had a hearing before the Workers Compensation Commission, at which the town’s insurance company, CIRMA, agreed to cover new medical tests to determine the current status of his injuries.  CIRMA has also indicated they will pay him worker’s compensation for a period of 6 weeks until new tests and assessments are done.  The Chief hopes to have more information at the next meeting.  

Chief Mosca next reported on the Expenses and Supplies portion of the budget.  He stated several line items had been discussed at previous meetings such as gasoline, plumbing and electrical supplies.  He reported on a gas spill that occurred due to a malfunction of the auto shut off of the gas pump.  He stated the Fire Department required that an environmental control company be called, although DEP stated it was not necessary due to the small amount of gas spilled, which was about 10 gallons.  The Selectman’s office stated this would be covered by insurance and should be handled properly.  When the bill, in the amount of $1,700, was forwarded to the insurance company, the company declined coverage.  The Chief stated this would therefore come out of the department’s budget.  He also stated he is aware of fuel spills to which the Fire Department has been called, in excess of 10 gallons, and for which the Fire Department did not require an environmental control company be called.  He said it must be a judgment call on behalf of the person in command, and not in accordance with any guidelines.  He stated that the administrative personnel in the Selectmen’s office was very surprised the insurance company declined coverage as fuel spills had been covered in the past.  After discussion by the commission, it was decided to have the town attorney look into the matter.  

Chief Mosca went on to discuss certain line items, including Electric Supplies, which is burdened by the cost of replacement parts for the obsolete outside light fixtures.  He stated costs for many replacements and repairs for the building are high due to obsolete fixtures and equipment.  Comsr. Sparaco stated that CL&P recommended replacing the fixtures previously, but the plan was dropped when discussions began about replacing the building.  Now, parts must be used from the poles in the rear to keep the front lights working.  

The Chief reported the new car has been delivered and is on the road, with some glitches being worked out.  

4.  Personnel
Chief Mosca said he could not be more pleased to announce that Ptl. Bergantino is back and going through the re-entry process, with various assignments under each lieutenant.  He described the rest of the re-entry process, and stated that while Bill feels ready and anxious to resume regular duties, which will help scheduling, the Chief does not want to jeopardize the process.

Chief Mosca reported that Sgt. vanderHorst is back on full duty with no restrictions.

The Chief then asked Ptl. Gardner to update commissioners on the SBC property acquisition and on a traffic survey.  The Chief said the reason the survey was done and is now being presented to the commission, rather than following the normal process of asking the commission’s approval of the survey, is a deadline for getting funds from the state.  

Ptl. Gardner reported he had received word from the town attorney that SBC is ready to issue the deed because recent tests on the property behind the police department show no contaminants.  This means that communications plans can finally move forward.  He said that the Request For Proposal is close to completion on the proposed system and approval is expected within 45 days.

Ptl. Gardner then stated the Board of Education has two projects—one at the high school and one at the middle school.  He said it was hoped that all of the site work and signage would not impact adjacent roads; however, the State grant requirements included State Traffic Control approval.  The state found site-line visibility problems on the eastern-most driveway at the middle school, which might require removal of a tree on one side and an easement from a condominium association on the other.  Because the easement would be problematic, the plan that is favored is a 4-way stop at the Saltus Drive intersection.  This would enhance the intersection due to reduction of speed and the elimination of site line requirements.  

Chief Mosca stated that neighbors concur, citing various speed problems on the street.  He also stated that the State Traffic Commission would meet the following morning and must have the local traffic authority’s approval.  He apologized for going ahead with the survey, but given the time constraints, it seemed necessary.  He then asked for the commission’s approval.  Motion made by Comsr. Sparaco to approve the 4-way stop proposal at Saltus Drive.  Motion seconded by Comsr. Winkler and carried by unanimous vote in favor.

The Chief asked Det. Sgt. Heiney to report on accreditation.  Det. Sgt. Heiney stated he had given the commission three policies for approval in April.  He asked that approval of the Firearms Discharge Review Board policy be postponed until the next meeting, after completion of the current investigation, to avoid causing confusion.  Chief Mosca stated he understands that report is in the final stages and the commission should have it at the next meeting.  Det. Sgt. Heiney discussed the Investigation of Firearm Discharges policy, which replaces current Policy 61, which had three separate policies.  He asked for a motion to remove current Policy 61 and replace it with this new policy.  Motion made by Comsr. Dobratz to replace the current Policy 61 with this new policy.  Motion seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio and carried by unanimous vote.

Det. Sgt. Heiney stated that the policy Soft Body Armor was essentially the same as the existing policy, with cleaned up language for clarification.  Chairman Conklin asked to have something in place to ensure cleaning and inspection of soft body armor.  Chief Mosca indicated this policy may have some additions after the Shooting Review Board’s report, and changes can be made then.  Det. Sgt. Heiney said he can bring this change to the commission at a later date, or the Chief can issue an Executive Order.  Comsr. Dobratz asked if the vests are tested, and Chief Mosca said vests are tested only prior to purchase.  He said the department has historically purchased high level vests.  He said the soft body armor the department uses was not involved in the recent issue regarding body armor material.  He said the department also gets a 10-year warranty on body armor, and purchases new every 10 years.  Old body armor is sent to departments in the South that cannot afford it, but our department will not go beyond the guarantee period.  Lt. Spera stated that a recommendation will be made to have body armor fit checked yearly, and Lt. McDonald stated that each officer knows how to clean and when to schedule cleanings of their body armor.  Chief Mosca stated that at the appropriate time, replacement of body armor will be included in the Capital Budget.  Det. Sgt. Heiney asked for a motion to replace the current Soft Body Armor Policy 3 with this proposed Soft Body Armor policy.  Motion made by Comsr. Burnham and seconded by Comsr. Winkler to remove the current Soft Body Armor Policy 3 and replace it with the proposed Soft Body Armor policy.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.  

Det. Sgt. Heiney discussed the Prisoner Transport policy that was mailed ahead to commissioners.  He requested replacing current Prisoner Transport Policy 7 with this proposed Prisoner Transport policy.  The proposed policy incorporates thirteen requirements of accreditation.  After discussion, motion was made by Comsr. Winkler and seconded by Comsr. Gallicchio to replace the current Prisoner Transport policy number 7 with proposed Prisoner Transport policy number 7.  Motion carried by unanimous vote in favor.

Det. Sgt. Heiney discussed current Rule 30.42, Release of Information to Broadcast or News Media.  He stated it is out of date, and current News/Media policy number 18 will suffice to guide the department until it is re-written to conform to accreditation standards.  He asked for a motion to delete this rule.  Motion made by Comsr. Gallicchio and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to delete Rule 30.42, Release of Information to Broadcast or News Media from Rules and Regulations.  Motion carried by unanimous vote.

Chief Mosca commented that this first phase of the accreditation process is very important and should help in matters of liability insurance.

The Chief indicated there is no School Resource Officer report for this meeting because a lengthy report was prepared for the meeting a few weeks ago, and the School Resource Officer Commander is coaching the soccer team currently competing in shoreline semi-finals.  He stated a report will be submitted at the next meeting incorporating all activities since the last report.  

Chief Mosca stated there is no Community Policing Report because the Community Policing Officer is out on disability and he cannot take an officer away from patrol duties to fill in.

5.  Training
The Chief stated commissioners had received the written training report in their packets, a copy of which is attached to and made a part of these minutes.  Chairman Conklin stated his approval of the training he is seeing for the lieutenants, which was to be part of the promotional process.

6.  Traffic
Lt. Stuart reported he received a traffic concern from a Birch Street resident regarding the condominiums in the area of the newly opened park.  He said he would do a study and make recommendations to commissioners at the next meeting.

Lt. Stuart stated the department has also received a request from the Selectmen’s office for a 4-way stop at Ingham Hill Road at the I-95 ramp, and plans to survey the area and make a recommendation at the next commission meeting.

Lt. Stuart stated the traffic signal pre-emption apparatus discussed at a previous meeting has been approved by the state and will be implemented soon.

7.  Events
Chief Mosca reported that Halloween, and all related activities such as the Haunted Hay Ride, Mischief Night and the Parks and Recreation Party, went smoothly with only a minor amount of mischief.  He stated officers were assigned to the Haunted Hay Ride, which draws people from all over the state.   One night about 1,400 people participated.  Discussions about how to improve services next year included the possibility of having Boy Scouts or department Explorer Scouts, if that program is in effect at that time, handle parking.  

The Chief reported that plans are underway for scheduling and patrolling of the Saybrook Stroll on December 2 and the Torchlight Parade on December 10th.  Hot chocolate and cookies will again be served during the Stroll.  The Chief said both events are planned into the budget.  He then discussed plans including patrols and visibility during this holiday season.

8.  Correspondence
Correspondence received since the date of the last meeting was circulated for commissioners to review.

9.  Activity Report
Det. Sgt. Heiney reported 1,117 incidents, exclusive of administrative, and 204 citations since the October 24th meeting.  He discussed two cases that resulted in charges of breach of peace and assault as a result of an attack of a female by a former boyfriend and a fight in a beach community.  He also discussed narcotics arrests, two involving youths and one involving persons who were trespassing on railroad property behind the shopping center.  A third narcotics arrest involved a high school student who gave a fellow student his own medication and the receiving student had a seizure and had to be hospitalized.

10.  Comments & Concerns of Commissioners
Comsr. Gallicchio asked if Amtrak police are still in Old Saybrook.  Det. Sgt. Heiney said they still patrol, but are stretched thin.  He discussed the department’s activities in connection with the train station and the tracks, being done at Amtrak’s request.

Comsr. Dobratz stated he read in the paper that the town is going to appeal the decision by the Labor Board, and asked why there was no meeting.  Chairman Conklin said he called all other commissioners, and had read Comsr. Dobratz’s opinion in the paper.  He said the results of his communications were passed on.  He stated that while the Selectmen had asked for the opinion of the Police Commission and the Board of Finance, the final decision was up to them.  Comsr. Sparaco said that he takes issue with the article Comsr. Dobratz put in the paper after the last meeting.  He stated he takes personal issue with Comsr. Dobratz’s statement that he wants to restore honor to the commission, and also takes issue with several things addressed at the last meeting, which he thought had been clarified for Comsr. Dobratz, but were still pursued in the press.  Comsr. Dobratz stated he is still worried that something can happen on one side of town while two officers are on the other side of town.  He stated he is entitled to his opinion.  Chairman Conklin stated that his concern is that when something like that goes out to the press, the public gets the wrong impression that the town is not safe.  He said he feels it is very important that Comsr. Dobratz meet with Lt. Spera to review the schedules, as offered by the Chief.  Comsr. Dobratz said he had spoken with Lt. Spera and understands there are some shifts that run with two officers.  Lt. Spera stated he had spoken with Comsr. Dobratz, but that there are still facts Comsr. Dobratz needs to know.  Chairman Conklin said that the same officers who complain to Comsr. Dobratz about the schedule are the very same ones who ask for unscheduled time off.  He reminded Comsr. Dobratz that the Chief had told him that a change in the schedule is made only if there is a lieutenant available for back up.  He said again he feels it is important for Comsr. Dobratz to review the schedules.  He said that while he agrees Comsr. Dobratz is entitled to his opinions, he has concerns about how they are being presented to the public.

Chairman Conklin congratulated Commissioners Burnham, Winkler and Metsack on being elected, and thanked outgoing Comsr. Seaforth for his work on the commission.

Chairman Conklin asked Chief Mosca the status of the Explorer program, considering Ptl. DellaRocco is out on disability.  The Chief responded that Ptl. Barnes, currently coaching his soccer team at the shoreline finals, will work on getting the program going as soon as he is available.  

Comsr. Gallicchio asked if the Selectmen passed the Golf Cart ordinance.  Lt. Stuart said it had been forwarded to the Selectmen and that he understands it will be discussed over the winter.

Comsr. Gallicchio asked if the department is still interested in Tasers.  Chief Mosca said that Lt. McDonald will make a presentation to the commission and all town leaders at a future meeting.  He stated that most, if not all, deaths attributed to Taser use have had additional circumstances.  He said that in his viewpoint, Tasers give an intermediate step before use of firearms.  He said that while there is a small chance of death with Taser use, there is a likely chance of death with firearm use.  He said he may ask for a special meeting to discuss Tasers and invite the Selectmen and possibly the public.

Chairman Conklin asked commissioners to think about the meeting schedule for next year.  He asked commissioners to consider the July and August meetings and whether they want to continue having 12 meetings per year, or go to 10 meetings per year.

Chief Mosca said he plans to forward a budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2006-2007 to commissioners a week or so before the next meeting for discussion at that meeting.

Comsr. Seaforth said this being his last meeting, he wanted to leave the commission with his thoughts regarding communications.  He said he feels that with the quickly changing technology involved, he feels it important to lease rather than buy to allow for more frequent and less costly upgrades as they become available.

Chairman Conklin again thanked Comsr. Seaforth for his work during his term on the commission.

Motion made by Comsr. Gallicchio and seconded by Comsr. Winkler to adjourn.  Motion carried by unanimous vote in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 8:54 p.m.


JoAnne Klingerman
Executive Assistant

These minutes are subject to approval by the
Old Saybrook Police Commission at its
December 19, 2005 meeting.