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July 25, 2005

JULY 25, 2005


The regular monthly meeting of the Old Saybrook Police Commission was held on Monday, July 25, 2005 at 7:30 p.m. at the Old Saybrook Town Hall.  PRESENT:  Chairman Conklin, Commissioners Burnham, Dobratz, Gallicchio, Seaforth, Sparaco and Winkler.  Also, Chief Mosca, Lt Barrows, Lt. McDonald, Lt. Spera, Lt. Stuart, and Ptl. Gardner.

Chairman Conklin called the meeting to order at 7:32 p.m.

1.  Minutes
Chairman Conklin asked for discussion, amendment or approval of the minutes of the June 27, 2005 meeting, which had been mailed to commissioners.  Motion made by Comsr. Dobratz and seconded by Comsr. Sparaco to approve the Minutes of the June 27, 2005 meeting, as submitted.  Motion carried by unanimous vote in favor.

2.  Comments from the Public
No comments were made.

3.  05-06 Budget
Chief Mosca reported there was no fiscal report because the budget was just opened.  He stated that the department is proportionately over budget because contractual obligations are paid at the beginning of the fiscal year.  Chairman Conklin asked if purchases that were held off in the 04-05 fiscal year are being made.  Chief Mosca said the department is catching up with vehicle maintenance, so he anticipates expenditures from that line item to be proportionately larger than might be reflected at the end of the month, and expects to catch up by October or November.  

The Chief reported that the new vehicle should be delivered in the first week of August.

The Chief also reported that Deputy Chief O’Brien’s car was totaled by the insurance company, in connection with the motor vehicle accident reported last month.  He said arrangements have been made with a local dealer to purchase a used vehicle to replace the totaled car, for the exact amount of money being paid by the insurance company.  The totaled car had to be replaced to provide the planned trade in for the new patrol car, and maintain the number of cars in the fleet.  This will leave the department with one less unmarked and one additional marked car.  The totaled car was left in the possession of the Police Department, and has been stripped of radar, lights, and anything usable.  It is then to be sold to a salvage yard, the proceeds of which will cover the deductible.

4.  Personnel
Chief Mosca reported the following personnel matters to the commission:

Deputy Chief O’Brien retired on July 8, 2005.  His retirement was acknowledged with a gathering of department personnel, with gifts and refreshments.

Both officers shot on May 3rd are progressing well but neither is where he had hoped they would be at this time.  He reported that Ptl. Bergantino is recovering from persistent infections in his foot, but has remained in good spirits and is looking forward to returning to duty as soon as possible.  The Chief reported that Det. Sgt. Heiney continues to improve, and the Chief discussed the process he will go through before returning to full duty, and a possible timetable for that process.

The Chief has nominated all three officers involved in the shooting for medals of valor from The New England Association of Chiefs of Police.  He said a principal part of their annual installation banquet is presentation of this award.  The Chief feels all three officers performed valiantly and relied on training and courage to bring about the successful conclusion of events.  He should receive a response to his nomination around the middle of August, and will pass on invitations, plans and arrangements to commissioners if this nomination is approved.  The NEACP banquet will take place on September 8, 2005 in Falmouth, Massachusetts.

No final report has been submitted of the State Police investigation into the shooting, but is expected soon.  The Chief has learned that Ptl. Bergantino fired the shot that hit the perpetrator, and was shot in the foot by the perpetrator.

Ptl. DePerry and his wife have a new son, Nathan, born on June 28, 2005.

Sgt. Hull has made a suggestion that officers send a follow-up postcard to individuals involved in motor vehicle accidents, and has been assigned development of a proposed card.  The Chief indicated his appreciation of the commitment this type of activity shows among personnel.

5.  Traffic
Ptl. Gardner reported he talked with a State Department of Transportation engineer, and was given an emphatic “no” on the request for an additional crosswalk on Main Street as discussed at the last meeting.  He was also told that if something changes, such as the median or signal, the request might be revisited.  The State does not want to channel the public from  current crossing areas they consider safe to crossing areas they consider less safe due to parked cars and the general area.  The State understands the town’s reason for reconstructing Main Street, and this request can be brought up again after the changes are made.  Officer Gardner will notify Matthew Lyons of the State’s decision.  

Lt. Stuart reported speed limit signs approved at the last meeting have been put up on Old Boston Post Road.

Lt. Stuart also reported he has sent a letter of concern to the Zoning Board regarding a request for 10 parking spaces for a house located behind Dunkin Donuts.  He would like to know what kind of business might be going into that residential area.  

As a result of an inquiry from pedestrians, two supervisors met with security people at Fenwick and emphasized that under no circumstances should anyone be stopped prior to entering Fenwick.  The director of security as well as the security officer both concurred that they would not stop individuals but would be there to answer any questions or be of any assistance should they be requested to provide assistance.  Chief Mosca stated that this past Saturday, Lt. Spera met with the governing body of the Borough for 4½ hours.  Lt. Spera again reiterated the proper procedures required of security and the Board agreed to cooperate fully.  To the department’s knowledge, no one has been stopped and prevented from entering.  Comsr. Dobratz stated he recently drove in and was not stopped.

6.  Training
No training was reported as training is not done in July, due to scheduling requirements during this busy season.

7.  Events
The Chief reported that traffic departing the Chase fireworks in a westerly direction was out within 35 minutes.  Traffic traveling eastbound was slower, but better than last year by about 20 minutes.  He has asked personnel for evaluations and suggestions for improvements next year, and discussed his thoughts on improving all services such as access for fire or medical emergencies.

Planning for the Art Show on July 30 and July 31, the concert on August 21 and the August motorcycle ride and Labor Day weekend road race are underway with regard to proper staffing and police services.

8.  Correspondence
Correspondence received since the June 27, 2005 meeting was circulated for commissioners to review.

9.  Activity Report
Lt. Stuart reported the department handled 1,559 incidents and issued 295 citations since the June 27, 2005 meeting.  These included 10 DWI arrests, 7 arrests for disorderly conduct and 4 youth-involved liquor violations.  He reported on several drug and alcohol related arrests, including breach of peace and assault arrests.  He then reported on a fight at Porter Plaza that involved 70 youths, a baseball bat and a BB gun, which resulted in 4 youths and one adult being arrested.

10.  Comments & Concerns of Commissioners
Comsr. Gallicchio asked how the Marine Patrol is functioning during the absence of Det. Sgt. Heiney, and the Chief explained that 2 civilians are working it.  When officers are not on patrol with them, they call for them if arrests are necessary.  Events such as the fireworks are being run by Ptl. Rankin, with information given by Det. Sgt. Heiney.  

Motion made by Comsr. Gallicchio and seconded by Comsr. Dobratz to adjourn.  Motion passed by unanimous vote in favor.  

Meeting adjourned at 8:10 p.m.

                                                        JoAnne Klingerman
                                                        Executive Assistant

These minutes are subject to approval by the
Old Saybrook Police Commission at its
August 22, 2005 meeting.