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Planning Commission Minutes 02/18/2015
Wednesday, February 18, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room
302 Main Street, Old Saybrook


The Chairman Janis Esty called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.

Present: Janis Esty, Bob Missel, Cathryn Flanagan, Daniel Walden, Kathleen Sugland seated for David Shearer, Ken Soudan
Absent: Mike Urban, David Shearer
           Staff: Meryl Tsagronis, recording clerk


A.      Minutes

MOTION to approve the Minutes of February 4, 2015 amended to remove Janis Esty from the vote in the final motion, add R. Missel and K. Sudan as voting in favor, and revise ‘Approved’ vote to 6-0-0; MADE by C. Flanagan; SECONDED by D. Walden; VOTED IN FAVOR: J. Esty, B. Missel, C. Flanagan, K. Sugland, D. Walden; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

B.      Correspondence

          Members were offered the opportunity to attend a workshop on March 21, 2015 of the “Connecticut Land Use Law For Municipal Land Use Agencies” at Wesleyan University.

A memo was distributed to members from Caleb Hamel of Branse & Willis about the Appellate Court’s recent decision in Bellsite Development v. Town of Monroe, pertaining to the limits on the ability of municipal officials to enter into unauthorized contracts.
It was decided to place on the meeting agenda of March 2, 2015 review of a letter from Mark Branse to Janis Esty and Robert Friedmann dated February 12, 2015 regarding revisions needed to zoning and subdivision regulations regarding community water systems.

MOTION to pay invoice #37405 for $74.00 to Branse & Willis, LLC dated 02/05/2015 for legal services rendered, MADE by B. Missel; SECONDED by K. Sugland; VOTED IN FAVOR J. Esty, B. Missel, C. Flanagan, K. Sugland, D. Walden;  OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

C.      Committee, Representative & Staff Reports



A.      “Eastpointe” Incentive Housing Development – 186 Units (10.78 ac)
7 North Main Street (Map 39 / Lot 9 and Map 40 / Lots 5 & 6-1) Shopping Ctr. Bus.
B-2 Dist. (Ped. Node), Incentive Hsg. IH Zone (Multi-family MF Subzone)
Applicant: Eastpointe, LLC, contract purchaser    Agent: Edward M. Cassella, Esq.

This application was continued from the February 4, 2015 regularly scheduled meeting.
Attorney Ed Cassella presented on behalf of the applicant, Eastpointe, LLC. Also present were Bill Finger and Bryan Robik of Eastpointe LLC. E. Cassella reviewed some of the reasons the previous application was denied and explained how they were addressed.

One major issue was with the turning radius from Main Street onto North Main Street; a second issue was with the need for identification of trees, particularly along the perimeter and cemetery, and determining which trees to save. Both of these issues have been addressed. Other concerns that were addressed by applicant were emergency access and trash area.

Other topics discussed by members included lack of elevators, distance of the dumpster from apartment buildings at the farthest edge of the property, and storage. Bill Finger stated that if they find that elevators are needed, they will examine adjusting the building plan to accommodate them. He also noted that the Zoning Commission had asked to see a layout of a building that would have an elevator, and that maintains the same footprint.

Ken Soudan stated his concerns that approval of the application was not upholding some of the goals of the Town Plan of Conservation and Development, goals that he felt theCommission aims to safeguard, particularly as regards the “historic town center,” and “New England character.”

J. Esty reminded members to look at this from the perspective of incentive housing; and determine if there are health or safety issues involved.
Cathryn Flanagan agreed with K. Soudan about the importance of maintaining the character of the town. Her concern was in part with pedestrian safety and traffic. She would also like to see a provision in place to ensure trash generated from the development be contained and not create a negative impact to abutting properties. Daniel Walden would like applicant to provide a detailed list of lease requirements. Members also discussed desirability of a play area for children. B. Finger explained that an area has been identified to accommodate a playscape, should it later be determined that the property acquire one. There was also a concern about onsite waste disposal and possible need for a second enclosed trash area.  

A motion was made to send a favorable recommendation to the Zoning Commission contingent upon meeting the points discussed above.

MOTION to send a favorable recommendation with contingencies to the Zoning Commission of “Eastpointe” Incentive Housing Development – 186 Units (10.78 ac) 7 North Main Street (Map 39 / Lot 9 and Map 40 / Lots 5 & 6-1) Shopping Ctr. Bus. B-2 Dist. (Ped. Node), Incentive Hsg. IH Zone (Multi-family MF Subzone) Applicant: Eastpointe, LLC, contract purchaser. Agent: Edward M. Cassella, Esq.; as it is consistent with the Town Plan of Conservation and Development, the contingencies being: a) a provision be made to ensure that trash generated from the development be contained and not create a negative impact on abutting properties and that the development be monitored for airborne trash; b) that installation of elevators be re-examined; c) that applicant provide a detailed list of lease requirements to the Zoning Commission; d) that the feasibility of installing a play area be examined; e) that the Zoning Commission examine the need for a second enclosed trash area; MADE by K. Sugland; SECONDED by D Walden; VOTED IN FAVOR J. Esty, C. Flanagan, K. Sugland, D. Walden; OPPOSED: B. Missel; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED: 4-1-0.

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission on March 4, 2015, at 7:00 p.m., 302 Main Street, Town Hall, 1st Floor Conference Room; MADE: by C. Flanagan; SECONDED: by D. Walden; VOTED IN FAVOR J. Esty, B. Missel, C. Flanagan, K. Sugland, D. Walden; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

        Respectfully submitted,

        Meryl TsagronisRecording Clerk