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Planning Commission Minutes 12/03/2014
Wednesday, December 3, 2014 at 7:00 p.m.
Town Hall, 1st Floor Conference Room
302 Main Street, Old Saybrook


The Chairman Janis Esty called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.

Present: Janis Esty, Cathryn Flanagan, Daniel Walden, Kathleen Sugland seated for David Shearer, Michael Urban seated for Robert Missel
Absent: David Shearer, Kenneth Soudan, Robert Missel
Staff: Christine Nelson, Meryl Tsagronis, Larry Ritzhaupt, Chairman, Seal Level Rise Climate Adaptation Committee

MOTION to amend the agenda to discuss “Regular Business” after item “V. Workshop” MADE by J. Esty; SECONDED by M. Urban; VOTED IN FAVOR: J. Esty, C. Flanagan, D. Walden, M. Urban; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED: 4-0-0.


        A.      Petition to Amend Section 64 “Signs” of the Zoning Regulations
        Street setback for freestanding sign, size of 2nd freestanding sign, and allowance of 3rd wall sign per tenant on corner lots. Petitioner:s Max’s Place LLC & 75 Old Saybrook, LLC Agent: David M. Royston, Esq.
Sylvia Rutkowska, attorney with the law firm of Dzialo, Pickett & Allen, explained that the petition to amend the Zoning Regulations regarding freestanding signs and wall signs is being made by two property owners who are being negatively impacted by the current sign regulations, Max’s Place LLC and 75 Old Saybrook LLC. She explained that the proposed amendments address a change to number, size and location of freestanding signs on lots fronting separate streets with multiple entrances in all business, marine commercial districts, and the Saybrook Point SP-2 District; and a change to allow a third wall sign in all business, marine commercial districts, and the Saybrook Point SP-2 District. She noted that the purpose of the regulation change is to provide more effective business signage of appropriate size and scale, adding that these are relatively minor changes and affect limited areas.
At 7:09 Kathy Sugland arrived and was seated for David Shearer.
S. Rutkowska detailed what the proposed text changes of the regulations are intended to do, some of which are, for Freestanding Signs:
  • to allow a second freestanding sign within the B-1, B-3, and Marine Commercial & Saybrook Point SP-2 districts
  • to allow increase of size of signs within B-2 and B-4 districts
  • to increase the setback (regarding freestanding signs) in B-2 and B-4 districts
  • to decrease the separation of footage required between signs from 1500 feet to one hundred feet
  • to include “site plan” in the pertinent regulations so that ….
  • For Wall Signs:
  • increase number of signs within B-1, B-2/B-4, B-3 and MC & SP-2
  • increase size of signs within B-3 and MC & SP-2
  • to add the wording site plan to proposed text changes
Members discussed size changes and implications for the town. Dan Walden voiced concerns about proliferation of signs, and changing the competitive landscape of the area.
S. Rutkowska referred to a memo dated December 2, 2014 from Dave Royston to the Planning Commission outlining reasons this application is consistent with the Town Plan of Conservation and Development, namely that it is consistent with the goals for 1) Town Image, 2) Economic Development, 3) Cultural & Historic Resources, and 4) Town Center.
         J. Esty stated her concerns about consistency with the Town’s historic structures and its New England character; she understands the need to have signs where buildings sit on a corner with two streets. She noted that conceivably these amendments could affect quite a few properties .She stated concern about the proposed text change to include site plan as that would diminish the Commissions discretion in the review process Cathy Flanagan and D. Walden echoed her concerns.

        S. Rutkowska pointed out that signs will be subject to review by other Commissions such as the Architectural Review Board, and stated again that these amendments are consistent with Plan of Conservation and Development.
M. Urban agreed that the proposed changes are not consistent with the Town’s character.

MOTION to recommend denial of “Petition to Amend Section 64 “Signs” of the Zoning Regulations” as it is not in keeping with the Town Plan of Conservation and Development; the Planning Commission cautions the Zoning Commission to be very discerning in amending the recently updated sign section of the regulations regarding so many aspects—size, number of signs, bonus size per setback, separating distance and discretion review; MADE by D. Walden; SECONDED by K. Sugland; VOTED IN FAVOR: J. Esty, K. Sugland, D. Walden, M. Urban; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: C. Flanagan; APPROVED: 4-0-1.


A.      Minutes

MOTION to approve the Minutes of  October 1, 2014 as amended to state Michael Urban was seated for Robert Missel; MADE by M. Urban; SECONDED by D. Walden; VOTED IN FAVOR: J. Esty, C. Flanagan, K. Sugland, D. Walden, M. Urban; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

B.      Correspondence

MOTION to pay invoice #36873 for $203.50 to Branse, Willis, & Knapp, LLC. dated 11/05/2014 regarding Dirt, LLC Spencer Plain Rd. enforcement; MADE by K. Sugland; SECONDED by C. Flanagan; VOTED IN FAVOR J. Esty, M. Urban, C. Flanagan, K. Sugland;  OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: D. Walden; APPROVED: 4-0-1.

J. Esty asked that members consider contributing articles to Events Magazine and discussed possible topics.
D. Walden distributed a Shoreline Times article about The Preserve.

C.      Committee, Representative & Staff Reports


        A.      “Sea Level Rise” in Town Plans and their Implementation
           Agency: Sea Level Rise Climate Adaption Committee   Agent: Larry Ritzhaupt, Chairman

        Larry Ritzhaupt explained to the Commission the work and mission of the SLRCAC and their timeline, and how they might work together and strengthen the Town Plan. He distributed the SLRCAC mission statement. His Commission has formed three areas of study: environment, economy and community. He expects they will have a final report next year. They would like to educate the community about what they have learned. He presented a matrix to the group and will return January 21, 2015 to do a workshop with the Planning Commission and review portions of the Town Plan.


  •    2015 Meeting Calendar
MOTION to approve the 2015 Meeting Calendar with a revised date of August 5th for the August meeting; MADE: by D. Walden; SECONDED: by M. Urban; VOTED IN FAVOR J. Esty, C. Flanagan, K. Sugland, D. Walden, M. Urban;  OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED: 5-0-0.


MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:10 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission on December 19, 2014, at 7:00 p.m., 302 Main Street, Town Hall, 1st Floor Conference Room; MADE: by C. Flanagan; SECONDED: by D. Walden; VOTED IN FAVOR J. Esty, C. Flanagan, K. Sugland, D. Walden, M. Urban; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Meryl Tsagronis
Recording Clerk