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Planning Commission Minutes 10/03/2012
Wednesday, October 3, 2012 at 7:30 p.m.
Town Hall – 1st Floor Conference Room
302 Main Street


Chairman Janis Esty called the regular meeting to order at 7:35 p.m.


Members Present 
Janis Esty
Robert Missel
Donald Ranaudo
        Cathryn Flanagan
David Shearer
Kenneth Soudan
Kathleen Sugland
        Members Absent
        Michael Urban
Staff Present
Christine Nelson, Town Planner
Kathleen Noyes, Recording Clerk

A.      Minutes

MOTION to approve the minutes from September 5, 2012 as presented.; MADE by C. Flanagan; SECONDED by D. Shearer; VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. Missel, J. Esty, D. Ranaudo, C. Flanagan, D. Shearer; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

MOTION to approve the minutes from September 19, 2012 as presented.; MADE by D. Shearer; SECONDED by C. Flanagan; VOTED IN FAVOR: J. Esty, D. Ranaudo, C. Flanagan, D. Shearer; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: R. Missel; APPROVED: 4-0-1.

  • Correspondence
J. Esty notified Commissioners about a letter she received from the Charter Revision Committee. J. Esty informed Commissioners that the town charter is reviewed every 10 years, and it is on the town’s web site if Commissioners would like to review it and make comments and suggestions. There will be a Public Hearing on October 10, 2012, 7:00 P.M. at the Old Saybrook Middle School Auditorium. R. Missel offered to attend on behalf of the Planning Commission.

Commissioners reviewed their most recent budget dated 10/1/2012.

D. Ranaudo spoke with Director of Public Works, Larry Bonin, regarding the road ending on Soundview Avenue off Maple Avenue. There is a boat launch there that has become overgrown. Doug Eldredge, a local builder, who lives near the boat launch, wrote a letter to the Commission dated 10/3/12 stating that he would be willing to steward the area for 9 or 10 years. D. Ranaudo and C. Flanagan offered to research the maintenance and completion of the town’s road endings. They are going to meet with C. Nelson to discuss this further.

Commissioners received the schedule of Planning Commission meetings for 2013.

MOTION to approve the 2013 schedule of meeting dates for the Planning Commission with the following exceptions: 1/2/13 will be tentative, and there will only be 1 meeting held in the months of July and August on 7/17/13 and 8/21/13. Meetings will be held at the Old Saybrook Town Hall, 302 Main Street, 1st Floor Conference Room; MADE by D. Shearer; SECONDED by C. Flanagan; VOTED IN FAVOR: J. Esty, D. Ranaudo, R. Missel, C. Flanagan, D. Shearer; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

C.      Committee, Representative & Staff Reports

D. Shearer said that R. Friedmann, Chairman of the Zoning Commission, spoke to the Route 1 Task Force about the different zones that make up Route 1 East. Once the plan for Route 1 East has been established, D. Shearer would like to make a presentation to the Planning Commission and the Zoning Commission.

C. Flanagan attended the open house at RiverCog on October 1, 2012. The merger is complete, and things are going well.

MOTION to nominate Karen Jo Marcolini as the Planning Commission’s alternate representative to RiverCog.; MADE by J. Esty; SECONDED by C. Flanagan; VOTED IN FAVOR: J. Esty, D. Ranaudo, C. Flanagan, R. Missel, D. Shearer; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

R. Missel said the Natural Hazard Mitigation Committee has their next meeting on 10/24/12. They are still working on the NHM plan. Once the plan is completed, it will be sent to FEMA Region 1 reviewers and DEEP.


  •      Scenic Roads
Harcourt Davis, who owns a house on 226 Schoolhouse Road, was in attendance at tonight’s meeting. He asked for clarification about the letter he received from the Planning Commission regarding the scenic road designation so he can inform his tenants what they can and cannot do to the property. Commissioners explained the intent of Chapter 169 of the Old Saybrook Town Code entitled “Scenic Roads” which is to maintain and protect the scenic roads and their historic significance. H. Davis suggested the language be more specific regarding yard maintenance. Commissioners agreed to review the language in more detail.


A.      “Boats & Marine Equipment as Special Exception use in Shopping Center B-2 District”
Petition to Amend Zoning Regulation section 32.2
Petitioner: S&S Marine LLC      Agent: Matthew J. Hoberman, Esquire

D. Shearer asked if Commissioners could have an historical perspective for this application. This applicant came before the Planning Commission before to request a change to the Zoning Map. This time, the applicant is requesting a change to the Zoning Regulation. D. Shearer referred to the ZC minutes from 4/2/12 as a reference to the Zoning Commission’s previous stance on this matter.

This property was historically used as a service station from the 1960’s to the late 1980’s. It is located near the CT River. Nothing is being done to the buildings, but there will be additional screening and landscaping. There are a maximum number of 8 boats that can be stored on the property at any time. There will be no increased traffic flow. Previously, there was a concern about the storage of boats too close to the road. There are no proposed changes to the setbacks being proposed.

Attorney Matthew Hoberman presented for the applicant. He stated that the applicant would like to be able to conduct some of the same uses allowed in the Marine Commercial Zone at his business which is located in the B-2 Zone. The current zoning regulation language limits that usage in the B-2 Zone.

M. Hoberman is proposing that this business can operate by changing the language in the regulation instead of applying for a zoning variance. M. Hoberman distributed a copy of a map illustrating the B-2 to MC Zone for the area. He stressed that the other B-2 Zone in town would be unaffected by this proposed regulation change. The applicant’s property needs to be in conformity with the zoning regulations. He said the proposed zoning regulation change would have the least impact on the surrounding neighborhood, and it would fit in with the existing neighborhood.

D. Shearer asked if there was a list of current business activities being done that are conforming and those that are not. M. Hoberman did not have such a list.
J. Esty said she would like to see more specific language in Zoning Regulation 32.2 to prevent more extensive garage type work on the property. She also reminded Commissioners that in considering this application, they should keep in mind that this proposed Zone Regulation change would also affect the 5 other properties in that zone.

Commissioners discussed this, and decided that if the other property owners in this zone were to apply for Special Exception Uses, each application would be looked at independently, and the Zoning Commission would have discretion over that process.

MOTION.; to send a favorable recommendation to the Zoning Commission for “Boats & Marine Equipment as Special Exception use in Shopping Center B-2 District” Petition to Amend Zoning Regulation Section 32.2; Petitioner: S&S Marine, LLC; Agent: Matthew J. Hoberman, Esq. as it is consistent with the Plan of Conservation and Development particularly as it pertains to the Economic Development’s following policies:, “Promotion of coastal resort features and maritime commerce” and “To encourage development of commercial and industrial sites that is consistent with Old Saybrook’s small-town character with respect to scale, appearance, and design and with special regard for landscape and other site amenities, traffic safety and convenience, and functional and visual linkages with adjacent areas.”MADE by J. Esty;  SECONDED by D. Ranaudo; VOTED IN FAVOR: R. Missel, J. Esty, D. Ranaudo, D. Shearer, C. Flanagan; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

B.      “S&S Marine” Special Exception use
        for Sale, Repair, Service, Storage & Sale of Boats and Marine Equipment
        Petitioner: S&S Marine LLC      Agent: Matthew J. Hoberman, Esq.
If the proposed regulation were in place, the applicant would then apply for a special exception use for his business. M. Hoberman said this would be consistent with the Plan of Conservation and Development, and it would be economically beneficial to the town.

MOTION.; to send a favorable recommendation to the Zoning Commission for  “S&S Marine” Special Exception use for Sale, Repair, Service, Storage & Sale of Boats and Marine Equipment; Petitioner: S&S Marine, LLC; Agent: Matthew J. Hoberman, Esq. in that it is consistent with The Plan of Conservation and Development. MADE by R. Missel; SECONDED by D. Ranaudo; VOTED IN FAVOR: C. Flanagan, J. Esty, D. Ranaudo, D. Shearer, R. Missel; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.




J. Esty requested that C. Nelson send the signage dimensions and regulations for the scenic roads sign to all Commissioners in advance of the next regularly scheduled meeting.

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:35 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, October 17, 2012, at 7:30 P.M.,Town Hall, 302 Main Street, 1st Floor Conference Room.; MADE by C. Flanagan; SECONDED by D. Shearer; VOTED IN FAVOR: J. Esty, R. Missel, D. Shearer, C. Flanagan, D. Ranaudo; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Noyes