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Planning Commission Minutes 09/05/2012
Wednesday, September 5, 2012 at 6:30 p.m.
Town Hall- 1st Floor Conference Room
302 Main Street


Chairman Janis Esty called the regular meeting to order at 6:34 p.m.


Members Present 
Janis Esty
Robert Missel
        Donald Ranaudo
David Shearer
Cathryn Flanagan
Michael Urban, arrived at 6:36 p.m.
        Members Absent
        Kathleen Sugland
Kenneth Soudan

Staff Present
Christine Nelson, Town Planner
Kathleen Noyes, Recording Clerk


A.      Minutes

MOTION to approve the minutes from August 15, 2012 as presented.; MADE by R. Missel; SECONDED by C. Flanagan; VOTED IN FAVOR:  D. Shearer, D. Ranaudo, R. Missel, J. Esty, C. Flanagan; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

  • Correspondence
J. Esty received a letter from Youth & Family Services asking if the Planning Commission would like to have a table at Family Day which will be on the Town Green on Saturday, September 22, 2012 from 1:00 P.M. to 4:00 P.M. Commissioners said they would like to participate. C. Flanagan suggested that the newly formed RiverCOG might like to participate. C. Nelson said she would send out an e-mail to see if representatives from the town’s boards and commissions would be available to man a table.

C. Nelson also said in terms of outreach, the Planning Commission could put an article in “Saybrook Events Magazine” which comes out quarterly. J. Esty asked Commissioners to think about topics they would like to write about for the next issue.

C. Nelson received a letter from Attorney David Royston regarding the “Max’s Place” re-subdivision application on Center Road West that the Planning Commission approved in 2008. He asked that the Planning Commission acknowledge that the expiration date should be extended to 10/22/2013 due to changes in the state statutes.

MOTION to acknowledge that the correct expiration date for the Center Road West “Max’s Place” Re-Subdivision is 10/22/2013.; MADE by J. Esty; SECONDED by D. Ranaudo; VOTED IN FAVOR: R. Missel, J. Esty, D. Ranaudo, C. Flanagan, D. Shearer; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

C.      Committee, Representative & Staff Reports

D. Shearer was appointed to the Route 1 Task Force. They have had three meetings to date, with a particular focus on Route 1 East, which is east of the train station. There are 28 acres available within that strip of land. The purpose of the task force is to conceptualize what Route 1 East will look like and to carry that vision across Route 1. The task force is working to develop a plan, formalize its ideas and submit them to the First Selectman’s office. An article will be coming out in the next issue of “Saybrook Events Magazine.” The task force is encouraging input from the townspeople.

C. Flanagan spoke about the RiverCOG. The official merger of the Mid State Regional Planning Agency and the CT River Estuary Regional Planning Agency (CRERPA) is now RiverCOG, the lower CT River Valley Council of Governments. The new location for this group is 145 Dennison Road in Essex. C. Flanagan reported that a grant was awarded to the 17 towns for mapping the new region.

J. Esty said she has not received anything from Chief Spera yet regarding the scenic sign design contest.

C. Nelson reported that Attorney Eric Knapp e-mailed regarding “The Preserve” and a legal bill that is up and coming. She also updated Commissioners on safety and security measures that will be taken in the Town Hall in the near future.

  •     Appointments to RiverCOG
Karen Jo Marcolini, is the current alternate to RiverCOG. The Selectmen had appointed her. C. Flanagan said K. Marcolini would like to be appointed by the Planning Commission to continue as an alternate representative.  J. Esty offered to contact C. Fortuna to ask him if he would like to make a recommendation for the alternate position, and if not, the Planning Commission will make a recommendation.

MOTION to appoint Cathryn Flanagan as the Planning Commission’s representative to RiverCOG . MADE by J. Esty; SECONDED by D. Ranaudo; VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. Missel, D. Ranaudo, C. Flanagan, J. Esty, D. Shearer; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.


A.      “Bonding for Public Improvements” & “Lot Line Changes” Subdivision Regulations and Regulations for Public Improvements
Petitioner: Old Saybrook Planning Commission

C. Nelson explained that although the Planning Commission approved this matter, they had not set an effective date of approval.

MOTION to set October 1, 2012 as the effective date of approval for “Bonding for Public Improvements” & Lot Line Changes” Subdivision Regulations and Regulations for Public Improvements; Petitioner: Town of Old Saybrook. MADE by J. Esty; SECONDED by D. Shearer; VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. Missel, D. Ranaudo, C. Flanagan, J. Esty, D. Shearer; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.


  •      Scenic Roads
C. Nelson said she would get the necessary information from the Town Engineer and/or the Director of Public Works regarding the sign standards and regulations for the scenic roads sign contest the Planning Commission would like to have for the Old Saybrook Senior High School students. Commissioners would like to have the scenic road sign mounted on the same signpost as the street sign. C. Nelson suggested Commissioners consider placing the sign on a separate post because if the sign were on its own post, there would be more freedom in terms of the sign parameters.

The inventory of resources on Ingham Hill Road has been completed. Resources have been identified as well as potential parking.

D. Shearer suggested correlating the history of Ingham Hill Road with the Old Saybrook Historical Society and creating a brochure people could use for a self- guided tour.
C. Nelson offered to work on writing the brochure.

J. Esty passed out a letter she received from Attorney Michael Cronin dated 8/31/2012 regarding scenic roads. He has recommended that a letter be mailed to property owners with property abutting Ingham Hill Road or the designated scenic area of Schoolhouse Road, notifying them that there will be a notice filed on the Land Records showing their property has a scenic road designation. According to the letter, “Although property owners have full right and authority with respect to any activities on their property, any activity on the road right of way (which may include stone walls, shrubbery, trees and embankments) adjacent to the main traveled portion of the highway, is prohibited under the Town Ordinance unless approved by the Old Saybrook Planning Commission.” If property owners have any questions or concerns, they can contact C. Nelson and/or come before the Planning Commission.

Environmental Planner, Sandy Prisloe, and a member of the Land Use staff, Joanne Rynecki, have GPS’d the trees and stonewalls on Ingham Hill Road.

J. Esty would like to have S. Prisloe or a member of the Conservation Commission come to an upcoming Planning Commission meeting to show Commissioners the new aerial maps which show all of the impervious surfaces in town which contribute to non- point source pollution.

D. Shearer asked that when a roadway in town is ready for resurfacing, the Planning Commission be notified or the roadway be flagged so potential changes such as bicycle lanes, lighting and general appearance can be discussed. C. Nelson suggested the Planning Commission create a mechanism collaboratively with Public Works and the Selectmen’s Office for this purpose. J. Esty suggested forming a subcommittee. Commissioners will discuss this in more detail at a future meeting. C. Nelson suggested Commissioners begin by requesting a meeting with C. Fortuna to discuss the Sidewalk Plan and the road endings and standards.

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, September 19, 2012, at 6:00 P.M. starting at “Town Park” Clark Community Park, Schoolhouse Road, weather permitting. In case of inclement weather, the meeting will be held at 6:00 P.M., Town Hall, 302 Main Street, 1st Floor Conference Room.; MADE by J. Esty; SECONDED by R. Missel; VOTED IN FAVOR: R. Missel, J. Esty, D. Ranaudo, C. Flanagan, D. Shearer; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Noyes