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Planning Commission Minutes 07/18/2012
Wednesday, July 18, 2012 at 7:30 p.m.
Town Hall- 1st Floor Conference Room
302 Main Street


Chairman Janis Esty called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Members Present 
Janis Esty
Robert Missel
        Donald Ranaudo
David Shearer
Kenneth Soudan, seated for Cathryn Flanagan
Kathleen Sugland, arrived at 7:34 p.m.
Michael Urban
        Members Absent
        Cathryn Flanagan

Staff Present
Kathleen Noyes, Recording Clerk


A.      Minutes

MOTION to approve the minutes of June 20, 2012 as presented with the following correction: on page 2, in the second paragraph, the first sentence should be corrected to say that, “ M. Urban has lived “near” not “on” Ingham Hill Road for over 20 years.”; MADE by R. Missel; SECONDED by D. Shearer; VOTED IN FAVOR:  D. Shearer, D. Ranaudo, R. Missel, K. Soudan; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: J. Esty; APPROVED: 4-0-1.

  • Correspondence
MOTION to pay invoice #30400 from Branse, Willis & Knapp dated 7/1/12 for $99.00. MADE by D. Ranaudo; SECONDED by J. Esty; VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. Missel, D. Ranaudo, M. Urban, J. Esty, D. Shearer; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

MOTION to pay invoice #30401 from Branse, Willis & Knapp dated 7/1/12 for $33.00. MADE by D. Ranaudo; SECONDED by J. Esty; VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. Missel, D. Ranaudo, M. Urban, J. Esty, D. Shearer; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

MOTION to table invoice #30402 from Branse, Willis & Knapp dated 7/1/12 for $363.00 until the charge from 6/15/12 for $33.00 for a conversation with Chris Costa, Zoning Enforcement Officer, is clarified. MADE by J. Esty; SECONDED by D. Shearer; VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. Missel, D. Ranaudo, M. Urban, J. Esty, D. Shearer; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.
Commissioners received a Zoning Commission Referral List from ZEO, C. Costa, dated 6/15/12 notifying Commissioners which people and agencies review zoning applications now that the Planning Commission is no longer required to see all of the Special Exception Permit Applications.

In their packets, Commissioners also received a newsletter from the CT Environmental review team.

C.      Committee, Representative & Staff Reports

R. Missel reported on the progress of the Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan. The final draft should be finished before the end of summer.

J. Esty said the IWWC & APA meetings were cancelled in July due to lack of business.


A.      “Bonding for Public Improvements” & “Lot Line Changes” Subdivision Regulations and Regulations for Public Improvements
Petitioner: Old Saybrook Planning Commission

Commissioners reviewed Atty Eric Knapp’s draft of the bonding amendments dated 6/15/12. J. Esty pointed out the amendments that had been made. She said the section on surety bonds was deleted.

However, Section 6.14.3 “Assurance of Completion of Work-Bonding for Final Approval” under C3 “Form of Performance Bond” which reads, “A surety bond consistent with the requirements of these regulations” needs to be eliminated so it is consistent with the regulations.
J. Esty noted that her name was spelled incorrectly on the last page, and she asked that it be corrected.

MOTION to approve the text changes made for “Bonding for Public Improvements” & Lot Line Changes” Subdivision Regulations and Regulations for Public Improvements; Petitioner: Town of Old Saybrook, with the elimination of 6.14.3C3 which reads as follows: ”A surety bond consistent with the requirements of these regulations.” MADE by J. Esty; SECONDED by D. Ranaudo; VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. Missel, D. Ranaudo, M. Urban, J. Esty, D. Shearer; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

J. Esty said she would sign and date the amendment once the corrections are made. Therefore, the Public Hearing will remain open until the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission which is Wednesday, August 15, 2012 at 7:30 P.M., 302 Main Street, Town Hall, 1st Floor Conference Room.


A.      “Town Garage” Special Exception Referral from Zoning Commission for Municipal Improvement to construct a 6,000 s.f. garage building
497 Middlesex Turnpike (Map 57 / Lot 31), Business B-3 Zoning District, Aquifer Protection AP Zone
Applicant: Town of Old Saybrook         Agent: Geoffrey Jacobson, P.E.

Geoffrey Jacobson, P.E. presented for the applicant, and Public Works Director, Larry Bonin, was in attendance as well.

G. Jacobson explained how the recently enacted Aquifer Protection Regulations have impacted the town, specifically, the town garage. The town garage was required to register as a regulated activity. The existing 18- acre site on Route 154 needs to be updated to meet best management practices reducing the risk of polluting the aquifer. Heavy equipment must now be moved from the outside to the inside.

The town is requesting a 6,000 square foot addition with 9 bays. Stockpiles of materials such as sand, crushed stone and millings will be stored in bins, and everything will be inward of the building set back line. They will be supplementing the pine tree plantings so the site will be sufficiently screened during the winter months.

D. Shearer asked if there would be a need for additional parking. J. Jacobson said no additional employees would be added; so no additional parking will be required. There is 1 space for each employee, 1 for animal control, 1 handicapped space, 2 visitor spaces, and there is a large area for extra vehicles if needed.

D.Shearer also asked about extra waste produced. J. Jacobson said solid waste would be stored inside the building. It will be put into a loader and taken to the Transfer Station for recycling or disposal.

MOTION: to send a favorable recommendation to the Zoning Commission for “Town Garage” Special Exception Referral from the Zoning Commission for Municipal Improvement to construct a 6,000 s.f. garage building; 497 Middlesex Turnpike (Map 57 / Lot 31), Business B-3 Zoning District, Aquifer Protection AP Zone; Applicant: Town of Old Saybrook; Agent: Geoffrey Jacobson, P.E in that it is consistent with the Town Plan of Conservation and Development.MADE by J. Esty; SECONDED by D. Shearer; VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. Missel, D. Ranaudo, M. Urban, J. Esty, D. Shearer; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

B.      “OSHS” Special Exception Referral from Zoning Commission for 30’ x 55’ and 30’ x 30’ storage building
1111 Boston Post Road, (Map 28 / Lot 14), Residence A Zoning District, Coastal Management CAM Zone
Applicant: Town of Old Saybrook         Agent: Julie Pendleton

J. Pendleton explained that building number 1, the 30’ x 55’ pre-manufactured steel building would be used to replace the tractor-trailers currently in the parking lot behind the school cafeteria. The applicant would like to place the building on a slab in an area adjacent to the athletic fields, but it will not encroach on the athletic fields.

A lot of varied items are stored in the tractor trailers such as the following: athletic equipment, marine science nets and equipment, drama props and sets, woodworking projects, items for Safe Grad and games for the Goodwin School Fun Fair. The tractor trailers leak, and much of what is stored has been damaged and has had to be discarded.

D. Ranaudo asked about drainage on the roofs of the storage buildings and if the storage buildings come with gutters. J. Pendleton said there are drains in the parking lot right next to the proposed storage building for excess water, but the buildings do not come with gutters.

J. Pendleton explained that the second storage building would have more of an automotive component. Students in the vocational automotive program would use this building so they could work on cars. This will be a progressive, staged project, and students will eventually be able to go from the existing shop into the new building.

MOTION: to send a favorable recommendation to the Zoning Commission for “OSHS” Special Exception Referral from Zoning Commission for 30’ x 55’ and 30’ x 30’ storage building; 1111 Boston Post Road (Map 28 / Lot 14), Residence A Zoning District, Coastal Area Management CAM Zone; Applicant: Town of Old Saybrook; Agent: Julie Pendleton, in that it is consistent with the Town Plan of Conservation and Development. The Planning Commission would like to recommend that gutters be installed on both storage buildings.MADE by J. Esty; SECONDED by D. Ranaudo; VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. Missel, D. Ranaudo, M. Urban, J. Esty, D. Shearer; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.


  •      Scenic Roads
First Selectman, Carl Fortuna, was invited to tonight’s meeting to discuss capital improvement planning, construction and financing for scenic roads.

J. Esty was concerned about where the funding would come from to pay for things such as scenic road maintenance, historic markers, signs, a turnaround area, tree replacement, tree removal, and road widening.

C.Fortuna explained that there is currently no “scenic road fund.” Many of the items mentioned would fall under the Public Works Budget. He recommended that the PC put in a request during budget season for a special fund under the PC or PW budget. He also talked the possibility of establishing a capital non-recurring fund for these purposes or an off budget item that can be built on every year, but that does not have to be spent during the fiscal year.

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:13 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, August 15, 2012, at 7:30 P.M., Town Hall, 302 Main Street, 1st Floor Conference Room; MADE by D. Ranaudo; SECONDED by R.Missel; VOTED IN FAVOR: R. Missel, J. Esty, D. Ranaudo, K. Soudan, D. Shearer; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Noyes