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Planning Commission / NHMC Minutes 06/13/2012
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
2:00-3:30 p.m.
Town Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room
302 Main Street

I.      CALL TO ORDER - The Chairman, Bob Missel, called the meeting to order at 2:13   p.m.


Present:        Bob Missel, Planning Commission; Thomas Stevenson, Board of Finance

Absent: Steven Gernhardt, Board of Selectmen; Jerry Brophy, Conservation Commission; John Talbott, Zoning Commission; Janis Esty, Planning Commission; Cathy Flanagan, Planning Commission

Staff:  Jay Northrup, Planner, CRERPA; Sandy Prisloe, Environmental Planner; Susan Graham, Administrative Clerk


A.      Minutes

Discussion of the minutes from special meeting on May 9 was tabled to the next meeting on July 11.

B.      Correspondence


C.      Staff Report

Mr. Northrup reported that the editing process of the Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan is roughly 2/3 complete and has been very laborious. The action items are completed and the descriptive language is still in the works. He has been working with Mr. Prisloe and Ms. Nelson to reorganize the Plan to make it less repetitive. It was noted that Ms. Nelson is going on maternity leave at the end of this week and that Mr. Northrup will continue to work with Mr. Prisloe.


A.      Review Draft Plan

Mr. Northrup reviewed the rough draft of the Plan with the Committee. He explained the layout of the sections and discussed items yet to be streamlined. Mr. Stevenson inquired about the FEMA flood maps and their relevance to the Plan. Mr. Northrup said that they are used for discussion of flooding and hazardous areas and that the process to adopt new maps will be described.

The Committee was asked for suggestions for Plan Maintenance. Mr. Stevenson mentioned that Mike Gardner, from the Police Dept., will be taking over IT duties and might be able to help with the web site. He also suggested that grant writers be identified to apply when appropriate.

Mr. Prisloe discussed changes to the FEMA mapping and the large impact it has on the Town. Many more properties will be designated in the 100-year Flood Zone.

Mr. Stevenson will check on the viability of a rainy day fund to keep the Town operating in the event of a disaster.

B.      Develop Public Informational Presentation(s) and other Outreach

        The presentation is not ready at this time.

C.      Refer Draft Plan to PC and DEEP/FEMA


A.      Schedule Adoption Process


Mr. Missel adjourned the meeting at 3:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

        Susan Graham