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Planning Commission Minutes 02/01/2012
Wednesday, February 1, 2012 at 7:30 p.m.
1st Floor Conference Room
Town Hall, 302 Main Street


Chairperson, Janis Esty, called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Members Present 
Janis Esty, Chairperson
Catherine Flanagan, Secretary
David Shearer, Regular Member
Donald Ranaudo, Regular Member
Michael Urban, Alternate
Kathleen Sugland, Alternate
Kenneth Soudan, Alternate seated for Robert Missel

Members Absent
Robert Missel

Staff Present
Christine Nelson, Town Planner
Geoffrey Jacobson, Town Engineer
Joanne Rynecki, Clerk

  • Minutes
MOTION to approve the minutes from January 18, 2012; MADE by D. Ranaudo; SECONDED by D. Shearer; NO DISCUSSION.  VOTED IN FAVOR:  J. Esty, C. Flanagan, Soudan, D. Shearer, D. Ranaudo; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

  • Correspondence
 As included in packet.

  • Committee, Representative & Staff Reports
Ms. Flanagan reported that during the last meeting of the Natural Hazard Mitigation Committee they had the opportunity to work with the Coastal Resilience tool on-line at the Nature Conservancy web site.  Ms. Esty reported on a pending matter before the Inland Wetland and Watercourse Commission regarding a culvert off of the Old Post Road.


  •        “Bonding for Public Improvements”
Subdivision Regulations and Regulations for Public Improvements
ACTION: Orient to change in Connecticut General Statutes, consider local modifications of procedures.

Geoffrey Jacobson, Town Engineer reviewed Pubic Act 11-79 concerning Bonds and other Surety for approved site plans and subdivisions as outlined in a memo from the Commission’s attorney, Branse, Willis & Knapp, LLC. In an effort to ensure the completion of public improvements with respect to a site or a subdivision, towns often require a bond to guarantee the contractor completes the required work, as agreed, and allows for a maintenance bond for 12 months to guarantee the quality of the work.  The new act, among other things, adds the ability of a contractor to provide a surety bond, if desired, to the town as a form of guarantee and it prohibits maintenance bonds following acceptance of the public improvements.  After a discussion, members agreed to continue this matter until the next meeting to hear additional information from the commission’s attorney to decide if they will retain bonding as part of the Subdivision Regulations and amend the regulations to allow surety bonds with the necessary restrictions to protect the town and eliminate the language regarding maintenance bond requirements.

MOTION to continue Item IV.  A. “Bonding for Public Improvements” until the March 7, 2012 meeting; MADE by J. Esty; SECONDED by D. Shearer; NO DISCUSSION.  VOTED IN FAVOR:  J. Esty, C. Flanagan, K. Sudan, D. Shearer, D. Ranaudo; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

  •        “Lot Line Changes”
Subdivision Regulations
ACTION: Orient to change in Connecticut General Statutes, consider local modifications of procedures.

Ms. Nelson explained the current process for approval of a lot line change by the Planning Commission after approval has been received by the Zoning Department, Health Department and the Building Department.  The Planning Commission approval is redundant and the approval process can be streamlined by eliminating the need for the Planning Commission’s approval.  The Planning Commission will continue to review re-subdivision applications.  The Commission directed the Town Planner to draft changes to the Regulations regarding Lot Line Changes for a public hearing.


  • Scenic Roads
  • ACTION: Implement action items.
Mr. Urban provided a draft article regarding the Planning Commission and the scenic roads in Old Saybrook for the next Saybrook Events Magazine.  Members gave feedback for a February 28th deadline.  Ms. Nelson explained that the designation of a scenic road does not infringe on private property, but is simply a way to ask neighbors to partner with the town to preserve the scenic roadways in Old Saybrook.  Staff will draft a notice to be recorded on the Land Records for properties along our scenic roads to provide scenic road designations to be available from a title search or property assessment cards.

B.      Old Saybrook Plan of Conservation & Development - Residential Development
                ACTION: Review & discuss status of implementation of action items.

Ms. Nelson provided names of speakers on the local, regional and state level that may provide helpful information regarding residential development.  She also distributed copies of a housing affordability plan from a neighboring community for reference.

MOTION to adjourn the meeting at  9:22 PM until the next regular meeting scheduled for February 15, 2012 at the Town Hall 1st Floor Conference Room, 302 Main Street Old Saybrook, CT; MADE by D. Shearer ; SECONDED by K. Sudan; NO DISCUSSION.  VOTED IN FAVOR: D. Shearer, C. Flanagan, J. Esty, K. Sudan, D. Ranaudo; OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 5-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Joanne Rynecki, Planning Clerk