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Planning Commission Minutes 06/02/2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010 at 7:30 p.m.
Town Hall, 1st floor Conference Room
302 Main Street


Chairman McIntyre called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


Attendant Members
Robert McIntyre, Chairman
Donald Ranaudo, Regular Member
Cathryn Flanagan, Alternate Member, seated for Robert Missel

Absent Members
Salvatore Aresco, Secretary
Cameron Evangelisti
Robert Missel
Richard Sullivan
Janis Esty, Vice Chairman

Attendant Staff
Joanne Rynecki, Clerk


  • Minutes
MOTION to approve the minutes dated May 5, 2010.  MADE by Donald Ranaudo, SECONDED by Cathryn Flanagan;   NO DISCUSSION.  IN FAVOR: Robert McIntyre, Donald Ranaudo, Cathryn Flanagan; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED: 3-0-0

  • Correspondence

  • Committee, Representative & Staff Reports



A.      “Brewers Ferry Point Marina” Spec’l Ex. & CSPR for Marina Bldg.
        29 Essex Rd. (M59/L82 & L83), MC District, Gateway Conserv. Zone, Coastal Mgmt. Zone
        Applicant: BFPM, Inc., Owner            Agent: Matthew White, P.E.
        ACTION: Rev. for consistency w/ Town Plans; report for 7/6/10 ZC p.h.

Matthew White from Angus McDonald/Gary Sharpe Associates presented the plans for the marina building and explained how the development is consistent with the Town’s Plan of Conservation and Development.

Economic Development – Project reduces the tax burden on residents, and provides services for residents including employment activities and the promotion of coastal resort features and maritime commerce.

Coastal Management/Water Resources – Project complies with the preservation, conservation and development of the Coast while allowing increased activities for recreational boating at marina and docking areas.  

MOTION to send a favorable recommendation to the Zoning Commission for the approval of the “Brewers Ferry Point Marina” Special Exception and Coastal Site Plan Review as it is consistent with the Economic Development and the Water Resources/Coastal Management sections of the Town Plan of Conservation & Development; MADE by Robert McIntyre, SECONDED by Donald Ranaudo;   NO DISCUSSION.  IN FAVOR: Robert McIntyre, Donald Ranaudo, Cathryn Flanagan; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED: 3-0-0

B.      “Old Saybrook Police Services” Spec’l Exception for Town Facility (9,000 s.f.)
        6 Custom Drive (Map 46 / Lot 1-3), Gateway Business B-4 District
        Applicant: Town of Old Saybrook, Tenant         Agent: Christina Burnham, Chrmn., OSPC
        ACTION: Rev. for consistency w/ Town Plans; report for 7/21/10 ZC p.h.

Christina Burnham, the Chairman of the Police Commission explained to the Commission the need to relocate the police department facility due to the water damage that occurred during the flooding a few months ago to the existing police station.  The police station sustained severe water damage to the basement and inside the building from flooding and roof leaks.  The Health District reviewed the condition of the building after the storm and recommended that it not be used until repairs are made.  

The alternate site for the police station is located in a B-4 District and will require a special exception from Zoning Commission for a municipal use.  The proposal is before this Commission for review and for a recommendation to the Zoning Commission for its consistency with the town plan.  The Chairman of the Police Commission feels that this use is appropriate for the B-4 district.  The space will be modified as proposed in the plans.  The Commission feels the use is neither consistent nor inconsistent with the plan of conservation and development.  It is a necessity.  

Ms. Flanagan asked if there are plans to return to 225 Main Street.  Chairman Burnham said yes but it has not been determined yet when that will be.  There is a 3-year lease for this site, which allows plenty of time to do any repairs or renovations to the existing police station.  

MOTION to send a favorable recommendation to the Zoning Commission for the approval of the “Old Saybrook Police Services” Special Exception for Town Facility based on their situation.  The use for the site is neither consistent nor inconsistent with the Town Plan of Conservation & Development.  MADE by Robert McIntyre, SECONDED by Donald Ranaudo;   DISCUSSION:  Cathryn Flanagan asked where the indoor parking will be; Chairman Burnham pointed out on the plan.  IN FAVOR: Robert McIntyre, Donald Ranaudo, Cathryn Flanagan; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED: 3-0-0

C.      “Old Saybrook Ambulance Building” Spec’l Exception & CSPR
316 Main Street (Map 30 / Lot 67), Town Center B-1 District, Coastal Mgmt. Zone
Applicant: Old Saybrook Ambulance Assoc., Tenant        Agent: Rick Staub, AIA
ACTION: Rev. for consistency w/ Town Plans; report for 7/21/10 ZC p.h.

Rick Staub of Point One Architects presented the plans for the expansion to the existing Old Saybrook Ambulance building.  There will be a new driveway that will loop around the building.  The proposed addition will add 3,199 square feet to the building for a total gross floor area of 7,510 square feet.  The proposed expansion of the building is in line with the Town Image section of the Town Plan of Conservation & Development it relates to the architecture and will be consistent with the residential building type look and by providing additional landscaping to buffer the adjacent residential property and to provide potential future additional water and gas service access to the building.  The site is in line with the Economic Development section of the Town Plan in that the proposed expansion is consistent with the policy of maintaining the quality of services offered by the town.  The proposal is consistent with the Town Center section of the Town Plan by providing adequate space for municipal uses to address civic needs.

Mr. Staub also noted that the expansion is funded without tax dollars.

MOTION to send a favorable recommendation to the Zoning Commission for approval of the Old Saybrook Ambulance Building Special Exception and Coastal Site Plan Review as it is consistent with the Town Image, Town Center and Economic Development sections of the Town Plan of Conservation & Development.  MADE by Robert McIntyre, SECONDED by Donald Ranaudo;   NO DISCUSSION.  IN FAVOR: Robert McIntyre, Donald Ranaudo, Cathryn Flanagan; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: None; APPROVED: 3-0-0


MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 8:07 p.m. until the next regular meeting at the Town Hall, 1st Floor Conference Room at 320 Main Street on June 16, 2010.  MADE by Robert McIntyre, SECONDED by Cathryn Flanagan;   IN FAVOR: Robert McIntyre, Donald Ranaudo, Cathryn Flanagan; OPPOSED: None; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 3-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Joanne Rynecki, Clerk