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PC 110508.Minutes

Chairman, Robert McIntyre, called the regular meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.


           Members Present     
           Robert McIntyre, Chairman
           Janis Esty, Regular Member
           Robert Missel, Regular Member       
Kenneth Soudan, Alternate Member (seated to vote)
           Staff Present
           Christine Nelson, Town Planner
Kathy Noyes, Recording Clerk

MOTION to amend the agenda to move Item V. New Business; Petition to Allow “Bed & Breakfast Transient Use” Section 55 Planned Residential Development of the Zoning Regulations; Petitioner: BF, LLC., Agent: David M. Royston, Esq. before Item III. Regular Business. MADE by R. McIntyre. SECONDED by R. Missel. VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. McIntyre, J. Esty, R. Missel, K. Soudan. OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 4-0-0.

          A.       Petition to Allow “Bed & Breakfast Transient Use”
                      Section 55 Planned Residential Development of the Zoning Regulations
                      Petitioner: BF, LLC        Agent: David M. Royston, Esquire

In their packets, Commission members received a copy of the Petition for Change in the Zoning Regulations dated 10/10/08 and a copy of the Text of Amendments BF, LLC, Petition for Change in Zoning Regulations Dated October 10, 2008.
Attorney David Royston presented for the applicant. He explained that BF, LLC (the Brophy family) was granted an approval for a PRD (Planned Residential Development) for what is called the “Greenberg Property” in August 2006. At that time, the applicant had planned for 15 residential units on that property. The house would have been converted into 3 units, and there would have been 4 more separate units built of 3 dwellings each. This project was not pursued for economic reasons, and the applicant is now asking for permission to obtain a modification of the PRD, an amendment to Section 55 of the Zoning Regulations, to allow the “Greenberg House” to be converted into a Bed and Breakfast. The Bed and Breakfast does not require an addition to the existing house, and it would consist of 4 rooms, each room limited to double occupancy.

The applicant is also requesting that the Zoning Commission allow limited retail within the adjacent garage building. Atty Royston stated that this regulation change that the applicant proposes would also allow a non-owner to operate and reside in the bed and breakfast .

MOTION to allow Petition to Allow “Bed & Breakfast Transient Use” Section 55 Planned Residential Development of the Zoning Regulations; Petitioner: BF, LLC., Agent: David M. Royston, Esq. in that the petition is consistent with the Plan of Conservation and Development specifically in the areas of Town Image, Economic Development, Town Center and Cultural and Historic Resources as outlined in the letter dated 11/5/08 from Atty. David Royston (please see attached letter). MADE by R. McIntyre. SECONDED by J. Esty. VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. McIntyre, J. Esty, R. Missel, K Soudan. OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 4-0-0.


A.      Minutes

MOTION to approve  the minutes of October 15, 2008 as read. MADE by J. Esty.  SECONDED by K. Soudan. VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. McIntyre, R. Missel, J. Esty, K. Soudan. OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none;  APPROVED: 4-0-0.

          B.           Correspondence

In their packets, Commission members received a copy of a letter from Keith B. Neilson, PE from Docko, Inc. to Ms. Susan Bailey, CT DEP OLISP, dated 10/20/08 re: Beebe Property, Oyster River, Bayside Drive Development. They also received a copy of a letter from Wilma Asch, Executive Director of the Economic Development Commission dated 10/20/08 re: a workshop on 11/13/08. Also included was a copy of a Traffic Investigation Report from the State of CT State Traffic Commission dated 10/22/08 re: “Max’s Place.”
C.      Committee, Representative & Staff Reports



        A.       Draft Road Regulations & Amendments to Subdivision Regulations
This agenda item will be continued until the next regularly scheduled meeting of  the Planning Commission, Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 7:30 p.m., Pasbeshauke Pavilion at Saybrook Point Park, 155 College Street.
         B.       Update of Regional Plan of Conservation & Development
                    Connecticut River Estuary Regional Planning Agency
   Commission members received a letter from W. David LeVasser, Undersecretary for the State of CT of Policy and Management dated 9/26/08 re: an update to the Plan of Conservation & Development, and a copy of the CT River Estuary Region Plan of Development 1995, Adopted 5/1/95.

C. Nelson explained that the Regional Plan of Conservation & Development should be updated every 10 years. There is a movement to try to get the state, regional and local plans to “talk to each other” and to acknowledge how they are different, to ask what the differences between the state, regional and local plans are.

C. Nelson explained that in the letter dated 10/1/08, Linda Krause from CRERPA has asked for 4 things: 1. a link between the State Conservation & Development Map and the town’s future land use map and goals, discrepancies and similarities, 2. the top 10 items the Planning Commission would like to see over the next 10 years, 3. the town’s perception of its identity in the region and 4. the tools that the region can provide town planning and zoning.

C. Nelson asked Commission members to look over the Plan, make notes, and be ready to discuss it at the next meeting.

This agenda item will be continued until the next regularly scheduled meeting of  the Planning Commission, Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 7:30 p.m., Pasbeshauke Pavilion at Saybrook Point Park, 155 College Street.

C.       Incentive Housing Zones

C. Nelson presented a workshop on affordable housing. She explained what constitutes an incentive housing zone, and she discussed the supply of diverse housing in town.

C. Nelson talked about the median income in Old Saybrook and the median housing price for a home in town as compared to housing costs in other parts of the state and country. She explained State Statute 830 G and how this impacts the town in its obligation to provide a certain percentage of affordable housing. C. Nelson also provided Commission members with pictures of examples of different types of  
affordable housing units.

C. Nelson told Commission members that David Fink from the State of CT will be holding a workshop on Monday, November 10, 2008 to answer in more detail the questions of “Who?” and “Why?” regarding affordable housing, and she encouraged Commission members to attend this workshop.


MOTION to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 p.m. until the next regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, November 19, 2008 at 7:30 p.m. at the Pasbeshauke Pavilion, Saybrook Point Park, 155 College Street Extension.  MADE by R. Missel. SECONDED by J. Esty. VOTED IN FAVOR:  R. McIntyre, J. Esty, R. Missel, K. Soudan. OPPOSED: none; ABSTAINED: none; APPROVED: 4-0-0.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kathleen Noyes
Recording Clerk